Play Billing Library Integration
Version: 1.0.7
This library simplifies the process of integrating Google Play Billing into your Android applications, supporting both in-app purchases and subscriptions.
In-App Purchases (One-Time Products): Easily handle the purchase of consumable and non-consumable products.
Subscription Management: Manage subscriptions with flexible billing periods (weekly, monthly, yearly).
Product Restoration: Restore previously purchased products and subscriptions.
In-App Messaging: Enable in-app messaging for subscription status updates and other in-app billing interactions.
Add the following dependency to your project-level build.gradle:
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maven { url '' }
Initialize Billing Service
In your MainActivity, initialize the BillingService in the onCreate method:
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private val mBillingService by lazy {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) setContentView(binding.root)
// Initialize the Billing Service
mBillingService.initializeBilling(object : BillingStateListener {
override fun onConnected(isConnected: Boolean, billingResult: BillingResult) {
// Call methods once billing is connected
override fun onDisconnected(isConnected: Boolean, responseCode: Int) {
Log.d(TAG, "onDisconnected: $responseCode")
Retrieve Product Details
Fetch the details of one-time products and subscription plans:
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private fun getProductsDetails() {
mBillingService.getOneTimeProductDetails("lifetime", object : BillingProductDetailsListener {
override fun onProductDetailsRetrieved(billingResult: BillingResult, productDetails: List<ProductDetails>) {
Log.d(TAG, "One-time Product Details: $productDetails")
override fun onProductDetailsRetrievalFailed(errorCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve product details: $errorMessage")
mBillingService.getSubscriptionDetails(listOf("weekly", "monthly"), object : BillingProductDetailsListener {
override fun onProductDetailsRetrieved(billingResult: BillingResult, productDetails: List<ProductDetails>) {
Log.d(TAG, "Subscription Details: $productDetails")
override fun onProductDetailsRetrievalFailed(errorCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve subscription details: $errorMessage")
Handle Purchases
Purchase a one-time product or a subscription:
Copy code // Purchase a one-time product
private fun purchaseProduct() {
mBillingService.purchaseOneTimeProduct(this, "lifeTime", object : BillingLaunchFlowListener {
override fun onBillingFailed(error: String, responseCode: Int) {
Log.e(TAG, "Purchase failed: $error")
override fun onProductPurchasedSuccessfully(billingResult: BillingResult, purchases: List<Purchase>?) {
Log.d(TAG, "Product purchased: $purchases")
// Purchase a subscription private fun subscribeProduct() {
mBillingService.purchaseSubscription(this, "monthly", object : BillingLaunchFlowListener {
override fun onProductPurchasedSuccessfully(billingResult: BillingResult, purchases: List<Purchase>?) {
Log.d(TAG, "Subscription purchased: $purchases")
} Restore Purchases
Restore previous in-app purchases or subscriptions:
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private fun restoreSubscription() {
mBillingService.restoreSubscription(object : BillingPurchaseListener {
override fun onRestoreBillingFinished(isAppPurchased: Boolean, productDetails: MutableList<Purchase>) {
Log.d(TAG, "Restored subscription: $productDetails")
override fun onRestoreBillingFailed(billingError: Int) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to restore subscriptions")
Enable In-App Messaging
Activate in-app messaging for subscription updates:
Copy code private fun enableInAppMessaging() {
mBillingService.enableInAppMessaging(this, object : InAppBillingMessaging {
override fun onSubscriptionStatusUpdated(inAppMessageResult: InAppMessageResult) {
Log.d(TAG, "Subscription status updated: $inAppMessageResult")
This library is available for use under the MIT License.
For feedback, issues, or feature requests, feel free to contact:
Muhammad Ahmed
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +923091370220