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357 lines (225 loc) · 15 KB

Function: encode_outpoint_source_id

A utxo can either come from a transaction or a block reward. Given a source id, whether from a block reward or transaction, this function takes a generic id with it, and returns serialized binary data of the id with the given source id.

Function: make_private_key

Generates a new, random private key from entropy

Function: make_default_account_privkey

Create the default account's extended private key for a given mnemonic derivation path: 44'/mintlayer_coin_type'/0'

Function: make_receiving_address

From an extended private key create a receiving private key for a given key index derivation path: 44'/mintlayer_coin_type'/0'/0/key_index

Function: make_change_address

From an extended private key create a change private key for a given key index derivation path: 44'/mintlayer_coin_type'/0'/1/key_index

Function: pubkey_to_pubkeyhash_address

Given a public key (as bytes) and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), return the address public key hash from that public key as an address

Function: public_key_from_private_key

Given a private key, as bytes, return the bytes of the corresponding public key

Function: sign_message_for_spending

Given a message and a private key, sign the message with the given private key This kind of signature is to be used when signing spend requests, such as transaction input witness.

Function: verify_signature_for_spending

Given a digital signature, a public key and a message. Verify that the signature is produced by signing the message with the private key that derived the given public key. Note that this function is used for verifying messages related to spending, such as transaction input witness.

Function: sign_challenge

Given a message and a private key, create and sign a challenge with the given private key. This kind of signature is to be used when signing challenges.

Function: verify_challenge

Given a signed challenge, an address and a message, verify that the signature is produced by signing the message with the private key that derived the given public key. This function is used for verifying messages-related challenges.

Note: for signatures that were created by sign_challenge, the provided address must be a 'pubkeyhash' address.

Note: currently this function never returns false - it either returns true or fails with an error.

Function: make_transaction_intent_message_to_sign

Return the message that has to be signed to produce a signed transaction intent.

Function: encode_signed_transaction_intent

Return a SignedTransactionIntent object as bytes given the message and encoded signatures.

Note: to produce a valid signed intent one is expected to sign the corresponding message by private keys corresponding to each input of the transaction.

Parameters: signed_message - this must have been produced by make_transaction_intent_message_to_sign. signatures - this should be an array of arrays of bytes, each of them representing an individual signature of signed_message produced by sign_challenge using the private key for the corresponding input destination of the transaction. The number of signatures must be equal to the number of inputs in the transaction.

Function: verify_transaction_intent

Verify a signed transaction intent.

Parameters: expected_signed_message - the message that is supposed to be signed; this must have been produced by make_transaction_intent_message_to_sign. encoded_signed_intent - the signed transaction intent produced by encode_signed_transaction_intent. input_destinations - an array of addresses (strings), corresponding to the transaction's input destinations (note that this function treats "pub key" and "pub key hash" addresses interchangeably, so it's ok to pass one instead of the other). network - the network being used (needed to decode the addresses).

Function: encode_output_transfer

Given a destination address, an amount and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an output of type Transfer, and returns it as bytes.

Function: encode_output_token_transfer

Given a destination address, an amount, token ID (in address form) and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an output of type Transfer for tokens, and returns it as bytes.

Function: staking_pool_spend_maturity_block_count

Given the current block height and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function returns the number of blocks, after which a pool that decommissioned, will have its funds unlocked and available for spending. The current block height information is used in case a network upgrade changed the value.

Function: encode_lock_for_block_count

Given a number of blocks, this function returns the output timelock which is used in locked outputs to lock an output for a given number of blocks since that output's transaction is included the blockchain

Function: encode_lock_for_seconds

Given a number of clock seconds, this function returns the output timelock which is used in locked outputs to lock an output for a given number of seconds since that output's transaction is included in the blockchain

Function: encode_lock_until_time

Given a timestamp represented by as unix timestamp, i.e., number of seconds since unix epoch, this function returns the output timelock which is used in locked outputs to lock an output until the given timestamp

Function: encode_lock_until_height

Given a block height, this function returns the output timelock which is used in locked outputs to lock an output until that block height is reached.

Function: encode_output_lock_then_transfer

Given a valid receiving address, and a locking rule as bytes (available in this file), and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an output of type LockThenTransfer with the parameters provided.

Function: encode_output_token_lock_then_transfer

Given a valid receiving address, token ID (in address form), a locking rule as bytes (available in this file), and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an output of type LockThenTransfer with the parameters provided.

Function: encode_output_coin_burn

Given an amount, this function creates an output (as bytes) to burn a given amount of coins

Function: encode_output_token_burn

Given an amount, token ID (in address form) and network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an output (as bytes) to burn a given amount of tokens

Function: encode_output_create_delegation

Given a pool id as string, an owner address and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function returns an output (as bytes) to create a delegation to the given pool. The owner address is the address that is authorized to withdraw from that delegation.

Function: encode_output_delegate_staking

Given a delegation id (as string, in address form), an amount and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function returns an output (as bytes) that would delegate coins to be staked in the specified delegation id.

Function: encode_stake_pool_data

This function returns the staking pool data needed to create a staking pool in an output as bytes, given its parameters and the network type (testnet, mainnet, etc).

Function: encode_output_create_stake_pool

Given a pool id, staking data as bytes and the network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function returns an output that creates that staking pool. Note that the pool id is mandated to be taken from the hash of the first input. It is not arbitrary.

Function: fungible_token_issuance_fee

Returns the fee that needs to be paid by a transaction for issuing a new fungible token

Function: nft_issuance_fee

Given the current block height and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this will return the fee that needs to be paid by a transaction for issuing a new NFT The current block height information is used in case a network upgrade changed the value.

Function: token_supply_change_fee

Given the current block height and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this will return the fee that needs to be paid by a transaction for changing the total supply of a token by either minting or unminting tokens The current block height information is used in case a network upgrade changed the value.

Function: token_freeze_fee

Given the current block height and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this will return the fee that needs to be paid by a transaction for freezing/unfreezing a token The current block height information is used in case a network upgrade changed the value.

Function: token_change_authority_fee

Given the current block height and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this will return the fee that needs to be paid by a transaction for changing the authority of a token The current block height information is used in case a network upgrade changed the value.

Function: encode_output_issue_fungible_token

Given the parameters needed to issue a fungible token, and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an output that issues that token.

Function: get_token_id

Returns the Fungible/NFT Token ID for the given inputs of a transaction

Function: encode_output_issue_nft

Given the parameters needed to issue an NFT, and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an output that issues that NFT.

Function: encode_output_data_deposit

Given data to be deposited in the blockchain, this function provides the output that deposits this data

Function: data_deposit_fee

Returns the fee that needs to be paid by a transaction for issuing a data deposit

Function: encode_output_htlc

Given the parameters needed to create hash timelock contract, and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an output.

Function: extract_htlc_secret

Given a signed transaction and input outpoint that spends an htlc utxo, extract a secret that is encoded in the corresponding input signature

Function: encode_input_for_utxo

Given an output source id as bytes, and an output index, together representing a utxo, this function returns the input that puts them together, as bytes.

Function: encode_input_for_withdraw_from_delegation

Given a delegation id, an amount and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function creates an input that withdraws from a delegation. A nonce is needed because this spends from an account. The nonce must be in sequence for everything in that account.

Function: estimate_transaction_size

Given the inputs, along each input's destination that can spend that input (e.g. If we are spending a UTXO in input number 1 and it is owned by address mtc1xxxx, then it is mtc1xxxx in element number 2 in the vector/list. for Account inputs that spend from a delegation it is the owning address of that delegation, and in the case of AccountCommand inputs which change a token it is the token's authority destination) and the outputs, estimate the transaction size. ScriptHash and ClassicMultisig destinations are not supported.

Function: encode_transaction

Given inputs as bytes, outputs as bytes, and flags settings, this function returns the transaction that contains them all, as bytes.

Function: encode_witness_no_signature

Encode an input witness of the variant that contains no signature.

Function: encode_witness

Given a private key, inputs and an input number to sign, and the destination that owns that output (through the utxo), and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function returns a witness to be used in a signed transaction, as bytes.

Function: encode_witness_htlc_secret

Given a private key, inputs and an input number to sign, and the destination that owns that output (through the utxo), and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), and an htlc secret this function returns a witness to be used in a signed transaction, as bytes.

Function: encode_multisig_challenge

Given an arbitrary number of public keys as bytes, number of minimum required signatures, and a network type, this function returns the multisig challenge, as bytes.

Function: encode_witness_htlc_multisig

Given a private key, inputs and an input number to sign, and multisig challenge, and a network type (mainnet, testnet, etc), this function returns a witness to be used in a signed transaction, as bytes.

key_index parameter is an index of a public key in the challenge, against which is the signature produces from private key is to be verified. input_witness parameter can be either empty or a result of previous calls to this function.

Function: encode_signed_transaction

Given an unsigned transaction and signatures, this function returns a SignedTransaction object as bytes.

Function: get_transaction_id

Given a Transaction encoded in bytes (not a signed transaction, but a signed transaction is tolerated by ignoring the extra bytes, by choice) this function will return the transaction id.

The second parameter, the boolean, is provided as means of asserting that the given bytes exactly match a Transaction object. When set to true, the bytes provided must exactly match a single Transaction object. When set to false, extra bytes can exist, but will be ignored. This is useful when the provided bytes are of a SignedTransaction instead of a Transaction, since the signatures are appended at the end of the Transaction object as a vector to create a SignedTransaction. It is recommended to use a strict Transaction size and set the second parameter to true.

Function: effective_pool_balance

Calculate the "effective balance" of a pool, given the total pool balance and pledge by the pool owner/staker. The effective balance is how the influence of a pool is calculated due to its balance.

Function: encode_create_order_output

Given ask and give amounts and a conclude key create output that creates an order.

'ask_token_id': the parameter represents a Token if it's Some and coins otherwise. 'give_token_id': the parameter represents a Token if it's Some and coins otherwise.

Function: encode_input_for_fill_order

Given an amount to fill an order (which is described in terms of ask currency) and a destination for result outputs create an input that fills the order.

Function: encode_input_for_conclude_order

Given an order id create an input that concludes the order.

Enum: Network

The network, for which an operation to be done. Mainnet, testnet, etc.

Enum: FreezableToken

Indicates whether a token can be frozen

Enum: TotalSupply

The token supply of a specific token, set on issuance

Enum: SourceId

A utxo can either come from a transaction or a block reward. This enum signifies that.

Enum: SignatureHashType

The part of the transaction that will be committed in the signature. Similar to bitcoin's sighash.

Struct: Amount

Amount type abstraction. The amount type is stored in a string since JavaScript number type cannot fit 128-bit integers. The amount is given as an integer in units of "atoms". Atoms are the smallest, indivisible amount of a coin or token.