-# coding: utf-8
-# Defines firetasks for parsing Gaussian output files.
-import os
-import sys
-import json
-import logging
-import datetime
-import subprocess
-from configparser import ConfigParser
-import numpy as np
-import pymongo
-import networkx as nx
-import matplotlib.image as img
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from bson.objectid import ObjectId
-from pymatgen.io.gaussian import GaussianInput
-from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule
-from pymatgen.analysis.graphs import MoleculeGraph
-from pymatgen.analysis.local_env import OpenBabelNN
-from fireworks.fw_config import CONFIG_FILE_DIR
-from fireworks.core.firework import FWAction, FiretaskBase
-from fireworks.utilities.fw_utilities import explicit_serialize
-from fireworks.utilities.fw_serializers import DATETIME_HANDLER
-from mispr import __version__ as mispr_version
-from mispr.gaussian.utilities.mol import process_mol
-from mispr.gaussian.utilities.gout import process_run
-from mispr.gaussian.utilities.misc import pass_gout_dict
-from mispr.gaussian.utilities.dbdoc import add_solvent_to_prop_dict
-from mispr.gaussian.utilities.files import bibtex_parser
-from mispr.gaussian.utilities.rdkit import (
- get_rdkit_mol,
- draw_rdkit_mol_with_highlighted_bonds,
-from mispr.gaussian.utilities.metadata import get_chem_schema
-from mispr.gaussian.utilities.db_utilities import get_db
-__author__ = "Rasha Atwi"
-__maintainer__ = "Rasha Atwi"
-__email__ = "rasha.atwi@stonybrook.edu"
-__status__ = "Development"
-__date__ = "Jan 2021"
-__version__ = "0.0.4"
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-DEFAULT_KEY = "gout_key"
-HARTREE_TO_EV = 27.2114
-FARAD = 96.5
-R = 8.31446
class ProcessRun(FiretaskBase):
Processes Gaussian output files from a single run. Enters the
run to db and/or creates a summary json file.
run (GaussianOutput, str, dict): the actual Gaussian run; type
depends on the operation_type
Optional Args:
operation_type (str): Type of operation to be performed; refer
to mispr.gaussian.utilities.gout.process_run for supported
db (str or dict): database credentials to store the run; could
be provided as the path to the db.json file or in the form
of a dictionary
save_to_db (bool): whether to save the run to db
save_to_file (bool): whether to save the run to a json file
filename (str): name of the json file to save the run to; uses
"run.json" if not provided
input_file (str): the input file for the run; used for adding
Gaussian input parameters to the final Gaussian dictionary;
if not specified, will get these parameters from the run
itself, but in this case, "input_parameters" usually
specified at the end of the Gaussian input file will not be
saved since they are not easily retrieved from the Gaussian
output file
gout_key (str): the key to use for the run in the mod_spec dict
passed to FWAction; used when contents of the run are needed
in other tasks
format_chk (bool): whether to create a formatted check file
from the Gaussian checkpoint file
formchk_cmd (str): the full command to use for formatting the
checkpoint file; if not provided, will attempt to find one
in the configuration files
required_params = ["run"]
optional_params = [
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
run = self["run"]
operation_type = self.get("operation_type", "get_from_gout")
input_file = self.get("input_file")
working_dir = os.getcwd()
db = self.get("db")
if self.get("format_chk"):
found_chk = False
for file in os.listdir(working_dir):
if file.endswith(".chk"):
found_chk = True
chk_file = file.strip(".chk")
cmd = self.get("formchk_cmd")
if not cmd:
cfg = ConfigParser()
cfg.read(CONFIG_FILE_DIR + "/config.ini")
cmd = cfg["RunCalc"]["formchkcmd"]
cmd = cmd.replace("$input_path$", file).replace(
"$output_path$", f"{chk_file}.fchk"
logger.info("Running command: {}".format(cmd))
return_code = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
"Finished running with return code: {}".format(return_code)
if found_chk:
if not found_chk:
logger.info(f"No checkpoint file found in {working_dir}")
gout_dict = process_run(
# get initial and final molecule
input_mol = Molecule.from_dict(gout_dict["input"]["molecule"])
output_mol = Molecule.from_dict(gout_dict["output"]["output"]["molecule"])
# Build initial and final molgraphs
input_molgraph = MoleculeGraph.with_local_env_strategy(input_mol, OpenBabelNN())
output_molgraph = MoleculeGraph.with_local_env_strategy(
output_mol, OpenBabelNN()
# Detect any structural change that occurred during calculation
if input_molgraph.isomorphic_to(output_molgraph):
change = "no_change"
input_graph = input_molgraph.graph
output_graph = output_molgraph.graph
if nx.is_connected(input_graph.to_undirected()) and not nx.is_connected(
change = "unconnected_fragments"
elif output_graph.number_of_edges() < input_graph.number_of_edges():
change = "fewer_bonds"
elif output_graph.number_of_edges() > input_graph.number_of_edges():
change = "more_bonds"
change = "bond_change"
gout_dict["structural_change"] = change
if "_id" in gout_dict:
gout_dict["_id"] = ObjectId(gout_dict["_id"])
if "tag" in fw_spec:
gout_dict["tag"] = fw_spec["tag"]
if "run_time" in fw_spec:
gout_dict["wall_time (s)"] = fw_spec["run_time"]
gout_dict["version"] = mispr_version
if gout_dict["output"]["has_gaussian_completed"]:
run_list = {}
if self.get("save_to_db"):
runs_db = get_db(db)
run_id = runs_db.insert_run(gout_dict)
run_list["run_id_list"] = run_id
logger.info("Saved parsed output to db")
if self.get("save_to_file"):
filename = self.get("filename", "run")
file = os.path.join(working_dir, f"{filename}.json")
with open(file, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(gout_dict, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
run_list["run_loc_list"] = file
logger.info("Saved parsed output to json file")
uid = self.get("gout_key")
set_dict = {f"gaussian_output->{DEFAULT_KEY}": gout_dict}
if uid:
set_dict[f"gaussian_output->{uid}"] = gout_dict
# fw_spec = {'gaussian_output: {DEFAULT_KEY: gout_dict, uid: gout_dict}}
mod_dict = {"_set": set_dict}
if run_list:
mod_dict.update({"_push": run_list})
return FWAction(mod_spec=mod_dict, propagate=True)
raise ValueError(f"Gaussian did not complete normally, Terminating")
class RetrieveGaussianOutput(FiretaskBase):
Gets a Gaussian output dict from fw_spec or the database,
converts it to a GaussianInput object, and add it to fw_spec.
Optional Args:
db (str or dict): database credentials; could be provided as
the path to the db.json file or in the form of a dictionary
gaussian_input_params (dict): parameters to use in creating the
GaussianInput object; if not provided, will use the ones
in the passed or retrieved Gaussian output dict
run_id (str): id of the run to retrieve from the database;
e.g. "5e3737d9da0b1cbbd5d556f7"
inchi (str): InChI of the molecule; used as a query criteria
to retrieve the run from the db
functional (str): density functional of the run in the db;
used as a query criteria
basis (str): basis set of the run in the db; used as a query
type (str): type of the Gaussian job run in the db; e.g. "opt"
or "freq"; used as a query criteria
phase (str): phase of the run in the db; e.g. "gas" or
"solution"; used as a query criteria
tag (str): tag of the run in the db; used as a query criteria
required_params = []
optional_params = [
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
# if a Gaussian output dict is passed through fw_spec
if fw_spec.get("gaussian_output"):
run = pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, DEFAULT_KEY)
# run = fw_spec['gaussian_output'][DEFAULT_KEY]
elif self.get("run_id"):
run = process_run(
# otherwise, try to retrieve gaussian output from db
query = {
"inchi": self.get("inchi"),
"smiles": self.get("smiles"),
"type": self.get("type"),
"functional": self.get("functional"),
"basis": self.get("basis"),
"phase": self.get("phase"),
if "tag" in self:
query["tag"] = self["tag"]
run = process_run(
operation_type="get_from_run_query", run=query, db=self.get("db")
except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure as e:
print("Could not connect to server: %s" % e)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(e)
# create a gaussian input object from run
if self.get("gaussian_input_params") is None:
"No gaussian input parameters provided; will use " "run parameters"
inputs = {}
for k, v in run["input"].items():
# use gaussian_input_params if defined, otherwise use run parameters
inputs[f"{k}"] = self.get("gaussian_input_params", {}).get(
f"{k}", run["input"].get(f"{k}")
inputs["molecule"] = run["output"]["output"]["molecule"]
# TODO: check if this works in all cases
# (if we are saving to db and removing the class)
# inputs['molecule'] = process_mol('get_from_run_dict', run)
gaussin = GaussianInput.from_dict(inputs)
fw_spec["gaussian_input"] = gaussin
class ESPtoDB(FiretaskBase):
Enter an ESP run into the database.
keys (list): list of keys of Gaussian runs in fw_spec to use in
building the ESP document; e.g. these keys could correspond to
optimization, frequency, and ESP jobs leading to the final
Optional Args:
db (str or dict): database credentials to store the run; could
be provided as the path to the db.json file or in the form
of a dictionary
save_to_db (bool): whether to insert the ESP dict to the ESP
collection in the db
save_to_file (bool): whether to save the ESP dict to a json
file; if True, will save to a file named "esp.json"
additional_prop_doc_fields (dict): additional fields to add to
the final ESP dict
solvent_gaussian_inputs (str): gaussian inputs for the implicit
solvent model to add to the final ESP dict, if any
solvent_properties (dict): implicit solvent properties to add
to the final ESP dict, if any
required_params = ["keys"]
optional_params = [
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
keys = self["keys"]
db = self.get("db")
gout_dict = [pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i) for i in keys]
# include opt fireworks in the list of gout_dict to calculate run time
full_gout_dict = gout_dict + [pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i + "_opt") for i in keys]
full_gout_dict = [i for i in full_gout_dict if i is not None]
molecule = process_mol(
"get_from_run_dict", gout_dict[-1], charge=gout_dict[-1]["input"]["charge"]
mol_schema = get_chem_schema(molecule)
phase = gout_dict[-1]["phase"]
# if one calculation is skipped, wall time is considered zero
run_time = sum([gout.get("wall_time (s)", 0) for gout in full_gout_dict])
esp_dict = {
"molecule": molecule.as_dict(),
"smiles": mol_schema["smiles"],
"inchi": mol_schema["inchi"],
"formula_alphabetical": mol_schema["formula_alphabetical"],
"chemsys": mol_schema["chemsys"],
"energy": gout_dict[-1]["output"]["output"]["final_energy"],
"esp": gout_dict[-1]["output"]["output"]["ESP_charges"],
"dipole_moment": gout_dict[-1]["output"]["output"]["dipole_moment"],
"functional": gout_dict[-1]["functional"],
"basis": gout_dict[-1]["basis"],
"phase": phase,
"tag": gout_dict[-1]["tag"],
"state": "successful",
"wall_time (s)": run_time,
"version": mispr_version,
"gauss_version": gout_dict[-1]["gauss_version"],
"last_updated": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
if phase == "solution":
solvent_gaussian_inputs = self.get("solvent_gaussian_inputs")
solvent_properties = self.get("solvent_properties", {})
esp_dict = add_solvent_to_prop_dict(
esp_dict, solvent_gaussian_inputs, solvent_properties
# check if polarizability is available (from freq calc of esp workflow)
if "polarizability" in gout_dict[-2]["output"]["output"]:
esp_dict["polarizability"] = gout_dict[-2]["output"]["output"][
if self.get("additional_prop_doc_fields"):
if fw_spec.get("run_id_list"):
esp_dict["run_ids"] = fw_spec["run_id_list"]
if self.get("save_to_db"):
db = get_db(db)
("formula_alphabetical", 1),
("smiles", 1),
("inchi", 1),
("chemsys", 1),
("functional", 1),
("basis", 1),
("tag", 1),
if fw_spec.get("run_loc_list"):
esp_dict["run_locs"] = fw_spec["run_loc_list"]
if self.get("save_to_file"):
if "run_ids" in esp_dict:
del esp_dict["run_ids"]
with open("esp.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(esp_dict, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
logger.info("esp calculation complete")
return FWAction()
class NMRtoDB(FiretaskBase):
Enter an NMR run into the database.
keys (list): list of keys of Gaussian runs in fw_spec to use in
building the NMR document; e.g. these keys could correspond to
optimization, frequency, and NMR jobs leading to the final
Optional Args:
db (str or dict): database credentials to store the run; could
be provided as the path to the db.json file or in the form
of a dictionary
save_to_db (bool): whether to insert the NMR dict to the NMR
collection in the db
save_to_file (bool): whether to save the NMR dict to a json
file; if True, will save to a file named "nmr.json"
additional_prop_doc_fields (dict): additional fields to add to
the final NMR dict
solvent_gaussian_inputs (str): gaussian inputs for the implicit
solvent model to add to the final NMR dict, if any
solvent_properties (dict): implicit solvent properties to add
to the final NMR dict, if any
required_params = ["keys"]
optional_params = [
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
keys = self["keys"]
db = self.get("db")
gout_dict = [pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i) for i in keys]
# include opt fireworks in the list of gout_dict to calculate run time
full_gout_dict = gout_dict + [pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i + "_opt") for i in keys]
full_gout_dict = [i for i in full_gout_dict if i is not None]
molecule = process_mol(
"get_from_run_dict", gout_dict[-1], charge=gout_dict[-1]["input"]["charge"]
mol_schema = get_chem_schema(molecule)
phase = gout_dict[-1]["phase"]
# if one calculation is skipped, wall time is considered zero
run_time = sum([gout.get("wall_time (s)", 0) for gout in full_gout_dict])
nmr_dict = {
"molecule": molecule.as_dict(),
"smiles": mol_schema["smiles"],
"inchi": mol_schema["inchi"],
"formula_alphabetical": mol_schema["formula_alphabetical"],
"chemsys": mol_schema["chemsys"],
"energy": gout_dict[-1]["output"]["output"]["final_energy"],
"tensor": gout_dict[-1]["output"]["output"]["tensor"],
"functional": gout_dict[-1]["functional"],
"basis": gout_dict[-1]["basis"],
"phase": phase,
"tag": gout_dict[-1]["tag"],
"state": "successful",
"wall_time (s)": run_time,
"version": mispr_version,
"gauss_version": gout_dict[-1]["gauss_version"],
"last_updated": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
if phase == "solution":
solvent_gaussian_inputs = self.get("solvent_gaussian_inputs")
solvent_properties = self.get("solvent_properties", {})
nmr_dict = add_solvent_to_prop_dict(
nmr_dict, solvent_gaussian_inputs, solvent_properties
if self.get("additional_prop_doc_fields"):
if fw_spec.get("run_id_list"):
nmr_dict["run_ids"] = fw_spec["run_id_list"]
if self.get("save_to_db"):
db = get_db(db)
("formula_alphabetical", 1),
("smiles", 1),
("inchi", 1),
("chemsys", 1),
("functional", 1),
("basis", 1),
("tag", 1),
if fw_spec.get("run_loc_list"):
nmr_dict["run_locs"] = fw_spec["run_loc_list"]
if self.get("save_to_file"):
if "run_ids" in nmr_dict:
del nmr_dict["run_ids"]
with open("nmr.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(nmr_dict, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
logger.info("nmr calculation complete")
return FWAction()
class BindingEnergytoDB(FiretaskBase):
Enter a binding energy run into the database. The binding energy
value is in eV.
index (list): list of indices of the two sites in the molecules
at which they are expected to bind
keys (list): list of keys of Gaussian runs in fw_spec to use in
building the binding energy document; e.g. these keys could
correspond to set of optimization and frequency jobs leading
to the final result
Optional Args:
db (str or dict): database credentials to store the run; could
be provided as the path to the db.json file or in the form
of a dictionary
save_to_db (bool): whether to insert the binding energy dict to
the binding energy collection in the db
save_to_file (bool): whether to save the binding energy dict to
a json file; if True, will save to a file named
additional_prop_doc_fields (dict): additional fields to add to
the final binding energy dict
solvent_gaussian_inputs (str): gaussian inputs for the implicit
solvent model to add to the final binding energy dict, if any
solvent_properties (dict): implicit solvent properties to add
to the final binding energy dict, if any
required_params = ["index", "keys"]
optional_params = [
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
index = self["index"]
keys = self["keys"]
db = self.get("db")
gout_dict = [pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i) for i in keys]
# include opt fireworks in the list of gout_dict to calculate run time
full_gout_dict = gout_dict + [pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i + "_opt") for i in keys]
full_gout_dict = [i for i in full_gout_dict if i is not None]
molecules = [
process_mol("get_from_run_dict", gout, charge=gout["input"]["charge"])
for gout in gout_dict
final_energies = [
gout["output"]["output"]["final_energy"] for gout in gout_dict
# be_key = 'binding_energy_{}_{}_eV'.format(
# str(molecules[0].species[index[0]]) + str(index[0]),
# str(molecules[1].species[index[1]]) + str(len(molecules[0]) +
# index[1]))
be_value = (
final_energies[2] - (final_energies[0] + final_energies[1])
be = {
"sites": (index[0], len(molecules[0]) + index[1]),
"atoms": (
"value": be_value,
mol_schema = get_chem_schema(molecules[2])
phase = gout_dict[-1]["phase"]
# if one calculation is skipped, wall time is considered zero
run_time = sum([gout.get("wall_time (s)", 0) for gout in full_gout_dict])
be_dict = {
"molecule": molecules[2].as_dict(),
"smiles": mol_schema["smiles"],
"inchi": mol_schema["inchi"],
"formula_alphabetical": mol_schema["formula_alphabetical"],
"chemsys": mol_schema["chemsys"],
"energy": final_energies[2],
"be_eV": be,
"functional": gout_dict[-1]["functional"],
"basis": gout_dict[-1]["basis"],
"phase": gout_dict[-1]["phase"],
"tag": gout_dict[-1]["tag"],
"state": "successful",
"wall_time (s)": run_time,
"version": mispr_version,
"gauss_version": gout_dict[-1]["gauss_version"],
"last_updated": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
if phase == "solution":
solvent_gaussian_inputs = self.get("solvent_gaussian_inputs")
solvent_properties = self.get("solvent_properties", {})
be_dict = add_solvent_to_prop_dict(
be_dict, solvent_gaussian_inputs, solvent_properties
if self.get("additional_prop_doc_fields"):
if fw_spec.get("run_id_list"):
be_dict["run_ids"] = fw_spec["run_id_list"]
if self.get("save_to_db"):
db = get_db(db)
("formula_alphabetical", 1),
("smiles", 1),
("inchi", 1),
("chemsys", 1),
("functional", 1),
("basis", 1),
("tag", 1),
if fw_spec.get("run_loc_list"):
be_dict["run_locs"] = fw_spec["run_loc_list"]
if self.get("save_to_file"):
if "run_ids" in be_dict:
del be_dict["run_ids"]
with open("binding_energy.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(be_dict, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
logger.info("binding energy calculation complete")
return FWAction()
class IPEAtoDB(FiretaskBase):
Inserts a redox potential run into the database. Saves both gibbs
free energies and redox potentials. If a calculation is performed in
multiple steps, saves all intermediate energies.
num_electrons (int): number of electrons transferred;
states (list): list of states used in the calculation; e.g.
["cation"] for oxidation, ["anion"] for reduction, or
["cation", "anion"] for oxidation and reduction calculations
phases (list): list of phases to involved in the calculations;
e.g. ["solution"] for liquid phase, ["gas"] for gas phase, or
["gas", "solution"] for the full thermodynamic cycle
steps (str): whether the redox potential calculation is
performed in a single or multi step electron transfer
root_node_key (str): key of the Gaussian run corresponding to
the root node in fw_spec
keys (list): list of keys of Gaussian runs in fw_spec to use in
building the redox potential document; e.g. these keys could
correspond to set of optimization and frequency jobs leading
to the final result
pcet (bool): whether a PCET calculation is performed
vertical (bool): whether a vertical IP/EA calculation is
Optional Args:
db (str or dict): database credentials to store the run; could
be provided as the path to the db.json file or in the form
of a dictionary
save_to_db (bool): whether to insert the redox potential dict
to the redox potential collection in the db
save_to_file (bool): whether to save the redox potential dict
to a json file; if True, will save to a file named
solvent_gaussian_inputs (str): gaussian inputs for the implicit
solvent model to add to the redox potential dict, if any
solvent_properties (dict): implicit solvent properties to add
to the final redox potential dict, if any
electrode_potentials (dict): dictionary of additional electrode
potentials to be used in converting the absolute oxidation
and reduction potentials to commonly used potential scales;
note that the hydrogen, lithium, and magnesium scales are
already included; the dictionary should be in the form:
"<metal>": {
"potential": <float>,
"ref": bibtex_parser("<ref_bib_file>", dir),
Note that bibtex_parser need to be imported from
additional_prop_doc_fields (dict): additional fields to add to
the final redox potential dict
gibbs_elec (float): the electron gibbs free energy in Hartree
gibbs_h (float): the hydrogen gibbs free energy in Hartree
required_params = [
optional_params = [
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
db = self.get("db")
num_electrons = self["num_electrons"]
states = self["states"]
phases = self["phases"]
steps = self["steps"]
root_node_key = self["root_node_key"]
pcet = self["pcet"]
keys = self["keys"]
vertical = self["vertical"]
gibbs_elec = self.get("gibbs_elec")
gibbs_h = self.get("gibbs_h")
data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data")
ref_potentials = {
"hydrogen": {
"potential": 4.43,
"ref": bibtex_parser("h_pot.bib", data_dir),
"magnesium": {
"potential": 2.375,
"ref": bibtex_parser("mg_pot.bib", data_dir),
"lithium": {
"potential": 1.40,
"ref": bibtex_parser("li_pot.bib", data_dir),
electrode_potentials = self.get("electrode_potentials") or {}
electrode_potentials = {**ref_potentials, **electrode_potentials}
gout_dict = {i: pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i) for i in keys}
# include opt fireworks in the list of gout_dict to calculate run time
full_gout_dict = list(gout_dict.values()) + [
pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i + "_opt") for i in keys
full_gout_dict = [i for i in full_gout_dict if i is not None]
molecule = process_mol(
final_energies = {
i: j["output"]["output"]["final_energy"] for i, j in gout_dict.items()
free_energy_corrections = {
i: j["output"]["output"]["corrections"]["Gibbs Free Energy"]
for i, j in gout_dict.items()
free_energies = {
key: final_energies[key] + free_energy_corrections[key]
for key in gout_dict.keys()
# if one calculation is skipped, wall time is considered zero
run_time = sum([gout.get("wall_time (s)", 0) for gout in full_gout_dict])
def _name_(e1, e2, h1, h2):
if pcet:
return f"{e1}e{h1}h_{e2}e{h2}h"
return f"{e1}e_{e2}e"
def _gibbs_to_redox(s, g, e_count):
redox_result = -s * g / ((1 / HARTREE_TO_KJ) * e_count * FARAD)
return redox_result
def _gibbs_to_pka(g):
pka_result = (
g * HARTREE_TO_KJ / (-1 / np.log10(np.exp(1)) * R / 1000 * 298.15)
return pka_result
# TODO: PCET --> what to save (IP, EA, pKA, intermediate results)?
# TODO: possible to have multiple H transfer in single step? same pka
# calc, divide by 2?
# TODO: gibbs_h in gas vs sol or same?
gibbs_dict = {}
redox_dict = {}
for state in states:
process = "oxidation" if state == "cation" else "reduction"
gibbs_dict[process] = {}
redox_dict[process] = {}
sign = 1 if state == "anion" else -1
for phase in phases:
gibbs_dict[process][phase] = {}
redox_dict[process][phase] = {}
# steps not involving h transfer
if not pcet or sign > 0:
for h in range((num_electrons + 1) * pcet + (1 - pcet)):
n1 = f"{phase.lower()}_0_{h}"
n2 = f"{phase.lower()}_{sign * num_electrons}_{h}"
name = _name_(0, sign * num_electrons, h, h)
gibbs = (
- free_energies[n1]
- sign * gibbs_elec * num_electrons
gibbs_dict[process][phase][name] = gibbs * HARTREE_TO_EV
redox = _gibbs_to_redox(sign, gibbs, num_electrons)
redox_dict[process][phase][name] = {}
redox_dict[process][phase][name]["raw"] = redox
for key, value in electrode_potentials.items():
redox_dict[process][phase][name][key] = (
redox - value["potential"]
if steps == "multi":
for i in range(num_electrons):
n1 = f"{phase.lower()}_{sign * i}_{h}"
n2 = f"{phase.lower()}_{sign * (i + 1)}_{h}"
name = _name_(sign * i, sign * (i + 1), h, h)
gibbs = (
- free_energies[n1]
- sign * gibbs_elec
gibbs_dict[process][phase][name] = gibbs * HARTREE_TO_EV
redox = _gibbs_to_redox(sign, gibbs, 1)
redox_dict[process][phase][name] = {}
redox_dict[process][phase][name]["raw"] = redox
for key, value in electrode_potentials.items():
redox_dict[process][phase][name][key] = (
redox - value["potential"]
# steps involving h transfer
# 1st ind --> elec, 2nd ind --> hydrogen
n1 = f"{phase.lower()}_0_0"
n2 = f"{phase.lower()}_{num_electrons}_{num_electrons}"
name = _name_(0, num_electrons, 0, num_electrons)
gibbs = (
free_energies[n2] - free_energies[n1] - gibbs_h * num_electrons
gibbs_dict[process][phase][name] = gibbs * HARTREE_TO_EV
for e in range(num_electrons + 1):
n1 = f"{phase.lower()}_{e}_0"
n2 = f"{phase.lower()}_{e}_{num_electrons}"
name = _name_(e, e, 0, num_electrons)
gibbs = (
- free_energies[n1]
- gibbs_h * num_electrons
pka = _gibbs_to_pka(gibbs)
gibbs_dict[process][phase][name] = gibbs * HARTREE_TO_EV
redox_dict[process][phase][name] = pka
if steps == "multi":
for i in range(num_electrons):
n1 = f"{phase.lower()}_{e}_{i}"
n2 = f"{phase.lower()}_{e}_{i + 1}"
name = _name_(e, e, i, i + 1)
gibbs = free_energies[n2] - free_energies[n1] - gibbs_h
pka = _gibbs_to_pka(gibbs)
gibbs_dict[process][phase][name] = gibbs * HARTREE_TO_EV
redox_dict[process][phase][name] = pka
mol_schema = get_chem_schema(molecule)
ip_ea_dict = {
"molecule": molecule.as_dict(),
"smiles": mol_schema["smiles"],
"inchi": mol_schema["inchi"],
"formula_alphabetical": mol_schema["formula_alphabetical"],
"chemsys": mol_schema["chemsys"],
"num_electrons": num_electrons,
"functional": gout_dict[root_node_key]["functional"],
"basis": gout_dict[root_node_key]["basis"],
"phase": phases,
"steps": steps,
"vertical": vertical,
"pcet": pcet,
"gibbs_elec": gibbs_elec * HARTREE_TO_EV,
"gibbs_h": gibbs_h * HARTREE_TO_EV,
"gibbs": gibbs_dict,
"potentials": redox_dict,
"standard_potentials": electrode_potentials,
"tag": gout_dict[root_node_key]["tag"],
"state": "successful",
"wall_time (s)": run_time,
"version": mispr_version,
"gauss_version": gout_dict[root_node_key]["gauss_version"],
"last_updated": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
if "solution" in phases:
solvent_gaussian_inputs = self.get("solvent_gaussian_inputs")
solvent_properties = self.get("solvent_properties", {})
ip_ea_dict = add_solvent_to_prop_dict(
ip_ea_dict, solvent_gaussian_inputs, solvent_properties
if self.get("additional_prop_doc_fields"):
if fw_spec.get("run_id_list"):
ip_ea_dict["run_ids"] = fw_spec["run_id_list"]
if self.get("save_to_db"):
db = get_db(db)
("formula_alphabetical", 1),
("smiles", 1),
("inchi", 1),
("chemsys", 1),
("functional", 1),
("basis", 1),
("tag", 1),
if fw_spec.get("run_loc_list"):
ip_ea_dict["run_locs"] = fw_spec["run_loc_list"]
if self.get("save_to_file"):
if "run_ids" in ip_ea_dict:
del ip_ea_dict["run_ids"]
with open("ip_ea.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(ip_ea_dict, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
logger.info("ip/ea calculation complete")
return FWAction()
class BDEtoDB(FiretaskBase):
Enter a bond dissociation energy calculation into the database. The
calculation can correspond to one or more bonds in the same
Optional Args:
principle_mol_key (str): key of the Gaussian run corresponding
to the principle molecule in the fw_spec
db (str or dict): database credentials to store the run; could
be provided as the path to the db.json file or in the form
of a dictionary
save_to_db (bool): whether to insert the BDE dict to the BDE
collection in the db
save_to_file (bool): whether to save the BDE dict to a json
file; if True, will save to a file named "bde.json"
solvent_gaussian_inputs (str): gaussian inputs for the implicit
solvent model to add to the BDE dict, if any
solvent_properties (dict): implicit solvent properties to add
to the final BDE dict, if any
additional_prop_doc_fields (dict): additional fields to add to
the final BDE dict
visualize (bool): whether to create a bar plot of the BDE
results along with the 2D structure of the principle
molecule with highlighted broken bonds
color (tuple): rgb color to use for highlighting the broken
bonds in the molecule; e.g. (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for black;
if not provided, will use (197 / 255, 237 / 255, 223 / 255, 1)
required_params = []
optional_params = [
[docs] def run_task(self, fw_spec):
db = self.get("db")
principle_mol_key = self.get("principle_mol_key", "ref_mol")
keys = [principle_mol_key] + fw_spec["frag_keys"]
bonds = fw_spec["bonds"]
molecule_indices = fw_spec["molecule_indices"]
gout_dict = {i: pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i) for i in keys}
# include opt fireworks in the list of gout_dict to calculate run time
full_gout_dict = list(gout_dict.values()) + [
pass_gout_dict(fw_spec, i + "_opt") for i in keys
full_gout_dict = [i for i in full_gout_dict if i is not None]
molecule = process_mol(
phase = gout_dict[principle_mol_key]["phase"]
final_energies = {
i: j["output"]["output"]["final_energy"] for i, j in gout_dict.items()
enthalpy_corrections = {
i: j["output"]["output"]["corrections"]["Enthalpy"]
for i, j in gout_dict.items()
enthalpies = {
key: final_energies[key] + enthalpy_corrections[key]
for key in gout_dict.keys()
run_time = sum([gout.get("wall_time (s)", 0) for gout in full_gout_dict])
fragments = {}
for gout_key, gout in gout_dict.items():
if gout_key != principle_mol_key:
frag = process_mol(
"get_from_run_dict", gout, charge=gout["input"]["charge"]
frag_schema = get_chem_schema(frag)
gout_key: {
"fragment": frag.as_dict(),
"smiles": frag_schema["smiles"],
"inchi": frag_schema["inchi"],
"formula_alphabetical": frag_schema["formula_alphabetical"],
"chemsys": frag_schema["chemsys"],
"energy": final_energies[gout_key],
bde_results = {}
for ind, [bond, mol_ind] in enumerate(zip(bonds, molecule_indices)):
frag_pairs = {}
for i, j in enumerate(mol_ind):
frag_ind = [j[count] for count in range(len(j))]
frag_tuple = tuple([f"frag_{ind}" for ind in frag_ind])
# try to calculate BDE from fragment pair results;
# if the fragment is not found because the calculation failed,
# move to the next pair and throw a warning
fragment_energies_sum = sum(
[enthalpies[frag] for frag in frag_tuple]
str(frag_ind): (
fragment_energies_sum - enthalpies[principle_mol_key]
except KeyError:
logger.warning("Results not found for pairs: {}".format(frag_tuple))
bde_results.update({str(bond): frag_pairs})
# if at least one BDE is calculated, continue with creating final dict
if any(bde_results.values()):
mol_schema = get_chem_schema(molecule)
bde_dict = {
"molecule": molecule.as_dict(),
"smiles": mol_schema["smiles"],
"inchi": mol_schema["inchi"],
"formula_alphabetical": mol_schema["formula_alphabetical"],
"chemsys": mol_schema["chemsys"],
"energy": final_energies[principle_mol_key],
"functional": gout_dict[principle_mol_key]["functional"],
"basis": gout_dict[principle_mol_key]["basis"],
"phase": phase,
"fragments": fragments,
"bde_eV": bde_results,
"tag": gout_dict[principle_mol_key]["tag"],
"state": "successful",
"wall_time (s)": run_time,
"version": mispr_version,
"gauss_version": gout_dict[principle_mol_key]["gauss_version"],
"last_updated": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
if phase == "solution":
solvent_gaussian_inputs = self.get("solvent_gaussian_inputs")
solvent_properties = self.get("solvent_properties", {})
bde_dict = add_solvent_to_prop_dict(
bde_dict, solvent_gaussian_inputs, solvent_properties
if self.get("visualize"):
# if RDKit is not installed, throw a warning message and proceed
# normally; visualization will not be done
num_bonds = len(bonds)
rdkit_mol = get_rdkit_mol(molecule)
color = tuple(
self.get("color", (197 / 255, 237 / 255, 223 / 255, 1))
max_bond = 10 # max # of bonds above which to change sizes
fig_size = tuple(
[int(num_bonds / max_bond) * 4 + i for i in (8, 6)]
_ = draw_rdkit_mol_with_highlighted_bonds(
colors=[color] * num_bonds,
fig, (ax, picture) = plt.subplots(
gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [2, 1.2]},
mol_image = img.imread("mol_bonds.png")
margin = 0.2
width = 1 - 2 * margin / num_bonds
gap = num_bonds + margin + width
x_ticks = []
xtick_labels = []
for ind, bond in enumerate(bonds):
data = [
gap + (1 + i) * width
for i in range(len(bde_results[str(bond)]))
gap = data[-1] + width + int(num_bonds / max_bond)
x_ticks.append(sum(data) / len(data))
# xtick_labels.append(
# '{}:{}-{}'.format(str(ind),
# (str(molecule.species[bond[0]])),
# (str(molecule.species[bond[1]]))))
ax.set_aspect(1.0 / ax.get_data_ratio(), adjustable="box")
# ax.set_xticklabels(xtick_labels, rotation=45)
ax.tick_params(axis="x", length=0, labelsize=16)
ax.tick_params(axis="y", direction="in", length=8, labelsize=16)
ax.set_xlabel("Bond number", fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel("BDE (eV)", fontsize=16)
plt.savefig("bde.png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.2)
except Exception as e:
if self.get("additional_prop_doc_fields"):
if fw_spec.get("run_id_list"):
bde_dict["run_ids"] = fw_spec["run_id_list"]
if self.get("save_to_db"):
db = get_db(db)
("formula_alphabetical", 1),
("smiles", 1),
("inchi", 1),
("chemsys", 1),
("functional", 1),
("basis", 1),
("tag", 1),
if fw_spec.get("run_loc_list"):
bde_dict["run_locs"] = fw_spec["run_loc_list"]
if self.get("save_to_file"):
if "run_ids" in bde_dict:
del bde_dict["run_ids"]
with open("bde.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(bde_dict, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
logger.info("bde calculation complete")
logger.error("No BDE was calculated. Exiting ...")
return FWAction()