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v3.0.0 Repository Migration Instructions

Bryan Soltis edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 6 revisions

* * * IMPORTANT! * * *


With the release of v3.0.0, the Azure Naming Tool has been moved to a new GitHub repository. This change allows for easier code/project management, more frequent updates, and increased feedback and reporting capabilities. This article details the migration process for the new repository.


1. Backup your current Azure Naming Tool installation

2. Backup code modifications/customizations

3. Review the Installation process for your environment

4. Deploy the tool using your desired Installation process

5. Restore your configuration

The Details

Why are we doing this?

Since its release, the Azure Naming Tool has been a part of the Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) repository, along with several other tools and documentation. As the CAF repository has grown, this has complicated the installation and maintenance of the Azure Naming Tool and its development. To simplify this process and enhance user experience, we have migrated the Azure Naming Tool to a separate GitHub repository for the v3.0.0 release. The result of this migration is a streamlined Azure Naming Tool installation experience, enhanced feedback capabilities, and more frequent updates to the tool.

Preparing for the migration

While every effort has been made to minimize the impact, the migration of the Azure Naming Tool will require action from the users. This will include backing up their current configuration, forking/cloning a new repository, migrating any code changes, and re-deploying their environment. To prepare for this migration, users should complete the following:

1. Backup your current Azure Naming Tool installation.

It is recommended you create a Backup of your configuration prior to the migration. This will ensure your customizations are retained and applied to the new installation.

2. Backup code modifications/customizations

The v3.0.0 migration process requires a completely new installation of the tool for your Installation method. Depending on your selection, this may include:

  • New GitHub repository (new fork of the Azure Naming Tool repo)
  • New GitHub secrets (if using the GitHub Action)

To prepare for these changes, it is recommended that create a backup of any customizations you have made to codebase for the tool (if any). These changes will need to manually migrated to the new repository once it is released.

3. Review your installation process

The migration to the new GitHub repository requires users to deploy a new installation of the code. It is recommended that users review the Installation process for their desired environment prior to the migration.

4. Deploy the new version

After selecting an Installation process, deploy the tool to your desired environment.

5. Restore your configuration.

After setting up your new environment, Restore your configuration to the new installation.

Migration Timeline

The following section details the migration timeline for the v3.0.0 release.

  1. v2.8.0 is released - COMPLETED
    • Users will be informed of the upcoming code migration.
    • Users will be informed of the need to Backup their configuration.
  2. v3.0.0 is released - CURRENT
    • All code is migrated to the new Azure Naming Tool GitHub repository.
    • All code within the current CloudAdoptionFramework/ready/AzNamingTool is removed. Navigation links will be updated to point to the new repository.
    • Users will be required to re-deploy the application using the new GitHub repository and their selected Installation method.
      • If using the built in GitHub Action, users will be required to create new GitHub secrets for the new repository.
    • Users will be required to fork the new repository and update their Installation method (if applicable).
    • Users will be required to manually migrate any customizations they have made to the codebase.
    • Users will be required to Restore their configuration backup (if applicable).