You can enable this option to automatically replace all the collection instances inside your level scene with blueprints
whenever you change your level scene (or your library scene , if that option is enabled), all your collection instances
- will be replaced with empties (this will not be visible to you)
- those empties will have additional custom properties / components :
- your level scene/ level will be exported to a much more trimmed down gltf file (see next point)
- all the original collections (that you used to create the instances) will be exported as seperate gltf files into the "library" folder
this means you will have
- one small main gltf file (your level/world)
- as many gltf files as you have used collections in the level scene , in the library path you specified : for the included basic example's assets, it looks something like this:
the .blend file that they are generated from can be found here
the above only applies to collections that have instances in your level scene! if you want a specific collection in your library to always get exported regardless of its use, you need to add a COLLECTION (boolean) custom property called
set to truenot at the object level ! the collection level !
It will get automatically exported like any of the "in-use" collections.
you can also get an overview of all the exported collections in the export menu