Releases: mollie/PrestaShop
Version 4.2.4
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.7.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Issues fixed:
- Added optional custom order status for open bank transfer
- Added the billing address parameter from Mollie API
- Added configuration to exclude custom order status creation for Klarna #296
- Added general controller for one-page checkout modules #295
- Fixed missing currencies in checkout
- Fixed compatibility with Guzzle v.5
- Fixed missing order confirmation page for Klarna payments on PS 1.6
- Fixed error returned when shop domain is unknown in segment tracker tool
- Changed “Resend payment link” image and the text in the PS BackOffice
- Fixed "On backorder (paid)" status when order is paid but out of stock
Version 4.2.3
Version 4.2.3
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.7.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Issues fixed:
- Translations updated - #291
- Return callback issue where order status is duplicated after page refresh - #297
- Changed currency check to use API calls to see if currency is supported by Mollie - #294
Issue on PS1.7.7 where order emails didn't have product list, because tpl file has changed location - Improved error handling when API key is expired - #290
- Improved Mollie order lines rounding and fixed issue where Mollie API rejected the order amount due to cent difference- #299 and #280
- Issue where order_conf email sent wrong order reference - #301
Version 4.2.2
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.7.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Issues fixed:
- Order of payment methods not saved in payment configuration screen (#275)
- Change credit card configuration logo for PS 1.6 version
- Total_paid_real line added to the database
- Customer {firstname} {lastname} and {email} not displayed in order_confirmation email (#289)
- Incorrect shop name displayed in the order_confirmation email for multistore configurations
- Rows of products not displayed in order_confirmation email (#283)
- Apple Pay not available in checkout for PS 1.6 version
NOTE: ING HomePay as payment method is no longer available since 1st of February 2021. More details here
Version 4.2.1
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.7.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
New features:
- Improved error message for the test API key validation
- Made the custom payment title visible in the checkout
Issues fixed:
- Error when upgrading to 4.2.* version
- Error invalid order ID: An order ID should start with 'ord_' when changing order statuses
- Error mol_country table empty - payment methods were not displayed
- Slow loading of AdminOrders page
- Components on 1.6. duplicate step for iDeal and Credit Card
- Auto-shipment feature
Version 4.2.0
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.7.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
New features:
- Created setting for Klarna payment method to configure when the invoice is sent to the consumer
- Added split transactions ID for vouchers payment method
- Additional issues monitoring with SENTRY tool
- Added logic to exclude payment method from checkout if min/max value is not met
- Added Revolut as new IDEAL issuer
- Improved translations
- Added segment tool for analytics
- Added additional phone number validation
- Added Belgium to allowed countries for Klarna Pay Later payment method
Issues fixed:
- Fixed “Test Api” button responds exception error
- Fixed over refunding for payment methods supporting refunds for an additional €25.00 more than the original payment’s amount
- Fixed with duplicated on error cart rules
- Fixed BO errors translations escape
- Fixed error 500 when submitting order: Unknown offset 0 for collection Order
- Fixed orders 1 eur on ThirtyBees
- Fixed “no payment methods” handling
Version 4.1.3
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.7.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Release scope:
- Fixed payment reminder icon in BO orders page
Version 4.1.2
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.7.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Added compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7.7 version.
- Fixed Mollie container issues causing services not to be retrieved.
- Fixed Admin orders manual creation page to display checkbox when Mollie payment is chosen.
- Added order total error messages triggered by passing maximum or not reaching minimum order total amounts.
- Added handling for phone numbers consisting of only 0s.
- Fixed "credit card" payment option form submission.
Version 4.1.1
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Release scope:
- Restored the Klarna payment module functionalities for Mollie from the order in backoffice.
- Fixed MYSQL issues with Mollie select query order listing.
- Fixed the shippingAddress → organizationName and billingAdress → organizationName error.
- Fixed the Mollie icon visibility after the module reset.
- Fixed the module payment options positioning.
- Added Russian Rubles as a credit card payment option.
- Added additional translations.
Version 4.1.0
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Feature added:
- New Mollie Mealvouchers feature is now available!
- Translations updated for the (EN, NL, DE, FR) languages
- New drag&drop functionality is now available for the payment methods, you have ability to arrange payment methods
Below issues fixed:
- Fixed issues with order discounts. Some Prestashop versions like still have other issues because of Prestashop core bug.
- Added warning with troubleshooting if upgrade from module 3.5.5 version fails.
- Added awaiting mollie payment status on module upgrade to fix 500 error when creating order after upgrade.
- Added phone number validation before sending it to Mollie to see if it’s valid.
- Order description field improvement
- Some small descriptions typo fixes
- “TAB” button improvements on the payments methods then using tab
From this version the module will use Semantic versioning v. X.Y.Z
X - major change
Y - minor change
Z - bug fixes
Version 4.0.9
1.7.0.x - 1.7.6.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
- Improved payment settings UI. Now test and live API has separated payment settings so that you can more easily swap between test and live API.
- Added order status field modifier that hides deleted mollie statuses in Back-office order status tab.
- New Mollie tab logo in side bar.
- Improved descriptions in Module configuration tab.
Below issues fixed:
- Fixed issue with order amount bigger then 1000. Mollie wouldn’t accept amount if it was displayed like 1,000.00. Now we send amount like 1000.00.
- Fixed issue with one page checkout in PS1.6 where payments are rendered after carrier is selected.
- Fixed issues with order API when cart has free product as gift.
- Fixed issue where Module tab in side bar would have no style and logo if module is disabled.
- Preventing double click payment method issue to create multiple orders in PS1.6
- Fixed Manual Order creation bug in BO