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Mastering Vim Quickly

Don't wish Vim was easier, wish you were better!

  • Skills take time and effort to master.
  • May things aren't fun until you're good at them.
  • What's important is that you need to understand a few critically important concepts that provide most of the value.

"Learning to drive a car takes effort. Is that a reason to keep driving your bicycle? No, you realize you need to invest time to learn a skill. Text editing isn't different. You need to learn new commands and turn them into a habit."

The Art of Learning

  • Pareto principle
    • around 80% of what you've doe today, has been pretty much worthless to your bottom line.
  • Mini habits
    • The biggest barrier to forming ne habits is usually the fact that it takes discipline to keep doing something you don't really feel like doing.
  • 1% improvement per day

Opening files

Method 1 - Open file from terminal

$ vim /etc/passwd

Method 2 - Open file from Vim

$ vim

:e /etc/passwd

Jumping around the file

Command Description
gg Go to the top of the file
G Go to the bottom of the file
{ Go to the beginning of current paragraph
} Go to end of current paragraph
% Go to the matching pair of (), [], {}
50% Go to line at the 50% of the file
:NUM Go to line NUM. :28 jumps to line 28

Navigating Inside the window

Key Description
H Move Cursor to first (highest) line in current window.
L Move Curson to the lowest line of current window.
M Move cursor to the middle of the current window.


While in Insert Mode, you can press Ctrl-o to get back to Normal mode and execute one command, after which you'll be automatically returned to Insert mode.

For example: You could press Ctrl-o F m to move to previous m character and get to Insert mode.

Searching for the current word

Key Description
* search forwards for the next occurrence of that word.
# search backwards for the under your cursor.

Search History

Key Description
/pattern Search a word forward.
?pattern Search a word backword.
5/pattern Search a word and jumps to the fifth occurence.
  • press / and hit Enter - an empty pattern will repeat last search
Key Description
Ctrl-o Jump back to previous position
Ctrl-i Jump forward to previous position

File Manager in Vim

Command Description
:Ex open current directory.
:Ex <dir> open specified directory <dir>.
:Sex open current directory in horizontal split window.
:Vex open current directory in vertical split window.
:Tex open current directory in a new tab.
:Lex open current directory in vertical split window on the left.

Good Way to Split Window

:40vs +Ex

Opens current directory with width of 40 columns.

Changing View types in Explorer

Hit i to cycle through the view type. There are four of them: thin, long, wide and tree.

Changing how files are opened

$ vim /home/jole
key Description
<Enter> Opens the file under the cursor, or enters the directory
D deletes the file under the cursor
R renames the file under the cursor
X executes the file under the cursor
% Creates a new file in the directory

Undo and Redo

Command Description
:earlier 2d Undo the changes in last two days
:ea 3h Undo changes in last three hours
:ea 1m Undo changes in last one minute
:later 5m Redo all the changes in last 5 minutes
:lat 15s Redo all the changes in last 15 seconds
earlier 3f Undo last three file states (last three buffer writes)

Do you speak Vim?

Vim Language Elements

  • Verbs
  • Modifiers
  • Nouns

Powerless Verbs

  • They can only apply to a single character
Key Description
x delete character under the cursor to the right
X delete character under the cursor to the left
r replace character under the cursor with another character
s delete character under the cursor and enter the Insert mode

Powerful Verbs

Note: These commands are usually known as operator commands or operators

Key Description
y yank (copy)
c change
d delete
v visually select (not really a verb, but used with verbs)


  • Modifiers are used right before nouns
Key Description
i inner (inside)
a around
NUM number (e.g.: 1, 2, 10)
t searches for something and stops before it (search until)
/ find a string (literal or regular expression)


  • In English, nouns can be objects you do something to. It's th same in Vim. Here are the most important ones:
key Description
w, W start of next word or Word
b, B start of previous word or WORD (start of word before)
e, E end of word or WORD
s sentence
p paragraph
t tag (in context of HTML/XML)
b block (in context of programming)
$ end of line
^, 0 start of line
  • These can be expanded and give you more power:
key Description
aw a (complete) word
as a (complete) sentence
ap a (complete) paragraph
iw inner word
is inner sentence
ip inner paragraph

The "Dot" Command

  • Hitting . in Normal mode will repeat the last native Vim command you've executed
  • execute 4. instead of pressing ....



Example Description
:s/bad/good/g changes all words bad to good in the current line
:6,11s/bad/good/g makes the same change, but in lines 6 to 11, including 6 and 11
:%s/bad/good/g makes the same change in entire file

Search and replace

:[range]/[old value]/[new value]/[flag]

flags Description
c to confirm each substitution
g to replace all occurences in the line
i ingnore case for the pattern
I don't ignore case for the pattern

:CtrlP plugin

Official Guide

Key Description
:CtrlP invoke find file mode


My Vim Notes






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