This repository contains a Golang RESTful API used for a forum activities. It provides authentication using JWT, CRUD for Thread, and CRUD for Post.
Naufal Dean Anugrah - naufal-dean
- Golang (tested in
go version go1.15.6 windows/amd64
) - PostgreSQL
- Docker (optional). Used to containerize the app and the database.
- Postman (optional). Used to test the API endpoints.
- Browser (optional). Used to see the API documentation.
- Copy file
. - Set the environment variable value in
if necessary. - Install Golang dependency using command
go mod tidy
- Run command
docker-compose up
- Run the PostgreSQL.
- Run command
go build -o main.exe && main.exe
- The app is hosted in
- Copy file
. - Set the environment variable value in
if necessary. - (If not yet done in the app run preparation) Install Golang dependency using command
go mod tidy
- Run command
go test ./... -count 1 -p 1
After the app is running. See the routes documentation in localhost:8080/api/docs/.
The test design is following the Golang convention. Test file is placed in the same package with the tested file
using *_test.go
name. It is table-driven test, which one table entry is full set of the test case.
There are some advantages of creating test file in the same package with the tested file:
- It is clearer which file is being tested.
- Unexported object can be accessed from the test file.
├───app # the code for the app
│ ├───controller # controller/handler implementations
│ │ └───v1
│ │ ├───auth
│ │ ├───posts
│ │ ├───threads
│ │ └───users
│ ├───core # the app dependency wrapper
│ ├───lib # custom utilities implementations
│ │ ├───auth
│ │ ├───hash
│ │ └───util
│ ├───log # log file saved here
│ ├───middleware # middleware implementations
│ ├───model # model definitions (orm, custom error, etc)
│ │ ├───cerror
│ │ └───orm
│ ├───response # response function and general response data
│ │ ├───data # general response data struct definitions
│ │ │
│ │ ├───json.go
│ │ ├───error.go
│ │ └───success.go
│ ├───route # route definition and its handler
│ │ └───v1
│ ├───seed # database seeder
│ ├───static # static file
│ │ └───swaggerui # the swagger-ui
│ │ └───statik # compiled swagger-ui
│ └───test # global test dependency helper (app, db, etc)
The route setup is inside the /app/route
folder. It is wrapped in api/v{version}
prefix. Then each resources
are assigned to different prefix (some plural nouns), in this case users
, threads
, and posts
prefix. For
each resource generally there are 5 routes (create, get all, get one, update, delete). Each use some specific http
method and some using id path parameter. The details can be seen in the API documentation.
The handler is inside the /app/controller
. The dependency (database connection, validate object) is wrapped in
struct and passed to the handler via dependency injection. That process is executed in the
DTO (Domain Transfer Object) is used for transferring the data and do not have logic. In this app the DTO is the json
used for the input (in create and update request for example) and output/response to the client. The DTO can be seen in
the API documentations in the Schemas
Domain models is can implements some logic, for example that implemented as methods. The domain models in this app is
the Golang structure used for gorm for example. In the orm.User
model there are PasswordValid
method to check is
the supplied password valid and BeforeCreate
hook that hash the user password before saved to the database.