- Create the environment
conda create -n WSDM python=3.7
- Activate the environment
conda activate WSDM
- Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: GPU is required for faster training (8 GB Memory at least).
PS: If you face the problem of "Could not load dynamic library xxx for Tensorflow GPU", the Answer 2 in https://www.mashen.zone/thread-3634622.htm?user=4 is suggested.
- Dataset location
finals contains the final test set
intermediate contains the updated input_A_initial.csv.gz and input_B_initial.csv.gz files, as well as the intermediate test set input_A.csv.gz and input_B.csv.gz
train_csvs contains the training data
│ main.py
│ model.py
│ requirements.txt
│ utlis.py
│ input_A_final.csv
│ input_B.csv
│ input_A.csv
│ input_A_initial2.csv
│ input_B.csv
│ input_B_initial2.csv
- Usage
# for dataset A
python main.py --dataset A --epochs 9 --emb_dim 200 --negative_samples 5
# for dataset B
python main.py --dataset B --epochs 12 --emb_dim 100 --negative_samples 1
PS: the total running time for two dataset is less 2 hours using NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti.
- Result
Intermediate Test Set
- output_A_inter.csv
- output_B_inter.csv
Final Test Set
- output_A.csv
- output_B.csv
- The result of Intermediate Test Set
AUC of Dataset A: 0.604264
AUC of Dataset B: 0.898969
Overall result: 0.722729
- The result of Intermediate Test Set
AUC of Dataset A: 0.603621
AUC of Dataset B: 0.898232