语法: success, err, forcible = ngx.shared.DICT:set(key, value, exptime?, flags?)
环境: init_by_lua*, set_by_lua*, rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*, header_filter_by_lua*, body_filter_by_lua*, log_by_lua*, ngx.timer.*
无条件在基于共享内存的字典 ngx.shared.DICT 中设置一个 key-value (键-值)对。返回三个值:
: 布尔值,用以标识 key-value 对是否存储成功;err
: 文字描述的错误信息,例如"no memory"
: 布尔值,用以标识是否有其他可用项被强制删除,因为共享内存区块中的存储空间不足。
参数可以是 Lua 布尔值、数字、字符串,或 nil
。其类型也将被存储在字典中,之后通过 get 方法可以原样取出。
通过可选的 exptime
参数给写入的 key-value 对设定过期时间 (单位秒)。时间的精度是 0.001
秒。如果 exptime
送入 0
通过可选的 flags
参数给写入项设定一个用户标志,之后可以与值一起被取出。用户标志在内部被存储为一个 32 位无符号整数。默认值是 0
。此参数最早出现在 v0.5.0rc2
当无法给当前的 key-value 项分配内存时,set
方法将根据最近最少使用 (Least-Recently Used, LRU) 算法,删除存储中已有的项。需要注意的是,LRU 算法在这里优先考虑过期时间。如果在删除了最多数十项以后剩余存储空间依旧不足 (由于 lua_shared_dict 定义的总存储空间限制或内存碎片化),success
将返回 false
,同时 err
将返回 no memory
如果此方法执行成功的同时,根据 LRU 算法强制移除了字典中其他尚未过期的项,forcible
返回值将是 true
返回值将是 false
local cats = ngx.shared.cats
local succ, err, forcible = cats.set(cats, "Marry", "it is a nice cat!")
或使用 Lua 的“语法糖”形式来调用方法:
local cats = ngx.shared.cats
local succ, err, forcible = cats:set("Marry", "it is a nice cat!")
这个功能最早出现在 v0.3.1rc22
这里需要注意的是,虽然在内部 key-value 对设置是原子性的,但这种原子性无法跨过方法调用边界。
更多功能请参考 ngx.shared.DICT。
English Source
syntax: success, err, forcible = ngx.shared.DICT:set(key, value, exptime?, flags?)
context: init_by_lua*, set_by_lua*, rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*, header_filter_by_lua*, body_filter_by_lua*, log_by_lua*, ngx.timer.*
Unconditionally sets a key-value pair into the shm-based dictionary ngx.shared.DICT. Returns three values:
: boolean value to indicate whether the key-value pair is stored or not.err
: textual error message, can be"no memory"
: a boolean value to indicate whether other valid items have been removed forcibly when out of storage in the shared memory zone.
The value
argument inserted can be Lua booleans, numbers, strings, or nil
. Their value type will also be stored into the dictionary and the same data type can be retrieved later via the get method.
The optional exptime
argument specifies expiration time (in seconds) for the inserted key-value pair. The time resolution is 0.001
seconds. If the exptime
takes the value 0
(which is the default), then the item will never be expired.
The optional flags
argument specifies a user flags value associated with the entry to be stored. It can also be retrieved later with the value. The user flags is stored as an unsigned 32-bit integer internally. Defaults to 0
. The user flags argument was first introduced in the v0.5.0rc2
When it fails to allocate memory for the current key-value item, then set
will try removing existing items in the storage according to the Least-Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. Note that, LRU takes priority over expiration time here. If up to tens of existing items have been removed and the storage left is still insufficient (either due to the total capacity limit specified by lua_shared_dict or memory segmentation), then the err
return value will be no memory
and success
will be false
If this method succeeds in storing the current item by forcibly removing other not-yet-expired items in the dictionary via LRU, the forcible
return value will be true
. If it stores the item without forcibly removing other valid items, then the return value forcible
will be false
The first argument to this method must be the dictionary object itself, for example,
local cats = ngx.shared.cats
local succ, err, forcible = cats.set(cats, "Marry", "it is a nice cat!")
or use Lua's syntactic sugar for method calls:
local cats = ngx.shared.cats
local succ, err, forcible = cats:set("Marry", "it is a nice cat!")
These two forms are fundamentally equivalent.
This feature was first introduced in the v0.3.1rc22
Please note that while internally the key-value pair is set atomically, the atomicity does not go across the method call boundary.
See also ngx.shared.DICT.