This program encapsulates binary data to a single block in a TAP file for ZX Spectrum emulators. Binary data is always stored as a type 3 block. Typical data is a loading screen, machine code routines, graphics (UDG, sprites, custom font).
Be sure you understand how TAP format works (at least roughly). The good start is, for example, an article on
Note: This tool isn't designed to convert BASIC source code to the TAP file. For that purpose, there is a nice tool called bas2tap (see bas2tap mirror) by Martijn van der Heide.
- Java 7 or newer
- install Java SE Development Kit (JDK), install Apache Maven
- install Netbeans IDE
- open project in Netbeans.
- be sure you are connected to the Internet
- from menu "Run" select "Clean and Build Project (Shift-F11)"
- wait until maven download all dependencies and plugins. Then maven will create build.
- result should be in directory: target/dist-package
- Note: instead of steps 2, 3, 5 you can simply run this command:
mvn package
Use added scripts or try to run from command line:
java -jar zxs_data2tap.jar --help