- 1 引言
- 1.1 章节组织
- 1.2 程序示例
- 1.3 符号
- 1.4 与预定义类和接口的关系
- 1.5 反馈
- 1.6 参考引用
- 2 Grammars
- 2.1 Context-Free Grammars
- 2.2 The Lexical Grammar
- 2.3 The Syntactic Grammar
- 2.4 Grammar Notation
- 3 Lexical Structure
- 3.1 Unicode
- 3.2 Lexical Translations
- 3.3 Unicode Escapes
- 3.4 Line Terminators
- 3.5 Input Elements and Tokens
- 3.6 White Space
- 3.8 Identifiers
- 3.9 Keywords
- 3.10 Literals
- 3.10.1 Integer Literals
- 3.10.2 Floating-Point Literals
- 3.10.3 Boolean Literals
- 3.10.4 Character Literals
- 3.10.5 String Literals
- 3.10.6 Escape Sequences for Character and String Literals
- 3.10.7 The Null Literal
- 3.11 Separators
- 3.12 Operators
- 4 Types, Values, and Variables
- 4.1 The Kinds of Types and Values
- [4.2 Primitive Types and Values](docs/04-Types-Values-and-Variables/4.2 Primitive Types and Values.md)
- 4.2.1 Integral Types and Values
- 4.2.2 Integer Operations
- 4.2.3 Floating-Point Types, Formats, and Values
- 4.2.4 Floating-Point Operations
- 4.2.5 The boolean Type and boolean Values
- 4.3 Reference Types and Values
- 4.3.1 Objects
- 4.3.2 The Class Object
- 4.3.3 The Class String
- 4.3.4 When Reference Types Are the Same
- 4.4 Type Variables
- 4.5 Parameterized Types
- 4.5.1 Type Arguments of Parameterized Types
- 4.5.2 Members and Constructors of Parameterized Types
- 4.6 Type Erasure
- 4.7 Reifiable Types
- 4.8 Raw Types
- 4.9 Intersection Types
- 4.10 Subtyping
- 4.10.1 Subtyping among Primitive Types
- 4.10.2 Subtyping among Class and Interface Types
- 4.10.3 Subtyping among Array Types
- 4.10.4 Least Upper Bound
- 4.10.5 Type Projections
- 4.11 Where Types Are Used
- 4.12 Variables
- 4.12.1 Variables of Primitive Type
- 4.12.2 Variables of Reference Type
- 4.12.3 Kinds of Variables
- 4.12.4 final Variables
- 4.12.5 Initial Values of Variables
- 4.12.6 Types, Classes, and Interfaces
- 5 Conversions and Contexts
- 5.1 Kinds of Conversion
- [5.1.1 Identity Conversion 98
- [5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion 98
- [5.1.3 Narrowing Primitive Conversion 100
- [5.1.4 Widening and Narrowing Primitive Conversion 103
- [5.1.5 Widening Reference Conversion 103
- [5.1.6 Narrowing Reference Conversion 103
- [ Allowed Narrowing Reference Conversion 104
- [ Checked and Unchecked Narrowing Reference
- [ Narrowing Reference Conversions at Run Time 105
- [5.1.7 Boxing Conversion 107
- [5.1.8 Unboxing Conversion 109
- [5.1.9 Unchecked Conversion 110
- [5.1.10 Capture Conversion 111
- [5.1.11 String Conversion 113
- [5.1.12 Forbidden Conversions 114
- [5.1.13 Value Set Conversion 114
- 5.2 Assignment Contexts
- 5.3 Invocation Contexts
- 5.4 String Contexts
- 5.5 Casting Contexts
- 5.6 Numeric Contexts
- [5.6.1 Unary Numeric Promotion 129
- [5.6.2 Binary Numeric Promotion 130
- 6 Names
- 6.1 Declarations
- 6.2 Names and Identifiers
- 6.3 Scope of a Declaration
- 6.4 Shadowing and Obscuring
- [6.4.1 Shadowing 149
- [6.4.2 Obscuring 152
- 6.5 Determining the Meaning of a Name
- [6.5.1 Syntactic Classification of a Name According to Context 154
- [6.5.2 Reclassification of Contextually Ambiguous Names 157
- [6.5.3 Meaning of Module Names and Package Names 160
- [6.5.6 Meaning of Expression Names 162
- 6.6 Access Control
- [6.6.1 Determining Accessibility 168
- [6.6.2 Details on protected Access 172
- 6.7 Fully Qualified Names and Canonical Names
- 7 Packages and Modules
- 7.1 Package Members
- 7.2 Host Support for Modules and Packages
- 7.3 Compilation Units
- 7.4 Package Declarations
- [7.4.1 Named Packages 184
- [7.4.2 Unnamed Packages 184
- [7.4.3 Package Observability and Visibility 185
- [7.5 Import Declarations 186
- [7.5.1 Single-Type-Import Declarations 187
- [7.5.2 Type-Import-on-Demand Declarations 189
- [7.5.3 Single-Static-Import Declarations 190
- [7.5.4 Static-Import-on-Demand Declarations 191
- [7.6 Top Level Type Declarations 192
- 7.7 Module Declarations
- [7.7.1 Dependences 197
- [7.7.2 Exported and Opened Packages 200
- [7.7.3 Service Consumption 201
- [7.7.4 Service Provision 201
- [7.7.5 Unnamed Modules 202
- [7.7.6 Observability of a Module 203
- 8 Classes
- 8.1 Class Declarations
- [8.1.1 Class Modifiers 207
- [8.1.2 Generic Classes and Type Parameters 210
- [8.1.3 Inner Classes and Enclosing Instances 213
- [8.1.4 Superclasses and Subclasses 216
- [8.1.5 Superinterfaces 218
- [8.1.6 Class Body and Member Declarations 222
- 8.2 Class Members
- 8.3 Field Declarations
- [8.3.1 Field Modifiers 232
- [8.3.2 Field Initialization 237
- [8.3.3 Restrictions on Field References in Initializers 239
- 8.4 Method Declarations
- [8.4.1 Formal Parameters 243
- [8.4.2 Method Signature 247
- [8.4.3 Method Modifiers 248
- [8.4.4 Generic Methods 253
- [8.4.5 Method Result 254
- [8.4.6 Method Throws 255
- [8.4.7 Method Body 256
- [8.4.8 Inheritance, Overriding, and Hiding 257
- [8.4.9 Overloading 268
- 8.5 Member Type Declarations
- [8.5.1 Static Member Type Declarations
- 8.6 Instance Initializers
- 8.7 Static Initializers
- 8.8 Constructor Declarations
- [8.8.1 Formal Parameters 274
- [8.8.2 Constructor Signature 275
- [8.8.3 Constructor Modifiers 275
- [8.8.4 Generic Constructors 276
- [8.8.5 Constructor Throws 276
- [8.8.6 The Type of a Constructor 277
- [8.8.7 Constructor Body 277
- [ Explicit Constructor Invocations 278
- [8.8.8 Constructor Overloading 282
- [8.8.9 Default Constructor 282
- [8.8.10 Preventing Instantiation of a Class 284
- 8.9 Enum Types
- [8.9.1 Enum Constants 285
- [8.9.2 Enum Body Declarations 286
- [8.9.3 Enum Members 288
- 9 Interfaces
- 9.1 Interface Declarations
- [9.1.1 Interface Modifiers 296
- [9.1.2 Generic Interfaces and Type Parameters 297
- [9.1.3 Superinterfaces and Subinterfaces 298
- [9.1.4 Interface Body and Member Declarations 300
- 9.2 Interface Members
- 9.3 Field (Constant) Declarations
- [9.3.1 Initialization of Fields in Interfaces 303
- 9.4 Method Declarations
- [9.4.1 Inheritance and Overriding 305
- [9.4.2 Overloading 309
- [9.4.3 Interface Method Body 309
- 9.5 Member Type Declarations
- 9.6 Annotation Types
- [9.6.1 Annotation Type Elements 312
- [9.6.2 Defaults for Annotation Type Elements 315
- [9.6.3 Repeatable Annotation Types 316
- [9.6.4 Predefined Annotation Types 320
- [9.7 Annotations](docs/09-Interfaces/9.7 Annotations.md)
- [9.7.1 Normal Annotations 329
- [9.7.2 Marker Annotations 331
- [9.7.3 Single-Element Annotations 332
- [9.7.4 Where Annotations May Appear 333
- [9.7.5 Multiple Annotations of the Same Type 338
- 9.8 Functional Interfaces
- 9.9 Function Types
- 10 Arrays
- 10.1 Array Types
- 10.2 Array Variables
- 10.3 Array Creation
- 10.4 Array Access
- 10.5 Array Store Exception
- 10.6 Array Initializers
- 10.7 Array Members
- 10.8 Class Objects for Arrays
- 10.9 An Array of Characters Is Not a String
- 11 Exceptions
- 11.1 The Kinds and Causes of Exceptions
- [11.1.1 The Kinds of Exceptions 362
- [11.1.2 The Causes of Exceptions 363
- [11.1.3 Asynchronous Exceptions 364
- 11.2 Compile-Time Checking of Exceptions
- [11.2.1 Exception Analysis of Expressions 366
- [11.2.2 Exception Analysis of Statements 367
- [11.2.3 Exception Checking 368
- 11.3 Run-Time Handling of an Exception
- 12 Execution
- 12.1 Java Virtual Machine Startup
- [12.1.1 Load the Class Test 376
- [12.1.2 Link Test: Verify, Prepare, (Optionally) Resolve 376
- [12.1.3 Initialize Test: Execute Initializers 377
- [12.1.4 Invoke Test.main 378
- 12.2 加载类和接口
- 12.2.1 加载过程
- 12.3 Linking of Classes and Interfaces
- [12.3.1 Verification of the Binary Representation 380
- [12.3.2 Preparation of a Class or Interface Type 381
- [12.3.3 Resolution of Symbolic References 381
- 12.4 Initialization of Classes and Interfaces
- [12.4.1 When Initialization Occurs 383
- [12.4.2 Detailed Initialization Procedure 386
- 12.5 Creation of New Class Instances
- 12.6 Finalization of Class Instances
- [12.6.1 Implementing Finalization 393
- [12.6.2 Interaction with the Memory Model 394
- 12.7 Unloading of Classes and Interfaces
- 12.8 Program Exit
- 13 Binary Compatibility
- 13.1 The Form of a Binary
- [13.2 What Binary Compatibility Is and Is Not](docs/13-Binary-Compatibility/13.2 What Binary Compatibility Is and Is Not.md)
- [13.3 Evolution of Packages and Modules](docs/13-Binary-Compatibility/13.3 Evolution of Packages and Modules.md)
- 13.4 Evolution of Classes
- [13.4.1 abstract Classes 408
- [13.4.2 final Classes 409
- [13.4.3 public Classes 409
- [13.4.4 Superclasses and Superinterfaces 409
- [13.4.5 Class Type Parameters 411
- [13.4.6 Class Body and Member Declarations 411
- [13.4.7 Access to Members and Constructors 413
- [13.4.8 Field Declarations 414
- [13.4.9 final Fields and static Constant Variables
- [13.4.10 static Fields 417
- [13.4.11 transient Fields 417
- [13.4.12 Method and Constructor Declarations 417
- [13.4.13 Method and Constructor Type Parameters 418
- [13.4.14 Method and Constructor Formal Parameters 419
- [13.4.15 Method Result Type 420
- [13.4.16 abstract Methods 420
- [13.4.17 final Methods 421
- [13.4.18 native Methods 421
- [13.4.19 static Methods 422
- [13.4.20 synchronized Methods 422
- [13.4.21 Method and Constructor Throws 422
- [13.4.22 Method and Constructor Body 422
- [13.4.23 Method and Constructor Overloading 422
- [13.4.24 Method Overriding 424
- [13.4.25 Static Initializers 424
- [13.4.26 Evolution of Enums 424
- 13.5 Evolution of Interfaces
- [13.5.1 public Interfaces 424
- [13.5.2 Superinterfaces 425
- [13.5.3 Interface Members 425
- [13.5.4 Interface Type Parameters 425
- [13.5.5 Field Declarations 426
- [13.5.6 Interface Method Declarations 426
- [13.5.7 Evolution of Annotation Types 427
- 14 Blocks and Statements
- 14.1 Normal and Abrupt Completion of Statements
- 14.2 Blocks
- 14.3 Local Class Declarations
- 14.4 Local Variable Declaration Statements
- [14.4.1 Local Variable Declarators and Types 434
- [14.4.2 Execution of Local Variable Declarations 435
- 14.5 Statements
- 14.6 The Empty Statement
- 14.7 Labeled Statements
- 14.8 Expression Statements
- 14.9 The if Statement
- [14.9.1 The if-then Statement 441
- [14.9.2 The if-then-else Statement 441
- 14.10 The assert Statement
- 14.11 The switch Statement
- 14.12 The while Statement
- [14.12.1 Abrupt Completion of while Statement 449
- 14.13 The do Statement
- [14.13.1 Abrupt Completion of do Statement 451
- 14.14 The for Statement
- [14.14.1 The basic for Statement 452
- [14.14.2 The enhanced for statement 455
- 14.15 The break Statement
- 14.16 The continue Statement
- 14.17 The return Statement
- 14.18 The throw Statement
- 14.19 The synchronized Statement
- 14.20 The try statement
- [14.20.1 Execution of try-catch 470
- [14.20.2 Execution of try-finally and try-catch-finally 471
- [14.20.3 try-with-resources 473
- 14.21 Unreachable Statements
- 15 Expressions
- 15.1 Evaluation, Denotation, and Result
- 15.2 Forms of Expressions
- 15.3 Type of an Expression
- 15.4 FP-strict Expressions
- 15.5 Expressions and Run-Time Checks
- 15.6 Normal and Abrupt Completion of Evaluation
- 15.7 Evaluation Order
- [15.7.1 Evaluate Left-Hand Operand First 494
- [15.7.2 Evaluate Operands before Operation 496
- [15.7.3 Evaluation Respects Parentheses and Precedence 497
- [15.7.4 Argument Lists are Evaluated Left-to-Right 498
- [15.7.5 Evaluation Order for Other Expressions 499
- 15.8 Primary Expressions
- [15.8.1 Lexical Literals 500
- [15.8.2 Class Literals 501
- [15.8.3 this 502
- [15.8.4 Qualified this 503
- [15.8.5 Parenthesized Expressions 503
- 15.9 Class Instance Creation Expressions
- [15.9.1 Determining the Class being Instantiated 506
- [15.9.2 Determining Enclosing Instances 507
- [15.9.3 Choosing the Constructor and its Arguments 509
- [15.9.4 Run-Time Evaluation of Class Instance Creation
- [15.9.5 Anonymous Class Declarations 514
- [ Anonymous Constructors 515
- 15.10 Array Creation and Access Expressions
- [15.10.1 Array Creation Expressions 516
- [15.10.2 Run-Time Evaluation of Array Creation Expressions 517
- [15.10.3 Array Access Expressions 521
- [15.10.4 Run-Time Evaluation of Array Access Expressions 521
- 15.11 Field Access Expressions
- [15.11.1 Field Access Using a Primary 524
- [15.11.2 Accessing Superclass Members using super 527
- 15.12 Method Invocation Expressions
- [15.12.1 Compile-Time Step 1: Determine Class or Interface to Search 530
- [15.12.2 Compile-Time Step 2: Determine Method Signature 532
- [15.12.3 Compile-Time Step 3: Is the Chosen Method Appropriate? 548
- [15.12.4 Run-Time Evaluation of Method Invocation 551
- 15.13 Method Reference Expressions
- [15.13.1 Compile-Time Declaration of a Method Reference 564
- [15.13.2 Type of a Method Reference 569
- [15.13.3 Run-Time Evaluation of Method References 571
- 15.14 Postfix Expressions
- [15.14.1 Expression Names 575
- [15.14.2 Postfix Increment Operator ++ 575
- [15.14.3 Postfix Decrement Operator -- 575
- 15.15 Unary Operators
- [15.15.1 Prefix Increment Operator ++ 578
- [15.15.2 Prefix Decrement Operator -- 578
- [15.15.3 Unary Plus Operator + 579
- [15.15.4 Unary Minus Operator - 579
- [15.15.5 Bitwise Complement Operator ~ 580
- [15.15.6 Logical Complement Operator ! 580
- 15.16 Cast Expressions
- 15.17 Multiplicative Operators
- [15.17.1 Multiplication Operator * 583
- [15.17.2 Division Operator / 584
- [15.17.3 Remainder Operator % 585
- 15.18 Additive Operators
- [15.18.1 String Concatenation Operator + 588
- [15.18.2 Additive Operators (+ and -) for Numeric Types 591
- 15.19 Shift Operators
- 15.20 Relational Operators
- [15.20.1 Numerical Comparison Operators <, <=, >, and >= 594
- [15.20.2 Type Comparison Operator instanceof 596
- 15.21 Equality Operators
- [15.21.1 Numerical Equality Operators == and != 597
- [15.21.2 Boolean Equality Operators == and != 598
- [15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators == and != 599
- [15.22 Bitwise and Logical Operators 599
- [15.22.1 Integer Bitwise Operators &, ^, and | 600
- [15.22.2 Boolean Logical Operators &, ^, and | 601
- 15.23 Conditional-And Operator &&
- 15.24 Conditional-Or Operator ||
- 15.25 Conditional Operator ? :
- [15.25.1 Boolean Conditional Expressions 610
- [15.25.2 Numeric Conditional Expressions 610
- [15.25.3 Reference Conditional Expressions 611
- 15.26 Assignment Operators
- [15.26.1 Simple Assignment Operator = 613
- [15.26.2 Compound Assignment Operators 619
- 15.27 Lambda Expressions
- [15.27.1 Lambda Parameters 627
- [15.27.2 Lambda Body 631
- [15.27.3 Type of a Lambda Expression 634
- [15.27.4 Run-Time Evaluation of Lambda Expressions 636
- 15.28 Constant Expressions
- 16 Definite Assignment
- 16.1 Definite Assignment and Expressions
- [16.1.1 Boolean Constant Expressions 645
- [16.1.2 Conditional-And Operator && 645
- [16.1.3 Conditional-Or Operator || 646
- [16.1.4 Logical Complement Operator ! 646
- [16.1.5 Conditional Operator ? : 646
- [16.1.6 Conditional Operator ? : 647
- [16.1.7 Other Expressions of Type boolean 647
- [16.1.8 Assignment Expressions 647
- [16.1.9 Operators ++ and -- 648
- [16.1.10 Other Expressions 648
- 16.2 Definite Assignment and Statements
- [16.2.1 Empty Statements 650
- [16.2.2 Blocks 650
- [16.2.3 Local Class Declaration Statements 651
- [16.2.4 Local Variable Declaration Statements 651
- [16.2.5 Labeled Statements 652
- [16.2.6 Expression Statements 652
- [16.2.7 if Statements 652
- [16.2.8 assert Statements 653
- [16.2.9 switch Statements 653
- [16.2.10 while Statements 654
- [16.2.11 do Statements 654
- [16.2.12 for Statements 654
- [ Initialization Part of for Statement 655
- [ Incrementation Part of for Statement 656
- [16.2.13 break, continue, return, and throw Statements 656
- [16.2.14 synchronized Statements 656
- [16.2.15 try Statements 657
- 16.3 Definite Assignment and Parameters
- 16.4 Definite Assignment and Array Initializers
- 16.5 Definite Assignment and Enum Constants
- 16.6 Definite Assignment and Anonymous Classes
- 16.7 Definite Assignment and Member Types
- 16.8 Definite Assignment and Static Initializers
- 16.9 Definite Assignment, Constructors, and Instance Initializers
- 17 Threads and Locks
- 17.1 Synchronization
- 17.2 Wait Sets and Notification
- [17.2.1 Wait 665
- [17.2.2 Notification 666
- [17.2.3 Interruptions 667
- [17.2.4 Interactions of Waits, Notification, and Interruption 667
- 17.3 Sleep and Yield
- 17.4 Memory Model
- [17.4.1 Shared Variables 672
- [17.4.2 Actions 672
- [17.4.3 Programs and Program Order 673
- [17.4.4 Synchronization Order 674
- [17.4.5 Happens-before Order 675
- [17.4.6 Executions 678
- [17.4.7 Well-Formed Executions 679
- [17.4.8 Executions and Causality Requirements 679
- [17.4.9 Observable Behavior and Nonterminating Executions 682
- 17.5 final Field Semantics
- [17.5.1 Semantics of final Fields 686
- [17.5.2 Reading final Fields During Construction 686
- [17.5.3 Subsequent Modification of final Fields 687
- [17.5.4 Write-Protected Fields 688
- 17.6 Word Tearing
- 17.7 Non-Atomic Treatment of double and long
- 18 Type Inference
- 18.1 Concepts and Notation
- [18.1.1 Inference Variables 692
- [18.1.2 Constraint Formulas 693
- [18.1.3 Bounds 693
- 18.2 Reduction
- [18.2.1 Expression Compatibility Constraints 695
- [18.2.2 Type Compatibility Constraints 700
- [18.2.3 Subtyping Constraints 701
- [18.2.4 Type Equality Constraints 702
- [18.2.5 Checked Exception Constraints 704
- 18.3 Incorporation
- [18.3.1 Complementary Pairs of Bounds 707
- [18.3.2 Bounds Involving Capture Conversion 707
- 18.4 Resolution
- 18.5 Uses of Inference
- [18.5.1 Invocation Applicability Inference 710
- [18.5.2 Invocation Type Inference 712
- [ Poly Method Invocation Compatibility 712
- [ Additional Argument Constraints 715
- [18.5.3 Functional Interface Parameterization Inference 719
- [18.5.4 More Specific Method Inference 720
- 19 Syntax
- To be continued ...未完待续...