The ml api adapter has an API for handling the transfers.
DFSP API endpoints
Prepare transferPUT
Fulfill transferGET
The API endpoints often deal with these data structures:
Information about various errors returned can be found here:
The prepare transfer endpoint will publish prepare transfer event to kafka topic. A transfer between two DFSPs must be prepared before it can be fulfilled.
POST http://ml-api-adapter/transfers/
Field | Type | Description |
Content-Type | String | Must be set to application/json |
Content-Length | Integer | Optional |
Date | DateTime | Date of the initial request |
x-forwarded-for | String | Optional |
fspiop-source | String | Must be set to the correct source |
fspiop-destination | String | Optional |
fspiop-encryption | String | Optional |
fspiop-signature | String | Optional |
fspiop-uri | String | Optional |
fspiop-http-method | String | Optional |
Field | Type | Description |
Object | Transfer | A Transfer object to describe the transfer that should take place. |
Field | Type | Description |
POST http://ml-api-adapter/transfers/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Date: 2018-04-25
fspiop-source: dfsp1
"value":"This is a more detailed error description"
"value":"This is a more detailed error description"
Field | Description |
InternalServerError | An internal server error occurred |
"id": "InternalServerError",
"message": "An internal server error occurred"
The fulfill transfer endpoint will publish the fulfil event to kafka. To successfully fulfill a transfer, make sure the transfer has previously been prepared.
PUT http://ml-api-adapter/transfers/3a2a1d9e-8640-4d2d-b06c-84f2cd613204
Field | Type | Description |
Content-Type | String | Must be set to application/json |
Content-Length | Integer | Optional |
Date | DateTime | Date of the initial request |
x-forwarded-for | String | Optional |
fspiop-source | String | Must be set to the correct source |
fspiop-destination | String | Optional |
fspiop-encryption | String | Optional |
fspiop-signature | String | Optional |
fspiop-uri | String | Optional |
fspiop-http-method | String | Optional |
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Transfer UUID |
Field | Type | Description |
Object | Fulfil | The Fulfil object |
Field | Type | Description |
PUT http://ml-api-adapter/transfers/3a2a1d9e-8640-4d2d-b06c-84f2cd613204 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Date: 2018-04-25
fspiop-source: dfsp1
fspiop-destination: dfsp2
"value":"This is a more detailed error description"
"value":"This is a more detailed error description"
Field | Description |
InternalServerError | An internal server error occurred |
"id": "InternalServerError",
"message": "An internal server error occurred"
Get the current status of the service
GET http://ml-api-adapter/health
Field | Type | Description |
status | String | The status of the ml-api-adapter, OK if the service is working |
GET http://ml-api-adapter/health HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "OK"
A transfer represents money being moved between two DFSP accounts at the central ledger.
Some fields are Read-only, meaning they are set by the API and cannot be modified by clients. A transfer object can have the following fields:
Name | Type | Description |
transferId | GUID | Id of the transfer |
payerFsp | String | The sender |
payeeFsp | String | The receiver |
amount | Object | Amount and currency information of the transfer |
amount.currency | String | Currency information of the transfer |
amount.amount | String | Amount as decimal |
ilpPacket | String | ILP packet |
condition | String | The condition for executing the transfer |
expiration | DateTime | Time when the transfer expires. If the transfer has not executed by this time, the transfer is canceled. |
extensionList | Object | Optional Additional extension list |
extensionList.extension | Array | each extension object |
extensionList.extension[].key | String | Error Description |
extensionList.extension[].value | String | Detailed Error Description |
A fulfil represents the fulfil of a transfer.
Some fields are Read-only, meaning they are set by the API and cannot be modified by clients. A fulfil object can have the following fields:
Name | Type | Description |
fulfilment | String | fulfilment condition |
transferState | String | The state of the transfer |
completedTimestamp | DateTime | The time when the fulfilment was complete |
extensionList | Object | Optional Additional extension list |
extensionList.extension | Array | each extension object |
extensionList.extension[].key | String | Error Description |
extensionList.extension[].value | String | Detailed Error Description |
This section identifies the potential errors returned and the structure of the response.
An error object can have the following fields:
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | An identifier for the type of error |
message | String | A message describing the error that occurred |
validationErrors | Array | Optional An array of validation errors |
validationErrors[].message | String | A message describing the validation error |
validationErrors[].params | Object | An object containing the field that caused the validation error |
validationErrors[].params.key | String | The name of the field that caused the validation error |
validationErrors[].params.value | String | The value that caused the validation error |
validationErrors[].params.child | String | The name of the child field |