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393 lines (245 loc) · 11.5 KB


File metadata and controls

393 lines (245 loc) · 11.5 KB


  • page_method_name option was not working in 0.15.0 #481 [mauriciopasquier]

  • Use the mongoid criteria #length method to cache the count of the collection

per criteria #484 [camallen]

  • Don’t inherit host, port, and protocol from the given params


  • Allow count, total count to pass parameters to super #193 [bsimpson]

  • Add ‘max_pages` and `max_pages_per` methods to limit displayed pages per

model or globally #301 [zpieslak]

  • Add support for Sinatra views overrides (add app views paths) #332 [j15e]

  • Fix wrong pagination when used with ‘padding` #359 [vladimir-vg, negipo]

  • check for Hash in addition to OrderedHash, which seems to break in Rails 4,

for total_count #369 [aew]

  • Make ‘to_s` in paginator threadsafe #374 [bf4]

  • Fix Missing partial Error when ‘paginate’ called from different format

template #381 [joker1007]

  • Add ‘PageScopeMethods#next_page`, `prev_page`, and `out_of_range?` [yuki24]

  • Use html_safe in view partials instead of raw fixed #73 [zzak]

  • Fix a bug that ‘PaginatableArray#total_pages` returns the wrong value #416 [yuki24]

  • Make ‘num_pages` to return the same value as `total_pages` for backward compat [yuki24, eitoball]

  • Change #page_entries_info to use model name #340, #348 [znz, eitoball]

  • Change scope to class method #433 [kolodovskyy]

  • Fix arity problem with Rails 4.1.0 #449 [bricker]


  • Changed the default “truncation” String from “…” to … #264 [pjaspers]

  • The theme generator is Github API v3 compatible now! #279 [eitoball]

  • Made Kaminari.config.default_per_page changeable again #280 [yuki24]


  • Grape framework support! #218 [mrplum]

  • Mongoid 3 ready! #238 [shingara]

  • Added link_to_previous_page helper #191 [timgremore]

  • Added helper to generate rel=“next” and rel=“prev” link tags for SEO #200

  • Added ‘max_per_page` configuration option #274 [keiko0713] This would be useful for the case when you are using user input `per_page` value but want to impose the upper bound.

  • Added I18n to page_entries_info #207 [plribeiro3000]

  • Changed method name “num_pages” to “total_pages” num_pages“ is still available as an alias of ”total_pages“, but will be deprecated or removed in some future version.

  • Changed the way page_entries_info behave so it can show appropriate names

for models with namespace #207 [plribeiro3000]

  • Added html_safe to page_entries_info helper #190 [lucapette]

  • Fixed displayed number of items on each page w/ Mongoid 2.4.x and

MongoMapper #194 [dblock]

  • Removed a unused local variable from templates from default tamplate #245 [juno]

  • Fixed page_entry_info to use the value of ‘entry_name` option when given

collection is empty or a PaginatableArray #265, #277 [eitoball]

  • Added require ‘dm-aggregates’ in DataMapper hook #259 [shingara]


  • Rails 3.2 ready! #180 [slbug]

  • DataMapper support! #149 [NoICE, Ragmaanir]

  • Sinatra & Padrino support! #179 [udzura, mlightner, aereal]

  • Added mongoid embedded documents support! #155 [yuki24]

  • Added ‘each_relevant_page` that only visits pages in the inner or outer

windows #154 [cbeer]

Performance improved, particularly with very large number of pages.
  • Memoize count for AR when calling ‘total_count` #138 [sarmiena] Increases performance for large datasets.

  • Added ‘page_entries_info` view helper #140 [jeffreyiacono] Example: <%= page_entries_info @posts %> #=> Displaying posts 6 - 10 of 26 in total

  • Added ‘link_to_next_page` helper method that simply links to the next page Example: <%= link_to_next_page @posts, ’More’ %> #=> <a href=“/posts?page=7” rel=“next”>More</a>

  • Let one override the ‘rel` attribute for ’link_to_next_page` helper #177

  • Added ‘total_count` param for PaginatableArray. Useful for when working with

RSolr #141 [samdalton]

  • Changed ‘Kaminari.paginate_array` API to take a Hash `options` And specifying :limit & :offset immediately builds a pagination ready object Example: # the following two are equivalent. Use whichever you like Kaminari.paginate_array((1..100).to_a, limit: 10, offset: 10) Kaminari.paginate_array((1..100).to_a).page(2).per(10)

  • Added ‘padding` method to skip an arbitrary record count #60 [aaronjensen] Example: # this will return users 14..23

  • Made the pagination method name (defaulted to ‘page`) configurable #57, #162 Example: # you can use the config file and its generator for this Kaminari.config.page_method_name = :paging Article.paging(3).per(30)

  • Only add extensions to direct descendents of ActiveRecord::Base #108

  • AR models that were subclassed before Kaminari::ActiveRecordExtension is

included pick up the extensions #119 [pivotal-casebook]

  • Avoid overwriting AR::Base inherited method #165 [briandmcnabb]

  • Stopped depending on Rails gem #159 [alsemyonov]

  • introduced Travis CI #181 [hsbt]


  • Support for config.param_name as lambda #102 [ajrkerr]

  • Stop duplicating order_values #65 [zettabyte]

  • Preserve select value (e.g. “distinct”) when counting #77, #104 [tbeauvais,



  • Haml 3.1 Support #96 [FlyboyArt, sonic921]


  • Added MongoMapper Support #101 [hamin]

  • Add first_page? and last_page? to page_scope_methods #51 [holinnn]

  • Make sure that the paginate helper always returns a String #99 [Draiken]

  • Don’t remove includes scopes from count if they are needed #100 [flop]


  • Slim template support #93 [detrain]

  • Use Kaminari.config to specify default value for param_name #94 [avsej]

  • Fixed “super called outside of method” error happened in particular versions

of Ruby 1.8.7 #91 [Skulli]

  • _paginate.html.erb isn’t rendered with custom theme #97 [danlunde]


  • General configuration options #41 #62 [javierv, iain] You can now globally override some default values such as default_per_page, window, etc. via configuration file. Also, here comes a generator command that generates the default configuration file into your app’s config/initilizers directory.

  • Generic pagination support for Array object #47 #68 #74 [lda, ened, jianlin] You can now paginate through any kind of Arrayish object in this way:

  • Fixed a serious performance regression in 0.11.0 [ankane] There was a critical performance issue on #count method in 0.11.0 gem.

  • Bugfix: Pass the real @params to url_for #90 [utkarshkukreti]

  • Fixed a gem packaging problem (circular dependency) There was a packaging problem with Kaminari 0.11.0 that the gem depends on Kaminari gem. Maybe Jeweler + “gemspec” method didn’t work well…


This release contains several backward incompatibilities on template API. You probably need to update your existing templates if you’re already using your own custom theme.

  • Merge _current_page, _first_page_link, _last_page_link and _page_link into

one _page partial #28 [GarthSnyder]

  • Add real first/last page links, and use them by default instead of outer

window #30 [GarthSnyder]

  • The disabled items should simply not be emitted, even as an empty span #30

  • Skip :order in #count_all so complex groups with generated columns don’t

blow up in SQL-land #61 [keeran, Empact]

  • Ignore :include in #count_all to make it work better with polymorphic eager

loading #80 [njakobsen]

  • Quick fix on #count to return the actual number of records on AR 3.0 #45 #50

  • Removed “TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD HACK” #82 [janx, flop, pda]

  • Allow for Multiple Themes #64 [tmilewski]

  • Themes can contain the whole application directory structure now

  • Use gemspec method in Gemfile [p_elliott]


  • Do not break ActiveRecord::Base.descendants, by making sure to call super

from ActiveRecord::Base.inherited #34 [rolftimmermans]

  • Fixed vanishing mongoid criteria after calling page() #26 [tyok]


  • Fixed a bug that total_count() didn’t work when chained with group() scope

#21 [jgeiger]

  • Fixed a bug that the paginate helper didn’t work properly with an Ajax call

#23 [hjuskewycz]


  • Added :param_name option to the pagination helper #10 [ivanvr] Example:

    paginate @users, :param_name => :pagina


  • Fixed a bug that the whole <nav> section was not rendered in some cases



  • Railtie initializer name is “kaminari” from now

  • Changed bundler settings to work both on 1.9.2 and 1.8.7 #12 [l15n]

  • Fixed bugs encountered when running specs on Ruby 1.9.2 #12 [l15n]

  • Clean up documentation (formatting and editing) #12 [l15n]

  • Use instead of lambda for scoped_options #13 [l15n]

  • Use AS hooks for loading AR #14 [hasimo]

  • Refactor scope definition with Concerns #15 [l15n]

  • Ensure output_buffer is always initialized #11 [kichiro]


  • Added Mongoid support #5 [juno, hibariya] This means, Kaminari is now *ORM agnostic* ☇3☇3☇3


  • Moved the whole pagination logic to the paginator partial so that users can

touch it

Note: You need to update your _paginator.html.* if you've already customized
it. If you haven't overridden _paginator.html.* files, then probably
there're nothing you have to do.
See this commit for the example:


  • the per() method accepts String, zero and minus value now #7 [koic] This enables you to do something like this:


  • :params option for the helper [yomukaku_memo] You can override each link’s url_for option by this option Example:

    paginate @users, :params => {:controller => ‘users’, :action => ‘index2’}

  • refactor tags


  • I18n for the partials

    :previous, :next, :truncate

    are externalized to the I18n resource.



  • added paginates_per method for setting default per_page value for each model

in a declarative way

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  paginates_per 10


  • works on AR 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 now #4 [danillos]


  • introduced module based tags As a side effect of this internal change, I have to confess that this version brings you a slight backward incompatibility on template API. If you’re using custom templates, be sure to update your existing templates. To catch up the new API, you need to update %w[next_url prev_url page_url] local variables to simple ‘url’ like this.


  • improved template detection logic When a template for a tag could not be found in the app/views/kaminari/ directory, it searches the tag’s ancestor template files before falling back to engine’s default template. This may help keeping your custom templates DRY.

  • simplified bundled template themes


  • stop adding extra LF between templates when joining

  • githubish template theme [maztomo]


  • googlish template theme [maztomo]


  • added “per_page” to the template local variables #3 [hsbt]

  • show no contents when the current page is the only page (in other words,

num_pages == 1) #2 [hsbt]


  • using HTML5 <nav> tag rather than <div> for the container tag


  • Ajaxified paginator templates


  • Hamlized paginator templates


  • reset content_for :kaminari_paginator_tags before rendering #1 [hsbt]


  • partialize the outer div


  • suppress logging when rendering each partial


  • default PER_PAGE to 25 [hsbt]


  • First release