This is a set of my config files. There is nothing deep here, and I try to keep my configuration changes small.
I welcome suggestions/pull-requests for improvements.
git submodule update --init --recursive
stow <thing>
stow zsh
stow nvim
stow git
stow kitty
gem install xcpretty
brew install neovim lua-language-server \
bash-language-server \
cmake-language-server \
haskell-language-server \
sql-language-server \
typescript-language-server \
yaml-language-server \
talloc ghc lua pkg-config check jq
This will create the links in your home directory.
FIXME: how to install font automatically?
Manually copied the plug.vim to nvim/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload
Should do it automatically at some point.
To make things useful across multiple acounts, .gitconfig includes .gituser.
Add your email and any system specific data to that file.
name = Brett Nash
email = [email protected]
You can check you got things right by using: git config --global --includes
- ai: Add interative
- ri: Rebase interacie
- rc: Continue a rebase
- st: Short stats
- lg: Pretty log
- tree: tree log
- figg: diff transposed one to the left
- remotes: Show all remote commands
- heads: shall all local heads
- conflits: Show all conflicting files from a merge (git add to clear)
Zsh also has a .zshrc.local for system/employer specific BS.
Aliases: mmv -> Zsh multiple move 'mmv a*.c a*.h' O -> xdg-open (dumb linux open command)( view -> Nvim readonky kssh -> Kitty ssh xccc -> Xcode make compile commands icat -> kitty view image
Directory aliases: ~iCloud -> Icloud directly
Fantesetque Mono
#You only need to do this once for cask-fonts brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-fantasque-sans-mono
- Fonts
- System specific aliases
add to line after comment in /etc/pam.d/sudo
auth sufficient
Treesitter parsers can be installed using :TSInstall $language in nvim