Releases: monkeytypegame/monkeytype
New features
- Added difficulty filters to the account page.
- Added avg accuracy and avg accuracy over the last 10 tests to the account page.
- Added raw, avg raw and avg raw over the last 10 tests to the account page.
- Added estimated total time spent typing (overall and filtered) to the account page.
- Added Miami Nights.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that would cause the crown to always be shown on the results page.
- Made sure failing a test in master or expert mode counts towards attempted tests.
- Fixed the caret being invisible to new users, or where no config is stored.
- Fixed the performance issue on the account page by only loading 10 lines of results in the table. New results can be loaded 10 at a time by clicking the 'load more' button.
Other changes and improvements
- Theme buttons on the settings page are now colored according to their respective theme (hover to preview has been disabled). This also means that the way themes are stored in the .json file has changed, requiring colors to be defined for those buttons.
- Made sure to mention sass comilation in the readme to help new contributors.
- Added shortcut icon.
- Raw wpm is now sent to the database with the test results.
Big update! Got some awesome features from our GitHub contributors! Dont forget to give them some love on the Discord server. And speaking of Discord servers - we've got so many new users, so good to see you all! We are very close to finishing up our bot, soon you will be able to sync your accouunt with discord for some cool features.
New features
- Added a difficulty setting. You can now choose between normal, expert and master difficulties. Expert causes you to fail if you submit and incorrect word and Master fails if you press an incorrect key, meaning you have to achieve 100% accuracy. Hopefully we dont get a Graveyard biome.
- Added caret options. You can now choose between line, block, outline block and underline. Thanks to bhomie on GitHub.
- When typing long texts (or using a small window size) the text will now scroll to make sure your caret is always visible. Thanks to bhomie on GitHub.
- Updated Bliss error colors to be more readable
- Added Metaverse
- Added Shadow, Mint and Miami. Thanks to Le-SirH on GitHub.
- Added Miami Nights.
- Fixed Metaverse not changing logo color on focus.
Bug fixes
- Fixed raw wpm calculation
- Fixed "context menu" appearing as text input
- Config should no longer be reset to default values
- Fixed a bug where the settings page would be displayed in two columns if the key tips were visible
- Fixed the correct key count not including spaces
Other changes and improvements
- Fixed font weight in the settings page being too thick
- Changed the discord invite link
- Changed the default config
- Added a section on the word set in the about page
- Reduced the maximum wpm to 350
- Added some more stats to the to the result page. It will now show if you have failed the test, the test is invalid or afk was detected during the test.
New features:
- Redesigned the settings page to follow the style of the account page.
- Added a new button to the results page, you can now see the input history (where you made mistakes, or missed keys).
- Added mouse support to the command line
- Added Mizu.
- Added Olivia.
- Added Bliss.
- Changed the Rgb's error color to white so its more readable. Is anybody actually using this theme seriously?
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the error points on the chart would be squished to the left.
- Fixed a bug where the account page would not show up.
- Fixed a bug where the letter I would show up when punctuation mode is disabled. I think i "fixed" this one like 3 times already.
- Fixed a bug where the caret would animate to the next line even if smooth caret was disabled.
- Fixed double words appearing in time mode
Other changes and improvements:
- Removed the unnecessary legend from the account page chart.
- Reduced the weight of the sections titles in the about page.
- Doubled the afk timeout to 4 seconds
- Changed the behaviour of the Esc key when command line is active. Now, if you are inside a sub menu, pressing Esc will go back to the previous menu.
- Added back the support section.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where clicking the discord link would break the website
- Fixed a bug where only one line would appear in time mode
- Capital "i" should no longer appear when punctuation is disabled
Other features and improvements:
- Added time display to the test results page
- Added raw wpm display to the test results page
- Added a trendline to the account chart
- Added an error on the account page when the filters causes no results found
- Errors are now shown as X points on the chart instead of a smooth line
Whoa! Two updates in a day? And this one is a major one? Awesome! This one includes the new account page, which includes some advanced filters for you to play around with, that will allow you to easily understand your habits and track your progress in different test types.
New features
- New account page. You can filter your results by any combination of different parameters. Want to see your results, top wpm, average wpm and more only for spanish test, where you typed 50 words with punctuation on? Now you can do that.
Other features and improvements
- Changed the message on the test results after afk was detected to be more descriptive
- Made sure the buttons on the settings page are not staying 'pressed'
Bug fixes
- Made sure to only set focus off if its already on
- Safari no longer turns focus off when pressing modifier keys
- Fixed a bug where afk detection would ignore backspace
Another update! Missed my daily yesterday - we were trying to figure out how to create a discord bot (soon you will be able to link your discord account with the website for some cool perks). Im pretty sure next update is going to be the account page overhaul.
New features
- AFK detection. Now if you dont type anything for around 3 seconds, the test will be invalid after it is finished, and will not be saved to the database.
- Added an error line on the result chart. Now you can see where you made errors, and see how that affected your words per minute.
- Added a custom words button. Now you can specify exactly how many words you want to type
Other changes and improvements
- Added meta tags
- The top-right config menu is now aligned to the right
Bug fixes
- The wpm over time chart now uses the correct font
- Fixed a bug where the words would not appear if no config cookie was found
- Fixed a bug where the font buttons in the settings would require 2 clicks to appear active
New features:
- Freedom mode. With this mode enabled you can delete any word you typed - even if that word was correct.
- Time mode now shows 3 lines instead of 2. This allows you to correct a word that was mistyped at the end of the previous line.
- Custom time button. Now you can make your tests even longer, or shorter, or anything in between.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the crown icon would cause the whole website to become too wide.
- Fixed a bug where changing pages too quickly would show two pages at once.
Other changes and improvements
- When showing the crown icon (high score), the puctuation and language are now taken into account (before, only the test mode and mode parameter was considered)
- Changed the animation of the crown icon slightly
Crazy day yesterday - Taeha Types found monkey-type! Great to see all new users coming in, hope you like the website :) Small update again, mainly fixing the time mode punctuation bug, and adding a theme.
Also - we now have a Discord server! Come hang out, ask questions and send any feedback you have! Click the link in the menu, about page or in the command line to join.
- Added Mr Sleeves theme. Shoutout to Nathan!
- Updated Serika to be more readable
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the punctuation would disappear after 50 words when in timed mode
- Favicon now reverts to default colors if it had trouble using the theme colors
- Fixed the account button not changing back into sign in button when signing out
Other changes and improvements
- Added Discord links in the menu, about and command line
Another minor update, coming your way! v1.2 is coming very soon with a revamped account page, that will allow you to filter results.
New features
- Added average wpm
- Added a dynamic, theme dependent favicon
- Added Chinese simplified
Bug fixes
- Fixed test restart animation not being smooth
- Fixed a bug where live wpm setting would not be saved when changed from the settings page
- Fixed words disappearing when changing test mode to time
- Removed current language from results screen if the test mode is 'custom'
Other changes
- Changed the logo texts if viewing the dev project, or hosting locally. Unless you are contributing to this project, you won't see this change
Small update this time
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that would cause words to get cut off in time mode if the font size was increased
Other changes and improvements
- Changed the invalid test threshold to be 600 wpm. Now the typing gods can finally save their results (looking at you Foggy).