Data and AI Assets Catalog and Execution Engine
Allows upload, registration, execution, and deployment of:
- AI pipelines and pipeline components
- Models
- Datasets
- Notebooks
Additionally it provides:
- Automated sample pipeline code generation to execute registered models, datasets and notebooks
- Pipelines engine powered by Kubeflow Pipelines on Tekton, core of Watson Pipelines
- Components registry for Kubeflow Pipelines
- Datasets management by Datashim
- Preregistered Datasets from Data Asset Exchange (DAX) and Models from Model Asset Exchange (MAX)
- Serving engine by KFServing
- Model Metadata schemas
- Docker Compose
- 4 GB of memory
- 10 GB of free storage
- An existing Kubernetes cluster. Version 1.17+
- The minimum capacity requirement for MLX is 8 vCPUs and 16GB RAM
- If you are using IBM Cloud, follow the appropriate instructions for standing up your Kubernetes cluster using IBM Cloud Public
- If you are using OpenShift on IBM Cloud, please follow the instructions for standing up your IBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShift cluster
kustomize v3.0+
is installed
For a simple up-and-running MLX with asset catalog only, we created a Quickstart Guide using Docker Compose.
For a full deployment, use an Operator based on the Kubeflow Operator architecture.
- By default the MLX UI is available at :30380/os
To find the public ip of a node of your cluster
kubectl get node -o wide
Look for the ExternalIP column.
- If you are on a openshift cluster you can also make use of the IstioIngresGateway Route. You can find it in the OpenShift Console or in the CLI
oc get route -n istio-system
Import data and AI assets using MLX's catalog importer
- Delete MLX deployment, the KfDef instance
kubectl delete kfdef -n kubeflow --all
Note that the users profile namespaces created by
will not be deleted. The${KUBEFLOW_NAMESPACE}
created outside of the operator will not be deleted either.
- Delete Kubeflow Operator
kubectl delete -f deploy/operator.yaml -n ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding kubeflow-operator
kubectl delete -f deploy/service_account.yaml -n ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}
kubectl delete -f deploy/crds/kfdef.apps.kubeflow.org_kfdefs_crd.yaml
kubectl delete ns ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}
When deleting the Kubeflow deployment, some mutatingwebhookconfigurations resources are cluster-wide resources and may not be removed as their owner is not the KfDef instance. To remove them, run following:
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations admission-webhook-mutating-webhook-configuration kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations istio-sidecar-injector kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations katib-mutating-webhook-config kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations mutating-webhook-configurations kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations cache-webhook-kubeflow
If you don't see any sample pipeline or receive
Failed to establish a new connection
messages. It's because IBM Cloud NFS storage might be taking too long to provision which makes the storage and backend microservices timed out. In this case, you have to run the below commands to restart the pods.# Replace kubeflow with the KFP namespace NAMESPACE=kubeflow kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} kubectl delete pod -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} -l app=ml-pipeline | grep ml-pipeline | awk '{print $1;exit}') kubectl delete pod -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} -l app=ml-pipeline-persistenceagent | grep ml-pipeline | awk '{print $1;exit}') kubectl delete pod -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} -l app=ml-pipeline-ui | grep ml-pipeline | awk '{print $1;exit}') kubectl delete pod -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} -l app=ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow | grep ml-pipeline | awk '{print $1;exit}')
Then you can redeploy the bootstrapper to properly populate the default assets. Remember to insert the IBM Github Token if you want to retrieve any asset within IBM Github.
vim bootstrapper/bootstrap.yaml # Insert the IBM Github Token kubectl delete -f bootstrapper/bootstrap.yaml -n $NAMESPACE kubectl apply -f bootstrapper/bootstrap.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
Additional troubleshooting on IBM Cloud is available at the wiki page.