A repository of PlantUML diagrams that document the various mStable processes.
Sequence diagrams of contract calls.
Token transfers between contracts.
tx2uml traces of real transactions.
PlantUML is used for the technical diagrams using Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Archimate.
The PlantUML files have the .puml
file extension.
To generate files, use the node-plantuml package installed globally.
npm i node-plantuml
cd liquidations
npx puml generate aaveFeedPoolLiquidator.puml -o aaveFeedPoolLiquidator.png
npx puml generate aaveMusdLiquidation.puml -o aaveMusdLiquidation.png
npx puml generate aaveMbtcLiquidation.puml -o aaveMbtcLiquidation.png
npx puml generate compLiquidation.puml -o compLiquidation.png
npx puml generate maticLiquidationPolygon.puml -o maticLiquidationPolygon.png
cd integrations
npx puml generate alchemixIntegration.puml -o alchemixIntegration.png
npx puml generate feederPoolIronBankIntegration.puml -o feederPoolIronBankIntegration.png
cd distributions
npx puml generate distributeRewardsMainnet.puml -o distributeRewardsMainnet.png
npx puml generate distributeRewardsPolygon.puml -o distributeRewardsPolygon.png
puml generate distributeRewardsMainnetAlchemix.puml -o distributeRewardsMainnetAlchemix.png
cd govFeeCollection
npx puml generate mainnetMusdFee.puml -o mainnetMusdFee.png
npx puml generate polygonMusdFee.puml -o polygonMusdFee.png
cd emissions
npx puml generate weeklyEmissions.puml -o weeklyEmissions.png
npx puml generate weeklyEmissions2TreasuryDAO.puml -o weeklyEmissions2TreasuryDAO.png
npx puml generate weeklyEmissions2Votium.puml -o weeklyEmissions2Votium.png
npx puml generate polygonBridge_frax.puml -o polygonBridge_frax.png
npx puml generate polygonBridge_vimUSD.puml -o polygonBridge_vimUSD.png
npx puml generate polygonBridge_balancer.puml -o polygonBridge_balancer.png
npx puml generate buyBackForStakers.puml -o buyBackForStakers.png
cd unwrapper
npx puml generate imusd_vault_bassets.puml -o imusd_vault_bassets.png
npx puml generate imusd_bassets.puml -o imusd_bassets.png
npx puml generate imusd_vault_busd.puml -o imusd_vault_busd.png
npx puml generate imusd_busd.puml -o imusd_busd.png
cd valueFlows
npx puml generate musdValueFlows.puml -o musdValueFlows.png
npx puml generate musdPolygonValueFlows.puml -o musdPolygonValueFlows.png
npx puml generate convexFlows.puml -o convexFlows.png
Jebbs PlantUML extension for VS Code is used to authoring the PlantUML diagrams.
on Windows, or Option-D
on Mac, to start PlantUML preview in VS Code.
markdown-toc can be used to generate a table of content for markdown files.
npm i markdown-toc
npx markdown-toc README.md --maxdepth 2
npx markdown-toc TokenSettlementProcesses.md --maxdepth 3
To convert a markdown file to a pdf file, install markdown-pdf
npm i markdown-pdf
The custom-markdown-pdf.css CSS file is required to prevent the urls from being displayed in the links.
Run the following to convert a markdown file to pdf
npx markdown-pdf AztecIntro.md -s custom-markdown-pdf.css
npx markdown-pdf TokenSettlementProcesses.md -s ./docs/custom-markdown-pdf.css