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minhqdao committed Mar 10, 2024
1 parent 33e58c6 commit ffbf399
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 280 deletions.
280 changes: 0 additions & 280 deletions src/version_f.f90
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Expand Up @@ -6,40 +6,16 @@ module version_f

type :: string_t
character(:), allocatable :: str
generic :: num => string_t_2i
procedure, private :: string_t_2i
generic :: is_numeric => string_t_is_numeric
procedure, private :: string_t_is_numeric
end type

interface string_t
module procedure :: create_string_t
end interface

type :: version_t
integer :: major
integer :: minor
integer :: patch
type(string_t), allocatable :: prerelease(:)
type(string_t), allocatable :: build(:)
generic :: parse => try_parse
procedure, private :: try_parse
end type

interface version_t
module procedure parse
end interface

type :: error_t
character(:), allocatable :: msg
end type

interface error_t
module procedure :: create_error_t
end interface

type :: comparator_t
character(:), allocatable :: op
type(version_t) :: version
Expand All @@ -59,262 +35,6 @@ module version_f


function parse(str, strict_mode) result(version)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
logical, optional, intent(in) :: strict_mode
type(version_t) :: version

type(error_t), allocatable :: error

call version%parse(str, error, strict_mode)
if (allocated(error)) error stop error%msg

subroutine try_parse(this, string, error, strict_mode)
class(version_t), intent(out) :: this
character(*), intent(in) :: string
type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
logical, optional, intent(in) :: strict_mode

integer :: i, j
character(:), allocatable :: str

str = trim(adjustl(string))

i = index(str, '-')
j = index(str, '+')

if (i == 0 .and. j == 0) then
call build_mmp(this, str, error, strict_mode); return
else if (i /= 0 .and. j == 0) then
call build_mmp(this, str(1:i - 1), error, strict_mode)
if (allocated(error)) return
call build_identifiers(this%prerelease, str(i + 1:len_trim(str)), error); return
else if ((i == 0 .and. j /= 0) .or. ((i /= 0 .and. j /= 0) .and. (i > j))) then
call build_mmp(this, str(1:j - 1), error, strict_mode)
if (allocated(error)) return
call build_identifiers(this%build, str(j + 1:len_trim(str)), error); return
else if (i /= 0 .and. j /= 0) then
call build_mmp(this, str(1:i - 1), error, strict_mode)
if (allocated(error)) return
call build_identifiers(this%prerelease, str(i + 1:j - 1), error)
if (allocated(error)) return
call build_identifiers(this%build, str(j + 1:len_trim(str)), error); return
end if

subroutine build_mmp(this, str, error, strict_mode)
type(version_t), intent(out) :: this
character(*), intent(in) :: str
type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
logical, optional, intent(in) :: strict_mode

integer :: i, j, l
logical :: is_strict_mode

if (present(strict_mode)) then
is_strict_mode = strict_mode
is_strict_mode = .false.
end if

this%major = 0
this%minor = 0
this%patch = 0

i = index(str, '.')
l = len_trim(str)

if (l == 0) then
error = error_t('Version must not be empty.'); return
end if

if (i == 0) then
if (is_strict_mode) then
error = error_t('Strict mode: No minor and patch versions provided.'); return
end if
call s2int(str, this%major, error)
if (allocated(error)) return
if (is_strict_mode .and. i == 1) then
error = error_t('Strict mode: Major version has to be number.'); return
end if
call s2int(str(1:i - 1), this%major, error)
if (allocated(error)) return
j = index(str(i + 1:l), '.')
if (j == 0) then
if (is_strict_mode) then
error = error_t('Strict mode: No patch version provided.'); return
end if
call s2int(str(i + 1:l), this%minor, error)
if (allocated(error)) return
if (is_strict_mode .and. j == 1) then
error = error_t('Strict mode: Minor version has to be number.'); return
end if
call s2int(str(i + 1:i + j - 1), this%minor, error)
if (allocated(error)) return
if (is_strict_mode .and. len(str) == i + j) then
error = error_t('Strict mode: Patch version has to be number.'); return
end if
call s2int(str(i + j + 1:l), this%patch, error)
if (allocated(error)) return
end if
end if

pure subroutine s2int(str, num, error)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
integer, intent(out) :: num
type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

integer :: i
character :: c

num = 0
do i = 1, len(str)
c = str(i:i)
if (c >= '0' .and. c <= '9') then
num = num*10 + index('0123456789', c) - 1
error = error_t("Contains non-digit: '"//str//"'."); return
end if
end do

elemental integer function s2i(str)
character(*), intent(in) :: str

type(error_t), allocatable :: e

call s2int(str, s2i, e)
if (allocated(e)) error stop e%msg

elemental integer function string_t_2i(this)
class(string_t), intent(in) :: this

type(error_t), allocatable :: e

call s2int(this%str, string_t_2i, e)
if (allocated(e)) error stop e%msg

pure function int2s(num) result(str)
integer, intent(in) :: num
character(:), allocatable :: str

integer :: digits, tmp

tmp = num
digits = 0

digits = digits + 1
tmp = tmp/10
if (tmp == 0) exit
end do

allocate (character(digits) :: str)
write (str, '(I0)') num

pure subroutine build_identifiers(ids, str, error)
type(string_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: ids(:)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

character(*), parameter :: valid_chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYYZ-.'
character(:), allocatable :: string
integer :: i

if (len_trim(str) == 0) then
error = error_t('Identifier must not be empty.'); return
end if

do i = 1, len(str)
if (index(valid_chars, str(i:i)) == 0) then
error = error_t("Invalid character in '"//str//"'."); return
end if
end do

! Last character must not be a dot.
if (str(len(str):len(str)) == '.') then
error = error_t('Identifier must not end with a dot.'); return
end if

string = str
allocate (ids(0))

i = index(string, '.')

! No dots (left), record last identifier and return.
if (i == 0) then
call validate_identifier(string, error)
if (allocated(error)) return
ids = [ids, string_t(string)]; return
end if

! Validate and record identifier, then shorten string.
call validate_identifier(string(1:i - 1), error)
if (allocated(error)) return
ids = [ids, string_t(string(1:i - 1))]
string = string(i + 1:len(string))
end do

!> Validate an identifier.
pure subroutine validate_identifier(str, error)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

! Empty identifiers are not allowed.
if (len_trim(str) == 0) then
error = error_t('Identifier must not be empty.'); return
end if

! Identifiers must not start with `.`.
if (str(1:1) == '.') then
error = error_t("Identifiers must not start with '.'"); return
end if

! Numerical identifiers must not start with 0.
if (is_numerical(str) .and. str(1:1) == '0') then
error = error_t("Numerical identifiers must not start with '0'."); return
end if

elemental function is_numerical(str)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
logical :: is_numerical

is_numerical = verify(str, '0123456789') == 0

elemental function string_t_is_numeric(this)
class(string_t), intent(in) :: this
logical :: string_t_is_numeric

string_t_is_numeric = verify(this%str, '0123456789') == 0

elemental function create_string_t(inp_str) result(string)
character(*), intent(in) :: inp_str

type(string_t) :: string

string%str = inp_str

elemental function create_error_t(msg) result(err)
character(*), intent(in) :: msg

type(error_t) :: err

err%msg = msg

subroutine try_satisfy()
type(version_range_t) :: version_range

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