语法: rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone on|off
默认: rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone off
环境: http
控制是否禁用rewrite_by_lua 和 rewrite_by_lua_file 指令在rewrite
阶段的延迟执行。该指令的默认值是 off
阶段的 Lua 代码将被延迟到最后执行。
English source:
syntax: rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone on|off
default: rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone off
context: http
Controls whether or not to disable postponing rewrite_by_lua and rewrite_by_lua_file directives to run at the end of the rewrite
request-processing phase. By default, this directive is turned off and the Lua code is postponed to run at the end of the rewrite
This directive was first introduced in the v0.5.0rc29