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Continue with the #17 here we are bringing a new module dw::core::Dates This module introduce factory methods for all Date types (Date, DateTime, Time..) We also are introducing helper function for scheduling.
== dw::core::Dates
%dw2.0import*fromdw::core::Periodsimport failIf fromdw::Runtime/*** Returns the Date for today.** _Introduced in DataWeave 2.3.1. Supported by Mule 4.3.1 and later._** === Example** This example shows the output of `today` function.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* today()* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* "2020-10-06"* ----**/@Since(version="2.3.1")
funtoday() =now() asDate/*** Returns the Date for yesterday.** _Introduced in DataWeave 2.3.1. Supported by Mule 4.3.1 and later._** === Example** This example shows the output of `today` function.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* yesterday()* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* "2020-10-05"* ----**/@Since(version="2.3.1")
funyesterday() =today() -days(1)
/*** Returns the Date for tomorrow.** _Introduced in DataWeave 2.3.1. Supported by Mule 4.3.1 and later._** === Example** This example shows the output of `tomorrow` function.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* tomorrow()* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* "2020-10-07"* ----**/@Since(version="2.3.1")
funtomorrow() =today() +days(1)
typeZoned= {timeZone:TimeZone}
typeDateFactory= {day:Number, month:Number, year:Number}
typeLocalTimeFactory= {hour:Number, minutes:Number, seconds:Number}
typeTimeFactory=LocalTimeFactory &ZonedtypeDateTimeFactory=DateFactory &LocalTimeFactory &ZonedtypeLocalDateTimeFactory=DateFactory &LocalTimeFactory
/*** Creates a Date value with the given date properties (year, month, day).** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | parts | The date fields* |===** === Example** This example shows how to create a value of type Date** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* %dw 2.0* output application/json* import * from dw::core::Dates* ---* {* newDate: date({year: 2012, month: 10, day: 11})* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "newDate": "2012-10-11"* }* ----**/fundate(parts:DateFactory):Date=do {
varnYear=parts.yearasStringvarnMonth=failIf( parts.month , (month) ->month < 0 or month > 13, "Field 'month': `$(parts.month)` must be between 1 and 12.") asStringvarnDay=failIf(, (day) ->day < 0 or day > 31, "Field 'day': `$(` must be between 1 and 31.") asString---"$(nYear)-$(nMonth)-$(nDay)"asDate
/*** Creates a DateTime value with the given datetime properties (year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds and timeZone).** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | parts | The date fields* |===** === Example** This example shows how to create a value of type DateTime** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* %dw 2.0* output application/json* import * from dw::core::Dates* ---* {* newDateTime: dateTime({year: 2012, month: 10, day: 11, hour: 10, minutes: 10, seconds: 10 , timeZone: |-03:00|})* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "newDateTime": "2012-10-11T10:10:10-03:00",* }* ----**/fundateTime(parts:DateTimeFactory):DateTime=do {
varnYear=parts.yearasStringvarnMonth=failIf( parts.month , (month) ->month < 0 or month > 12, "Field 'month': `$(parts.month)` must be between 1 and 12.") asStringvarnDay=failIf(, (day) ->day < 0 or day > 31, "Field 'day': `$(` must be between 1 and 31.") asStringvarnHours=failIf( parts.hour, (hour) ->hour < 0 or hour > 24, "Field 'hours': `$(parts.hour)` must be between 0 and 24.") asStringvarnMinutes=failIf( parts.minutes, (minutes) ->minutes < 0 or minutes > 60, "Field 'minutes': `$(parts.minutes)` must be between 0 and 60.") asString---"$(nYear)-$(nMonth)-$(nDay)T$(nHours):$(nMinutes):$(parts.secondsasString)$(parts.timeZoneasString)"asDateTime
/*** Creates a LocalDateTime value with the given localDatetime properties (year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds).*** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | parts | The localDateTime fields* |===** === Example** This example shows how to create a value of type DateTime** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* %dw 2.0* output application/json* import * from dw::core::Dates* ---* {* newLocalDateTime: localDateTime({year: 2012, month: 10, day: 11, hour: 10, minutes: 10, seconds: 10})* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "newLocalDateTime": "2012-10-11T10:10:10",* }* ----**/funlocalDateTime(parts:LocalDateTimeFactory):LocalDateTime=do {
varnYear=parts.yearasStringvarnMonth=failIf( parts.month , (month) ->month < 0 and month > 12, "Field 'month': `$(parts.month)` must be between 1 and 12.") asStringvarnDay=failIf(, (day) ->day < 0 and day > 31, "Field 'day': `$(` must be between 1 and 31.") asStringvarnHours=failIf( parts.hour, (hour) ->hour < 0 and hour > 24, "Field 'hours': `$(parts.hour)` must be between 0 and 24.") asStringvarnMinutes=failIf( parts.minutes, (minutes) ->minutes < 0 and minutes > 60, "Field 'minutes': `$(parts.minutes)` must be between 0 and 60.") asString---"$(nYear)-$(nMonth)-$(nDay)T$(nHours):$(nMinutes):$(parts.secondsasString)"asLocalDateTime
/*** Creates a LocalTime value with the given localtime properties (hour, minutes, seconds).** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | parts | The localTime fields* |===** === Example** This example shows how to create a value of type LocalTime** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* %dw 2.0* output application/json* import * from dw::core::Dates* ---* {* newLocalTime: localTime({ hour: 10, minutes: 10, seconds: 10}),* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "newLocalTime": "10:10:10"* }* ----**/funlocalTime(parts:LocalTimeFactory):LocalTime=do {
varnHours=failIf( parts.hour, (hour) ->hour < 0 and hour > 24, "Field 'hours': `$(parts.hour)` must be between 0 and 24.") asStringvarnMinutes=failIf( parts.minutes, (minutes) ->minutes < 0 and minutes > 60, "Field 'minutes': `$(parts.minutes)` must be between 0 and 60.") asString---"$(nHours):$(nMinutes):$(parts.secondsasString)"asLocalTime
/*** Creates a Time value with the given time properties (hour, minutes, seconds and timeZone).** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | parts | The time fields* |===** === Example** This example shows how to create a value of type Time** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* %dw 2.0* output application/json* import * from dw::core::Dates* ---* {* newTime: time({ hour: 10, minutes: 10, seconds: 10 , timeZone: |-03:00|}),* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "newTime": "10:10:10-03:00"* }* ----**/funtime(parts:TimeFactory):Time=do {
varnHours=failIf( parts.hour, (hour) ->hour < 0 and hour > 24, "Field 'hours': `$(parts.hour)` must be between 0 and 24.") asStringvarnMinutes=failIf( parts.minutes, (minutes) ->minutes < 0 and minutes > 60, "Field 'minutes': `$(parts.minutes)` must be between 0 and 60.") asString---"$(nHours):$(nMinutes):$(parts.secondsasString)$(parts.timeZoneasString)"asTime
/*** Returns a new DateTime with the Time changed to the start of the current hour** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime | The DateTime used as reference* |===** === Example** This shows how it changes the specified Time to the the start of the given hour.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* "atBeginningOfHour": atBeginningOfHour(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00|)* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfHour": "2020-10-06T18:00:00-03:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfHour(dateTime:DateTime):DateTime="$(dateTimeasDateasString)T$(dateTime.hourasString):00:00.000$(dateTime.timezoneasString)"asDateTime/***Returns a new LocalDateTime changed to the beginning of the given hour** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | localDateTime | The LocalDateTime used as reference* |===** === Example** This shows how it changes the specified Time to the the start of the given hour.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* "atBeginningOfHour": atBeginningOfHour(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351|)* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfHour": "2020-10-06T18:00:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfHour(localDateTime:LocalDateTime):LocalDateTime="$(localDateTimeasDateasString)T$(localDateTime.hourasString):00:00.000"asLocalDateTime/*** Returns a new LocalTime changed to the start of the current hour** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime |* |===** === Example** This shows how it changes the specified LocalTime to the the start of the given hour.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* "atBeginningOfHour": atBeginningOfHour(|18:23:20.351|)* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfHour": "18:00:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfHour(localTime:LocalTime):LocalTime="$(localTime.hourasString):00:00.000"asLocalTime/*** Returns a new Time changed to the beginning of the given hour.** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | time | The time to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This shows how it changes the specified Time to the the start of the given hour.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* "atBeginningOfHour": atBeginningOfHour(|18:23:20.351-03:00|)* }* ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfHour": "18:00:00-03:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfHour(time:Time):Time="$(time.hourasString):00:00.000$(time.timezoneasString)"asTime/*** Returns a new DateTime but at the beginning of the day of the given DateTime** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime | The dateTime to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the DateTime `2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00` to the same date but at the start of the given day.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* "atBeginningOfDayDateTime": atBeginningOfDay(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfDayDateTime": "2020-10-06T00:00:00-03:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfDay(dateTime:DateTime):DateTime="$(dateTimeasDateasString)T00:00:00.000$(dateTime.timezoneasString)"asDateTime/*** Returns a new LocalDateTime but at the beginning of the day of the given LocalDateTime** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime | The dateTime to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the LocalDateTime `2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00` to the same date but at the start of the given day.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* "atBeginningOfDayLocalDateTime": atBeginningOfDay(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfDayLocalDateTime": "2020-10-06T00:00:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfDay(dateTime:LocalDateTime):LocalDateTime="$(dateTimeasDateasString)T00:00:00.000"asLocalDateTime/*** Returns a new DateTime but at the beginning of the Month of the given DateTime** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime | The dateTime to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the DateTime `2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00` to the same date but at the start of the given Month.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* atBeginningOfMonth(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfMonth": "2020-10-01T00:00:00-03:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfMonth(dateTime:DateTime):DateTime="$((dateTimeasDate-days( asString)T00:00:00.000$(dateTime.timezoneasString)"asDateTime/*** Returns a new LocalDateTime but at the beginning of the Month of the given LocalDateTime** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime | The localDateTime to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the LocalDateTime `2020-10-06T18:23:20.351` to the same date but at the start of the given Month.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* "atBeginningOfMonth": atBeginningOfMonth(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfMonth": "2020-10-01T00:00:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfMonth(localDateTime:LocalDateTime):LocalDateTime="$((localDateTimeasDate-days( asString)T00:00:00.000"asLocalDateTime/*** Returns a new Date but at the beginning of the Month of the given Date** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime | The date to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the Date |2020-10-06| to the same date but at the start of the given Month.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* atBeginningOfMonthDate: atBeginningOfMonth(|2020-10-06|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfMonth": "2020-10-01"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfMonth(date:Date):Date="$((date-days( asString)"asDate/*** Returns a new DateTime but at the beginning of the Week of the given DateTime** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime | The dateTime to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the DateTime |2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00| to the same date but at the start of the given Week.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* atBeginningOfWeekDateTime: atBeginningOfWeek(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfMonth": "2020-10-04T00:00:00-03:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfWeek(dateTime:DateTime):DateTime="$((dateTimeasDate-days(dateTime.dayOfWeek)) asString)T00:00:00.000$(dateTime.timezoneasString)"asDateTime/*** Returns a new LocalDateTime but at the beginning of the Week of the given LocalDateTime** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | localDateTime | The localDateTime to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the LocalDateTime |2020-10-06T18:23:20.351| to the same date but at the start of the given Week.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* atBeginningOfMonth: atBeginningOfWeek(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfMonth": "2020-10-04T00:00:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfWeek(localDateTime:LocalDateTime):LocalDateTime="$((localDateTimeasDate-days(localDateTime.dayOfWeek)) asString)T00:00:00.000"asLocalDateTime/*** Returns a new Date but at the beginning of the Week of the given Date** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | date | The date to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the Date |2020-10-06| to the same date but at the start of the given Week.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* atBeginningOfMonth: atBeginningOfWeek(|2020-10-06|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfMonth": "2020-10-04"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfWeek(date:Date):Date="$((date-days(date.dayOfWeek)) asString)"asDate/*** Returns a new DateTime but at the beginning of the Year of the given DateTime** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | dateTime | The dateTime to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the DateTime |2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00| to the same date but at the start of the given Year.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* atBeginningOfYear: atBeginningOfYear(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351-03:00|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfYear": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000-03:00"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfYear(dateTime:DateTime):DateTime="$((dateTimeasDate-days(dateTime.dayOfYear-1)) asString)T00:00:00.000$(dateTime.timezoneasString)"asDateTime/*** Returns a new LocalDateTime but at the beginning of the Year of the given LocalDateTime** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | localDateTime | The localDateTime to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the LocalDateTime |2020-10-06T18:23:20.351| to the same date but at the start of the given Year.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* atBeginningOfYear: atBeginningOfYear(|2020-10-06T18:23:20.351|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfYear": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfYear(localDateTime:LocalDateTime):LocalDateTime="$((localDateTimeasDate-days(localDateTime.dayOfYear-1)) asString)T00:00:00.000"asLocalDateTime/*** Returns a new Date but at the beginning of the Year of the given Date** === Parameters** [%header, cols="1,3"]* |===* | Name | Description* | date | The date to be used as reference* |===** === Example** This example shows how it transforms the Date |2020-10-06| to the same date but at the start of the given Year.** ==== Source** [source,DataWeave,linenums]* ----* %dw 2.0* output application/json* ---* {* atBeginningOfYear: atBeginningOfYear(|2020-10-06|)* }** ----** ==== Output** [source,Json,linenums]* ----* {* "atBeginningOfYear": "2020-01-01"* }* ----**/funatBeginningOfYear(date:Date):Date="$((dateasDate-days(date.dayOfYear-1)) asString)"asDate
Feedback on method names and missing functionality that would be interesting to have here
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Continue with the #17 here we are bringing a new module
This module introduce factory methods for all Date types (Date, DateTime, Time..) We also are introducing helper function for scheduling.== dw::core::Dates
Feedback on method names and missing functionality that would be interesting to have here
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: