A technique to compress RDF triples and query on compressed RDF triples data
# Dependencies
Packages: (Install boost and rapidjson library and keep it in the path of /usr/include/)
libboost-all-dev version 1.71.0
Compiler: g++
Note: User **build.sh** to compile and build
#Create dictionary from triple datatsets
./TT -d path_to_source_NT_dataset_file path_to_triple_tree_directory
#Compress TripleTable to TripleTree
./TT -c path_to_triple_tree_directory page_size
- page_size can be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 .........16..........32...
- Here, 1 means 1kb
#Search for triple pattern (with uri-component ids)
./TT -q path_to_destination_triple_tree_directory subject_or_object_path triple_pattern
- subject_or_object_path:
- value can be either s or o.
- If s is used, then the search query will use the p->s->o paths
- If o is used, then the search query will use the p->o->s paths
- triple_pattern: s p o
- unbounded subject/predicate/object will be represented wit x; x x x
- bounded subject/predicate/object is represented by their ID; such as 1 1 2, where 1, 1, and 2 represent the subject, predicate, and object ID, respectively.
- Some patters:
x x x: Extracts all triples
x 1 x: Extracts all triples with predicate id 1
1 x x: Extracts all triples with subject id 1
x x 2: Extracts all triples with object id 2
1 1 x: Extracts all triples with predicate id 1 and subject id 1
x 1 2: Extracts all triples with predicate id 1 and object id 2
1 x 2: Extracts all triples with subject id 1 and object id 2
1 1 2: Find the triple in triple tree
#Example query: Find all triples having object_id "2" and predicate_id "1". Use the p->o->s path of the triple tree for searching the triples.
./TT -q ../dbpedia/triple_tree o x 1 2
#Search for triple pattern (with uri)
./TT -s path_to_triple_tree_directory subject_or_object_path triple_pattern
Note: - subject_or_object_path: - value can be either s or o. - If s is used, then the search query will use the p->s->o paths - If o is used, then the search query will use the p->o->s paths
- triple_pattern: s p o
- unbounded subject/predicate/object will be represented wit x; x x x
- Some patters:
- Extracts all triples
x x x
- Extracts all triples with predicate "http://www.lehigh.edu/~zhp2/2004/0401/univ-bench.owl#telephone"
x http://www.lehigh.edu/~zhp2/2004/0401/univ-bench.owl#telephone x
- Extracts all triples with subject "http://www.Department6.University81.edu/GraduateStudent33"
http://www.Department6.University81.edu/GraduateStudent33 x x
- Extracts all triples with predicate "http://www.lehigh.edu/~zhp2/2004/0401/univ-bench.owl#telephone" and subject "http://www.Department6.University81.edu/GraduateStudent33"
http://www.Department6.University81.edu/GraduateStudent33 http://www.lehigh.edu/~zhp2/2004/0401/univ-bench.owl#telephone x
#Example query: Find all triples having subject "http://www.Department6.University81.edu/GraduateStudent33". Use the p->s->o path of the triple tree for searching the triples.
./TT -s ../lubm/triple_tree s http://www.Department6.University81.edu/GraduateStudent33 x x