From c633471966aa40aa3d878b5114cf019483649db0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2022 12:48:26 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 01/12] Add Jekyll contents --- docs/.gitignore | 5 + docs/404.html | 25 ++ docs/Gemfile | 33 +++ docs/Gemfile.lock | 267 ++++++++++++++++++ docs/_config.yml | 49 ++++ .../2022-08-08-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown | 29 ++ docs/about.markdown | 18 ++ docs/index.html | 1 - docs/index.markdown | 6 + 9 files changed, 432 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 docs/.gitignore create mode 100644 docs/404.html create mode 100644 docs/Gemfile create mode 100644 docs/Gemfile.lock create mode 100644 docs/_config.yml create mode 100644 docs/_posts/2022-08-08-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown create mode 100644 docs/about.markdown delete mode 100644 docs/index.html create mode 100644 docs/index.markdown diff --git a/docs/.gitignore b/docs/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f40fbd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +_site +.sass-cache +.jekyll-cache +.jekyll-metadata +vendor diff --git a/docs/404.html b/docs/404.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..086a5c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +permalink: /404.html +layout: default +--- + + + +


+ +

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The requested page could not be found.

diff --git a/docs/Gemfile b/docs/Gemfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66978b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/Gemfile @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +source "" +# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run. +# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the +# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so: +# +# bundle exec jekyll serve +# +# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running. +# Happy Jekylling! +#gem "jekyll", "~> 4.2.2" +# This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to anything you like. +gem "minima", "~> 2.5" +# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and +# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`. +gem "github-pages", "~> 227", group: :jekyll_plugins +# If you have any plugins, put them here! +group :jekyll_plugins do + gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12" +end + +# Windows and JRuby does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem +# and associated library. +platforms :mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin, :jruby do + gem "tzinfo", "~> 1.2" + gem "tzinfo-data" +end + +# Performance-booster for watching directories on Windows +gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.1", :platforms => [:mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin] + +# Lock `http_parser.rb` gem to `v0.6.x` on JRuby builds since newer versions of the gem +# do not have a Java counterpart. +gem "http_parser.rb", "~> 0.6.0", :platforms => [:jruby] diff --git a/docs/Gemfile.lock b/docs/Gemfile.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d362bf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/Gemfile.lock @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +GEM + remote: + specs: + activesupport ( + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) + i18n (>= 0.7, < 2) + minitest (~> 5.1) + tzinfo (~> 1.1) + zeitwerk (~> 2.2, >= 2.2.2) + addressable (2.8.0) + public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0) + coffee-script (2.4.1) + coffee-script-source + execjs + coffee-script-source (1.11.1) + colorator (1.1.0) + commonmarker (0.23.5) + concurrent-ruby (1.1.10) + dnsruby (1.61.9) + simpleidn (~> 0.1) + em-websocket (0.5.3) + eventmachine (>= 0.12.9) + http_parser.rb (~> 0) + ethon (0.15.0) + ffi (>= 1.15.0) + eventmachine (1.2.7) + execjs (2.8.1) + faraday (2.5.1) + faraday-net_http (>= 2.0, < 3.1) + ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4) + faraday-net_http (3.0.0) + ffi (1.15.5) + forwardable-extended (2.6.0) + gemoji (3.0.1) + github-pages (227) + github-pages-health-check (= 1.17.9) + jekyll (= 3.9.2) + jekyll-avatar (= 0.7.0) + jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.1.1) + jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-default-layout (= 0.1.4) + jekyll-feed (= 0.15.1) + jekyll-gist (= 1.5.0) + jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.13.0) + jekyll-include-cache (= 0.2.1) + jekyll-mentions (= 1.6.0) + jekyll-optional-front-matter (= 0.3.2) + jekyll-paginate (= 1.1.0) + jekyll-readme-index (= 0.3.0) + jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.16.0) + jekyll-relative-links (= 0.6.1) + jekyll-remote-theme (= 0.4.3) + jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.5.2) + jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.8.0) + jekyll-sitemap (= 1.4.0) + jekyll-swiss (= 1.0.0) + jekyll-theme-architect (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-cayman (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-dinky (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-hacker (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-leap-day (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-merlot (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-midnight (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-minimal (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-modernist (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-primer (= 0.6.0) + jekyll-theme-slate (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-titles-from-headings (= 0.5.3) + jemoji (= 0.12.0) + kramdown (= 2.3.2) + kramdown-parser-gfm (= 1.1.0) + liquid (= 4.0.3) + mercenary (~> 0.3) + minima (= 2.5.1) + nokogiri (>= 1.13.6, < 2.0) + rouge (= 3.26.0) + terminal-table (~> 1.4) + github-pages-health-check (1.17.9) + addressable (~> 2.3) + dnsruby (~> 1.60) + octokit (~> 4.0) + public_suffix (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + typhoeus (~> 1.3) + html-pipeline (2.14.2) + activesupport (>= 2) + nokogiri (>= 1.4) + http_parser.rb (0.8.0) + i18n (0.9.5) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + jekyll (3.9.2) + addressable (~> 2.4) + colorator (~> 1.0) + em-websocket (~> 0.5) + i18n (~> 0.7) + jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0) + jekyll-watch (~> 2.0) + kramdown (>= 1.17, < 3) + liquid (~> 4.0) + mercenary (~> 0.3.3) + pathutil (~> 0.9) + rouge (>= 1.7, < 4) + safe_yaml (~> 1.0) + jekyll-avatar (0.7.0) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-coffeescript (1.1.1) + coffee-script (~> 2.2) + coffee-script-source (~> 1.11.1) + jekyll-commonmark (1.4.0) + commonmarker (~> 0.22) + jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (0.2.0) + commonmarker (~> 0.23.4) + jekyll (~> 3.9.0) + jekyll-commonmark (~> 1.4.0) + rouge (>= 2.0, < 4.0) + jekyll-default-layout (0.1.4) + jekyll (~> 3.0) + jekyll-feed (0.15.1) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-gist (1.5.0) + octokit (~> 4.2) + jekyll-github-metadata (2.13.0) + jekyll (>= 3.4, < 5.0) + octokit (~> 4.0, != 4.4.0) + jekyll-include-cache (0.2.1) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-mentions (1.6.0) + html-pipeline (~> 2.3) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.3.2) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-paginate (1.1.0) + jekyll-readme-index (0.3.0) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-redirect-from (0.16.0) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-relative-links (0.6.1) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-remote-theme (0.4.3) + addressable (~> 2.0) + jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-sass-converter (>= 1.0, <= 3.0.0, != 2.0.0) + rubyzip (>= 1.3.0, < 3.0) + jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2) + sass (~> 3.4) + jekyll-seo-tag (2.8.0) + jekyll (>= 3.8, < 5.0) + jekyll-sitemap (1.4.0) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-swiss (1.0.0) + jekyll-theme-architect (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-cayman (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-dinky (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-hacker (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-merlot (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-midnight (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-minimal (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-modernist (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-primer (0.6.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-github-metadata (~> 2.9) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-slate (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-tactile (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.5.3) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-watch (2.2.1) + listen (~> 3.0) + jemoji (0.12.0) + gemoji (~> 3.0) + html-pipeline (~> 2.2) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + kramdown (2.3.2) + rexml + kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0) + kramdown (~> 2.0) + liquid (4.0.3) + listen (3.7.1) + rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3) + rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10) + mercenary (0.3.6) + minima (2.5.1) + jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-feed (~> 0.9) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1) + minitest (5.16.2) + nokogiri (1.13.8-x86_64-linux) + racc (~> 1.4) + octokit (4.25.1) + faraday (>= 1, < 3) + sawyer (~> 0.9) + pathutil (0.16.2) + forwardable-extended (~> 2.6) + public_suffix (4.0.7) + racc (1.6.0) + rb-fsevent (0.11.1) + rb-inotify (0.10.1) + ffi (~> 1.0) + rexml (3.2.5) + rouge (3.26.0) + ruby2_keywords (0.0.5) + rubyzip (2.3.2) + safe_yaml (1.0.5) + sass (3.7.4) + sass-listen (~> 4.0.0) + sass-listen (4.0.0) + rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4) + rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7) + sawyer (0.9.2) + addressable (>= 2.3.5) + faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3) + simpleidn (0.2.1) + unf (~> 0.1.4) + terminal-table (1.8.0) + unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1) + thread_safe (0.3.6) + typhoeus (1.4.0) + ethon (>= 0.9.0) + tzinfo (1.2.10) + thread_safe (~> 0.1) + unf (0.1.4) + unf_ext + unf_ext ( + unicode-display_width (1.8.0) + zeitwerk (2.6.0) + +PLATFORMS + x86_64-linux + +DEPENDENCIES + github-pages (~> 227) + http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0) + jekyll-feed (~> 0.12) + minima (~> 2.5) + tzinfo (~> 1.2) + tzinfo-data + wdm (~> 0.1.1) + +BUNDLED WITH + 2.3.11 diff --git a/docs/_config.yml b/docs/_config.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8520c4f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/_config.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# Welcome to Jekyll! +# +# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values +# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find +# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files +# feature for the data you need to update frequently. +# +# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use +# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process. +# +# If you need help with YAML syntax, here are some quick references for you: +# +# +# +# Site settings +# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files, +# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on. +# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible +# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}. + +title: KG-Bioportal +email: +description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" + BioPortal as a Knowledge Graph. Ontologies linked within a single network. +baseurl: "/kg-bioportal" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog +url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. + +# Build settings +theme: tactile + +# Exclude from processing. +# The following items will not be processed, by default. +# Any item listed under the `exclude:` key here will be automatically added to +# the internal "default list". +# +# Excluded items can be processed by explicitly listing the directories or +# their entries' file path in the `include:` list. +# +# exclude: +# - .sass-cache/ +# - .jekyll-cache/ +# - gemfiles/ +# - Gemfile +# - Gemfile.lock +# - node_modules/ +# - vendor/bundle/ +# - vendor/cache/ +# - vendor/gems/ +# - vendor/ruby/ diff --git a/docs/_posts/2022-08-08-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown b/docs/_posts/2022-08-08-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a31677 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/_posts/2022-08-08-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +layout: post +title: "Welcome to Jekyll!" +date: 2022-08-08 12:38:44 -0400 +categories: jekyll update +--- +You’ll find this post in your `_posts` directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run `jekyll serve`, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated. + +Jekyll requires blog post files to be named according to the following format: + +`YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MARKUP` + +Where `YEAR` is a four-digit number, `MONTH` and `DAY` are both two-digit numbers, and `MARKUP` is the file extension representing the format used in the file. After that, include the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works. + +Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets: + +{% highlight ruby %} +def print_hi(name) + puts "Hi, #{name}" +end +print_hi('Tom') +#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT. +{% endhighlight %} + +Check out the [Jekyll docs][jekyll-docs] for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at [Jekyll’s GitHub repo][jekyll-gh]. If you have questions, you can ask them on [Jekyll Talk][jekyll-talk]. + +[jekyll-docs]: +[jekyll-gh]: +[jekyll-talk]: diff --git a/docs/about.markdown b/docs/about.markdown new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b4e0b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/about.markdown @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: About +permalink: /about/ +--- + +This is the base Jekyll theme. You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at []( + +You can find the source code for Minima at GitHub: +[jekyll][jekyll-organization] / +[minima]( + +You can find the source code for Jekyll at GitHub: +[jekyll][jekyll-organization] / +[jekyll]( + + +[jekyll-organization]: diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 36f12fa..0000000 --- a/docs/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -"KG-Bioportal" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/index.markdown b/docs/index.markdown new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0671507 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/index.markdown @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +--- +# Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file. +# To modify the layout, see + +layout: home +--- From 02344cc773a7f948ffc27929a8240879b0fde085 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2022 12:50:13 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 02/12] Set theme to jekyll-theme-tactile --- docs/_config.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/_config.yml b/docs/_config.yml index 8520c4f..bc8bda0 100644 --- a/docs/_config.yml +++ b/docs/_config.yml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ baseurl: "/kg-bioportal" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. # Build settings -theme: tactile +theme: jekyll-theme-tactile # Exclude from processing. # The following items will not be processed, by default. From 44ebe25123baa58a6b842dbb2b4c40362dcc13f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2022 12:57:14 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 03/12] Page setup; setup status table --- docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html | 18 ++++++++++++++++++ docs/index.markdown | 3 +++ 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html diff --git a/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html b/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d19159 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + + +
Ontology NameStatus
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/index.markdown b/docs/index.markdown index 0671507..bc322e1 100644 --- a/docs/index.markdown +++ b/docs/index.markdown @@ -3,4 +3,7 @@ # To modify the layout, see layout: home +title: KG-Bioportal --- + +KG-Bioportal is BioPortal as a Knowledge Graph. From cb90b9950fe6400ae56bba9d29001403df778df3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2022 13:13:43 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 04/12] More site setup --- docs/_config.yml | 2 +- docs/about.markdown | 15 +-------------- docs/index.html | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/index.markdown | 9 --------- 4 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) create mode 100644 docs/index.html delete mode 100644 docs/index.markdown diff --git a/docs/_config.yml b/docs/_config.yml index bc8bda0..8b8ac4b 100644 --- a/docs/_config.yml +++ b/docs/_config.yml @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ title: KG-Bioportal email: description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" - BioPortal as a Knowledge Graph. Ontologies linked within a single network. + BioPortal as a Knowledge Graph. baseurl: "/kg-bioportal" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. diff --git a/docs/about.markdown b/docs/about.markdown index 8b4e0b2..6d8b711 100644 --- a/docs/about.markdown +++ b/docs/about.markdown @@ -1,18 +1,5 @@ --- -layout: page +layout: default title: About permalink: /about/ --- - -This is the base Jekyll theme. You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at []( - -You can find the source code for Minima at GitHub: -[jekyll][jekyll-organization] / -[minima]( - -You can find the source code for Jekyll at GitHub: -[jekyll][jekyll-organization] / -[jekyll]( - - -[jekyll-organization]: diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68ce648 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file. +# To modify the layout, see + +layout: default +title: KG-Bioportal +--- + +
+ +

Learn more about KG-Bioportal

  • Visit BioPortal
  • +
  • See the KG-Bioportal GitHub repository
  • +
  • See the repository for translation from Bioportal to graph nodes and edges
  • +
    + +

    KG-Bioportal Status


    The table below lists the presence and status of each ontology in KG-Bioportal.

    + +
    + {% include kgbp_status_table.html %} +
    diff --git a/docs/index.markdown b/docs/index.markdown deleted file mode 100644 index bc322e1..0000000 --- a/docs/index.markdown +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ ---- -# Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file. -# To modify the layout, see - -layout: home -title: KG-Bioportal ---- - -KG-Bioportal is BioPortal as a Knowledge Graph. From c1f63762dcb09e7435753dae7e2b04389f67e625 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 15:11:39 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 05/12] Update to about page --- docs/about.markdown | 14 +++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/about.markdown b/docs/about.markdown index 6d8b711..176acae 100644 --- a/docs/about.markdown +++ b/docs/about.markdown @@ -1,5 +1,17 @@ --- layout: default -title: About +title: About KG-Bioportal permalink: /about/ --- + +## What is KG-Bioportal? + +KG-Bioportal is a version of the set of ontologies on BioPortal in which nearly all ontologies have been merged into a single knowledge graph. This means it is a collection of entities and relations, with the classes in each ontology serving as the entities and the connections between ontologies becoming relations. Where possible, entities and relations are categorized using Biolink Model, so entries in [NCBI Taxonomy]( are categorized as [biolink:OrganismTaxon](, and so on. + +## How is it made? + +KG-Bioportal is made by careful transformation of each ontology from a dump of its 4store form to graph nodes and edges compatible with the KGX tools. The nodes and edges are then merged with KGX. + +## How is it useful? + +KG-Bioportal supports a holistic examination of a broad collection of hierarchical relationships in biology and biomedicine. Because all ontologies are contained within the same graph, they may be analysed by graph traversal and a growing collection of informative graph machine learning approaches. From 52ee27b668514a384d45666fb5dd4ce9a5b1bd08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 15:11:50 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 06/12] Add link to about from index --- docs/index.html | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index 68ce648..ce5d2a1 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@

    Learn more about KG-Bioportal

  • Visit BioPortal
  • Visit BioPortal
  • See the KG-Bioportal GitHub repository
  • See the repository for translation from Bioportal to graph nodes and edges
  • From db2f130ba63d5bed5e83c093485aebfb45550869 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 15:58:12 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 07/12] Add ontology status table contents --- docs/_config.yml | 1956 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/_config_header.yml | 54 + docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html | 10 +- docs/ | 11 + docs/index.html | 2 +- docs/onto_status.yaml | 1951 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 3978 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) create mode 100644 docs/_config_header.yml create mode 100644 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/onto_status.yaml diff --git a/docs/_config.yml b/docs/_config.yml index 8b8ac4b..dccfc90 100644 --- a/docs/_config.yml +++ b/docs/_config.yml @@ -47,3 +47,1959 @@ theme: jekyll-theme-tactile # - vendor/cache/ # - vendor/gems/ # - vendor/ruby/ + +# Ontology status table goes under here. +# TODO: generate stats during each build using the scripts in BioPortal-to-KGX. +# Store the stats on KG-Hub as YAML. +# Retrieve them with the script. +ontologies: + - id: ABA-AMB + status: OK + - id: ABD + status: OK + - id: ACESO + status: OK + - id: ACGT-MO + status: OK + - id: AD-DROP + status: OK + - id: ADALAB + status: OK + - id: ADALAB-META + status: OK + - id: ADAR + status: OK + - id: ADCAD + status: OK + - id: ADHER_INTCARE_EN + status: OK + - id: ADHER_INTCARE_SP + status: OK + - id: ADMF + status: FAIL + - id: ADMIN + status: OK + - id: ADMO + status: OK + - id: ADO + status: OK + - id: ADW + status: OK + - id: AEO + status: OK + - id: AERO + status: OK + - id: AFO + status: OK + - id: AGRO + status: OK + - id: AGROCYMAC + status: OK + - id: AGROMOP + status: OK + - id: AHOL + status: OK + - id: AHSO + status: OK + - id: AI-RHEUM + status: OK + - id: AIO + status: OK + - id: AIRBUS + status: OK + - id: AISM + status: OK + - id: ALLERGYDETECTOR + status: OK + - id: AMINO-ACID + status: OK + - id: AMPHX + status: OK + - id: ANC + status: OK + - id: AO + status: OK + - id: APACOMPUTER + status: OK + - id: APADISORDERS + status: OK + - id: APAEDUCLUSTER + status: OK + - id: APANEUROCLUSTER + status: OK + - id: APAOCUEMPLOY + status: OK + - id: APAONTO + status: OK + - id: APASTATISTICAL + status: OK + - id: APATANDT + status: OK + - id: APATREATMENT + status: OK + - id: APO + status: OK + - id: APOLLO-SV + status: OK + - id: ARCRC + status: OK + - id: ARO + status: FAIL + - id: ASDPTO + status: OK + - id: ASPECT + status: OK + - id: ATC + status: OK + - id: ATO + status: OK + - id: ATOL + status: OK + - id: AURA + status: OK + - id: BAO + status: OK + - id: BAO-GPCR + status: OK + - id: BCGO + status: OK + - id: BCI-O + status: OK + - id: BCO + status: OK + - id: BCS7 + status: OK + - id: BCS8 + status: OK + - id: BCTEO + status: OK + - id: BCTT + status: OK + - id: BDO + status: OK + - id: BE + status: OK + - id: BERO + status: OK + - id: BFLC + status: FAIL + - id: BFO + status: OK + - id: BHN + status: OK + - id: BHO + status: OK + - id: BIBFRAME + status: OK + - id: BIBLIOTEK-O + status: OK + - id: BIFO + status: OK + - id: BIM + status: OK + - id: BIN + status: OK + - id: BIOLINK + status: OK + - id: BIOMO + status: OK + - id: BIOMODELS + status: OK + - id: BIPOM + status: OK + - id: BIPON + status: OK + - id: BIRNLEX + status: OK + - id: BKO + status: OK + - id: BMT + status: OK + - id: BNO + status: OK + - id: BOF + status: OK + - id: BP + status: OK + - id: BP-METADATA + status: OK + - id: BPFORMS + status: FAIL + - id: BPT + status: OK + - id: BRCT + status: OK + - id: BRIDG + status: OK + - id: BRO + status: OK + - id: BRO_ACRONYM + status: OK + - id: BRSO + status: OK + - id: BSAO + status: OK + - id: BSPO + status: OK + - id: BT + status: OK + - id: BTO + status: OK + - id: BTO_ONTOLOGY + status: OK + - id: CABRO + status: OK + - id: CANCO + status: OK + - id: CANONT + status: OK + - id: CAO + status: OK + - id: CARELEX + status: OK + - id: CARO + status: OK + - id: CARRE + status: OK + - id: CASE-BASE-ONTO + status: OK + - id: CBO + status: OK + - id: CCF + status: OK + - id: CCO + status: OK + - id: CCON + status: OK + - id: CCONT + status: OK + - id: CCTOO + status: OK + - id: CDAO + status: OK + - id: CDNO + status: OK + - id: CDO + status: OK + - id: CDPEO + status: OK + - id: CEDARPC + status: FAIL + - id: CEDARVS + status: OK + - id: CEPH + status: OK + - id: CHD + status: OK + - id: CHEAR + status: OK + - id: CHEBI + status: OK + - id: CHEMBIO + status: FAIL + - id: CHEMINF + status: OK + - id: CHIRO + status: OK + - id: CIDO + status: OK + - id: CIDOC-CRM + status: OK + - id: CIINTEADO + status: OK + - id: CIO + status: OK + - id: CISAVIADO + status: OK + - id: CKDO + status: OK + - id: CL + status: OK + - id: CLAO + status: OK + - id: CLO + status: OK + - id: CLYH + status: OK + - id: CMDO + status: OK + - id: CMO + status: OK + - id: CMPO + status: OK + - id: CMR-QA + status: OK + - id: CN + status: OK + - id: CNO + status: OK + - id: CNO_ACRONYM + status: OK + - id: CO-WHEAT + status: OK + - id: COB + status: OK + - id: CODO + status: OK + - id: COGAT + status: OK + - id: COGPO + status: OK + - id: COHSI2STUDY + status: OK + - id: COID + status: OK + - id: COKPME + status: OK + - id: COLAO + status: OK + - id: COMODI + status: OK + - id: CONTSONTO + status: OK + - id: COPDO + status: OK + - id: COSTART + status: OK + - id: COVID-19 + status: OK + - id: COVID-19-ONT-PM + status: OK + - id: COVID19 + status: OK + - id: COVID19-IBO + status: OK + - id: COVIDCRFRAPID + status: OK + - id: CPRO + status: OK + - id: CPT + status: OK + - id: CPTAC + status: OK + - id: CRISP + status: OK + - id: CRO + status: OK + - id: CRYOEM + status: OK + - id: CS + status: FAIL + - id: CSEO + status: OK + - id: CSO + status: OK + - id: CSSO + status: OK + - id: CST + status: FAIL + - id: CSTD + status: OK + - id: CTCAE + status: OK + - id: CTENO + status: OK + - id: CTO + status: OK + - id: CTO-NDD + status: OK + - id: CTONT + status: OK + - id: CTP + status: FAIL + - id: CTX + status: OK + - id: CU-VO + status: OK + - id: CVAO + status: OK + - id: CVDO + status: OK + - id: CWD + status: OK + - id: CYTO + status: OK + - id: DATACITE + status: OK + - id: DATACITE-VOCAB + status: OK + - id: DC + status: OK + - id: DCAT + status: OK + - id: DCAT-FDC + status: OK + - id: DCCDFV + status: OK + - id: DCM + status: OK + - id: DCMITYPE + status: OK + - id: DCO + status: FAIL + - id: DCT + status: OK + - id: DCTERMS + status: OK + - id: DDANAT + status: OK + - id: DDI + status: OK + - id: DDIEM + status: OK + - id: DDPHENO + status: OK + - id: DEB + status: OK + - id: DERMLEX + status: OK + - id: DERMO + status: OK + - id: DFO + status: OK + - id: DIAB + status: OK + - id: DIAGONT + status: OK + - id: DIDEO + status: OK + - id: DIKB + status: OK + - id: DILON + status: OK + - id: DINTO + status: OK + - id: DISDRIV + status: OK + - id: DLORO + status: OK + - id: DMTO + status: FAIL + - id: DOCCC + status: OK + - id: DOID + status: OK + - id: DOREMUS-KEYS + status: OK + - id: DPO + status: OK + - id: DRANPTO + status: OK + - id: DREAMDNPTO + status: OK + - id: DRON + status: OK + - id: DRPSNPTO + status: OK + - id: DSEO + status: OK + - id: DTO + status: OK + - id: DUO + status: OK + - id: E-PPO + status: OK + - id: EBP + status: OK + - id: ECAO + status: OK + - id: ECG + status: OK + - id: ECO + status: OK + - id: ECOCORE + status: OK + - id: ECP + status: OK + - id: ECSO + status: OK + - id: ECTO + status: FAIL + - id: EDAM + status: OK + - id: EDAM-BIOIMAGING + status: OK + - id: EDDA + status: OK + - id: EDDA_PT + status: OK + - id: EFO + status: OK + - id: EGO + status: OK + - id: EHDA + status: OK + - id: EHDAA + status: OK + - id: EHDAA2 + status: OK + - id: ELD + status: OK + - id: ELECTRICA + status: OK + - id: ELIG + status: OK + - id: ELTER_CL + status: OK + - id: EMAP + status: OK + - id: EMAPA + status: OK + - id: EMIF-AD + status: OK + - id: EMO + status: OK + - id: ENM + status: OK + - id: ENTITY + status: OK + - id: ENVO + status: OK + - id: ENVS_VARIABLES + status: OK + - id: ENVTHES + status: OK + - id: EO + status: OK + - id: EO1 + status: OK + - id: EOL + status: OK + - id: EP + status: OK + - id: EPIE + status: OK + - id: EPILONT + status: OK + - id: EPIO + status: OK + - id: EPIP + status: OK + - id: EPISEM + status: OK + - id: EPO + status: OK + - id: EPSO + status: OK + - id: ERO + status: OK + - id: ESFO + status: OK + - id: ESSO + status: OK + - id: ETANC + status: OK + - id: ETHANC + status: OK + - id: ETHOPD + status: OK + - id: EUPATH + status: OK + - id: EVI + status: OK + - id: EXACT + status: OK + - id: EXMO + status: OK + - id: EXO + status: OK + - id: EXON + status: OK + - id: EXTRACT + status: OK + - id: FALDO + status: OK + - id: FALL + status: OK + - id: FAO + status: OK + - id: FAST-CHRONO + status: OK + - id: FAST-EVENT + status: OK + - id: FAST-EVENT-SKOS + status: OK + - id: FAST-FORMGENRE + status: OK + - id: FAST-GENREFORM + status: OK + - id: FAST-TITLE + status: OK + - id: FASTO + status: FAIL + - id: FB-BT + status: OK + - id: FB-CV + status: OK + - id: FB-DV + status: OK + - id: FB-SP + status: OK + - id: FBbi + status: OK + - id: FCC1 + status: OK + - id: FDC-GDMT + status: OK + - id: FDSAJFAHSJK + status: OK + - id: FDT-O + status: OK + - id: FENICS + status: OK + - id: FG + status: OK + - id: FGNHNS + status: OK + - id: FHHO + status: OK + - id: FIDEO + status: OK + - id: FIRE + status: OK + - id: FISH-AST + status: OK + - id: FISHO + status: OK + - id: FIX + status: OK + - id: FLOPO + status: OK + - id: FLU + status: OK + - id: FLYGLYCODB + status: OK + - id: FMA + status: OK + - id: FMPM + status: OK + - id: FO + status: OK + - id: FOAF + status: OK + - id: FOBI + status: OK + - id: FOODON + status: OK + - id: FOVT + status: OK + - id: FPLX + status: OK + - id: FRMO + status: OK + - id: FTC + status: OK + - id: FYPO + status: OK + - id: G-PROV + status: OK + - id: GALEN + status: OK + - id: GAMUTS + status: OK + - id: GAZ + status: OK + - id: GBM + status: OK + - id: GBOL + status: OK + - id: GCO + status: OK + - id: GDCO + status: OK + - id: GECKO + status: OK + - id: GENE-CDS + status: OK + - id: GENO + status: OK + - id: GEO + status: OK + - id: GEOSPARQL + status: OK + - id: GEOSPECIES + status: OK + - id: GEXO + status: OK + - id: GFFO + status: OK + - id: GFO + status: OK + - id: GFO-BIO + status: OK + - id: GFVO + status: OK + - id: GLYCO + status: OK + - id: GLYCOCOO + status: OK + - id: GLYCORDF + status: OK + - id: GML + status: OK + - id: GMM + status: OK + - id: GMO + status: OK + - id: GNO + status: OK + - id: GO + status: OK + - id: GO-EXT + status: OK + - id: GO-PLUS + status: OK + - id: GPML + status: OK + - id: GRO + status: OK + - id: GRO-CPD + status: OK + - id: GRO-CPGA + status: OK + - id: GSSO + status: OK + - id: GVO + status: OK + - id: HAAURAADO + status: OK + - id: HAMIDEHSGH + status: OK + - id: HANCESTRO + status: OK + - id: HAO + status: OK + - id: HAROREADO + status: OK + - id: HASCO + status: OK + - id: HCDR + status: OK + - id: HCODONONT + status: OK + - id: HCPCS + status: OK + - id: HDMPONTO + status: OK + - id: HECON + status: OK + - id: HEIO + status: OK + - id: HFO + status: OK + - id: HGNC + status: OK + - id: HGNC-NR + status: OK + - id: HHEAR + status: OK + - id: HINO + status: OK + - id: HIO + status: OK + - id: HIV + status: FAIL + - id: HIVCRS + status: OK + - id: HIVMT + status: OK + - id: HIVO004 + status: OK + - id: HL7 + status: OK + - id: HMADO + status: FAIL + - id: HMIS033B + status: OK + - id: HMISLAB0115 + status: OK + - id: HNS + status: OK + - id: HO + status: OK + - id: HOIP + status: OK + - id: HOM + status: OK + - id: HOME + status: OK + - id: HOOM + status: OK + - id: HORD + status: OK + - id: HP + status: OK + - id: HPIO + status: OK + - id: HP_O + status: OK + - id: HRDO + status: OK + - id: HSAPDV + status: OK + - id: HSO + status: OK + - id: HTN + status: OK + - id: HTO + status: OK + - id: HUPSON + status: OK + - id: HUSAT + status: OK + - id: I-ADOPT + status: OK + - id: I2SV + status: OK + - id: IAML-MOP + status: OK + - id: IAO + status: OK + - id: IBD + status: OK + - id: IBIO + status: OK + - id: IBO + status: OK + - id: ICD10 + status: OK + - id: ICD10CM + status: OK + - id: ICD10PCS + status: OK + - id: ICD11-BODYSYSTEM + status: OK + - id: ICD9CM + status: OK + - id: ICDO + status: OK + - id: ICECI + status: OK + - id: ICEO + status: OK + - id: ICF + status: OK + - id: ICNP + status: OK + - id: ICO + status: OK + - id: ICPC2P + status: OK + - id: ICPS + status: OK + - id: ICW + status: OK + - id: ID-AMR + status: OK + - id: IDEM + status: OK + - id: IDG_GL + status: OK + - id: IDO + status: OK + - id: IDO-COVID-19 + status: OK + - id: IDOBRU + status: OK + - id: IDODEN + status: OK + - id: IDOMAL + status: OK + - id: IDQA + status: OK + - id: IFAR + status: OK + - id: ILLNESSINJURY + status: OK + - id: IMGT-ONTOLOGY + status: OK + - id: INBANCIDO + status: OK + - id: INBIO + status: OK + - id: INBIODIV + status: OK + - id: INCENTIVE + status: OK + - id: INCENTIVE-VARS + status: OK + - id: INFECTION_TRANS + status: OK + - id: INFRA-EN + status: FAIL + - id: INFRARISK + status: OK + - id: INO + status: OK + - id: INSECTH + status: OK + - id: INSNAME + status: OK + - id: INTO + status: OK + - id: INVERSEROLES + status: OK + - id: IOBC + status: OK + - id: IRD + status: OK + - id: IRDG + status: OK + - id: ISO-15926-2_2003 + status: OK + - id: ISO-ANNOTATIONS + status: OK + - id: ISO-FOOD + status: OK + - id: ISO19108TO + status: OK + - id: ISO19110 + status: OK + - id: ISO19115 + status: OK + - id: ISO19115CC + status: OK + - id: ISO19115CI + status: OK + - id: ISO19115CON + status: OK + - id: ISO19115DI + status: OK + - id: ISO19115DTC + status: OK + - id: ISO19115EX + status: OK + - id: ISO19115ID + status: OK + - id: ISO19115MI + status: OK + - id: ISO19115PR + status: OK + - id: ISO19115ROLES + status: OK + - id: ISO19115SRS + status: OK + - id: ISO19115TCC + status: OK + - id: ISO639-2 + status: OK + - id: ISSVA + status: OK + - id: ITEMAS + status: OK + - id: ITO + status: OK + - id: IXNO + status: OK + - id: JERM + status: OK + - id: KENYAANC + status: OK + - id: KISAO + status: OK + - id: KORO + status: OK + - id: KTAO + status: OK + - id: LABO + status: OK + - id: LAND-SURFACE + status: OK + - id: LANDFORM + status: OK + - id: LBO + status: OK + - id: LC-CARRIERS + status: FAIL + - id: LC-MEDIA + status: OK + - id: LCDGT + status: OK + - id: LCGFT + status: OK + - id: LDA + status: OK + - id: LEGALAPA + status: OK + - id: LEGALAPATEST2 + status: OK + - id: LEPAO + status: OK + - id: LHN + status: OK + - id: LICO + status: OK + - id: LIFO + status: OK + - id: LION + status: OK + - id: LIPRO + status: OK + - id: LOINC + status: OK + - id: LONGCOVID + status: OK + - id: LPT + status: OK + - id: LUNGMAP-HUMAN + status: OK + - id: LUNGMAP-MOUSE + status: OK + - id: LUNGMAP_H_CELL + status: OK + - id: LUNGMAP_M_CELL + status: OK + - id: M4M-20-SUBJECTS + status: OK + - id: M4M-20-VARIABLES + status: OK + - id: M4M-21-SUBJECTS + status: OK + - id: M4M-21-VARIABLES + status: OK + - id: M4M19-SUBS + status: OK + - id: M4M19-VARS + status: OK + - id: MA + status: OK + - id: MADS-RDF + status: OK + - id: MAMO + status: OK + - id: MARC-LANGUAGES + status: OK + - id: MARC-RELATORS + status: FAIL + - id: MAT + status: OK + - id: MATR + status: OK + - id: MATRCOMPOUND + status: OK + - id: MATRELEMENT + status: OK + - id: MATRROCK + status: OK + - id: MATRROCKIGNEOUS + status: OK + - id: MAXO + status: OK + - id: MCBCC + status: OK + - id: MCCL + status: OK + - id: MCCV + status: OK + - id: MCHVODANATERMS + status: OK + - id: MCO + status: OK + - id: MDDB + status: OK + - id: MDM + status: OK + - id: MEDDRA + status: OK + - id: MEDEON + status: OK + - id: MEDLINEPLUS + status: OK + - id: MEDO + status: OK + - id: MEGO + status: OK + - id: MELO + status: OK + - id: MEO + status: OK + - id: MEPO + status: OK + - id: MERA + status: OK + - id: MESH + status: OK + - id: MF + status: OK + - id: MFMO + status: OK + - id: MFO + status: OK + - id: MFOEM + status: OK + - id: MFOMD + status: OK + - id: MGBD + status: OK + - id: MHC + status: OK + - id: MHCRO + status: OK + - id: MHMO + status: OK + - id: MI + status: OK + - id: MIAPA + status: OK + - id: MIDO + status: OK + - id: MIM + status: OK + - id: MINERAL + status: OK + - id: MINI-FAST-1 + status: OK + - id: MIRNAO + status: FAIL + - id: MIRO + status: OK + - id: MIXS + status: OK + - id: MIXSCV + status: OK + - id: MLTX + status: OK + - id: MMO + status: OK + - id: MMUSDV + status: OK + - id: MNR + status: OK + - id: MNV + status: OK + - id: MO + status: OK + - id: MOC + status: OK + - id: MODSCI + status: OK + - id: MONDO + status: OK + - id: MONO + status: OK + - id: MOOCCIADO + status: OK + - id: MOOCCUADO + status: OK + - id: MOOCULADO + status: OK + - id: MOP + status: OK + - id: MOSAIC + status: OK + - id: MP + status: OK + - id: MPATH + status: OK + - id: MPIO + status: OK + - id: MPO + status: OK + - id: MRO + status: OK + - id: MS + status: OK + - id: MSO + status: OK + - id: MSTDE + status: OK + - id: MSTDE-FRE + status: OK + - id: MSV + status: OK + - id: MWLA + status: OK + - id: NANDO + status: OK + - id: NATPRO + status: OK + - id: NBO + status: OK + - id: NCBITAXON + status: OK + - id: NCCNEHR + status: OK + - id: NCCO + status: OK + - id: NCIT + status: OK + - id: NCOD + status: OK + - id: NCRO + status: OK + - id: NDDF + status: OK + - id: NDDO + status: OK + - id: NDFRT + status: OK + - id: NEICBEER + status: OK + - id: NEMO + status: OK + - id: NEO + status: OK + - id: NEOMARK3 + status: OK + - id: NEOMARK4 + status: OK + - id: NERO + status: OK + - id: NEUDIGS + status: OK + - id: NEUMORE + status: OK + - id: NGBO + status: OK + - id: NGSONTO + status: OK + - id: NIDM-RESULTS + status: OK + - id: NIFCELL + status: OK + - id: NIFDYS + status: OK + - id: NIFSTD + status: OK + - id: NIFSUBCELL + status: OK + - id: NIGO + status: OK + - id: NIHSS + status: OK + - id: NIO + status: OK + - id: NIST_GEL + status: OK + - id: NLMVS + status: OK + - id: NLN + status: OK + - id: NMDCO + status: OK + - id: NMOBR + status: OK + - id: NMOSP + status: OK + - id: NMR + status: OK + - id: NOMEN + status: OK + - id: NONRCTO + status: OK + - id: NPI + status: OK + - id: NPO + status: OK + - id: NPOKB + status: OK + - id: NXDX + status: OK + - id: OA + status: OK + - id: OAE + status: OK + - id: OARCS + status: OK + - id: OBA + status: OK + - id: OBCS + status: OK + - id: OBI + status: OK + - id: OBIB + status: OK + - id: OBIWS + status: OK + - id: OBI_BCGO + status: OK + - id: OBI_IEE + status: OK + - id: OBOE + status: OK + - id: OBOE-SBC + status: OK + - id: OBOREL + status: OK + - id: OBS + status: OK + - id: OCD + status: OK + - id: OCDM + status: FAIL + - id: OCE + status: OK + - id: OCHV + status: OK + - id: OCIMIDO + status: OK + - id: OCMR + status: OK + - id: OCRE + status: OK + - id: OCVDAE + status: OK + - id: ODAE + status: OK + - id: ODNAE + status: OK + - id: OF + status: OK + - id: OFSMR + status: OK + - id: OGDI + status: OK + - id: OGG + status: OK + - id: OGG-MM + status: OK + - id: OGI + status: OK + - id: OGMD + status: OK + - id: OGMS + status: OK + - id: OGR + status: OK + - id: OGROUP + status: OK + - id: OGSF + status: OK + - id: OHD + status: OK + - id: OHMI + status: OK + - id: OHPI + status: OK + - id: OLAM + status: OK + - id: OLATDV + status: OK + - id: OM + status: OK + - id: OMIM + status: OK + - id: OMIT + status: OK + - id: OMO + status: OK + - id: OMP + status: OK + - id: OMRSE + status: OK + - id: OMV + status: OK + - id: ONE + status: OK + - id: ONL-DP + status: OK + - id: ONL-MR-DA + status: OK + - id: ONL-MSA + status: OK + - id: ONL-TASKS + status: OK + - id: ONLIRA + status: OK + - id: ONS + status: OK + - id: ONSTR + status: OK + - id: ONTOAD + status: OK + - id: ONTOAVIDA + status: OK + - id: ONTODM-ALGORITHM + status: OK + - id: ONTODM-CORE + status: OK + - id: ONTODM-KDD + status: OK + - id: ONTODT + status: OK + - id: ONTOKBCF + status: OK + - id: ONTOLURGENCES + status: OK + - id: ONTOMA + status: OK + - id: ONTONEO + status: OK + - id: ONTOPARON + status: OK + - id: ONTOPARON_SOCIAL + status: OK + - id: ONTOPBM + status: OK + - id: ONTOPNEUMO + status: OK + - id: ONTOPSYCHIA + status: OK + - id: ONTOREPLICOV + status: OK + - id: ONTOSIM + status: OK + - id: ONTOSINASC + status: OK + - id: ONTOTOX + status: OK + - id: ONTOTOXNUC + status: OK + - id: OOEVV + status: OK + - id: OOSTT + status: OK + - id: OPB + status: OK + - id: OPD-NAMBOBI + status: OK + - id: OPDE + status: OK + - id: OPDRE + status: OK + - id: OPDRONT + status: OK + - id: OPDT + status: OK + - id: OPDZIMBABWE + status: OK + - id: OPE + status: OK + - id: OPL + status: OK + - id: OPMI + status: OK + - id: OPTIMAL + status: OK + - id: OPTION-ONTOLOGY + status: OK + - id: ORCS + status: OK + - id: ORDO + status: OK + - id: ORNASEQ + status: OK + - id: ORTH + status: OK + - id: OSM + status: OK + - id: OVAE + status: OK + - id: OntoVIP + status: OK + - id: PACO + status: OK + - id: PAE + status: OK + - id: PANDA + status: OK + - id: PANET + status: OK + - id: PARTUMDO + status: OK + - id: PATCT + status: OK + - id: PATEL + status: OK + - id: PATGV + status: OK + - id: PATHLEX + status: OK + - id: PATIT + status: OK + - id: PATMHC + status: OK + - id: PATO + status: OK + - id: PAV + status: OK + - id: PCALION + status: OK + - id: PCAO + status: OK + - id: PCL + status: OK + - id: PCMO + status: OK + - id: PCO + status: OK + - id: PDO + status: OK + - id: PDON + status: OK + - id: PDO_CAS + status: OK + - id: PDQ + status: OK + - id: PDRO + status: OK + - id: PDUMDV + status: OK + - id: PE + status: OK + - id: PE-O + status: OK + - id: PEAO + status: OK + - id: PECO + status: OK + - id: PEDTERM + status: OK + - id: PEO + status: OK + - id: PESONT + status: OK + - id: PGXO + status: OK + - id: PHAGE + status: OK + - id: PHARE + status: OK + - id: PHENX + status: OK + - id: PHFUMIADO + status: OK + - id: PHIPO + status: OK + - id: PHMAMMADO + status: OK + - id: PHYLONT + status: OK + - id: PIERO + status: OK + - id: PINO + status: OK + - id: PLANA + status: OK + - id: PLANP + status: OK + - id: PLANTSO + status: OK + - id: PLIO + status: OK + - id: PLOSTHES + status: OK + - id: PMA + status: OK + - id: PMAPP-PMO + status: OK + - id: PMD + status: OK + - id: PMDO + status: OK + - id: PMO + status: OK + - id: PMO-SPEED + status: OK + - id: PMR + status: OK + - id: PNADO + status: OK + - id: PO + status: OK + - id: PORO + status: OK + - id: PP + status: OK + - id: PPLC + status: FAIL + - id: PPO + status: OK + - id: PR + status: OK + - id: PRANAYTC + status: FAIL + - id: PREGONTO + status: OK + - id: PREMEDONTO + status: OK + - id: PREO + status: OK + - id: PROCCHEMICAL + status: OK + - id: PROJ + status: OK + - id: PROPREO + status: OK + - id: PROVO + status: OK + - id: PSDO + status: OK + - id: PSDS + status: OK + - id: PSIMOD + status: OK + - id: PSO + status: OK + - id: PSO_2 + status: OK + - id: PTO + status: OK + - id: PTRANS + status: OK + - id: PTS + status: OK + - id: PVONTO + status: OK + - id: PW + status: OK + - id: QUDT + status: FAIL + - id: QUDT2 + status: OK + - id: QUDT2-1 + status: FAIL + - id: RADLEX + status: OK + - id: RADXTT-MVREASONS + status: OK + - id: RAO + status: OK + - id: RB + status: OK + - id: RBO + status: OK + - id: RCD + status: OK + - id: RCTONT + status: OK + - id: RCTV2 + status: OK + - id: RDA-CONTENT + status: OK + - id: RDA-ISSUANCE + status: OK + - id: RDFS + status: OK + - id: RDL + status: OK + - id: RDO + status: OK + - id: REPO + status: OK + - id: REPRODUCE-ME + status: OK + - id: RETO + status: OK + - id: REX + status: OK + - id: REXO + status: OK + - id: RH-MESH + status: OK + - id: RNAO + status: OK + - id: RNPRIO + status: OK + - id: RNRMU + status: OK + - id: RO + status: OK + - id: ROCKNROLLTEST + status: OK + - id: ROLEO + status: OK + - id: ROO + status: OK + - id: ROS + status: OK + - id: RPO + status: OK + - id: RS + status: OK + - id: RSA + status: OK + - id: RVO + status: OK + - id: RXNO + status: OK + - id: RXNORM + status: OK + - id: SAO + status: OK + - id: SARSMUTONTO + status: OK + - id: SBO + status: OK + - id: SBOL + status: OK + - id: SCDO + status: OK + - id: SCHEMA + status: OK + - id: SCIO + status: OK + - id: SCO + status: OK + - id: SD3 + status: OK + - id: SDO + status: OK + - id: SEDI + status: OK + - id: SENSO + status: OK + - id: SEP + status: OK + - id: SEPIO + status: OK + - id: SHR + status: OK + - id: SIBO + status: OK + - id: SIMON + status: OK + - id: SIO + status: OK + - id: SITBAC + status: OK + - id: SK + status: OK + - id: SMASH + status: OK + - id: SMO + status: OK + - id: SNMI + status: OK + - id: SNOMEDCT + status: OK + - id: SNPO + status: OK + - id: SO + status: OK + - id: SOCPRES + status: OK + - id: SOHO + status: OK + - id: SOIL-PROF + status: FAIL + - id: SOPHARM + status: OK + - id: SOS + status: OK + - id: SOY + status: OK + - id: SP + status: OK + - id: SPD + status: OK + - id: SPO + status: OK + - id: SPTO + status: OK + - id: SSE + status: OK + - id: SSN + status: OK + - id: SSO + status: OK + - id: STATO + status: OK + - id: STMSO + status: OK + - id: STO-DRAFT + status: OK + - id: STY + status: OK + - id: SURGICAL + status: OK + - id: SWEET + status: OK + - id: SWO + status: OK + - id: SYMP + status: OK + - id: SYN + status: OK + - id: TADS + status: OK + - id: TAO + status: OK + - id: TAXRANK + status: OK + - id: TCDO + status: OK + - id: TCO + status: OK + - id: TDT + status: FAIL + - id: TDWGSPEC + status: OK + - id: TEDDY + status: OK + - id: TEMPO + status: OK + - id: TEO + status: OK + - id: TEPHRAM4MEXAMPLE + status: OK + - id: TEST-M4M20-PAV + status: OK + - id: TESTEX + status: OK + - id: TEST_A + status: OK + - id: TEST_CBI + status: OK + - id: TEST_IDKWHATIMDO + status: FAIL + - id: TGMA + status: OK + - id: TIM + status: OK + - id: TIME + status: OK + - id: TIMEBANK + status: OK + - id: TM-CONST + status: OK + - id: TM-MER + status: OK + - id: TM-OTHER-FACTORS + status: OK + - id: TM-SIGNS-AND-SYMPTS + status: OK + - id: TMA + status: OK + - id: TML + status: OK + - id: TMO + status: OK + - id: TOK + status: OK + - id: TOP-MENELAS + status: OK + - id: TRAK + status: OK + - id: TRANS + status: OK + - id: TRIAGE + status: OK + - id: TRON + status: OK + - id: TTO + status: OK + - id: TXPO + status: OK + - id: TYPON + status: OK + - id: UBERON + status: OK + - id: UGANDA_DISEASES + status: OK + - id: UMMS + status: OK + - id: UNITSONT + status: OK + - id: UO + status: OK + - id: UPA + status: OK + - id: UPHENO + status: OK + - id: VANDF + status: OK + - id: VARIO + status: OK + - id: VDOT + status: OK + - id: VEO + status: OK + - id: VFB_DRIVERS + status: OK + - id: VHOG + status: OK + - id: VICO + status: OK + - id: VIDO + status: OK + - id: VIO + status: OK + - id: VIVO + status: OK + - id: VIVO-ISF + status: OK + - id: VO + status: OK + - id: VODANA-GENERAL + status: OK + - id: VODANA-MI + status: OK + - id: VODANA-MIGRANTS + status: OK + - id: VODANA-MPA + status: OK + - id: VODANACOVID + status: OK + - id: VODANADISEASES + status: OK + - id: VODANAKENYA + status: OK + - id: VODANAMFLCODE + status: OK + - id: VODANANIGERIA + status: OK + - id: VODANAUGANDA + status: OK + - id: VODANETHIOPIA_OR + status: FAIL + - id: VSAO + status: OK + - id: VSO + status: OK + - id: VT + status: OK + - id: VTO + status: OK + - id: WB-BT + status: OK + - id: WB-LS + status: OK + - id: WB-PHENOTYPE + status: OK + - id: WC + status: OK + - id: WEAR + status: OK + - id: WEAVE + status: OK + - id: WETAXTOPICS + status: OK + - id: WHO-ART + status: OK + - id: WIKIPATHWAYS + status: OK + - id: WSIO + status: OK + - id: XAO + status: OK + - id: XCO + status: OK + - id: XEO + status: OK + - id: XLMOD + status: OK + - id: XPO + status: OK + - id: XREF-FUNDER-REG + status: OK + - id: ZEA + status: OK + - id: ZECO + status: OK + - id: ZFA + status: OK + - id: ZFS + status: OK + - id: ZONMW-ADMIN-MD + status: OK + - id: ZONMW-CONTENT + status: OK + - id: ZONMW-GENERIC + status: OK + - id: ZP + status: OK + - id: pseudo + status: OK + - id: suicideo + status: OK \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/_config_header.yml b/docs/_config_header.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc1e476 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/_config_header.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# Welcome to Jekyll! +# +# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values +# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find +# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files +# feature for the data you need to update frequently. +# +# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use +# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process. +# +# If you need help with YAML syntax, here are some quick references for you: +# +# +# +# Site settings +# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files, +# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on. +# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible +# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}. + +title: KG-Bioportal +email: +description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" + BioPortal as a Knowledge Graph. +baseurl: "/kg-bioportal" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog +url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. + +# Build settings +theme: jekyll-theme-tactile + +# Exclude from processing. +# The following items will not be processed, by default. +# Any item listed under the `exclude:` key here will be automatically added to +# the internal "default list". +# +# Excluded items can be processed by explicitly listing the directories or +# their entries' file path in the `include:` list. +# +# exclude: +# - .sass-cache/ +# - .jekyll-cache/ +# - gemfiles/ +# - Gemfile +# - Gemfile.lock +# - node_modules/ +# - vendor/bundle/ +# - vendor/cache/ +# - vendor/gems/ +# - vendor/ruby/ + +# Ontology status table goes under here. +# TODO: generate stats during each build using the scripts in BioPortal-to-KGX. +# Store the stats on KG-Hub as YAML. +# Retrieve them with the script. diff --git a/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html b/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html index 0d19159..72f8ab7 100644 --- a/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html +++ b/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ - + - + {% endfor %}
    Ontology NameOntology Name Status
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e488f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# Assemble files for KG-Bioportal site + +# Define paths +JEKYLL_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE="_config_header.yml" +JEKYLL_CONFIG_FILE="_config.yml" +ONTO_STATUS_FILE="onto_status.yaml" + +# Append ontology status list +echo "Adding all lists to Jekyll config." +cat $JEKYLL_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE $ONTO_STATUS_FILE > $JEKYLL_CONFIG_FILE \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index ce5d2a1..f22689f 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@

    Learn more about KG-Bioportal

  • Visit BioPortal
  • +
  • Learn more about KG-Bioportal
  • Visit BioPortal
  • See the KG-Bioportal GitHub repository
  • See the repository for translation from Bioportal to graph nodes and edges
  • diff --git a/docs/onto_status.yaml b/docs/onto_status.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bd7848 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/onto_status.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1951 @@ +ontologies: + - id: ABA-AMB + status: OK + - id: ABD + status: OK + - id: ACESO + status: OK + - id: ACGT-MO + status: OK + - id: AD-DROP + status: OK + - id: ADALAB + status: OK + - id: ADALAB-META + status: OK + - id: ADAR + status: OK + - id: ADCAD + status: OK + - id: ADHER_INTCARE_EN + status: OK + - id: ADHER_INTCARE_SP + status: OK + - id: ADMF + status: FAIL + - id: ADMIN + status: OK + - id: ADMO + status: OK + - id: ADO + status: OK + - id: ADW + status: OK + - id: AEO + status: OK + - id: AERO + status: OK + - id: AFO + status: OK + - id: AGRO + status: OK + - id: AGROCYMAC + status: OK + - id: AGROMOP + status: OK + - id: AHOL + status: OK + - id: AHSO + status: OK + - id: AI-RHEUM + status: OK + - id: AIO + status: OK + - id: AIRBUS + status: OK + - id: AISM + status: OK + - id: ALLERGYDETECTOR + status: OK + - id: AMINO-ACID + status: OK + - id: AMPHX + status: OK + - id: ANC + status: OK + - id: AO + status: OK + - id: APACOMPUTER + status: OK + - id: APADISORDERS + status: OK + - id: APAEDUCLUSTER + status: OK + - id: APANEUROCLUSTER + status: OK + - id: APAOCUEMPLOY + status: OK + - id: APAONTO + status: OK + - id: APASTATISTICAL + status: OK + - id: APATANDT + status: OK + - id: APATREATMENT + status: OK + - id: APO + status: OK + - id: APOLLO-SV + status: OK + - id: ARCRC + status: OK + - id: ARO + status: FAIL + - id: ASDPTO + status: OK + - id: ASPECT + status: OK + - id: ATC + status: OK + - id: ATO + status: OK + - id: ATOL + status: OK + - id: AURA + status: OK + - id: BAO + status: OK + - id: BAO-GPCR + status: OK + - id: BCGO + status: OK + - id: BCI-O + status: OK + - id: BCO + status: OK + - id: BCS7 + status: OK + - id: BCS8 + status: OK + - id: BCTEO + status: OK + - id: BCTT + status: OK + - id: BDO + status: OK + - id: BE + status: OK + - id: BERO + status: OK + - id: BFLC + status: FAIL + - id: BFO + status: OK + - id: BHN + status: OK + - id: BHO + status: OK + - id: BIBFRAME + status: OK + - id: BIBLIOTEK-O + status: OK + - id: BIFO + status: OK + - id: BIM + status: OK + - id: BIN + status: OK + - id: BIOLINK + status: OK + - id: BIOMO + status: OK + - id: BIOMODELS + status: OK + - id: BIPOM + status: OK + - id: BIPON + status: OK + - id: BIRNLEX + status: OK + - id: BKO + status: OK + - id: BMT + status: OK + - id: BNO + status: OK + - id: BOF + status: OK + - id: BP + status: OK + - id: BP-METADATA + status: OK + - id: BPFORMS + status: FAIL + - id: BPT + status: OK + - id: BRCT + status: OK + - id: BRIDG + status: OK + - id: BRO + status: OK + - id: BRO_ACRONYM + status: OK + - id: BRSO + status: OK + - id: BSAO + status: OK + - id: BSPO + status: OK + - id: BT + status: OK + - id: BTO + status: OK + - id: BTO_ONTOLOGY + status: OK + - id: CABRO + status: OK + - id: CANCO + status: OK + - id: CANONT + status: OK + - id: CAO + status: OK + - id: CARELEX + status: OK + - id: CARO + status: OK + - id: CARRE + status: OK + - id: CASE-BASE-ONTO + status: OK + - id: CBO + status: OK + - id: CCF + status: OK + - id: CCO + status: OK + - id: CCON + status: OK + - id: CCONT + status: OK + - id: CCTOO + status: OK + - id: CDAO + status: OK + - id: CDNO + status: OK + - id: CDO + status: OK + - id: CDPEO + status: OK + - id: CEDARPC + status: FAIL + - id: CEDARVS + status: OK + - id: CEPH + status: OK + - id: CHD + status: OK + - id: CHEAR + status: OK + - id: CHEBI + status: OK + - id: CHEMBIO + status: FAIL + - id: CHEMINF + status: OK + - id: CHIRO + status: OK + - id: CIDO + status: OK + - id: CIDOC-CRM + status: OK + - id: CIINTEADO + status: OK + - id: CIO + status: OK + - id: CISAVIADO + status: OK + - id: CKDO + status: OK + - id: CL + status: OK + - id: CLAO + status: OK + - id: CLO + status: OK + - id: CLYH + status: OK + - id: CMDO + status: OK + - id: CMO + status: OK + - id: CMPO + status: OK + - id: CMR-QA + status: OK + - id: CN + status: OK + - id: CNO + status: OK + - id: CNO_ACRONYM + status: OK + - id: CO-WHEAT + status: OK + - id: COB + status: OK + - id: CODO + status: OK + - id: COGAT + status: OK + - id: COGPO + status: OK + - id: COHSI2STUDY + status: OK + - id: COID + status: OK + - id: COKPME + status: OK + - id: COLAO + status: OK + - id: COMODI + status: OK + - id: CONTSONTO + status: OK + - id: COPDO + status: OK + - id: COSTART + status: OK + - id: COVID-19 + status: OK + - id: COVID-19-ONT-PM + status: OK + - id: COVID19 + status: OK + - id: COVID19-IBO + status: OK + - id: COVIDCRFRAPID + status: OK + - id: CPRO + status: OK + - id: CPT + status: OK + - id: CPTAC + status: OK + - id: CRISP + status: OK + - id: CRO + status: OK + - id: CRYOEM + status: OK + - id: CS + status: FAIL + - id: CSEO + status: OK + - id: CSO + status: OK + - id: CSSO + status: OK + - id: CST + status: FAIL + - id: CSTD + status: OK + - id: CTCAE + status: OK + - id: CTENO + status: OK + - id: CTO + status: OK + - id: CTO-NDD + status: OK + - id: CTONT + status: OK + - id: CTP + status: FAIL + - id: CTX + status: OK + - id: CU-VO + status: OK + - id: CVAO + status: OK + - id: CVDO + status: OK + - id: CWD + status: OK + - id: CYTO + status: OK + - id: DATACITE + status: OK + - id: DATACITE-VOCAB + status: OK + - id: DC + status: OK + - id: DCAT + status: OK + - id: DCAT-FDC + status: OK + - id: DCCDFV + status: OK + - id: DCM + status: OK + - id: DCMITYPE + status: OK + - id: DCO + status: FAIL + - id: DCT + status: OK + - id: DCTERMS + status: OK + - id: DDANAT + status: OK + - id: DDI + status: OK + - id: DDIEM + status: OK + - id: DDPHENO + status: OK + - id: DEB + status: OK + - id: DERMLEX + status: OK + - id: DERMO + status: OK + - id: DFO + status: OK + - id: DIAB + status: OK + - id: DIAGONT + status: OK + - id: DIDEO + status: OK + - id: DIKB + status: OK + - id: DILON + status: OK + - id: DINTO + status: OK + - id: DISDRIV + status: OK + - id: DLORO + status: OK + - id: DMTO + status: FAIL + - id: DOCCC + status: OK + - id: DOID + status: OK + - id: DOREMUS-KEYS + status: OK + - id: DPO + status: OK + - id: DRANPTO + status: OK + - id: DREAMDNPTO + status: OK + - id: DRON + status: OK + - id: DRPSNPTO + status: OK + - id: DSEO + status: OK + - id: DTO + status: OK + - id: DUO + status: OK + - id: E-PPO + status: OK + - id: EBP + status: OK + - id: ECAO + status: OK + - id: ECG + status: OK + - id: ECO + status: OK + - id: ECOCORE + status: OK + - id: ECP + status: OK + - id: ECSO + status: OK + - id: ECTO + status: FAIL + - id: EDAM + status: OK + - id: EDAM-BIOIMAGING + status: OK + - id: EDDA + status: OK + - id: EDDA_PT + status: OK + - id: EFO + status: OK + - id: EGO + status: OK + - id: EHDA + status: OK + - id: EHDAA + status: OK + - id: EHDAA2 + status: OK + - id: ELD + status: OK + - id: ELECTRICA + status: OK + - id: ELIG + status: OK + - id: ELTER_CL + status: OK + - id: EMAP + status: OK + - id: EMAPA + status: OK + - id: EMIF-AD + status: OK + - id: EMO + status: OK + - id: ENM + status: OK + - id: ENTITY + status: OK + - id: ENVO + status: OK + - id: ENVS_VARIABLES + status: OK + - id: ENVTHES + status: OK + - id: EO + status: OK + - id: EO1 + status: OK + - id: EOL + status: OK + - id: EP + status: OK + - id: EPIE + status: OK + - id: EPILONT + status: OK + - id: EPIO + status: OK + - id: EPIP + status: OK + - id: EPISEM + status: OK + - id: EPO + status: OK + - id: EPSO + status: OK + - id: ERO + status: OK + - id: ESFO + status: OK + - id: ESSO + status: OK + - id: ETANC + status: OK + - id: ETHANC + status: OK + - id: ETHOPD + status: OK + - id: EUPATH + status: OK + - id: EVI + status: OK + - id: EXACT + status: OK + - id: EXMO + status: OK + - id: EXO + status: OK + - id: EXON + status: OK + - id: EXTRACT + status: OK + - id: FALDO + status: OK + - id: FALL + status: OK + - id: FAO + status: OK + - id: FAST-CHRONO + status: OK + - id: FAST-EVENT + status: OK + - id: FAST-EVENT-SKOS + status: OK + - id: FAST-FORMGENRE + status: OK + - id: FAST-GENREFORM + status: OK + - id: FAST-TITLE + status: OK + - id: FASTO + status: FAIL + - id: FB-BT + status: OK + - id: FB-CV + status: OK + - id: FB-DV + status: OK + - id: FB-SP + status: OK + - id: FBbi + status: OK + - id: FCC1 + status: OK + - id: FDC-GDMT + status: OK + - id: FDSAJFAHSJK + status: OK + - id: FDT-O + status: OK + - id: FENICS + status: OK + - id: FG + status: OK + - id: FGNHNS + status: OK + - id: FHHO + status: OK + - id: FIDEO + status: OK + - id: FIRE + status: OK + - id: FISH-AST + status: OK + - id: FISHO + status: OK + - id: FIX + status: OK + - id: FLOPO + status: OK + - id: FLU + status: OK + - id: FLYGLYCODB + status: OK + - id: FMA + status: OK + - id: FMPM + status: OK + - id: FO + status: OK + - id: FOAF + status: OK + - id: FOBI + status: OK + - id: FOODON + status: OK + - id: FOVT + status: OK + - id: FPLX + status: OK + - id: FRMO + status: OK + - id: FTC + status: OK + - id: FYPO + status: OK + - id: G-PROV + status: OK + - id: GALEN + status: OK + - id: GAMUTS + status: OK + - id: GAZ + status: OK + - id: GBM + status: OK + - id: GBOL + status: OK + - id: GCO + status: OK + - id: GDCO + status: OK + - id: GECKO + status: OK + - id: GENE-CDS + status: OK + - id: GENO + status: OK + - id: GEO + status: OK + - id: GEOSPARQL + status: OK + - id: GEOSPECIES + status: OK + - id: GEXO + status: OK + - id: GFFO + status: OK + - id: GFO + status: OK + - id: GFO-BIO + status: OK + - id: GFVO + status: OK + - id: GLYCO + status: OK + - id: GLYCOCOO + status: OK + - id: GLYCORDF + status: OK + - id: GML + status: OK + - id: GMM + status: OK + - id: GMO + status: OK + - id: GNO + status: OK + - id: GO + status: OK + - id: GO-EXT + status: OK + - id: GO-PLUS + status: OK + - id: GPML + status: OK + - id: GRO + status: OK + - id: GRO-CPD + status: OK + - id: GRO-CPGA + status: OK + - id: GSSO + status: OK + - id: GVO + status: OK + - id: HAAURAADO + status: OK + - id: HAMIDEHSGH + status: OK + - id: HANCESTRO + status: OK + - id: HAO + status: OK + - id: HAROREADO + status: OK + - id: HASCO + status: OK + - id: HCDR + status: OK + - id: HCODONONT + status: OK + - id: HCPCS + status: OK + - id: HDMPONTO + status: OK + - id: HECON + status: OK + - id: HEIO + status: OK + - id: HFO + status: OK + - id: HGNC + status: OK + - id: HGNC-NR + status: OK + - id: HHEAR + status: OK + - id: HINO + status: OK + - id: HIO + status: OK + - id: HIV + status: FAIL + - id: HIVCRS + status: OK + - id: HIVMT + status: OK + - id: HIVO004 + status: OK + - id: HL7 + status: OK + - id: HMADO + status: FAIL + - id: HMIS033B + status: OK + - id: HMISLAB0115 + status: OK + - id: HNS + status: OK + - id: HO + status: OK + - id: HOIP + status: OK + - id: HOM + status: OK + - id: HOME + status: OK + - id: HOOM + status: OK + - id: HORD + status: OK + - id: HP + status: OK + - id: HPIO + status: OK + - id: HP_O + status: OK + - id: HRDO + status: OK + - id: HSAPDV + status: OK + - id: HSO + status: OK + - id: HTN + status: OK + - id: HTO + status: OK + - id: HUPSON + status: OK + - id: HUSAT + status: OK + - id: I-ADOPT + status: OK + - id: I2SV + status: OK + - id: IAML-MOP + status: OK + - id: IAO + status: OK + - id: IBD + status: OK + - id: IBIO + status: OK + - id: IBO + status: OK + - id: ICD10 + status: OK + - id: ICD10CM + status: OK + - id: ICD10PCS + status: OK + - id: ICD11-BODYSYSTEM + status: OK + - id: ICD9CM + status: OK + - id: ICDO + status: OK + - id: ICECI + status: OK + - id: ICEO + status: OK + - id: ICF + status: OK + - id: ICNP + status: OK + - id: ICO + status: OK + - id: ICPC2P + status: OK + - id: ICPS + status: OK + - id: ICW + status: OK + - id: ID-AMR + status: OK + - id: IDEM + status: OK + - id: IDG_GL + status: OK + - id: IDO + status: OK + - id: IDO-COVID-19 + status: OK + - id: IDOBRU + status: OK + - id: IDODEN + status: OK + - id: IDOMAL + status: OK + - id: IDQA + status: OK + - id: IFAR + status: OK + - id: ILLNESSINJURY + status: OK + - id: IMGT-ONTOLOGY + status: OK + - id: INBANCIDO + status: OK + - id: INBIO + status: OK + - id: INBIODIV + status: OK + - id: INCENTIVE + status: OK + - id: INCENTIVE-VARS + status: OK + - id: INFECTION_TRANS + status: OK + - id: INFRA-EN + status: FAIL + - id: INFRARISK + status: OK + - id: INO + status: OK + - id: INSECTH + status: OK + - id: INSNAME + status: OK + - id: INTO + status: OK + - id: INVERSEROLES + status: OK + - id: IOBC + status: OK + - id: IRD + status: OK + - id: IRDG + status: OK + - id: ISO-15926-2_2003 + status: OK + - id: ISO-ANNOTATIONS + status: OK + - id: ISO-FOOD + status: OK + - id: ISO19108TO + status: OK + - id: ISO19110 + status: OK + - id: ISO19115 + status: OK + - id: ISO19115CC + status: OK + - id: ISO19115CI + status: OK + - id: ISO19115CON + status: OK + - id: ISO19115DI + status: OK + - id: ISO19115DTC + status: OK + - id: ISO19115EX + status: OK + - id: ISO19115ID + status: OK + - id: ISO19115MI + status: OK + - id: ISO19115PR + status: OK + - id: ISO19115ROLES + status: OK + - id: ISO19115SRS + status: OK + - id: ISO19115TCC + status: OK + - id: ISO639-2 + status: OK + - id: ISSVA + status: OK + - id: ITEMAS + status: OK + - id: ITO + status: OK + - id: IXNO + status: OK + - id: JERM + status: OK + - id: KENYAANC + status: OK + - id: KISAO + status: OK + - id: KORO + status: OK + - id: KTAO + status: OK + - id: LABO + status: OK + - id: LAND-SURFACE + status: OK + - id: LANDFORM + status: OK + - id: LBO + status: OK + - id: LC-CARRIERS + status: FAIL + - id: LC-MEDIA + status: OK + - id: LCDGT + status: OK + - id: LCGFT + status: OK + - id: LDA + status: OK + - id: LEGALAPA + status: OK + - id: LEGALAPATEST2 + status: OK + - id: LEPAO + status: OK + - id: LHN + status: OK + - id: LICO + status: OK + - id: LIFO + status: OK + - id: LION + status: OK + - id: LIPRO + status: OK + - id: LOINC + status: OK + - id: LONGCOVID + status: OK + - id: LPT + status: OK + - id: LUNGMAP-HUMAN + status: OK + - id: LUNGMAP-MOUSE + status: OK + - id: LUNGMAP_H_CELL + status: OK + - id: LUNGMAP_M_CELL + status: OK + - id: M4M-20-SUBJECTS + status: OK + - id: M4M-20-VARIABLES + status: OK + - id: M4M-21-SUBJECTS + status: OK + - id: M4M-21-VARIABLES + status: OK + - id: M4M19-SUBS + status: OK + - id: M4M19-VARS + status: OK + - id: MA + status: OK + - id: MADS-RDF + status: OK + - id: MAMO + status: OK + - id: MARC-LANGUAGES + status: OK + - id: MARC-RELATORS + status: FAIL + - id: MAT + status: OK + - id: MATR + status: OK + - id: MATRCOMPOUND + status: OK + - id: MATRELEMENT + status: OK + - id: MATRROCK + status: OK + - id: MATRROCKIGNEOUS + status: OK + - id: MAXO + status: OK + - id: MCBCC + status: OK + - id: MCCL + status: OK + - id: MCCV + status: OK + - id: MCHVODANATERMS + status: OK + - id: MCO + status: OK + - id: MDDB + status: OK + - id: MDM + status: OK + - id: MEDDRA + status: OK + - id: MEDEON + status: OK + - id: MEDLINEPLUS + status: OK + - id: MEDO + status: OK + - id: MEGO + status: OK + - id: MELO + status: OK + - id: MEO + status: OK + - id: MEPO + status: OK + - id: MERA + status: OK + - id: MESH + status: OK + - id: MF + status: OK + - id: MFMO + status: OK + - id: MFO + status: OK + - id: MFOEM + status: OK + - id: MFOMD + status: OK + - id: MGBD + status: OK + - id: MHC + status: OK + - id: MHCRO + status: OK + - id: MHMO + status: OK + - id: MI + status: OK + - id: MIAPA + status: OK + - id: MIDO + status: OK + - id: MIM + status: OK + - id: MINERAL + status: OK + - id: MINI-FAST-1 + status: OK + - id: MIRNAO + status: FAIL + - id: MIRO + status: OK + - id: MIXS + status: OK + - id: MIXSCV + status: OK + - id: MLTX + status: OK + - id: MMO + status: OK + - id: MMUSDV + status: OK + - id: MNR + status: OK + - id: MNV + status: OK + - id: MO + status: OK + - id: MOC + status: OK + - id: MODSCI + status: OK + - id: MONDO + status: OK + - id: MONO + status: OK + - id: MOOCCIADO + status: OK + - id: MOOCCUADO + status: OK + - id: MOOCULADO + status: OK + - id: MOP + status: OK + - id: MOSAIC + status: OK + - id: MP + status: OK + - id: MPATH + status: OK + - id: MPIO + status: OK + - id: MPO + status: OK + - id: MRO + status: OK + - id: MS + status: OK + - id: MSO + status: OK + - id: MSTDE + status: OK + - id: MSTDE-FRE + status: OK + - id: MSV + status: OK + - id: MWLA + status: OK + - id: NANDO + status: OK + - id: NATPRO + status: OK + - id: NBO + status: OK + - id: NCBITAXON + status: OK + - id: NCCNEHR + status: OK + - id: NCCO + status: OK + - id: NCIT + status: OK + - id: NCOD + status: OK + - id: NCRO + status: OK + - id: NDDF + status: OK + - id: NDDO + status: OK + - id: NDFRT + status: OK + - id: NEICBEER + status: OK + - id: NEMO + status: OK + - id: NEO + status: OK + - id: NEOMARK3 + status: OK + - id: NEOMARK4 + status: OK + - id: NERO + status: OK + - id: NEUDIGS + status: OK + - id: NEUMORE + status: OK + - id: NGBO + status: OK + - id: NGSONTO + status: OK + - id: NIDM-RESULTS + status: OK + - id: NIFCELL + status: OK + - id: NIFDYS + status: OK + - id: NIFSTD + status: OK + - id: NIFSUBCELL + status: OK + - id: NIGO + status: OK + - id: NIHSS + status: OK + - id: NIO + status: OK + - id: NIST_GEL + status: OK + - id: NLMVS + status: OK + - id: NLN + status: OK + - id: NMDCO + status: OK + - id: NMOBR + status: OK + - id: NMOSP + status: OK + - id: NMR + status: OK + - id: NOMEN + status: OK + - id: NONRCTO + status: OK + - id: NPI + status: OK + - id: NPO + status: OK + - id: NPOKB + status: OK + - id: NXDX + status: OK + - id: OA + status: OK + - id: OAE + status: OK + - id: OARCS + status: OK + - id: OBA + status: OK + - id: OBCS + status: OK + - id: OBI + status: OK + - id: OBIB + status: OK + - id: OBIWS + status: OK + - id: OBI_BCGO + status: OK + - id: OBI_IEE + status: OK + - id: OBOE + status: OK + - id: OBOE-SBC + status: OK + - id: OBOREL + status: OK + - id: OBS + status: OK + - id: OCD + status: OK + - id: OCDM + status: FAIL + - id: OCE + status: OK + - id: OCHV + status: OK + - id: OCIMIDO + status: OK + - id: OCMR + status: OK + - id: OCRE + status: OK + - id: OCVDAE + status: OK + - id: ODAE + status: OK + - id: ODNAE + status: OK + - id: OF + status: OK + - id: OFSMR + status: OK + - id: OGDI + status: OK + - id: OGG + status: OK + - id: OGG-MM + status: OK + - id: OGI + status: OK + - id: OGMD + status: OK + - id: OGMS + status: OK + - id: OGR + status: OK + - id: OGROUP + status: OK + - id: OGSF + status: OK + - id: OHD + status: OK + - id: OHMI + status: OK + - id: OHPI + status: OK + - id: OLAM + status: OK + - id: OLATDV + status: OK + - id: OM + status: OK + - id: OMIM + status: OK + - id: OMIT + status: OK + - id: OMO + status: OK + - id: OMP + status: OK + - id: OMRSE + status: OK + - id: OMV + status: OK + - id: ONE + status: OK + - id: ONL-DP + status: OK + - id: ONL-MR-DA + status: OK + - id: ONL-MSA + status: OK + - id: ONL-TASKS + status: OK + - id: ONLIRA + status: OK + - id: ONS + status: OK + - id: ONSTR + status: OK + - id: ONTOAD + status: OK + - id: ONTOAVIDA + status: OK + - id: ONTODM-ALGORITHM + status: OK + - id: ONTODM-CORE + status: OK + - id: ONTODM-KDD + status: OK + - id: ONTODT + status: OK + - id: ONTOKBCF + status: OK + - id: ONTOLURGENCES + status: OK + - id: ONTOMA + status: OK + - id: ONTONEO + status: OK + - id: ONTOPARON + status: OK + - id: ONTOPARON_SOCIAL + status: OK + - id: ONTOPBM + status: OK + - id: ONTOPNEUMO + status: OK + - id: ONTOPSYCHIA + status: OK + - id: ONTOREPLICOV + status: OK + - id: ONTOSIM + status: OK + - id: ONTOSINASC + status: OK + - id: ONTOTOX + status: OK + - id: ONTOTOXNUC + status: OK + - id: OOEVV + status: OK + - id: OOSTT + status: OK + - id: OPB + status: OK + - id: OPD-NAMBOBI + status: OK + - id: OPDE + status: OK + - id: OPDRE + status: OK + - id: OPDRONT + status: OK + - id: OPDT + status: OK + - id: OPDZIMBABWE + status: OK + - id: OPE + status: OK + - id: OPL + status: OK + - id: OPMI + status: OK + - id: OPTIMAL + status: OK + - id: OPTION-ONTOLOGY + status: OK + - id: ORCS + status: OK + - id: ORDO + status: OK + - id: ORNASEQ + status: OK + - id: ORTH + status: OK + - id: OSM + status: OK + - id: OVAE + status: OK + - id: OntoVIP + status: OK + - id: PACO + status: OK + - id: PAE + status: OK + - id: PANDA + status: OK + - id: PANET + status: OK + - id: PARTUMDO + status: OK + - id: PATCT + status: OK + - id: PATEL + status: OK + - id: PATGV + status: OK + - id: PATHLEX + status: OK + - id: PATIT + status: OK + - id: PATMHC + status: OK + - id: PATO + status: OK + - id: PAV + status: OK + - id: PCALION + status: OK + - id: PCAO + status: OK + - id: PCL + status: OK + - id: PCMO + status: OK + - id: PCO + status: OK + - id: PDO + status: OK + - id: PDON + status: OK + - id: PDO_CAS + status: OK + - id: PDQ + status: OK + - id: PDRO + status: OK + - id: PDUMDV + status: OK + - id: PE + status: OK + - id: PE-O + status: OK + - id: PEAO + status: OK + - id: PECO + status: OK + - id: PEDTERM + status: OK + - id: PEO + status: OK + - id: PESONT + status: OK + - id: PGXO + status: OK + - id: PHAGE + status: OK + - id: PHARE + status: OK + - id: PHENX + status: OK + - id: PHFUMIADO + status: OK + - id: PHIPO + status: OK + - id: PHMAMMADO + status: OK + - id: PHYLONT + status: OK + - id: PIERO + status: OK + - id: PINO + status: OK + - id: PLANA + status: OK + - id: PLANP + status: OK + - id: PLANTSO + status: OK + - id: PLIO + status: OK + - id: PLOSTHES + status: OK + - id: PMA + status: OK + - id: PMAPP-PMO + status: OK + - id: PMD + status: OK + - id: PMDO + status: OK + - id: PMO + status: OK + - id: PMO-SPEED + status: OK + - id: PMR + status: OK + - id: PNADO + status: OK + - id: PO + status: OK + - id: PORO + status: OK + - id: PP + status: OK + - id: PPLC + status: FAIL + - id: PPO + status: OK + - id: PR + status: OK + - id: PRANAYTC + status: FAIL + - id: PREGONTO + status: OK + - id: PREMEDONTO + status: OK + - id: PREO + status: OK + - id: PROCCHEMICAL + status: OK + - id: PROJ + status: OK + - id: PROPREO + status: OK + - id: PROVO + status: OK + - id: PSDO + status: OK + - id: PSDS + status: OK + - id: PSIMOD + status: OK + - id: PSO + status: OK + - id: PSO_2 + status: OK + - id: PTO + status: OK + - id: PTRANS + status: OK + - id: PTS + status: OK + - id: PVONTO + status: OK + - id: PW + status: OK + - id: QUDT + status: FAIL + - id: QUDT2 + status: OK + - id: QUDT2-1 + status: FAIL + - id: RADLEX + status: OK + - id: RADXTT-MVREASONS + status: OK + - id: RAO + status: OK + - id: RB + status: OK + - id: RBO + status: OK + - id: RCD + status: OK + - id: RCTONT + status: OK + - id: RCTV2 + status: OK + - id: RDA-CONTENT + status: OK + - id: RDA-ISSUANCE + status: OK + - id: RDFS + status: OK + - id: RDL + status: OK + - id: RDO + status: OK + - id: REPO + status: OK + - id: REPRODUCE-ME + status: OK + - id: RETO + status: OK + - id: REX + status: OK + - id: REXO + status: OK + - id: RH-MESH + status: OK + - id: RNAO + status: OK + - id: RNPRIO + status: OK + - id: RNRMU + status: OK + - id: RO + status: OK + - id: ROCKNROLLTEST + status: OK + - id: ROLEO + status: OK + - id: ROO + status: OK + - id: ROS + status: OK + - id: RPO + status: OK + - id: RS + status: OK + - id: RSA + status: OK + - id: RVO + status: OK + - id: RXNO + status: OK + - id: RXNORM + status: OK + - id: SAO + status: OK + - id: SARSMUTONTO + status: OK + - id: SBO + status: OK + - id: SBOL + status: OK + - id: SCDO + status: OK + - id: SCHEMA + status: OK + - id: SCIO + status: OK + - id: SCO + status: OK + - id: SD3 + status: OK + - id: SDO + status: OK + - id: SEDI + status: OK + - id: SENSO + status: OK + - id: SEP + status: OK + - id: SEPIO + status: OK + - id: SHR + status: OK + - id: SIBO + status: OK + - id: SIMON + status: OK + - id: SIO + status: OK + - id: SITBAC + status: OK + - id: SK + status: OK + - id: SMASH + status: OK + - id: SMO + status: OK + - id: SNMI + status: OK + - id: SNOMEDCT + status: OK + - id: SNPO + status: OK + - id: SO + status: OK + - id: SOCPRES + status: OK + - id: SOHO + status: OK + - id: SOIL-PROF + status: FAIL + - id: SOPHARM + status: OK + - id: SOS + status: OK + - id: SOY + status: OK + - id: SP + status: OK + - id: SPD + status: OK + - id: SPO + status: OK + - id: SPTO + status: OK + - id: SSE + status: OK + - id: SSN + status: OK + - id: SSO + status: OK + - id: STATO + status: OK + - id: STMSO + status: OK + - id: STO-DRAFT + status: OK + - id: STY + status: OK + - id: SURGICAL + status: OK + - id: SWEET + status: OK + - id: SWO + status: OK + - id: SYMP + status: OK + - id: SYN + status: OK + - id: TADS + status: OK + - id: TAO + status: OK + - id: TAXRANK + status: OK + - id: TCDO + status: OK + - id: TCO + status: OK + - id: TDT + status: FAIL + - id: TDWGSPEC + status: OK + - id: TEDDY + status: OK + - id: TEMPO + status: OK + - id: TEO + status: OK + - id: TEPHRAM4MEXAMPLE + status: OK + - id: TEST-M4M20-PAV + status: OK + - id: TESTEX + status: OK + - id: TEST_A + status: OK + - id: TEST_CBI + status: OK + - id: TEST_IDKWHATIMDO + status: FAIL + - id: TGMA + status: OK + - id: TIM + status: OK + - id: TIME + status: OK + - id: TIMEBANK + status: OK + - id: TM-CONST + status: OK + - id: TM-MER + status: OK + - id: TM-OTHER-FACTORS + status: OK + - id: TM-SIGNS-AND-SYMPTS + status: OK + - id: TMA + status: OK + - id: TML + status: OK + - id: TMO + status: OK + - id: TOK + status: OK + - id: TOP-MENELAS + status: OK + - id: TRAK + status: OK + - id: TRANS + status: OK + - id: TRIAGE + status: OK + - id: TRON + status: OK + - id: TTO + status: OK + - id: TXPO + status: OK + - id: TYPON + status: OK + - id: UBERON + status: OK + - id: UGANDA_DISEASES + status: OK + - id: UMMS + status: OK + - id: UNITSONT + status: OK + - id: UO + status: OK + - id: UPA + status: OK + - id: UPHENO + status: OK + - id: VANDF + status: OK + - id: VARIO + status: OK + - id: VDOT + status: OK + - id: VEO + status: OK + - id: VFB_DRIVERS + status: OK + - id: VHOG + status: OK + - id: VICO + status: OK + - id: VIDO + status: OK + - id: VIO + status: OK + - id: VIVO + status: OK + - id: VIVO-ISF + status: OK + - id: VO + status: OK + - id: VODANA-GENERAL + status: OK + - id: VODANA-MI + status: OK + - id: VODANA-MIGRANTS + status: OK + - id: VODANA-MPA + status: OK + - id: VODANACOVID + status: OK + - id: VODANADISEASES + status: OK + - id: VODANAKENYA + status: OK + - id: VODANAMFLCODE + status: OK + - id: VODANANIGERIA + status: OK + - id: VODANAUGANDA + status: OK + - id: VODANETHIOPIA_OR + status: FAIL + - id: VSAO + status: OK + - id: VSO + status: OK + - id: VT + status: OK + - id: VTO + status: OK + - id: WB-BT + status: OK + - id: WB-LS + status: OK + - id: WB-PHENOTYPE + status: OK + - id: WC + status: OK + - id: WEAR + status: OK + - id: WEAVE + status: OK + - id: WETAXTOPICS + status: OK + - id: WHO-ART + status: OK + - id: WIKIPATHWAYS + status: OK + - id: WSIO + status: OK + - id: XAO + status: OK + - id: XCO + status: OK + - id: XEO + status: OK + - id: XLMOD + status: OK + - id: XPO + status: OK + - id: XREF-FUNDER-REG + status: OK + - id: ZEA + status: OK + - id: ZECO + status: OK + - id: ZFA + status: OK + - id: ZFS + status: OK + - id: ZONMW-ADMIN-MD + status: OK + - id: ZONMW-CONTENT + status: OK + - id: ZONMW-GENERIC + status: OK + - id: ZP + status: OK + - id: pseudo + status: OK + - id: suicideo + status: OK \ No newline at end of file From 1303d1d9ae60cf4a91343431008c90cba231afd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 16:43:10 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 08/12] Add node and edge counts to table --- docs/_config.yml | 1952 ++++++++++++++++++++++++- docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html | 10 +- docs/index.html | 3 +- docs/onto_status.yaml | 1952 ++++++++++++++++++++++++- 4 files changed, 3905 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/_config.yml b/docs/_config.yml index dccfc90..59ff9f8 100644 --- a/docs/_config.yml +++ b/docs/_config.yml @@ -55,1951 +55,3893 @@ theme: jekyll-theme-tactile ontologies: - id: ABA-AMB status: OK + nodecount: 914 + edgecount: 915 - id: ABD status: OK + nodecount: 1446 + edgecount: 2020 - id: ACESO status: OK + nodecount: 297 + edgecount: 432 - id: ACGT-MO status: OK + nodecount: 1842 + edgecount: 2132 - id: AD-DROP status: OK + nodecount: 94 + edgecount: 100 - id: ADALAB status: OK + nodecount: 604 + edgecount: 568 - id: ADALAB-META status: OK + nodecount: 201 + edgecount: 162 - id: ADAR status: OK + nodecount: 3017 + edgecount: 1870 - id: ADCAD status: OK + nodecount: 70 + edgecount: 68 - id: ADHER_INTCARE_EN status: OK + nodecount: 265 + edgecount: 277 - id: ADHER_INTCARE_SP status: OK + nodecount: 266 + edgecount: 277 - id: ADMF status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: ADMIN status: OK + nodecount: 117 + edgecount: 125 - id: ADMO status: OK + nodecount: 10960 + edgecount: 12711 - id: ADO status: OK + nodecount: 1579 + edgecount: 1615 - id: ADW status: OK + nodecount: 384 + edgecount: 370 - id: AEO status: OK + nodecount: 269 + edgecount: 347 - id: AERO status: OK + nodecount: 627 + edgecount: 784 - id: AFO status: OK + nodecount: 4808 + edgecount: 7643 - id: AGRO status: OK + nodecount: 4209 + edgecount: 6632 - id: AGROCYMAC status: OK + nodecount: 161 + edgecount: 583 - id: AGROMOP status: OK + nodecount: 67 + edgecount: 134 - id: AHOL status: OK + nodecount: 341 + edgecount: 427 - id: AHSO status: OK + nodecount: 78 + edgecount: 53 - id: AI-RHEUM status: OK + nodecount: 842 + edgecount: 2027 - id: AIO status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 64 - id: AIRBUS status: OK + nodecount: 16 + edgecount: 16 - id: AISM status: OK + nodecount: 3727 + edgecount: 8896 - id: ALLERGYDETECTOR status: OK + nodecount: 174 + edgecount: 490 - id: AMINO-ACID status: OK + nodecount: 49 + edgecount: 61 - id: AMPHX status: OK + nodecount: 412 + edgecount: 1070 - id: ANC status: OK + nodecount: 58 + edgecount: 53 - id: AO status: OK + nodecount: 291 + edgecount: 290 - id: APACOMPUTER status: OK + nodecount: 115 + edgecount: 115 - id: APADISORDERS status: OK + nodecount: 823 + edgecount: 823 - id: APAEDUCLUSTER status: OK + nodecount: 510 + edgecount: 510 - id: APANEUROCLUSTER status: OK + nodecount: 502 + edgecount: 502 - id: APAOCUEMPLOY status: OK + nodecount: 449 + edgecount: 449 - id: APAONTO status: OK + nodecount: 6038 + edgecount: 6038 - id: APASTATISTICAL status: OK + nodecount: 141 + edgecount: 141 - id: APATANDT status: OK + nodecount: 209 + edgecount: 209 - id: APATREATMENT status: OK + nodecount: 481 + edgecount: 481 - id: APO status: OK + nodecount: 634 + edgecount: 311 - id: APOLLO-SV status: OK + nodecount: 1945 + edgecount: 1931 - id: ARCRC status: OK + nodecount: 223 + edgecount: 159 - id: ARO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: ASDPTO status: OK + nodecount: 286 + edgecount: 285 - id: ASPECT status: OK + nodecount: 155 + edgecount: 147 - id: ATC status: OK + nodecount: 6603 + edgecount: 18761 - id: ATO status: OK + nodecount: 6142 + edgecount: 12234 - id: ATOL status: OK + nodecount: 2354 + edgecount: 2439 - id: AURA status: OK + nodecount: 28103 + edgecount: 28678 - id: BAO status: OK + nodecount: 11574 + edgecount: 8843 - id: BAO-GPCR status: OK + nodecount: 954 + edgecount: 915 - id: BCGO status: OK + nodecount: 316 + edgecount: 435 - id: BCI-O status: OK + nodecount: 478 + edgecount: 523 - id: BCO status: OK + nodecount: 722 + edgecount: 493 - id: BCS7 status: OK + nodecount: 25 + edgecount: 23 - id: BCS8 status: OK + nodecount: 34 + edgecount: 32 - id: BCTEO status: OK + nodecount: 265 + edgecount: 523 - id: BCTT status: OK + nodecount: 113 + edgecount: 110 - id: BDO status: OK + nodecount: 3694 + edgecount: 3638 - id: BE status: OK + nodecount: 447 + edgecount: 443 - id: BERO status: OK + nodecount: 451145 + edgecount: 792699 - id: BFLC status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: BFO status: OK + nodecount: 54 + edgecount: 36 - id: BHN status: OK + nodecount: 2539 + edgecount: 2544 - id: BHO status: OK + nodecount: 546 + edgecount: 546 - id: BIBFRAME status: OK + nodecount: 408 + edgecount: 281 - id: BIBLIOTEK-O status: OK + nodecount: 332 + edgecount: 353 - id: BIFO status: OK + nodecount: 108 + edgecount: 101 - id: BIM status: OK + nodecount: 161 + edgecount: 164 - id: BIN status: OK + nodecount: 179 + edgecount: 139 - id: BIOLINK status: OK + nodecount: 784 + edgecount: 1099 - id: BIOMO status: OK + nodecount: 1839 + edgecount: 1901 - id: BIOMODELS status: OK + nodecount: 232165 + edgecount: 259993 - id: BIPOM status: OK + nodecount: 176 + edgecount: 224 - id: BIPON status: OK + nodecount: 2543 + edgecount: 2687 - id: BIRNLEX status: OK + nodecount: 3581 + edgecount: 3581 - id: BKO status: OK + nodecount: 709 + edgecount: 839 - id: BMT status: OK + nodecount: 272 + edgecount: 293 - id: BNO status: OK + nodecount: 101 + edgecount: 113 - id: BOF status: OK + nodecount: 494 + edgecount: 623 - id: BP status: OK + nodecount: 70 + edgecount: 80 - id: BP-METADATA status: OK + nodecount: 188 + edgecount: 172 - id: BPFORMS status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: BPT status: OK + nodecount: 3880 + edgecount: 10537 - id: BRCT status: OK + nodecount: 1657 + edgecount: 1659 - id: BRIDG status: OK + nodecount: 1808 + edgecount: 10130 - id: BRO status: OK + nodecount: 569 + edgecount: 586 - id: BRO_ACRONYM status: OK + nodecount: 568 + edgecount: 588 - id: BRSO status: OK + nodecount: 25 + edgecount: 25 - id: BSAO status: OK + nodecount: 114 + edgecount: 180 - id: BSPO status: OK + nodecount: 376 + edgecount: 515 - id: BT status: OK + nodecount: 473 + edgecount: 515 - id: BTO status: OK + nodecount: 6597 + edgecount: 4699 - id: BTO_ONTOLOGY status: OK + nodecount: 175 + edgecount: 349 - id: CABRO status: OK + nodecount: 64 + edgecount: 69 - id: CANCO status: OK + nodecount: 231 + edgecount: 143 - id: CANONT status: OK + nodecount: 62 + edgecount: 54 - id: CAO status: OK + nodecount: 256 + edgecount: 318 - id: CARELEX status: OK + nodecount: 389 + edgecount: 323 - id: CARO status: OK + nodecount: 8585 + edgecount: 1491 - id: CARRE status: OK + nodecount: 303 + edgecount: 176 - id: CASE-BASE-ONTO status: OK + nodecount: 142 + edgecount: 134 - id: CBO status: OK + nodecount: 291 + edgecount: 255 - id: CCF status: OK + nodecount: 15583 + edgecount: 33335 - id: CCO status: OK + nodecount: 264939 + edgecount: 2248317 - id: CCON status: OK + nodecount: 200 + edgecount: 317 - id: CCONT status: OK + nodecount: 36387 + edgecount: 58872 - id: CCTOO status: OK + nodecount: 1142 + edgecount: 2151 - id: CDAO status: OK + nodecount: 304 + edgecount: 301 - id: CDNO status: OK + nodecount: 1607 + edgecount: 2452 - id: CDO status: OK + nodecount: 2798 + edgecount: 2821 - id: CDPEO status: OK + nodecount: 73 + edgecount: 133 - id: CEDARPC status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CEDARVS status: OK + nodecount: 35 + edgecount: 35 - id: CEPH status: OK + nodecount: 1639 + edgecount: 1923 - id: CHD status: OK + nodecount: 512 + edgecount: 512 - id: CHEAR status: OK + nodecount: 10982 + edgecount: 13446 - id: CHEBI status: OK + nodecount: 180325 + edgecount: 322743 - id: CHEMBIO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CHEMINF status: OK + nodecount: 1032 + edgecount: 1138 - id: CHIRO status: OK + nodecount: 13315 + edgecount: 17527 - id: CIDO status: OK + nodecount: 11597 + edgecount: 25015 - id: CIDOC-CRM status: OK + nodecount: 373 + edgecount: 252 - id: CIINTEADO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 2955 - id: CIO status: OK + nodecount: 58 + edgecount: 50 - id: CISAVIADO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 2955 - id: CKDO status: OK + nodecount: 281 + edgecount: 280 - id: CL status: OK + nodecount: 16971 + edgecount: 46594 - id: CLAO status: OK + nodecount: 1557 + edgecount: 1917 - id: CLO status: OK + nodecount: 44450 + edgecount: 61275 - id: CLYH status: OK + nodecount: 274 + edgecount: 453 - id: CMDO status: OK + nodecount: 344 + edgecount: 192 - id: CMO status: OK + nodecount: 3911 + edgecount: 4606 - id: CMPO status: OK + nodecount: 10896 + edgecount: 1330 - id: CMR-QA status: OK + nodecount: 120 + edgecount: 132 - id: CN status: OK + nodecount: 541 + edgecount: 561 - id: CNO status: OK + nodecount: 325 + edgecount: 284 - id: CNO_ACRONYM status: OK + nodecount: 274 + edgecount: 249 - id: CO-WHEAT status: OK + nodecount: 185 + edgecount: 177 - id: COB status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 103 - id: CODO status: OK + nodecount: 454 + edgecount: 634 - id: COGAT status: OK + nodecount: 4056 + edgecount: 4054 - id: COGPO status: OK + nodecount: 208 + edgecount: 213 - id: COHSI2STUDY status: OK + nodecount: 88 + edgecount: 80 - id: COID status: OK + nodecount: 1191 + edgecount: 1492 - id: COKPME status: OK + nodecount: 85 + edgecount: 70 - id: COLAO status: OK + nodecount: 705 + edgecount: 1627 - id: COMODI status: OK + nodecount: 66 + edgecount: 66 - id: CONTSONTO status: OK + nodecount: 159 + edgecount: 163 - id: COPDO status: OK + nodecount: 111 + edgecount: 109 - id: COSTART status: OK + nodecount: 1741 + edgecount: 5311 - id: COVID-19 status: OK + nodecount: 2394 + edgecount: 2473 - id: COVID-19-ONT-PM status: OK + nodecount: 306 + edgecount: 320 - id: COVID19 status: OK + nodecount: 39 + edgecount: 33 - id: COVID19-IBO status: OK + nodecount: 160 + edgecount: 182 - id: COVIDCRFRAPID status: OK + nodecount: 745 + edgecount: 829 - id: CPRO status: OK + nodecount: 182 + edgecount: 148 - id: CPT status: OK + nodecount: 14495 + edgecount: 540723 - id: CPTAC status: OK + nodecount: 20 + edgecount: 20 - id: CRISP status: OK + nodecount: 9078 + edgecount: 43425 - id: CRO status: OK + nodecount: 169 + edgecount: 130 - id: CRYOEM status: OK + nodecount: 125 + edgecount: 112 - id: CS status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CSEO status: OK + nodecount: 20173 + edgecount: 26443 - id: CSO status: OK + nodecount: 38 + edgecount: 38 - id: CSSO status: OK + nodecount: 309 + edgecount: 305 - id: CST status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CSTD status: OK + nodecount: 615 + edgecount: 651 - id: CTCAE status: OK + nodecount: 4050 + edgecount: 4050 - id: CTENO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 1243 - id: CTO status: OK + nodecount: 338 + edgecount: 285 - id: CTO-NDD status: OK + nodecount: 379 + edgecount: 378 - id: CTONT status: OK + nodecount: 46 + edgecount: 44 - id: CTP status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CTX status: OK + nodecount: 1208 + edgecount: 4245 - id: CU-VO status: OK + nodecount: 7353 + edgecount: 20746 - id: CVAO status: OK + nodecount: 1808 + edgecount: 2031 - id: CVDO status: OK + nodecount: 640 + edgecount: 635 - id: CWD status: OK + nodecount: 47 + edgecount: 57 - id: CYTO status: OK + nodecount: 320 + edgecount: 318 - id: DATACITE status: OK + nodecount: 131 + edgecount: 114 - id: DATACITE-VOCAB status: OK + nodecount: 135 + edgecount: 135 - id: DC status: OK + nodecount: 89 + edgecount: 42 - id: DCAT status: OK + nodecount: 34 + edgecount: 22 - id: DCAT-FDC status: OK + nodecount: 277 + edgecount: 161 - id: DCCDFV status: OK + nodecount: 20 + edgecount: 19 - id: DCM status: OK + nodecount: 4694 + edgecount: 4682 - id: DCMITYPE status: OK + nodecount: 51 + edgecount: 49 - id: DCO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: DCT status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 53 - id: DCTERMS status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 53 - id: DDANAT status: OK + nodecount: 149 + edgecount: 132 - id: DDI status: OK + nodecount: 208 + edgecount: 189 - id: DDIEM status: OK + nodecount: 263 + edgecount: 224 - id: DDPHENO status: OK + nodecount: 1270 + edgecount: 1168 - id: DEB status: OK + nodecount: 606 + edgecount: 622 - id: DERMLEX status: OK + nodecount: 6107 + edgecount: 18307 - id: DERMO status: OK + nodecount: 3537 + edgecount: 3995 - id: DFO status: OK + nodecount: 15 + edgecount: 12 - id: DIAB status: OK + nodecount: 391 + edgecount: 1792 - id: DIAGONT status: OK + nodecount: 106 + edgecount: 103 - id: DIDEO status: OK + nodecount: 819 + edgecount: 827 - id: DIKB status: OK + nodecount: 173 + edgecount: 199 - id: DILON status: OK + nodecount: 780 + edgecount: 1299 - id: DINTO status: OK + nodecount: 30250 + edgecount: 162093 - id: DISDRIV status: OK + nodecount: 26 + edgecount: 14 - id: DLORO status: OK + nodecount: 296 + edgecount: 363 - id: DMTO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: DOCCC status: OK + nodecount: 205 + edgecount: 205 - id: DOID status: OK + nodecount: 18008 + edgecount: 28752 - id: DOREMUS-KEYS status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 65 - id: DPO status: OK + nodecount: 6592 + edgecount: 17488 - id: DRANPTO status: OK + nodecount: 629 + edgecount: 606 - id: DREAMDNPTO status: OK + nodecount: 1342 + edgecount: 1308 - id: DRON status: OK + nodecount: 645367 + edgecount: 1206804 - id: DRPSNPTO status: OK + nodecount: 684 + edgecount: 653 - id: DSEO status: OK + nodecount: 132 + edgecount: 142 - id: DTO status: OK + nodecount: 10172 + edgecount: 12075 - id: DUO status: OK + nodecount: 414 + edgecount: 430 - id: E-PPO status: OK + nodecount: 55 + edgecount: 55 - id: EBP status: OK + nodecount: 374 + edgecount: 1535 - id: ECAO status: OK + nodecount: 613 + edgecount: 1478 - id: ECG status: OK + nodecount: 1198 + edgecount: 1163 - id: ECO status: OK + nodecount: 2049 + edgecount: 3306 - id: ECOCORE status: OK + nodecount: 5924 + edgecount: 15381 - id: ECP status: OK + nodecount: 75 + edgecount: 65 - id: ECSO status: OK + nodecount: 2251 + edgecount: 2291 - id: ECTO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: EDAM status: OK + nodecount: 3536 + edgecount: 4599 - id: EDAM-BIOIMAGING status: OK + nodecount: 366 + edgecount: 400 - id: EDDA status: OK + nodecount: 560 + edgecount: 594 - id: EDDA_PT status: OK + nodecount: 159 + edgecount: 100 - id: EFO status: OK + nodecount: 36547 + edgecount: 57900 - id: EGO status: OK + nodecount: 3296 + edgecount: 4672 - id: EHDA status: OK + nodecount: 8349 + edgecount: 25 - id: EHDAA status: OK + nodecount: 2321 + edgecount: 2 - id: EHDAA2 status: OK + nodecount: 2792 + edgecount: 8261 - id: ELD status: OK + nodecount: 2080 + edgecount: 2080 - id: ELECTRICA status: OK + nodecount: 1099 + edgecount: 1071 - id: ELIG status: OK + nodecount: 35 + edgecount: 37 - id: ELTER_CL status: OK + nodecount: 362 + edgecount: 356 - id: EMAP status: OK + nodecount: 19450 + edgecount: 527 - id: EMAPA status: OK + nodecount: 8766 + edgecount: 15206 - id: EMIF-AD status: OK + nodecount: 719 + edgecount: 702 - id: EMO status: OK + nodecount: 168 + edgecount: 177 - id: ENM status: OK + nodecount: 17716 + edgecount: 12827 - id: ENTITY status: OK + nodecount: 207 + edgecount: 215 - id: ENVO status: OK + nodecount: 6776 + edgecount: 9643 - id: ENVS_VARIABLES status: OK + nodecount: 15 + edgecount: 16 - id: ENVTHES status: OK + nodecount: 5719 + edgecount: 5714 - id: EO status: OK + nodecount: 789 + edgecount: 770 - id: EO1 status: OK + nodecount: 28 + edgecount: 28 - id: EOL status: OK + nodecount: 653 + edgecount: 662 - id: EP status: OK + nodecount: 250 + edgecount: 240 - id: EPIE status: OK + nodecount: 403 + edgecount: 395 - id: EPILONT status: OK + nodecount: 139 + edgecount: 142 - id: EPIO status: OK + nodecount: 2015 + edgecount: 1979 - id: EPIP status: OK + nodecount: 274 + edgecount: 265 - id: EPISEM status: OK + nodecount: 1596 + edgecount: 1595 - id: EPO status: OK + nodecount: 1431 + edgecount: 1595 - id: EPSO status: OK + nodecount: 1941 + edgecount: 1942 - id: ERO status: OK + nodecount: 4311 + edgecount: 4499 - id: ESFO status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 22 - id: ESSO status: OK + nodecount: 2710 + edgecount: 4829 - id: ETANC status: OK + nodecount: 67 + edgecount: 55 - id: ETHANC status: OK + nodecount: 45 + edgecount: 33 - id: ETHOPD status: OK + nodecount: 71 + edgecount: 64 - id: EUPATH status: OK + nodecount: 4806 + edgecount: 6312 - id: EVI status: OK + nodecount: 90 + edgecount: 91 - id: EXACT status: OK + nodecount: 174 + edgecount: 317 - id: EXMO status: OK + nodecount: 544 + edgecount: 655 - id: EXO status: OK + nodecount: 168 + edgecount: 152 - id: EXON status: OK + nodecount: 11 + edgecount: 11 - id: EXTRACT status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 24 - id: FALDO status: OK + nodecount: 32 + edgecount: 23 - id: FALL status: OK + nodecount: 110 + edgecount: 133 - id: FAO status: OK + nodecount: 134 + edgecount: 131 - id: FAST-CHRONO status: OK + nodecount: 684 + edgecount: 683 - id: FAST-EVENT status: OK + nodecount: 37435 + edgecount: 15699 - id: FAST-EVENT-SKOS status: OK + nodecount: 37435 + edgecount: 15699 - id: FAST-FORMGENRE status: OK + nodecount: 5688 + edgecount: 3289 - id: FAST-GENREFORM status: OK + nodecount: 6049 + edgecount: 3465 - id: FAST-TITLE status: OK + nodecount: 192686 + edgecount: 65802 - id: FASTO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: FB-BT status: OK + nodecount: 18663 + edgecount: 160046 - id: FB-CV status: OK + nodecount: 2441 + edgecount: 3913 - id: FB-DV status: OK + nodecount: 236 + edgecount: 628 - id: FB-SP status: OK + nodecount: 6613 + edgecount: 6589 - id: FBbi status: OK + nodecount: 762 + edgecount: 732 - id: FCC1 status: OK + nodecount: 11 + edgecount: 12 - id: FDC-GDMT status: OK + nodecount: 1140 + edgecount: 1001 - id: FDSAJFAHSJK status: OK + nodecount: 4 + edgecount: 4 - id: FDT-O status: OK + nodecount: 73 + edgecount: 77 - id: FENICS status: OK + nodecount: 221 + edgecount: 425 - id: FG status: OK + nodecount: 124 + edgecount: 10 - id: FGNHNS status: OK + nodecount: 1784 + edgecount: 1780 - id: FHHO status: OK + nodecount: 252 + edgecount: 913 - id: FIDEO status: OK + nodecount: 941 + edgecount: 954 - id: FIRE status: OK + nodecount: 84 + edgecount: 79 - id: FISH-AST status: OK + nodecount: 128 + edgecount: 128 - id: FISHO status: OK + nodecount: 460 + edgecount: 474 - id: FIX status: OK + nodecount: 1174 + edgecount: 1635 - id: FLOPO status: OK + nodecount: 28455 + edgecount: 35970 - id: FLU status: OK + nodecount: 711 + edgecount: 757 - id: FLYGLYCODB status: OK + nodecount: 141 + edgecount: 116 - id: FMA status: OK + nodecount: 105928 + edgecount: 104827 - id: FMPM status: OK + nodecount: 163 + edgecount: 163 - id: FO status: OK + nodecount: 40 + edgecount: 39 - id: FOAF status: OK + nodecount: 86 + edgecount: 59 - id: FOBI status: OK + nodecount: 1359 + edgecount: 6811 - id: FOODON status: OK + nodecount: 32677 + edgecount: 42051 - id: FOVT status: OK + nodecount: 5577 + edgecount: 13281 - id: FPLX status: OK + nodecount: 713 + edgecount: 722 - id: FRMO status: OK + nodecount: 826 + edgecount: 789 - id: FTC status: OK + nodecount: 61437 + edgecount: 116377 - id: FYPO status: OK + nodecount: 21283 + edgecount: 46090 - id: G-PROV status: OK + nodecount: 470 + edgecount: 384 - id: GALEN status: OK + nodecount: 23142 + edgecount: 24764 - id: GAMUTS status: OK + nodecount: 18002 + edgecount: 17655 - id: GAZ status: OK + nodecount: 668873 + edgecount: 1460033 - id: GBM status: OK + nodecount: 113 + edgecount: 109 - id: GBOL status: OK + nodecount: 1495 + edgecount: 1037 - id: GCO status: OK + nodecount: 9 + edgecount: 6 - id: GDCO status: OK + nodecount: 125 + edgecount: 104 - id: GECKO status: OK + nodecount: 173 + edgecount: 158 - id: GENE-CDS status: OK + nodecount: 2275 + edgecount: 2266 - id: GENO status: OK + nodecount: 621 + edgecount: 592 - id: GEO status: OK + nodecount: 41980 + edgecount: 83487 - id: GEOSPARQL status: OK + nodecount: 162 + edgecount: 104 - id: GEOSPECIES status: OK + nodecount: 405 + edgecount: 543 - id: GEXO status: OK + nodecount: 166267 + edgecount: 1052278 - id: GFFO status: OK + nodecount: 12 + edgecount: 2 - id: GFO status: OK + nodecount: 89 + edgecount: 91 - id: GFO-BIO status: OK + nodecount: 171 + edgecount: 265 - id: GFVO status: OK + nodecount: 138 + edgecount: 126 - id: GLYCO status: OK + nodecount: 2080 + edgecount: 32673 - id: GLYCOCOO status: OK + nodecount: 85 + edgecount: 96 - id: GLYCORDF status: OK + nodecount: 1538 + edgecount: 4228 - id: GML status: OK + nodecount: 208 + edgecount: 219 - id: GMM status: OK + nodecount: 1899 + edgecount: 1897 - id: GMO status: OK + nodecount: 1045 + edgecount: 1030 - id: GNO status: OK + nodecount: 112399 + edgecount: 125124 - id: GO status: OK + nodecount: 50950 + edgecount: 90826 - id: GO-EXT status: OK + nodecount: 35899 + edgecount: 61208 - id: GO-PLUS status: OK + nodecount: 83335 + edgecount: 176207 - id: GPML status: OK + nodecount: 90 + edgecount: 21 - id: GRO status: OK + nodecount: 516 + edgecount: 566 - id: GRO-CPD status: OK + nodecount: 247 + edgecount: 233 - id: GRO-CPGA status: OK + nodecount: 1581 + edgecount: 1461 - id: GSSO status: OK + nodecount: 16375 + edgecount: 18197 - id: GVO status: OK + nodecount: 62 + edgecount: 48 - id: HAAURAADO status: OK + nodecount: 870 + edgecount: 2883 - id: HAMIDEHSGH status: OK + nodecount: 408 + edgecount: 408 - id: HANCESTRO status: OK + nodecount: 605 + edgecount: 848 - id: HAO status: OK + nodecount: 5326 + edgecount: 5804 - id: HAROREADO status: OK + nodecount: 871 + edgecount: 2883 - id: HASCO status: OK + nodecount: 2193 + edgecount: 2291 - id: HCDR status: OK + nodecount: 121 + edgecount: 120 - id: HCODONONT status: OK + nodecount: 99 + edgecount: 97 - id: HCPCS status: OK + nodecount: 7315 + edgecount: 14463 - id: HDMPONTO status: OK + nodecount: 388 + edgecount: 417 - id: HECON status: OK + nodecount: 52 + edgecount: 71 - id: HEIO status: OK + nodecount: 1778 + edgecount: 8028 - id: HFO status: OK + nodecount: 1653 + edgecount: 2069 - id: HGNC status: OK + nodecount: 32919 + edgecount: 32918 - id: HGNC-NR status: OK + nodecount: 48313 + edgecount: 48311 - id: HHEAR status: OK + nodecount: 45650 + edgecount: 89114 - id: HINO status: OK + nodecount: 37769 + edgecount: 126051 - id: HIO status: OK + nodecount: 549 + edgecount: 663 - id: HIV status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: HIVCRS status: OK + nodecount: 10 + edgecount: 10 - id: HIVMT status: OK + nodecount: 165 + edgecount: 189 - id: HIVO004 status: OK + nodecount: 2061 + edgecount: 2527 - id: HL7 status: OK + nodecount: 9168 + edgecount: 20895 - id: HMADO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: HMIS033B status: OK + nodecount: 68 + edgecount: 1 - id: HMISLAB0115 status: OK + nodecount: 21 + edgecount: 21 - id: HNS status: OK + nodecount: 686 + edgecount: 741 - id: HO status: OK + nodecount: 252 + edgecount: 238 - id: HOIP status: OK + nodecount: 13001 + edgecount: 24167 - id: HOM status: OK + nodecount: 76 + edgecount: 77 - id: HOME status: OK + nodecount: 83 + edgecount: 116 - id: HOOM status: OK + nodecount: 131985 + edgecount: 131975 - id: HORD status: OK + nodecount: 14704 + edgecount: 14675 - id: HP status: OK + nodecount: 20418 + edgecount: 20884 - id: HPIO status: OK + nodecount: 283 + edgecount: 281 - id: HP_O status: OK + nodecount: 200 + edgecount: 289 - id: HRDO status: OK + nodecount: 13545 + edgecount: 14265 - id: HSAPDV status: OK + nodecount: 272 + edgecount: 493 - id: HSO status: OK + nodecount: 1419 + edgecount: 1272 - id: HTN status: OK + nodecount: 995 + edgecount: 1026 - id: HTO status: OK + nodecount: 5 + edgecount: 4 - id: HUPSON status: OK + nodecount: 3033 + edgecount: 3243 - id: HUSAT status: OK + nodecount: 45 + edgecount: 45 - id: I-ADOPT status: OK + nodecount: 13 + edgecount: 6 - id: I2SV status: OK + nodecount: 190 + edgecount: 190 - id: IAML-MOP status: OK + nodecount: 423 + edgecount: 423 - id: IAO status: OK + nodecount: 371 + edgecount: 386 - id: IBD status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 415 - id: IBIO status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 415 - id: IBO status: OK + nodecount: 796 + edgecount: 594 - id: ICD10 status: OK + nodecount: 12895 + edgecount: 23611 - id: ICD10CM status: OK + nodecount: 96015 + edgecount: 193104 - id: ICD10PCS status: OK + nodecount: 191150 + edgecount: 382120 - id: ICD11-BODYSYSTEM status: OK + nodecount: 31 + edgecount: 30 - id: ICD9CM status: OK + nodecount: 22573 + edgecount: 44976 - id: ICDO status: OK + nodecount: 1620 + edgecount: 1977 - id: ICECI status: OK + nodecount: 2241 + edgecount: 4704 - id: ICEO status: OK + nodecount: 31043 + edgecount: 68549 - id: ICF status: OK + nodecount: 4889 + edgecount: 8210 - id: ICNP status: OK + nodecount: 4511 + edgecount: 7621 - id: ICO status: OK + nodecount: 1256 + edgecount: 1328 - id: ICPC2P status: OK + nodecount: 7575 + edgecount: 7556 - id: ICPS status: OK + nodecount: 1352 + edgecount: 2507 - id: ICW status: OK + nodecount: 124 + edgecount: 121 - id: ID-AMR status: OK + nodecount: 284 + edgecount: 275 - id: IDEM status: OK + nodecount: 41 + edgecount: 42 - id: IDG_GL status: OK + nodecount: 422 + edgecount: 419 - id: IDO status: OK + nodecount: 466 + edgecount: 446 - id: IDO-COVID-19 status: OK + nodecount: 590 + edgecount: 581 - id: IDOBRU status: OK + nodecount: 3449 + edgecount: 5700 - id: IDODEN status: OK + nodecount: 5083 + edgecount: 5113 - id: IDOMAL status: OK + nodecount: 3189 + edgecount: 3186 - id: IDQA status: OK + nodecount: 271 + edgecount: 275 - id: IFAR status: OK + nodecount: 4531 + edgecount: 4985 - id: ILLNESSINJURY status: OK + nodecount: 148 + edgecount: 165 - id: IMGT-ONTOLOGY status: OK + nodecount: 1458 + edgecount: 1451 - id: INBANCIDO status: OK + nodecount: 8441 + edgecount: 15847 - id: INBIO status: OK + nodecount: 561 + edgecount: 639 - id: INBIODIV status: OK + nodecount: 631 + edgecount: 681 - id: INCENTIVE status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 100 - id: INCENTIVE-VARS status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 100 - id: INFECTION_TRANS status: OK + nodecount: 28 + edgecount: 31 - id: INFRA-EN status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: INFRARISK status: OK + nodecount: 84 + edgecount: 60 - id: INO status: OK + nodecount: 446 + edgecount: 418 - id: INSECTH status: OK + nodecount: 334 + edgecount: 337 - id: INSNAME status: OK + nodecount: 27 + edgecount: 27 - id: INTO status: OK + nodecount: 1189 + edgecount: 2244 - id: INVERSEROLES status: OK + nodecount: 207 + edgecount: 317 - id: IOBC status: OK + nodecount: 127332 + edgecount: 315038 - id: IRD status: OK + nodecount: 546 + edgecount: 542 - id: IRDG status: OK + nodecount: 50 + edgecount: 50 - id: ISO-15926-2_2003 status: OK + nodecount: 206 + edgecount: 213 - id: ISO-ANNOTATIONS status: OK + nodecount: 205 + edgecount: 213 - id: ISO-FOOD status: OK + nodecount: 1519 + edgecount: 1651 - id: ISO19108TO status: OK + nodecount: 48 + edgecount: 26 - id: ISO19110 status: OK + nodecount: 101 + edgecount: 55 - id: ISO19115 status: OK + nodecount: 687 + edgecount: 375 - id: ISO19115CC status: OK + nodecount: 71 + edgecount: 75 - id: ISO19115CI status: OK + nodecount: 155 + edgecount: 175 - id: ISO19115CON status: OK + nodecount: 63 + edgecount: 70 - id: ISO19115DI status: OK + nodecount: 62 + edgecount: 35 - id: ISO19115DTC status: OK + nodecount: 22 + edgecount: 51 - id: ISO19115EX status: OK + nodecount: 35 + edgecount: 14 - id: ISO19115ID status: OK + nodecount: 151 + edgecount: 176 - id: ISO19115MI status: OK + nodecount: 52 + edgecount: 23 - id: ISO19115PR status: OK + nodecount: 292 + edgecount: 292 - id: ISO19115ROLES status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 43 - id: ISO19115SRS status: OK + nodecount: 42 + edgecount: 65 - id: ISO19115TCC status: OK + nodecount: 21 + edgecount: 20 - id: ISO639-2 status: OK + nodecount: 15538 + edgecount: 63909 - id: ISSVA status: OK + nodecount: 205 + edgecount: 202 - id: ITEMAS status: OK + nodecount: 144 + edgecount: 219 - id: ITO status: OK + nodecount: 61881 + edgecount: 65787 - id: IXNO status: OK + nodecount: 82 + edgecount: 54 - id: JERM status: OK + nodecount: 303 + edgecount: 305 - id: KENYAANC status: OK + nodecount: 139 + edgecount: 79 - id: KISAO status: OK + nodecount: 525 + edgecount: 532 - id: KORO status: OK + nodecount: 181 + edgecount: 167 - id: KTAO status: OK + nodecount: 10808 + edgecount: 21232 - id: LABO status: OK + nodecount: 253 + edgecount: 226 - id: LAND-SURFACE status: OK + nodecount: 451 + edgecount: 460 - id: LANDFORM status: OK + nodecount: 459 + edgecount: 1533 - id: LBO status: OK + nodecount: 1120 + edgecount: 1108 - id: LC-CARRIERS status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: LC-MEDIA status: OK + nodecount: 16 + edgecount: 26 - id: LCDGT status: OK + nodecount: 6 + edgecount: 7 - id: LCGFT status: OK + nodecount: 2194 + edgecount: 4505 - id: LDA status: OK + nodecount: 37 + edgecount: 37 - id: LEGALAPA status: OK + nodecount: 228 + edgecount: 228 - id: LEGALAPATEST2 status: OK + nodecount: 228 + edgecount: 228 - id: LEPAO status: OK + nodecount: 818 + edgecount: 1707 - id: LHN status: OK + nodecount: 318 + edgecount: 322 - id: LICO status: OK + nodecount: 156 + edgecount: 192 - id: LIFO status: OK + nodecount: 375 + edgecount: 381 - id: LION status: OK + nodecount: 63571 + edgecount: 188643 - id: LIPRO status: OK + nodecount: 279 + edgecount: 287 - id: LOINC status: OK + nodecount: 282051 + edgecount: 3731203 - id: LONGCOVID status: OK + nodecount: 10 + edgecount: 12 - id: LPT status: OK + nodecount: 516 + edgecount: 562 - id: LUNGMAP-HUMAN status: OK + nodecount: 311 + edgecount: 125 - id: LUNGMAP-MOUSE status: OK + nodecount: 316 + edgecount: 131 - id: LUNGMAP_H_CELL status: OK + nodecount: 83 + edgecount: 129 - id: LUNGMAP_M_CELL status: OK + nodecount: 96 + edgecount: 147 - id: M4M-20-SUBJECTS status: OK + nodecount: 37 + edgecount: 29 - id: M4M-20-VARIABLES status: OK + nodecount: 30 + edgecount: 22 - id: M4M-21-SUBJECTS status: OK + nodecount: 30 + edgecount: 22 - id: M4M-21-VARIABLES status: OK + nodecount: 29 + edgecount: 23 - id: M4M19-SUBS status: OK + nodecount: 26 + edgecount: 26 - id: M4M19-VARS status: OK + nodecount: 25 + edgecount: 25 - id: MA status: OK + nodecount: 3267 + edgecount: 2130 - id: MADS-RDF status: OK + nodecount: 161 + edgecount: 117 - id: MAMO status: OK + nodecount: 117 + edgecount: 109 - id: MARC-LANGUAGES status: OK + nodecount: 491 + edgecount: 979 - id: MARC-RELATORS status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: MAT status: OK + nodecount: 2194 + edgecount: 962 - id: MATR status: OK + nodecount: 31 + edgecount: 53 - id: MATRCOMPOUND status: OK + nodecount: 109 + edgecount: 113 - id: MATRELEMENT status: OK + nodecount: 101 + edgecount: 155 - id: MATRROCK status: OK + nodecount: 25 + edgecount: 25 - id: MATRROCKIGNEOUS status: OK + nodecount: 47 + edgecount: 55 - id: MAXO status: OK + nodecount: 15992 + edgecount: 37318 - id: MCBCC status: OK + nodecount: 386 + edgecount: 383 - id: MCCL status: OK + nodecount: 5476 + edgecount: 5481 - id: MCCV status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 48 - id: MCHVODANATERMS status: OK + nodecount: 39 + edgecount: 30 - id: MCO status: OK + nodecount: 3454 + edgecount: 6761 - id: MDDB status: OK + nodecount: 13851 + edgecount: 14112 - id: MDM status: OK + nodecount: 44790 + edgecount: 44790 - id: MEDDRA status: OK + nodecount: 77341 + edgecount: 373094 - id: MEDEON status: OK + nodecount: 77 + edgecount: 86 - id: MEDLINEPLUS status: OK + nodecount: 2299 + edgecount: 14705 - id: MEDO status: OK + nodecount: 96 + edgecount: 91 - id: MEGO status: OK + nodecount: 389 + edgecount: 267 - id: MELO status: OK + nodecount: 629 + edgecount: 624 - id: MEO status: OK + nodecount: 2545 + edgecount: 3439 - id: MEPO status: OK + nodecount: 5688 + edgecount: 5687 - id: MERA status: OK + nodecount: 9 + edgecount: 9 - id: MESH status: OK + nodecount: 348930 + edgecount: 2758246 - id: MF status: OK + nodecount: 479 + edgecount: 476 - id: MFMO status: OK + nodecount: 1070 + edgecount: 1117 - id: MFO status: OK + nodecount: 4368 + edgecount: 171 - id: MFOEM status: OK + nodecount: 702 + edgecount: 766 - id: MFOMD status: OK + nodecount: 988 + edgecount: 960 - id: MGBD status: OK + nodecount: 12 + edgecount: 21 - id: MHC status: OK + nodecount: 7951 + edgecount: 10296 - id: MHCRO status: OK + nodecount: 51401 + edgecount: 84268 - id: MHMO status: OK + nodecount: 455 + edgecount: 534 - id: MI status: OK + nodecount: 1653 + edgecount: 1632 - id: MIAPA status: OK + nodecount: 459 + edgecount: 443 - id: MIDO status: OK + nodecount: 55017 + edgecount: 159834 - id: MIM status: OK + nodecount: 98 + edgecount: 100 - id: MINERAL status: OK + nodecount: 19 + edgecount: 17 - id: MINI-FAST-1 status: OK + nodecount: 5 + edgecount: 5 - id: MIRNAO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: MIRO status: OK + nodecount: 4438 + edgecount: 4455 - id: MIXS status: OK + nodecount: 2331 + edgecount: 4121 - id: MIXSCV status: OK + nodecount: 524 + edgecount: 520 - id: MLTX status: OK + nodecount: 21 + edgecount: 13 - id: MMO status: OK + nodecount: 863 + edgecount: 966 - id: MMUSDV status: OK + nodecount: 140 + edgecount: 200 - id: MNR status: OK + nodecount: 26 + edgecount: 26 - id: MNV status: OK + nodecount: 256 + edgecount: 235 - id: MO status: OK + nodecount: 1056 + edgecount: 1203 - id: MOC status: OK + nodecount: 138 + edgecount: 168 - id: MODSCI status: OK + nodecount: 489 + edgecount: 528 - id: MONDO status: OK + nodecount: 25559 + edgecount: 38957 - id: MONO status: OK + nodecount: 3838 + edgecount: 7193 - id: MOOCCIADO status: OK + nodecount: 870 + edgecount: 2883 - id: MOOCCUADO status: OK + nodecount: 871 + edgecount: 2883 - id: MOOCULADO status: OK + nodecount: 871 + edgecount: 2883 - id: MOP status: OK + nodecount: 3713 + edgecount: 3794 - id: MOSAIC status: OK + nodecount: 9697 + edgecount: 71376 - id: MP status: OK + nodecount: 14782 + edgecount: 17289 - id: MPATH status: OK + nodecount: 905 + edgecount: 948 - id: MPIO status: OK + nodecount: 123 + edgecount: 89 - id: MPO status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 360 - id: MRO status: OK + nodecount: 178 + edgecount: 191 - id: MS status: OK + nodecount: 7598 + edgecount: 9374 - id: MSO status: OK + nodecount: 1355 + edgecount: 1177 - id: MSTDE status: OK + nodecount: 1889 + edgecount: 10786 - id: MSTDE-FRE status: OK + nodecount: 1861 + edgecount: 1847 - id: MSV status: OK + nodecount: 1345 + edgecount: 1344 - id: MWLA status: OK + nodecount: 258 + edgecount: 263 - id: NANDO status: OK + nodecount: 2737 + edgecount: 2732 - id: NATPRO status: OK + nodecount: 31490 + edgecount: 55123 - id: NBO status: OK + nodecount: 2886 + edgecount: 5185 - id: NCBITAXON status: OK + nodecount: 1983943 + edgecount: 3967993 - id: NCCNEHR status: OK + nodecount: 15 + edgecount: 15 - id: NCCO status: OK + nodecount: 402 + edgecount: 403 - id: NCIT status: OK + nodecount: 174368 + edgecount: 199107 - id: NCOD status: OK + nodecount: 2 + edgecount: 1 - id: NCRO status: OK + nodecount: 11973 + edgecount: 33771 - id: NDDF status: OK + nodecount: 31065 + edgecount: 83450 - id: NDDO status: OK + nodecount: 1931 + edgecount: 2233 - id: NDFRT status: OK + nodecount: 36288 + edgecount: 377815 - id: NEICBEER status: OK + nodecount: 45 + edgecount: 44 - id: NEMO status: OK + nodecount: 2026 + edgecount: 2210 - id: NEO status: OK + nodecount: 1609 + edgecount: 1615 - id: NEOMARK3 status: OK + nodecount: 58 + edgecount: 132 - id: NEOMARK4 status: OK + nodecount: 371 + edgecount: 367 - id: NERO status: OK + nodecount: 66 + edgecount: 87 - id: NEUDIGS status: OK + nodecount: 41 + edgecount: 36 - id: NEUMORE status: OK + nodecount: 34 + edgecount: 34 - id: NGBO status: OK + nodecount: 1675 + edgecount: 1769 - id: NGSONTO status: OK + nodecount: 124 + edgecount: 76 - id: NIDM-RESULTS status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 229 - id: NIFCELL status: OK + nodecount: 386 + edgecount: 375 - id: NIFDYS status: OK + nodecount: 11689 + edgecount: 24809 - id: NIFSTD status: OK + nodecount: 163700 + edgecount: 296341 - id: NIFSUBCELL status: OK + nodecount: 422 + edgecount: 412 - id: NIGO status: OK + nodecount: 4860 + edgecount: 8040 - id: NIHSS status: OK + nodecount: 114 + edgecount: 88 - id: NIO status: OK + nodecount: 5235 + edgecount: 4244 - id: NIST_GEL status: OK + nodecount: 61 + edgecount: 57 - id: NLMVS status: OK + nodecount: 75209 + edgecount: 195740 - id: NLN status: OK + nodecount: 573 + edgecount: 538 - id: NMDCO status: OK + nodecount: 8526 + edgecount: 12170 - id: NMOBR status: OK + nodecount: 677 + edgecount: 731 - id: NMOSP status: OK + nodecount: 1957 + edgecount: 1953 - id: NMR status: OK + nodecount: 811 + edgecount: 803 - id: NOMEN status: OK + nodecount: 386 + edgecount: 365 - id: NONRCTO status: OK + nodecount: 190 + edgecount: 187 - id: NPI status: OK + nodecount: 48 + edgecount: 45 - id: NPO status: OK + nodecount: 1985 + edgecount: 2462 - id: NPOKB status: OK + nodecount: 4800 + edgecount: 5555 - id: NXDX status: OK + nodecount: 437 + edgecount: 445 - id: OA status: OK + nodecount: 74 + edgecount: 43 - id: OAE status: OK + nodecount: 7099 + edgecount: 9163 - id: OARCS status: OK + nodecount: 645 + edgecount: 685 - id: OBA status: OK + nodecount: 27085 + edgecount: 71995 - id: OBCS status: OK + nodecount: 910 + edgecount: 1204 - id: OBI status: OK + nodecount: 5140 + edgecount: 7193 - id: OBIB status: OK + nodecount: 2219 + edgecount: 2422 - id: OBIWS status: OK + nodecount: 302 + edgecount: 383 - id: OBI_BCGO status: OK + nodecount: 2463 + edgecount: 3831 - id: OBI_IEE status: OK + nodecount: 3967 + edgecount: 5437 - id: OBOE status: OK + nodecount: 321 + edgecount: 337 - id: OBOE-SBC status: OK + nodecount: 646 + edgecount: 712 - id: OBOREL status: OK + nodecount: 812 + edgecount: 853 - id: OBS status: OK + nodecount: 92 + edgecount: 137 - id: OCD status: OK + nodecount: 304 + edgecount: 414 - id: OCDM status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: OCE status: OK + nodecount: 289 + edgecount: 427 - id: OCHV status: OK + nodecount: 115676 + edgecount: 115665 - id: OCIMIDO status: OK + nodecount: 672 + edgecount: 714 - id: OCMR status: OK + nodecount: 3560 + edgecount: 8564 - id: OCRE status: OK + nodecount: 671 + edgecount: 545 - id: OCVDAE status: OK + nodecount: 3170 + edgecount: 8267 - id: ODAE status: OK + nodecount: 3917 + edgecount: 5430 - id: ODNAE status: OK + nodecount: 1688 + edgecount: 3081 - id: OF status: OK + nodecount: 509 + edgecount: 500 - id: OFSMR status: OK + nodecount: 160 + edgecount: 160 - id: OGDI status: OK + nodecount: 772 + edgecount: 1493 - id: OGG status: OK + nodecount: 69811 + edgecount: 69889 - id: OGG-MM status: OK + nodecount: 69554 + edgecount: 69561 - id: OGI status: OK + nodecount: 232 + edgecount: 306 - id: OGMD status: OK + nodecount: 140 + edgecount: 136 - id: OGMS status: OK + nodecount: 243 + edgecount: 203 - id: OGR status: OK + nodecount: 40 + edgecount: 40 - id: OGROUP status: OK + nodecount: 41 + edgecount: 12 - id: OGSF status: OK + nodecount: 561 + edgecount: 720 - id: OHD status: OK + nodecount: 2911 + edgecount: 6263 - id: OHMI status: OK + nodecount: 1233 + edgecount: 1896 - id: OHPI status: OK + nodecount: 12006 + edgecount: 33526 - id: OLAM status: OK + nodecount: 337 + edgecount: 345 - id: OLATDV status: OK + nodecount: 59 + edgecount: 91 - id: OM status: OK + nodecount: 2533 + edgecount: 12958 - id: OMIM status: OK + nodecount: 101265 + edgecount: 535643 - id: OMIT status: OK + nodecount: 91018 + edgecount: 103179 - id: OMO status: OK + nodecount: 87 + edgecount: 46 - id: OMP status: OK + nodecount: 2399 + edgecount: 2905 - id: OMRSE status: OK + nodecount: 868 + edgecount: 1023 - id: OMV status: OK + nodecount: 129 + edgecount: 73 - id: ONE status: OK + nodecount: 4312 + edgecount: 5877 - id: ONL-DP status: OK + nodecount: 652 + edgecount: 770 - id: ONL-MR-DA status: OK + nodecount: 856 + edgecount: 1043 - id: ONL-MSA status: OK + nodecount: 1459 + edgecount: 2710 - id: ONL-TASKS status: OK + nodecount: 48 + edgecount: 49 - id: ONLIRA status: OK + nodecount: 92 + edgecount: 58 - id: ONS status: OK + nodecount: 6379 + edgecount: 8801 - id: ONSTR status: OK + nodecount: 1998 + edgecount: 1991 - id: ONTOAD status: OK + nodecount: 5989 + edgecount: 19283 - id: ONTOAVIDA status: OK + nodecount: 713 + edgecount: 708 - id: ONTODM-ALGORITHM status: OK + nodecount: 366 + edgecount: 374 - id: ONTODM-CORE status: OK + nodecount: 820 + edgecount: 821 - id: ONTODM-KDD status: OK + nodecount: 293 + edgecount: 421 - id: ONTODT status: OK + nodecount: 425 + edgecount: 519 - id: ONTOKBCF status: OK + nodecount: 409 + edgecount: 559 - id: ONTOLURGENCES status: OK + nodecount: 10072 + edgecount: 11009 - id: ONTOMA status: OK + nodecount: 466 + edgecount: 469 - id: ONTONEO status: OK + nodecount: 2393 + edgecount: 2502 - id: ONTOPARON status: OK + nodecount: 2502 + edgecount: 2492 - id: ONTOPARON_SOCIAL status: OK + nodecount: 1289 + edgecount: 1287 - id: ONTOPBM status: OK + nodecount: 266 + edgecount: 305 - id: ONTOPNEUMO status: OK + nodecount: 1178 + edgecount: 1168 - id: ONTOPSYCHIA status: OK + nodecount: 1921 + edgecount: 2045 - id: ONTOREPLICOV status: OK + nodecount: 101 + edgecount: 155 - id: ONTOSIM status: OK + nodecount: 113 + edgecount: 26 - id: ONTOSINASC status: OK + nodecount: 100 + edgecount: 31 - id: ONTOTOX status: OK + nodecount: 17 + edgecount: 17 - id: ONTOTOXNUC status: OK + nodecount: 652 + edgecount: 653 - id: OOEVV status: OK + nodecount: 169 + edgecount: 86 - id: OOSTT status: OK + nodecount: 845 + edgecount: 885 - id: OPB status: OK + nodecount: 931 + edgecount: 924 - id: OPD-NAMBOBI status: OK + nodecount: 27 + edgecount: 1 - id: OPDE status: OK + nodecount: 62 + edgecount: 62 - id: OPDRE status: OK + nodecount: 60 + edgecount: 1 - id: OPDRONT status: OK + nodecount: 37 + edgecount: 23 - id: OPDT status: OK + nodecount: 9 + edgecount: 9 - id: OPDZIMBABWE status: OK + nodecount: 10 + edgecount: 7 - id: OPE status: OK + nodecount: 637 + edgecount: 670 - id: OPL status: OK + nodecount: 562 + edgecount: 902 - id: OPMI status: OK + nodecount: 3434 + edgecount: 4162 - id: OPTIMAL status: OK + nodecount: 514 + edgecount: 514 - id: OPTION-ONTOLOGY status: OK + nodecount: 477 + edgecount: 522 - id: ORCS status: OK + nodecount: 1483 + edgecount: 1622 - id: ORDO status: OK + nodecount: 15337 + edgecount: 24486 - id: ORNASEQ status: OK + nodecount: 181 + edgecount: 176 - id: ORTH status: OK + nodecount: 75 + edgecount: 64 - id: OSM status: OK + nodecount: 302 + edgecount: 302 - id: OVAE status: OK + nodecount: 1869 + edgecount: 3288 - id: OntoVIP status: OK + nodecount: 857 + edgecount: 1043 - id: PACO status: OK + nodecount: 283 + edgecount: 333 - id: PAE status: OK + nodecount: 1581 + edgecount: 1461 - id: PANDA status: OK + nodecount: 127 + edgecount: 81 - id: PANET status: OK + nodecount: 390 + edgecount: 825 - id: PARTUMDO status: OK + nodecount: 5579 + edgecount: 14483 - id: PATCT status: OK + nodecount: 162 + edgecount: 160 - id: PATEL status: OK + nodecount: 124 + edgecount: 142 - id: PATGV status: OK + nodecount: 85 + edgecount: 73 - id: PATHLEX status: OK + nodecount: 1788 + edgecount: 1786 - id: PATIT status: OK + nodecount: 151 + edgecount: 140 - id: PATMHC status: OK + nodecount: 237 + edgecount: 236 - id: PATO status: OK + nodecount: 10155 + edgecount: 22403 - id: PAV status: OK + nodecount: 53 + edgecount: 38 - id: PCALION status: OK + nodecount: 437 + edgecount: 445 - id: PCAO status: OK + nodecount: 637 + edgecount: 658 - id: PCL status: OK + nodecount: 121367 + edgecount: 137476 - id: PCMO status: OK + nodecount: 220 + edgecount: 384 - id: PCO status: OK + nodecount: 423 + edgecount: 412 - id: PDO status: OK + nodecount: 394 + edgecount: 424 - id: PDON status: OK + nodecount: 634 + edgecount: 632 - id: PDO_CAS status: OK + nodecount: 12540 + edgecount: 31187 - id: PDQ status: OK + nodecount: 13502 + edgecount: 46339 - id: PDRO status: OK + nodecount: 14202 + edgecount: 17366 - id: PDUMDV status: OK + nodecount: 35 + edgecount: 42 - id: PE status: OK + nodecount: 115 + edgecount: 129 - id: PE-O status: OK + nodecount: 1268 + edgecount: 1264 - id: PEAO status: OK + nodecount: 2377 + edgecount: 2614 - id: PECO status: OK + nodecount: 3132 + edgecount: 5047 - id: PEDTERM status: OK + nodecount: 1772 + edgecount: 1772 - id: PEO status: OK + nodecount: 170 + edgecount: 205 - id: PESONT status: OK + nodecount: 59 + edgecount: 213 - id: PGXO status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 18 - id: PHAGE status: OK + nodecount: 51121 + edgecount: 91189 - id: PHARE status: OK + nodecount: 311 + edgecount: 356 - id: PHENX status: OK + nodecount: 534 + edgecount: 534 - id: PHFUMIADO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 2955 - id: PHIPO status: OK + nodecount: 3484 + edgecount: 6156 - id: PHMAMMADO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 2955 - id: PHYLONT status: OK + nodecount: 151 + edgecount: 166 - id: PIERO status: OK + nodecount: 37 + edgecount: 153 - id: PINO status: OK + nodecount: 268 + edgecount: 278 - id: PLANA status: OK + nodecount: 1077 + edgecount: 3003 - id: PLANP status: OK + nodecount: 3845 + edgecount: 9056 - id: PLANTSO status: OK + nodecount: 3877 + edgecount: 4171 - id: PLIO status: OK + nodecount: 377 + edgecount: 376 - id: PLOSTHES status: OK + nodecount: 10718 + edgecount: 10717 - id: PMA status: OK + nodecount: 2086 + edgecount: 2085 - id: PMAPP-PMO status: OK + nodecount: 76268 + edgecount: 121164 - id: PMD status: OK + nodecount: 571 + edgecount: 580 - id: PMDO status: OK + nodecount: 471 + edgecount: 471 - id: PMO status: OK + nodecount: 78 + edgecount: 62 - id: PMO-SPEED status: OK + nodecount: 17 + edgecount: 17 - id: PMR status: OK + nodecount: 1657 + edgecount: 4109 - id: PNADO status: OK + nodecount: 1705 + edgecount: 1694 - id: PO status: OK + nodecount: 2159 + edgecount: 2088 - id: PORO status: OK + nodecount: 970 + edgecount: 1147 - id: PP status: OK + nodecount: 21 + edgecount: 15 - id: PPLC status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: PPO status: OK + nodecount: 564 + edgecount: 930 - id: PR status: OK + nodecount: 334153 + edgecount: 883605 - id: PRANAYTC status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: PREGONTO status: OK + nodecount: 42 + edgecount: 40 - id: PREMEDONTO status: OK + nodecount: 589 + edgecount: 577 - id: PREO status: OK + nodecount: 280 + edgecount: 295 - id: PROCCHEMICAL status: OK + nodecount: 56 + edgecount: 84 - id: PROJ status: OK + nodecount: 353 + edgecount: 242 - id: PROPREO status: OK + nodecount: 448 + edgecount: 508 - id: PROVO status: OK + nodecount: 100 + edgecount: 74 - id: PSDO status: OK + nodecount: 1288 + edgecount: 2025 - id: PSDS status: OK + nodecount: 377 + edgecount: 299 - id: PSIMOD status: OK + nodecount: 2129 + edgecount: 3716 - id: PSO status: OK + nodecount: 570 + edgecount: 989 - id: PSO_2 status: OK + nodecount: 292 + edgecount: 435 - id: PTO status: OK + nodecount: 1675 + edgecount: 1869 - id: PTRANS status: OK + nodecount: 38 + edgecount: 26 - id: PTS status: OK + nodecount: 6633 + edgecount: 7434 - id: PVONTO status: OK + nodecount: 34 + edgecount: 34 - id: PW status: OK + nodecount: 2844 + edgecount: 3124 - id: QUDT status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: QUDT2 status: OK + nodecount: 380 + edgecount: 280 - id: QUDT2-1 status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: RADLEX status: OK + nodecount: 47450 + edgecount: 154003 - id: RADXTT-MVREASONS status: OK + nodecount: 29 + edgecount: 29 - id: RAO status: OK + nodecount: 281 + edgecount: 352 - id: RB status: OK + nodecount: 592 + edgecount: 457 - id: RBO status: OK + nodecount: 4733 + edgecount: 8428 - id: RCD status: OK + nodecount: 140100 + edgecount: 298163 - id: RCTONT status: OK + nodecount: 306 + edgecount: 260 - id: RCTV2 status: OK + nodecount: 88855 + edgecount: 88855 - id: RDA-CONTENT status: OK + nodecount: 28 + edgecount: 28 - id: RDA-ISSUANCE status: OK + nodecount: 11 + edgecount: 11 - id: RDFS status: OK + nodecount: 18 + edgecount: 8 - id: RDL status: OK + nodecount: 617955 + edgecount: 1265971 - id: RDO status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 415 - id: REPO status: OK + nodecount: 98 + edgecount: 96 - id: REPRODUCE-ME status: OK + nodecount: 703 + edgecount: 678 - id: RETO status: OK + nodecount: 147751 + edgecount: 941799 - id: REX status: OK + nodecount: 565 + edgecount: 684 - id: REXO status: OK + nodecount: 158252 + edgecount: 997565 - id: RH-MESH status: OK + nodecount: 305352 + edgecount: 428578 - id: RNAO status: OK + nodecount: 790 + edgecount: 1160 - id: RNPRIO status: OK + nodecount: 81 + edgecount: 80 - id: RNRMU status: OK + nodecount: 2311 + edgecount: 2311 - id: RO status: OK + nodecount: 557 + edgecount: 527 - id: ROCKNROLLTEST status: OK + nodecount: 3 + edgecount: 3 - id: ROLEO status: OK + nodecount: 2166 + edgecount: 2126 - id: ROO status: OK + nodecount: 1523 + edgecount: 1706 - id: ROS status: OK + nodecount: 420 + edgecount: 417 - id: RPO status: OK + nodecount: 1548 + edgecount: 1547 - id: RS status: OK + nodecount: 5144 + edgecount: 6954 - id: RSA status: OK + nodecount: 17 + edgecount: 16 - id: RVO status: OK + nodecount: 18 + edgecount: 21 - id: RXNO status: OK + nodecount: 1102 + edgecount: 1672 - id: RXNORM status: OK + nodecount: 107046 + edgecount: 797162 - id: SAO status: OK + nodecount: 849 + edgecount: 800 - id: SARSMUTONTO status: OK + nodecount: 3668 + edgecount: 3667 - id: SBO status: OK + nodecount: 663 + edgecount: 686 - id: SBOL status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 53 - id: SCDO status: OK + nodecount: 2252 + edgecount: 6192 - id: SCHEMA status: OK + nodecount: 2296 + edgecount: 2100 - id: SCIO status: OK + nodecount: 684 + edgecount: 569 - id: SCO status: OK + nodecount: 4174 + edgecount: 4503 - id: SD3 status: OK + nodecount: 74 + edgecount: 57 - id: SDO status: OK + nodecount: 1519 + edgecount: 1913 - id: SEDI status: OK + nodecount: 5977 + edgecount: 1451 - id: SENSO status: OK + nodecount: 10 + edgecount: 5 - id: SEP status: OK + nodecount: 674 + edgecount: 667 - id: SEPIO status: OK + nodecount: 299 + edgecount: 224 - id: SHR status: OK + nodecount: 296 + edgecount: 314 - id: SIBO status: OK + nodecount: 540 + edgecount: 1036 - id: SIMON status: OK + nodecount: 117 + edgecount: 1966 - id: SIO status: OK + nodecount: 1812 + edgecount: 1885 - id: SITBAC status: OK + nodecount: 346 + edgecount: 571 - id: SK status: OK + nodecount: 43 + edgecount: 43 - id: SMASH status: OK + nodecount: 253 + edgecount: 295 - id: SMO status: OK + nodecount: 72 + edgecount: 254 - id: SNMI status: OK + nodecount: 109192 + edgecount: 321650 - id: SNOMEDCT status: OK + nodecount: 362325 + edgecount: 2204198 - id: SNPO status: OK + nodecount: 93 + edgecount: 191 - id: SO status: OK + nodecount: 2806 + edgecount: 2965 - id: SOCPRES status: OK + nodecount: 56 + edgecount: 55 - id: SOHO status: OK + nodecount: 231 + edgecount: 223 - id: SOIL-PROF status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: SOPHARM status: OK + nodecount: 187 + edgecount: 176 - id: SOS status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 65 - id: SOY status: OK + nodecount: 1845 + edgecount: 1834 - id: SP status: OK + nodecount: 616 + edgecount: 674 - id: SPD status: OK + nodecount: 845 + edgecount: 621 - id: SPO status: OK + nodecount: 373 + edgecount: 571 - id: SPTO status: OK + nodecount: 503 + edgecount: 624 - id: SSE status: OK + nodecount: 1386 + edgecount: 2587 - id: SSN status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 40 - id: SSO status: OK + nodecount: 177 + edgecount: 696 - id: STATO status: OK + nodecount: 1007 + edgecount: 1710 - id: STMSO status: OK + nodecount: 647 + edgecount: 771 - id: STO-DRAFT status: OK + nodecount: 1808 + edgecount: 2031 - id: STY status: OK + nodecount: 128 + edgecount: 128 - id: SURGICAL status: OK + nodecount: 123 + edgecount: 126 - id: SWEET status: OK + nodecount: 12983 + edgecount: 15686 - id: SWO status: OK + nodecount: 2038 + edgecount: 2603 - id: SYMP status: OK + nodecount: 1002 + edgecount: 891 - id: SYN status: OK + nodecount: 14463 + edgecount: 15361 - id: TADS status: OK + nodecount: 637 + edgecount: 286 - id: TAO status: OK + nodecount: 3473 + edgecount: 2695 - id: TAXRANK status: OK + nodecount: 70 + edgecount: 62 - id: TCDO status: OK + nodecount: 2082 + edgecount: 2060 - id: TCO status: OK + nodecount: 579 + edgecount: 594 - id: TDT status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: TDWGSPEC status: OK + nodecount: 49 + edgecount: 17 - id: TEDDY status: OK + nodecount: 185 + edgecount: 203 - id: TEMPO status: OK + nodecount: 9 + edgecount: 2 - id: TEO status: OK + nodecount: 1187 + edgecount: 1444 - id: TEPHRAM4MEXAMPLE status: OK + nodecount: 12 + edgecount: 12 - id: TEST-M4M20-PAV status: OK + nodecount: 5 + edgecount: 5 - id: TESTEX status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 125 - id: TEST_A status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 125 - id: TEST_CBI status: OK - - id: TEST_IDKWHATIMDO - status: FAIL + nodecount: 7 + edgecount: 6 - id: TGMA status: OK + nodecount: 1879 + edgecount: 782 - id: TIM status: OK + nodecount: 1667 + edgecount: 1693 - id: TIME status: OK + nodecount: 99 + edgecount: 55 - id: TIMEBANK status: OK + nodecount: 208 + edgecount: 164 - id: TM-CONST status: OK + nodecount: 31 + edgecount: 21 - id: TM-MER status: OK + nodecount: 32 + edgecount: 21 - id: TM-OTHER-FACTORS status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 13 - id: TM-SIGNS-AND-SYMPTS status: OK + nodecount: 336 + edgecount: 326 - id: TMA status: OK + nodecount: 33 + edgecount: 14 - id: TML status: OK + nodecount: 16 + edgecount: 16 - id: TMO status: OK + nodecount: 253 + edgecount: 256 - id: TOK status: OK + nodecount: 333 + edgecount: 257 - id: TOP-MENELAS status: OK + nodecount: 758 + edgecount: 756 - id: TRAK status: OK + nodecount: 1646 + edgecount: 2142 - id: TRANS status: OK + nodecount: 118 + edgecount: 129 - id: TRIAGE status: OK + nodecount: 33 + edgecount: 38 - id: TRON status: OK + nodecount: 978 + edgecount: 1376 - id: TTO status: OK + nodecount: 38724 + edgecount: 38641 - id: TXPO status: OK + nodecount: 9631 + edgecount: 20424 - id: TYPON status: OK + nodecount: 93 + edgecount: 53 - id: UBERON status: OK + nodecount: 21463 + edgecount: 42650 - id: UGANDA_DISEASES status: OK + nodecount: 332 + edgecount: 311 - id: UMMS status: OK + nodecount: 29 + edgecount: 29 - id: UNITSONT status: OK + nodecount: 67 + edgecount: 65 - id: UO status: OK + nodecount: 635 + edgecount: 859 - id: UPA status: OK + nodecount: 4782 + edgecount: 5720 - id: UPHENO status: OK + nodecount: 166378 + edgecount: 272872 - id: VANDF status: OK + nodecount: 29967 + edgecount: 147537 - id: VARIO status: OK + nodecount: 524 + edgecount: 508 - id: VDOT status: OK + nodecount: 585 + edgecount: 656 - id: VEO status: OK + nodecount: 812 + edgecount: 1073 - id: VFB_DRIVERS status: OK + nodecount: 26418 + edgecount: 29000 - id: VHOG status: OK + nodecount: 1196 + edgecount: 509 - id: VICO status: OK + nodecount: 955 + edgecount: 1920 - id: VIDO status: OK + nodecount: 533 + edgecount: 520 - id: VIO status: OK + nodecount: 162 + edgecount: 129 - id: VIVO status: OK + nodecount: 831 + edgecount: 514 - id: VIVO-ISF status: OK + nodecount: 897 + edgecount: 525 - id: VO status: OK + nodecount: 7705 + edgecount: 14285 - id: VODANA-GENERAL status: OK + nodecount: 204 + edgecount: 168 - id: VODANA-MI status: OK + nodecount: 78 + edgecount: 73 - id: VODANA-MIGRANTS status: OK + nodecount: 274 + edgecount: 253 - id: VODANA-MPA status: OK + nodecount: 205 + edgecount: 189 - id: VODANACOVID status: OK + nodecount: 64 + edgecount: 57 - id: VODANADISEASES status: OK + nodecount: 519 + edgecount: 519 - id: VODANAKENYA status: OK + nodecount: 57 + edgecount: 31 - id: VODANAMFLCODE status: OK + nodecount: 95 + edgecount: 95 - id: VODANANIGERIA status: OK + nodecount: 70 + edgecount: 56 - id: VODANAUGANDA status: OK - - id: VODANETHIOPIA_OR - status: FAIL + nodecount: 57 + edgecount: 40 - id: VSAO status: OK + nodecount: 347 + edgecount: 320 - id: VSO status: OK + nodecount: 940 + edgecount: 931 - id: VT status: OK + nodecount: 3782 + edgecount: 4333 - id: VTO status: OK + nodecount: 110483 + edgecount: 107067 - id: WB-BT status: OK + nodecount: 7743 + edgecount: 11091 - id: WB-LS status: OK + nodecount: 767 + edgecount: 782 - id: WB-PHENOTYPE status: OK + nodecount: 2724 + edgecount: 3349 - id: WC status: OK + nodecount: 280 + edgecount: 274 - id: WEAR status: OK + nodecount: 29 + edgecount: 30 - id: WEAVE status: OK + nodecount: 22 + edgecount: 23 - id: WETAXTOPICS status: OK + nodecount: 74 + edgecount: 73 - id: WHO-ART status: OK + nodecount: 1887 + edgecount: 8085 - id: WIKIPATHWAYS status: OK + nodecount: 46 + edgecount: 35 - id: WSIO status: OK + nodecount: 63 + edgecount: 37 - id: XAO status: OK + nodecount: 1811 + edgecount: 5031 - id: XCO status: OK + nodecount: 989 + edgecount: 1186 - id: XEO status: OK + nodecount: 153 + edgecount: 242 - id: XLMOD status: OK + nodecount: 1127 + edgecount: 2965 - id: XPO status: OK + nodecount: 24305 + edgecount: 41399 - id: XREF-FUNDER-REG status: OK + nodecount: 125611 + edgecount: 125611 - id: ZEA status: OK + nodecount: 189 + edgecount: 73 - id: ZECO status: OK + nodecount: 178 + edgecount: 174 - id: ZFA status: OK + nodecount: 3278 + edgecount: 9465 - id: ZFS status: OK + nodecount: 67 + edgecount: 106 - id: ZONMW-ADMIN-MD status: OK + nodecount: 234 + edgecount: 234 - id: ZONMW-CONTENT status: OK + nodecount: 277 + edgecount: 276 - id: ZONMW-GENERIC status: OK + nodecount: 165 + edgecount: 165 - id: ZP status: OK + nodecount: 59341 + edgecount: 99563 - id: pseudo status: OK + nodecount: 31 + edgecount: 24 - id: suicideo - status: OK \ No newline at end of file + status: OK + nodecount: 409 + edgecount: 422 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html b/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html index 72f8ab7..a616b47 100644 --- a/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html +++ b/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ - + + + {% for onto in site.ontologies %} @@ -12,6 +14,12 @@ + + {% endfor %} diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index f22689f..ab15fe5 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -17,7 +17,8 @@

    Learn more about KG-Bioportal

    KG-Bioportal Status


    The table below lists the presence and status of each ontology in KG-Bioportal.


    The table below lists the presence and status of each ontology in KG-Bioportal. + Node and edge counts are pre-merged contributions from each ontology.

    diff --git a/docs/onto_status.yaml b/docs/onto_status.yaml index 2bd7848..d8ef95d 100644 --- a/docs/onto_status.yaml +++ b/docs/onto_status.yaml @@ -1,1951 +1,3893 @@ ontologies: - id: ABA-AMB status: OK + nodecount: 914 + edgecount: 915 - id: ABD status: OK + nodecount: 1446 + edgecount: 2020 - id: ACESO status: OK + nodecount: 297 + edgecount: 432 - id: ACGT-MO status: OK + nodecount: 1842 + edgecount: 2132 - id: AD-DROP status: OK + nodecount: 94 + edgecount: 100 - id: ADALAB status: OK + nodecount: 604 + edgecount: 568 - id: ADALAB-META status: OK + nodecount: 201 + edgecount: 162 - id: ADAR status: OK + nodecount: 3017 + edgecount: 1870 - id: ADCAD status: OK + nodecount: 70 + edgecount: 68 - id: ADHER_INTCARE_EN status: OK + nodecount: 265 + edgecount: 277 - id: ADHER_INTCARE_SP status: OK + nodecount: 266 + edgecount: 277 - id: ADMF status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: ADMIN status: OK + nodecount: 117 + edgecount: 125 - id: ADMO status: OK + nodecount: 10960 + edgecount: 12711 - id: ADO status: OK + nodecount: 1579 + edgecount: 1615 - id: ADW status: OK + nodecount: 384 + edgecount: 370 - id: AEO status: OK + nodecount: 269 + edgecount: 347 - id: AERO status: OK + nodecount: 627 + edgecount: 784 - id: AFO status: OK + nodecount: 4808 + edgecount: 7643 - id: AGRO status: OK + nodecount: 4209 + edgecount: 6632 - id: AGROCYMAC status: OK + nodecount: 161 + edgecount: 583 - id: AGROMOP status: OK + nodecount: 67 + edgecount: 134 - id: AHOL status: OK + nodecount: 341 + edgecount: 427 - id: AHSO status: OK + nodecount: 78 + edgecount: 53 - id: AI-RHEUM status: OK + nodecount: 842 + edgecount: 2027 - id: AIO status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 64 - id: AIRBUS status: OK + nodecount: 16 + edgecount: 16 - id: AISM status: OK + nodecount: 3727 + edgecount: 8896 - id: ALLERGYDETECTOR status: OK + nodecount: 174 + edgecount: 490 - id: AMINO-ACID status: OK + nodecount: 49 + edgecount: 61 - id: AMPHX status: OK + nodecount: 412 + edgecount: 1070 - id: ANC status: OK + nodecount: 58 + edgecount: 53 - id: AO status: OK + nodecount: 291 + edgecount: 290 - id: APACOMPUTER status: OK + nodecount: 115 + edgecount: 115 - id: APADISORDERS status: OK + nodecount: 823 + edgecount: 823 - id: APAEDUCLUSTER status: OK + nodecount: 510 + edgecount: 510 - id: APANEUROCLUSTER status: OK + nodecount: 502 + edgecount: 502 - id: APAOCUEMPLOY status: OK + nodecount: 449 + edgecount: 449 - id: APAONTO status: OK + nodecount: 6038 + edgecount: 6038 - id: APASTATISTICAL status: OK + nodecount: 141 + edgecount: 141 - id: APATANDT status: OK + nodecount: 209 + edgecount: 209 - id: APATREATMENT status: OK + nodecount: 481 + edgecount: 481 - id: APO status: OK + nodecount: 634 + edgecount: 311 - id: APOLLO-SV status: OK + nodecount: 1945 + edgecount: 1931 - id: ARCRC status: OK + nodecount: 223 + edgecount: 159 - id: ARO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: ASDPTO status: OK + nodecount: 286 + edgecount: 285 - id: ASPECT status: OK + nodecount: 155 + edgecount: 147 - id: ATC status: OK + nodecount: 6603 + edgecount: 18761 - id: ATO status: OK + nodecount: 6142 + edgecount: 12234 - id: ATOL status: OK + nodecount: 2354 + edgecount: 2439 - id: AURA status: OK + nodecount: 28103 + edgecount: 28678 - id: BAO status: OK + nodecount: 11574 + edgecount: 8843 - id: BAO-GPCR status: OK + nodecount: 954 + edgecount: 915 - id: BCGO status: OK + nodecount: 316 + edgecount: 435 - id: BCI-O status: OK + nodecount: 478 + edgecount: 523 - id: BCO status: OK + nodecount: 722 + edgecount: 493 - id: BCS7 status: OK + nodecount: 25 + edgecount: 23 - id: BCS8 status: OK + nodecount: 34 + edgecount: 32 - id: BCTEO status: OK + nodecount: 265 + edgecount: 523 - id: BCTT status: OK + nodecount: 113 + edgecount: 110 - id: BDO status: OK + nodecount: 3694 + edgecount: 3638 - id: BE status: OK + nodecount: 447 + edgecount: 443 - id: BERO status: OK + nodecount: 451145 + edgecount: 792699 - id: BFLC status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: BFO status: OK + nodecount: 54 + edgecount: 36 - id: BHN status: OK + nodecount: 2539 + edgecount: 2544 - id: BHO status: OK + nodecount: 546 + edgecount: 546 - id: BIBFRAME status: OK + nodecount: 408 + edgecount: 281 - id: BIBLIOTEK-O status: OK + nodecount: 332 + edgecount: 353 - id: BIFO status: OK + nodecount: 108 + edgecount: 101 - id: BIM status: OK + nodecount: 161 + edgecount: 164 - id: BIN status: OK + nodecount: 179 + edgecount: 139 - id: BIOLINK status: OK + nodecount: 784 + edgecount: 1099 - id: BIOMO status: OK + nodecount: 1839 + edgecount: 1901 - id: BIOMODELS status: OK + nodecount: 232165 + edgecount: 259993 - id: BIPOM status: OK + nodecount: 176 + edgecount: 224 - id: BIPON status: OK + nodecount: 2543 + edgecount: 2687 - id: BIRNLEX status: OK + nodecount: 3581 + edgecount: 3581 - id: BKO status: OK + nodecount: 709 + edgecount: 839 - id: BMT status: OK + nodecount: 272 + edgecount: 293 - id: BNO status: OK + nodecount: 101 + edgecount: 113 - id: BOF status: OK + nodecount: 494 + edgecount: 623 - id: BP status: OK + nodecount: 70 + edgecount: 80 - id: BP-METADATA status: OK + nodecount: 188 + edgecount: 172 - id: BPFORMS status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: BPT status: OK + nodecount: 3880 + edgecount: 10537 - id: BRCT status: OK + nodecount: 1657 + edgecount: 1659 - id: BRIDG status: OK + nodecount: 1808 + edgecount: 10130 - id: BRO status: OK + nodecount: 569 + edgecount: 586 - id: BRO_ACRONYM status: OK + nodecount: 568 + edgecount: 588 - id: BRSO status: OK + nodecount: 25 + edgecount: 25 - id: BSAO status: OK + nodecount: 114 + edgecount: 180 - id: BSPO status: OK + nodecount: 376 + edgecount: 515 - id: BT status: OK + nodecount: 473 + edgecount: 515 - id: BTO status: OK + nodecount: 6597 + edgecount: 4699 - id: BTO_ONTOLOGY status: OK + nodecount: 175 + edgecount: 349 - id: CABRO status: OK + nodecount: 64 + edgecount: 69 - id: CANCO status: OK + nodecount: 231 + edgecount: 143 - id: CANONT status: OK + nodecount: 62 + edgecount: 54 - id: CAO status: OK + nodecount: 256 + edgecount: 318 - id: CARELEX status: OK + nodecount: 389 + edgecount: 323 - id: CARO status: OK + nodecount: 8585 + edgecount: 1491 - id: CARRE status: OK + nodecount: 303 + edgecount: 176 - id: CASE-BASE-ONTO status: OK + nodecount: 142 + edgecount: 134 - id: CBO status: OK + nodecount: 291 + edgecount: 255 - id: CCF status: OK + nodecount: 15583 + edgecount: 33335 - id: CCO status: OK + nodecount: 264939 + edgecount: 2248317 - id: CCON status: OK + nodecount: 200 + edgecount: 317 - id: CCONT status: OK + nodecount: 36387 + edgecount: 58872 - id: CCTOO status: OK + nodecount: 1142 + edgecount: 2151 - id: CDAO status: OK + nodecount: 304 + edgecount: 301 - id: CDNO status: OK + nodecount: 1607 + edgecount: 2452 - id: CDO status: OK + nodecount: 2798 + edgecount: 2821 - id: CDPEO status: OK + nodecount: 73 + edgecount: 133 - id: CEDARPC status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CEDARVS status: OK + nodecount: 35 + edgecount: 35 - id: CEPH status: OK + nodecount: 1639 + edgecount: 1923 - id: CHD status: OK + nodecount: 512 + edgecount: 512 - id: CHEAR status: OK + nodecount: 10982 + edgecount: 13446 - id: CHEBI status: OK + nodecount: 180325 + edgecount: 322743 - id: CHEMBIO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CHEMINF status: OK + nodecount: 1032 + edgecount: 1138 - id: CHIRO status: OK + nodecount: 13315 + edgecount: 17527 - id: CIDO status: OK + nodecount: 11597 + edgecount: 25015 - id: CIDOC-CRM status: OK + nodecount: 373 + edgecount: 252 - id: CIINTEADO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 2955 - id: CIO status: OK + nodecount: 58 + edgecount: 50 - id: CISAVIADO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 2955 - id: CKDO status: OK + nodecount: 281 + edgecount: 280 - id: CL status: OK + nodecount: 16971 + edgecount: 46594 - id: CLAO status: OK + nodecount: 1557 + edgecount: 1917 - id: CLO status: OK + nodecount: 44450 + edgecount: 61275 - id: CLYH status: OK + nodecount: 274 + edgecount: 453 - id: CMDO status: OK + nodecount: 344 + edgecount: 192 - id: CMO status: OK + nodecount: 3911 + edgecount: 4606 - id: CMPO status: OK + nodecount: 10896 + edgecount: 1330 - id: CMR-QA status: OK + nodecount: 120 + edgecount: 132 - id: CN status: OK + nodecount: 541 + edgecount: 561 - id: CNO status: OK + nodecount: 325 + edgecount: 284 - id: CNO_ACRONYM status: OK + nodecount: 274 + edgecount: 249 - id: CO-WHEAT status: OK + nodecount: 185 + edgecount: 177 - id: COB status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 103 - id: CODO status: OK + nodecount: 454 + edgecount: 634 - id: COGAT status: OK + nodecount: 4056 + edgecount: 4054 - id: COGPO status: OK + nodecount: 208 + edgecount: 213 - id: COHSI2STUDY status: OK + nodecount: 88 + edgecount: 80 - id: COID status: OK + nodecount: 1191 + edgecount: 1492 - id: COKPME status: OK + nodecount: 85 + edgecount: 70 - id: COLAO status: OK + nodecount: 705 + edgecount: 1627 - id: COMODI status: OK + nodecount: 66 + edgecount: 66 - id: CONTSONTO status: OK + nodecount: 159 + edgecount: 163 - id: COPDO status: OK + nodecount: 111 + edgecount: 109 - id: COSTART status: OK + nodecount: 1741 + edgecount: 5311 - id: COVID-19 status: OK + nodecount: 2394 + edgecount: 2473 - id: COVID-19-ONT-PM status: OK + nodecount: 306 + edgecount: 320 - id: COVID19 status: OK + nodecount: 39 + edgecount: 33 - id: COVID19-IBO status: OK + nodecount: 160 + edgecount: 182 - id: COVIDCRFRAPID status: OK + nodecount: 745 + edgecount: 829 - id: CPRO status: OK + nodecount: 182 + edgecount: 148 - id: CPT status: OK + nodecount: 14495 + edgecount: 540723 - id: CPTAC status: OK + nodecount: 20 + edgecount: 20 - id: CRISP status: OK + nodecount: 9078 + edgecount: 43425 - id: CRO status: OK + nodecount: 169 + edgecount: 130 - id: CRYOEM status: OK + nodecount: 125 + edgecount: 112 - id: CS status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CSEO status: OK + nodecount: 20173 + edgecount: 26443 - id: CSO status: OK + nodecount: 38 + edgecount: 38 - id: CSSO status: OK + nodecount: 309 + edgecount: 305 - id: CST status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CSTD status: OK + nodecount: 615 + edgecount: 651 - id: CTCAE status: OK + nodecount: 4050 + edgecount: 4050 - id: CTENO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 1243 - id: CTO status: OK + nodecount: 338 + edgecount: 285 - id: CTO-NDD status: OK + nodecount: 379 + edgecount: 378 - id: CTONT status: OK + nodecount: 46 + edgecount: 44 - id: CTP status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: CTX status: OK + nodecount: 1208 + edgecount: 4245 - id: CU-VO status: OK + nodecount: 7353 + edgecount: 20746 - id: CVAO status: OK + nodecount: 1808 + edgecount: 2031 - id: CVDO status: OK + nodecount: 640 + edgecount: 635 - id: CWD status: OK + nodecount: 47 + edgecount: 57 - id: CYTO status: OK + nodecount: 320 + edgecount: 318 - id: DATACITE status: OK + nodecount: 131 + edgecount: 114 - id: DATACITE-VOCAB status: OK + nodecount: 135 + edgecount: 135 - id: DC status: OK + nodecount: 89 + edgecount: 42 - id: DCAT status: OK + nodecount: 34 + edgecount: 22 - id: DCAT-FDC status: OK + nodecount: 277 + edgecount: 161 - id: DCCDFV status: OK + nodecount: 20 + edgecount: 19 - id: DCM status: OK + nodecount: 4694 + edgecount: 4682 - id: DCMITYPE status: OK + nodecount: 51 + edgecount: 49 - id: DCO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: DCT status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 53 - id: DCTERMS status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 53 - id: DDANAT status: OK + nodecount: 149 + edgecount: 132 - id: DDI status: OK + nodecount: 208 + edgecount: 189 - id: DDIEM status: OK + nodecount: 263 + edgecount: 224 - id: DDPHENO status: OK + nodecount: 1270 + edgecount: 1168 - id: DEB status: OK + nodecount: 606 + edgecount: 622 - id: DERMLEX status: OK + nodecount: 6107 + edgecount: 18307 - id: DERMO status: OK + nodecount: 3537 + edgecount: 3995 - id: DFO status: OK + nodecount: 15 + edgecount: 12 - id: DIAB status: OK + nodecount: 391 + edgecount: 1792 - id: DIAGONT status: OK + nodecount: 106 + edgecount: 103 - id: DIDEO status: OK + nodecount: 819 + edgecount: 827 - id: DIKB status: OK + nodecount: 173 + edgecount: 199 - id: DILON status: OK + nodecount: 780 + edgecount: 1299 - id: DINTO status: OK + nodecount: 30250 + edgecount: 162093 - id: DISDRIV status: OK + nodecount: 26 + edgecount: 14 - id: DLORO status: OK + nodecount: 296 + edgecount: 363 - id: DMTO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: DOCCC status: OK + nodecount: 205 + edgecount: 205 - id: DOID status: OK + nodecount: 18008 + edgecount: 28752 - id: DOREMUS-KEYS status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 65 - id: DPO status: OK + nodecount: 6592 + edgecount: 17488 - id: DRANPTO status: OK + nodecount: 629 + edgecount: 606 - id: DREAMDNPTO status: OK + nodecount: 1342 + edgecount: 1308 - id: DRON status: OK + nodecount: 645367 + edgecount: 1206804 - id: DRPSNPTO status: OK + nodecount: 684 + edgecount: 653 - id: DSEO status: OK + nodecount: 132 + edgecount: 142 - id: DTO status: OK + nodecount: 10172 + edgecount: 12075 - id: DUO status: OK + nodecount: 414 + edgecount: 430 - id: E-PPO status: OK + nodecount: 55 + edgecount: 55 - id: EBP status: OK + nodecount: 374 + edgecount: 1535 - id: ECAO status: OK + nodecount: 613 + edgecount: 1478 - id: ECG status: OK + nodecount: 1198 + edgecount: 1163 - id: ECO status: OK + nodecount: 2049 + edgecount: 3306 - id: ECOCORE status: OK + nodecount: 5924 + edgecount: 15381 - id: ECP status: OK + nodecount: 75 + edgecount: 65 - id: ECSO status: OK + nodecount: 2251 + edgecount: 2291 - id: ECTO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: EDAM status: OK + nodecount: 3536 + edgecount: 4599 - id: EDAM-BIOIMAGING status: OK + nodecount: 366 + edgecount: 400 - id: EDDA status: OK + nodecount: 560 + edgecount: 594 - id: EDDA_PT status: OK + nodecount: 159 + edgecount: 100 - id: EFO status: OK + nodecount: 36547 + edgecount: 57900 - id: EGO status: OK + nodecount: 3296 + edgecount: 4672 - id: EHDA status: OK + nodecount: 8349 + edgecount: 25 - id: EHDAA status: OK + nodecount: 2321 + edgecount: 2 - id: EHDAA2 status: OK + nodecount: 2792 + edgecount: 8261 - id: ELD status: OK + nodecount: 2080 + edgecount: 2080 - id: ELECTRICA status: OK + nodecount: 1099 + edgecount: 1071 - id: ELIG status: OK + nodecount: 35 + edgecount: 37 - id: ELTER_CL status: OK + nodecount: 362 + edgecount: 356 - id: EMAP status: OK + nodecount: 19450 + edgecount: 527 - id: EMAPA status: OK + nodecount: 8766 + edgecount: 15206 - id: EMIF-AD status: OK + nodecount: 719 + edgecount: 702 - id: EMO status: OK + nodecount: 168 + edgecount: 177 - id: ENM status: OK + nodecount: 17716 + edgecount: 12827 - id: ENTITY status: OK + nodecount: 207 + edgecount: 215 - id: ENVO status: OK + nodecount: 6776 + edgecount: 9643 - id: ENVS_VARIABLES status: OK + nodecount: 15 + edgecount: 16 - id: ENVTHES status: OK + nodecount: 5719 + edgecount: 5714 - id: EO status: OK + nodecount: 789 + edgecount: 770 - id: EO1 status: OK + nodecount: 28 + edgecount: 28 - id: EOL status: OK + nodecount: 653 + edgecount: 662 - id: EP status: OK + nodecount: 250 + edgecount: 240 - id: EPIE status: OK + nodecount: 403 + edgecount: 395 - id: EPILONT status: OK + nodecount: 139 + edgecount: 142 - id: EPIO status: OK + nodecount: 2015 + edgecount: 1979 - id: EPIP status: OK + nodecount: 274 + edgecount: 265 - id: EPISEM status: OK + nodecount: 1596 + edgecount: 1595 - id: EPO status: OK + nodecount: 1431 + edgecount: 1595 - id: EPSO status: OK + nodecount: 1941 + edgecount: 1942 - id: ERO status: OK + nodecount: 4311 + edgecount: 4499 - id: ESFO status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 22 - id: ESSO status: OK + nodecount: 2710 + edgecount: 4829 - id: ETANC status: OK + nodecount: 67 + edgecount: 55 - id: ETHANC status: OK + nodecount: 45 + edgecount: 33 - id: ETHOPD status: OK + nodecount: 71 + edgecount: 64 - id: EUPATH status: OK + nodecount: 4806 + edgecount: 6312 - id: EVI status: OK + nodecount: 90 + edgecount: 91 - id: EXACT status: OK + nodecount: 174 + edgecount: 317 - id: EXMO status: OK + nodecount: 544 + edgecount: 655 - id: EXO status: OK + nodecount: 168 + edgecount: 152 - id: EXON status: OK + nodecount: 11 + edgecount: 11 - id: EXTRACT status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 24 - id: FALDO status: OK + nodecount: 32 + edgecount: 23 - id: FALL status: OK + nodecount: 110 + edgecount: 133 - id: FAO status: OK + nodecount: 134 + edgecount: 131 - id: FAST-CHRONO status: OK + nodecount: 684 + edgecount: 683 - id: FAST-EVENT status: OK + nodecount: 37435 + edgecount: 15699 - id: FAST-EVENT-SKOS status: OK + nodecount: 37435 + edgecount: 15699 - id: FAST-FORMGENRE status: OK + nodecount: 5688 + edgecount: 3289 - id: FAST-GENREFORM status: OK + nodecount: 6049 + edgecount: 3465 - id: FAST-TITLE status: OK + nodecount: 192686 + edgecount: 65802 - id: FASTO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: FB-BT status: OK + nodecount: 18663 + edgecount: 160046 - id: FB-CV status: OK + nodecount: 2441 + edgecount: 3913 - id: FB-DV status: OK + nodecount: 236 + edgecount: 628 - id: FB-SP status: OK + nodecount: 6613 + edgecount: 6589 - id: FBbi status: OK + nodecount: 762 + edgecount: 732 - id: FCC1 status: OK + nodecount: 11 + edgecount: 12 - id: FDC-GDMT status: OK + nodecount: 1140 + edgecount: 1001 - id: FDSAJFAHSJK status: OK + nodecount: 4 + edgecount: 4 - id: FDT-O status: OK + nodecount: 73 + edgecount: 77 - id: FENICS status: OK + nodecount: 221 + edgecount: 425 - id: FG status: OK + nodecount: 124 + edgecount: 10 - id: FGNHNS status: OK + nodecount: 1784 + edgecount: 1780 - id: FHHO status: OK + nodecount: 252 + edgecount: 913 - id: FIDEO status: OK + nodecount: 941 + edgecount: 954 - id: FIRE status: OK + nodecount: 84 + edgecount: 79 - id: FISH-AST status: OK + nodecount: 128 + edgecount: 128 - id: FISHO status: OK + nodecount: 460 + edgecount: 474 - id: FIX status: OK + nodecount: 1174 + edgecount: 1635 - id: FLOPO status: OK + nodecount: 28455 + edgecount: 35970 - id: FLU status: OK + nodecount: 711 + edgecount: 757 - id: FLYGLYCODB status: OK + nodecount: 141 + edgecount: 116 - id: FMA status: OK + nodecount: 105928 + edgecount: 104827 - id: FMPM status: OK + nodecount: 163 + edgecount: 163 - id: FO status: OK + nodecount: 40 + edgecount: 39 - id: FOAF status: OK + nodecount: 86 + edgecount: 59 - id: FOBI status: OK + nodecount: 1359 + edgecount: 6811 - id: FOODON status: OK + nodecount: 32677 + edgecount: 42051 - id: FOVT status: OK + nodecount: 5577 + edgecount: 13281 - id: FPLX status: OK + nodecount: 713 + edgecount: 722 - id: FRMO status: OK + nodecount: 826 + edgecount: 789 - id: FTC status: OK + nodecount: 61437 + edgecount: 116377 - id: FYPO status: OK + nodecount: 21283 + edgecount: 46090 - id: G-PROV status: OK + nodecount: 470 + edgecount: 384 - id: GALEN status: OK + nodecount: 23142 + edgecount: 24764 - id: GAMUTS status: OK + nodecount: 18002 + edgecount: 17655 - id: GAZ status: OK + nodecount: 668873 + edgecount: 1460033 - id: GBM status: OK + nodecount: 113 + edgecount: 109 - id: GBOL status: OK + nodecount: 1495 + edgecount: 1037 - id: GCO status: OK + nodecount: 9 + edgecount: 6 - id: GDCO status: OK + nodecount: 125 + edgecount: 104 - id: GECKO status: OK + nodecount: 173 + edgecount: 158 - id: GENE-CDS status: OK + nodecount: 2275 + edgecount: 2266 - id: GENO status: OK + nodecount: 621 + edgecount: 592 - id: GEO status: OK + nodecount: 41980 + edgecount: 83487 - id: GEOSPARQL status: OK + nodecount: 162 + edgecount: 104 - id: GEOSPECIES status: OK + nodecount: 405 + edgecount: 543 - id: GEXO status: OK + nodecount: 166267 + edgecount: 1052278 - id: GFFO status: OK + nodecount: 12 + edgecount: 2 - id: GFO status: OK + nodecount: 89 + edgecount: 91 - id: GFO-BIO status: OK + nodecount: 171 + edgecount: 265 - id: GFVO status: OK + nodecount: 138 + edgecount: 126 - id: GLYCO status: OK + nodecount: 2080 + edgecount: 32673 - id: GLYCOCOO status: OK + nodecount: 85 + edgecount: 96 - id: GLYCORDF status: OK + nodecount: 1538 + edgecount: 4228 - id: GML status: OK + nodecount: 208 + edgecount: 219 - id: GMM status: OK + nodecount: 1899 + edgecount: 1897 - id: GMO status: OK + nodecount: 1045 + edgecount: 1030 - id: GNO status: OK + nodecount: 112399 + edgecount: 125124 - id: GO status: OK + nodecount: 50950 + edgecount: 90826 - id: GO-EXT status: OK + nodecount: 35899 + edgecount: 61208 - id: GO-PLUS status: OK + nodecount: 83335 + edgecount: 176207 - id: GPML status: OK + nodecount: 90 + edgecount: 21 - id: GRO status: OK + nodecount: 516 + edgecount: 566 - id: GRO-CPD status: OK + nodecount: 247 + edgecount: 233 - id: GRO-CPGA status: OK + nodecount: 1581 + edgecount: 1461 - id: GSSO status: OK + nodecount: 16375 + edgecount: 18197 - id: GVO status: OK + nodecount: 62 + edgecount: 48 - id: HAAURAADO status: OK + nodecount: 870 + edgecount: 2883 - id: HAMIDEHSGH status: OK + nodecount: 408 + edgecount: 408 - id: HANCESTRO status: OK + nodecount: 605 + edgecount: 848 - id: HAO status: OK + nodecount: 5326 + edgecount: 5804 - id: HAROREADO status: OK + nodecount: 871 + edgecount: 2883 - id: HASCO status: OK + nodecount: 2193 + edgecount: 2291 - id: HCDR status: OK + nodecount: 121 + edgecount: 120 - id: HCODONONT status: OK + nodecount: 99 + edgecount: 97 - id: HCPCS status: OK + nodecount: 7315 + edgecount: 14463 - id: HDMPONTO status: OK + nodecount: 388 + edgecount: 417 - id: HECON status: OK + nodecount: 52 + edgecount: 71 - id: HEIO status: OK + nodecount: 1778 + edgecount: 8028 - id: HFO status: OK + nodecount: 1653 + edgecount: 2069 - id: HGNC status: OK + nodecount: 32919 + edgecount: 32918 - id: HGNC-NR status: OK + nodecount: 48313 + edgecount: 48311 - id: HHEAR status: OK + nodecount: 45650 + edgecount: 89114 - id: HINO status: OK + nodecount: 37769 + edgecount: 126051 - id: HIO status: OK + nodecount: 549 + edgecount: 663 - id: HIV status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: HIVCRS status: OK + nodecount: 10 + edgecount: 10 - id: HIVMT status: OK + nodecount: 165 + edgecount: 189 - id: HIVO004 status: OK + nodecount: 2061 + edgecount: 2527 - id: HL7 status: OK + nodecount: 9168 + edgecount: 20895 - id: HMADO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: HMIS033B status: OK + nodecount: 68 + edgecount: 1 - id: HMISLAB0115 status: OK + nodecount: 21 + edgecount: 21 - id: HNS status: OK + nodecount: 686 + edgecount: 741 - id: HO status: OK + nodecount: 252 + edgecount: 238 - id: HOIP status: OK + nodecount: 13001 + edgecount: 24167 - id: HOM status: OK + nodecount: 76 + edgecount: 77 - id: HOME status: OK + nodecount: 83 + edgecount: 116 - id: HOOM status: OK + nodecount: 131985 + edgecount: 131975 - id: HORD status: OK + nodecount: 14704 + edgecount: 14675 - id: HP status: OK + nodecount: 20418 + edgecount: 20884 - id: HPIO status: OK + nodecount: 283 + edgecount: 281 - id: HP_O status: OK + nodecount: 200 + edgecount: 289 - id: HRDO status: OK + nodecount: 13545 + edgecount: 14265 - id: HSAPDV status: OK + nodecount: 272 + edgecount: 493 - id: HSO status: OK + nodecount: 1419 + edgecount: 1272 - id: HTN status: OK + nodecount: 995 + edgecount: 1026 - id: HTO status: OK + nodecount: 5 + edgecount: 4 - id: HUPSON status: OK + nodecount: 3033 + edgecount: 3243 - id: HUSAT status: OK + nodecount: 45 + edgecount: 45 - id: I-ADOPT status: OK + nodecount: 13 + edgecount: 6 - id: I2SV status: OK + nodecount: 190 + edgecount: 190 - id: IAML-MOP status: OK + nodecount: 423 + edgecount: 423 - id: IAO status: OK + nodecount: 371 + edgecount: 386 - id: IBD status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 415 - id: IBIO status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 415 - id: IBO status: OK + nodecount: 796 + edgecount: 594 - id: ICD10 status: OK + nodecount: 12895 + edgecount: 23611 - id: ICD10CM status: OK + nodecount: 96015 + edgecount: 193104 - id: ICD10PCS status: OK + nodecount: 191150 + edgecount: 382120 - id: ICD11-BODYSYSTEM status: OK + nodecount: 31 + edgecount: 30 - id: ICD9CM status: OK + nodecount: 22573 + edgecount: 44976 - id: ICDO status: OK + nodecount: 1620 + edgecount: 1977 - id: ICECI status: OK + nodecount: 2241 + edgecount: 4704 - id: ICEO status: OK + nodecount: 31043 + edgecount: 68549 - id: ICF status: OK + nodecount: 4889 + edgecount: 8210 - id: ICNP status: OK + nodecount: 4511 + edgecount: 7621 - id: ICO status: OK + nodecount: 1256 + edgecount: 1328 - id: ICPC2P status: OK + nodecount: 7575 + edgecount: 7556 - id: ICPS status: OK + nodecount: 1352 + edgecount: 2507 - id: ICW status: OK + nodecount: 124 + edgecount: 121 - id: ID-AMR status: OK + nodecount: 284 + edgecount: 275 - id: IDEM status: OK + nodecount: 41 + edgecount: 42 - id: IDG_GL status: OK + nodecount: 422 + edgecount: 419 - id: IDO status: OK + nodecount: 466 + edgecount: 446 - id: IDO-COVID-19 status: OK + nodecount: 590 + edgecount: 581 - id: IDOBRU status: OK + nodecount: 3449 + edgecount: 5700 - id: IDODEN status: OK + nodecount: 5083 + edgecount: 5113 - id: IDOMAL status: OK + nodecount: 3189 + edgecount: 3186 - id: IDQA status: OK + nodecount: 271 + edgecount: 275 - id: IFAR status: OK + nodecount: 4531 + edgecount: 4985 - id: ILLNESSINJURY status: OK + nodecount: 148 + edgecount: 165 - id: IMGT-ONTOLOGY status: OK + nodecount: 1458 + edgecount: 1451 - id: INBANCIDO status: OK + nodecount: 8441 + edgecount: 15847 - id: INBIO status: OK + nodecount: 561 + edgecount: 639 - id: INBIODIV status: OK + nodecount: 631 + edgecount: 681 - id: INCENTIVE status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 100 - id: INCENTIVE-VARS status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 100 - id: INFECTION_TRANS status: OK + nodecount: 28 + edgecount: 31 - id: INFRA-EN status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: INFRARISK status: OK + nodecount: 84 + edgecount: 60 - id: INO status: OK + nodecount: 446 + edgecount: 418 - id: INSECTH status: OK + nodecount: 334 + edgecount: 337 - id: INSNAME status: OK + nodecount: 27 + edgecount: 27 - id: INTO status: OK + nodecount: 1189 + edgecount: 2244 - id: INVERSEROLES status: OK + nodecount: 207 + edgecount: 317 - id: IOBC status: OK + nodecount: 127332 + edgecount: 315038 - id: IRD status: OK + nodecount: 546 + edgecount: 542 - id: IRDG status: OK + nodecount: 50 + edgecount: 50 - id: ISO-15926-2_2003 status: OK + nodecount: 206 + edgecount: 213 - id: ISO-ANNOTATIONS status: OK + nodecount: 205 + edgecount: 213 - id: ISO-FOOD status: OK + nodecount: 1519 + edgecount: 1651 - id: ISO19108TO status: OK + nodecount: 48 + edgecount: 26 - id: ISO19110 status: OK + nodecount: 101 + edgecount: 55 - id: ISO19115 status: OK + nodecount: 687 + edgecount: 375 - id: ISO19115CC status: OK + nodecount: 71 + edgecount: 75 - id: ISO19115CI status: OK + nodecount: 155 + edgecount: 175 - id: ISO19115CON status: OK + nodecount: 63 + edgecount: 70 - id: ISO19115DI status: OK + nodecount: 62 + edgecount: 35 - id: ISO19115DTC status: OK + nodecount: 22 + edgecount: 51 - id: ISO19115EX status: OK + nodecount: 35 + edgecount: 14 - id: ISO19115ID status: OK + nodecount: 151 + edgecount: 176 - id: ISO19115MI status: OK + nodecount: 52 + edgecount: 23 - id: ISO19115PR status: OK + nodecount: 292 + edgecount: 292 - id: ISO19115ROLES status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 43 - id: ISO19115SRS status: OK + nodecount: 42 + edgecount: 65 - id: ISO19115TCC status: OK + nodecount: 21 + edgecount: 20 - id: ISO639-2 status: OK + nodecount: 15538 + edgecount: 63909 - id: ISSVA status: OK + nodecount: 205 + edgecount: 202 - id: ITEMAS status: OK + nodecount: 144 + edgecount: 219 - id: ITO status: OK + nodecount: 61881 + edgecount: 65787 - id: IXNO status: OK + nodecount: 82 + edgecount: 54 - id: JERM status: OK + nodecount: 303 + edgecount: 305 - id: KENYAANC status: OK + nodecount: 139 + edgecount: 79 - id: KISAO status: OK + nodecount: 525 + edgecount: 532 - id: KORO status: OK + nodecount: 181 + edgecount: 167 - id: KTAO status: OK + nodecount: 10808 + edgecount: 21232 - id: LABO status: OK + nodecount: 253 + edgecount: 226 - id: LAND-SURFACE status: OK + nodecount: 451 + edgecount: 460 - id: LANDFORM status: OK + nodecount: 459 + edgecount: 1533 - id: LBO status: OK + nodecount: 1120 + edgecount: 1108 - id: LC-CARRIERS status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: LC-MEDIA status: OK + nodecount: 16 + edgecount: 26 - id: LCDGT status: OK + nodecount: 6 + edgecount: 7 - id: LCGFT status: OK + nodecount: 2194 + edgecount: 4505 - id: LDA status: OK + nodecount: 37 + edgecount: 37 - id: LEGALAPA status: OK + nodecount: 228 + edgecount: 228 - id: LEGALAPATEST2 status: OK + nodecount: 228 + edgecount: 228 - id: LEPAO status: OK + nodecount: 818 + edgecount: 1707 - id: LHN status: OK + nodecount: 318 + edgecount: 322 - id: LICO status: OK + nodecount: 156 + edgecount: 192 - id: LIFO status: OK + nodecount: 375 + edgecount: 381 - id: LION status: OK + nodecount: 63571 + edgecount: 188643 - id: LIPRO status: OK + nodecount: 279 + edgecount: 287 - id: LOINC status: OK + nodecount: 282051 + edgecount: 3731203 - id: LONGCOVID status: OK + nodecount: 10 + edgecount: 12 - id: LPT status: OK + nodecount: 516 + edgecount: 562 - id: LUNGMAP-HUMAN status: OK + nodecount: 311 + edgecount: 125 - id: LUNGMAP-MOUSE status: OK + nodecount: 316 + edgecount: 131 - id: LUNGMAP_H_CELL status: OK + nodecount: 83 + edgecount: 129 - id: LUNGMAP_M_CELL status: OK + nodecount: 96 + edgecount: 147 - id: M4M-20-SUBJECTS status: OK + nodecount: 37 + edgecount: 29 - id: M4M-20-VARIABLES status: OK + nodecount: 30 + edgecount: 22 - id: M4M-21-SUBJECTS status: OK + nodecount: 30 + edgecount: 22 - id: M4M-21-VARIABLES status: OK + nodecount: 29 + edgecount: 23 - id: M4M19-SUBS status: OK + nodecount: 26 + edgecount: 26 - id: M4M19-VARS status: OK + nodecount: 25 + edgecount: 25 - id: MA status: OK + nodecount: 3267 + edgecount: 2130 - id: MADS-RDF status: OK + nodecount: 161 + edgecount: 117 - id: MAMO status: OK + nodecount: 117 + edgecount: 109 - id: MARC-LANGUAGES status: OK + nodecount: 491 + edgecount: 979 - id: MARC-RELATORS status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: MAT status: OK + nodecount: 2194 + edgecount: 962 - id: MATR status: OK + nodecount: 31 + edgecount: 53 - id: MATRCOMPOUND status: OK + nodecount: 109 + edgecount: 113 - id: MATRELEMENT status: OK + nodecount: 101 + edgecount: 155 - id: MATRROCK status: OK + nodecount: 25 + edgecount: 25 - id: MATRROCKIGNEOUS status: OK + nodecount: 47 + edgecount: 55 - id: MAXO status: OK + nodecount: 15992 + edgecount: 37318 - id: MCBCC status: OK + nodecount: 386 + edgecount: 383 - id: MCCL status: OK + nodecount: 5476 + edgecount: 5481 - id: MCCV status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 48 - id: MCHVODANATERMS status: OK + nodecount: 39 + edgecount: 30 - id: MCO status: OK + nodecount: 3454 + edgecount: 6761 - id: MDDB status: OK + nodecount: 13851 + edgecount: 14112 - id: MDM status: OK + nodecount: 44790 + edgecount: 44790 - id: MEDDRA status: OK + nodecount: 77341 + edgecount: 373094 - id: MEDEON status: OK + nodecount: 77 + edgecount: 86 - id: MEDLINEPLUS status: OK + nodecount: 2299 + edgecount: 14705 - id: MEDO status: OK + nodecount: 96 + edgecount: 91 - id: MEGO status: OK + nodecount: 389 + edgecount: 267 - id: MELO status: OK + nodecount: 629 + edgecount: 624 - id: MEO status: OK + nodecount: 2545 + edgecount: 3439 - id: MEPO status: OK + nodecount: 5688 + edgecount: 5687 - id: MERA status: OK + nodecount: 9 + edgecount: 9 - id: MESH status: OK + nodecount: 348930 + edgecount: 2758246 - id: MF status: OK + nodecount: 479 + edgecount: 476 - id: MFMO status: OK + nodecount: 1070 + edgecount: 1117 - id: MFO status: OK + nodecount: 4368 + edgecount: 171 - id: MFOEM status: OK + nodecount: 702 + edgecount: 766 - id: MFOMD status: OK + nodecount: 988 + edgecount: 960 - id: MGBD status: OK + nodecount: 12 + edgecount: 21 - id: MHC status: OK + nodecount: 7951 + edgecount: 10296 - id: MHCRO status: OK + nodecount: 51401 + edgecount: 84268 - id: MHMO status: OK + nodecount: 455 + edgecount: 534 - id: MI status: OK + nodecount: 1653 + edgecount: 1632 - id: MIAPA status: OK + nodecount: 459 + edgecount: 443 - id: MIDO status: OK + nodecount: 55017 + edgecount: 159834 - id: MIM status: OK + nodecount: 98 + edgecount: 100 - id: MINERAL status: OK + nodecount: 19 + edgecount: 17 - id: MINI-FAST-1 status: OK + nodecount: 5 + edgecount: 5 - id: MIRNAO status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: MIRO status: OK + nodecount: 4438 + edgecount: 4455 - id: MIXS status: OK + nodecount: 2331 + edgecount: 4121 - id: MIXSCV status: OK + nodecount: 524 + edgecount: 520 - id: MLTX status: OK + nodecount: 21 + edgecount: 13 - id: MMO status: OK + nodecount: 863 + edgecount: 966 - id: MMUSDV status: OK + nodecount: 140 + edgecount: 200 - id: MNR status: OK + nodecount: 26 + edgecount: 26 - id: MNV status: OK + nodecount: 256 + edgecount: 235 - id: MO status: OK + nodecount: 1056 + edgecount: 1203 - id: MOC status: OK + nodecount: 138 + edgecount: 168 - id: MODSCI status: OK + nodecount: 489 + edgecount: 528 - id: MONDO status: OK + nodecount: 25559 + edgecount: 38957 - id: MONO status: OK + nodecount: 3838 + edgecount: 7193 - id: MOOCCIADO status: OK + nodecount: 870 + edgecount: 2883 - id: MOOCCUADO status: OK + nodecount: 871 + edgecount: 2883 - id: MOOCULADO status: OK + nodecount: 871 + edgecount: 2883 - id: MOP status: OK + nodecount: 3713 + edgecount: 3794 - id: MOSAIC status: OK + nodecount: 9697 + edgecount: 71376 - id: MP status: OK + nodecount: 14782 + edgecount: 17289 - id: MPATH status: OK + nodecount: 905 + edgecount: 948 - id: MPIO status: OK + nodecount: 123 + edgecount: 89 - id: MPO status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 360 - id: MRO status: OK + nodecount: 178 + edgecount: 191 - id: MS status: OK + nodecount: 7598 + edgecount: 9374 - id: MSO status: OK + nodecount: 1355 + edgecount: 1177 - id: MSTDE status: OK + nodecount: 1889 + edgecount: 10786 - id: MSTDE-FRE status: OK + nodecount: 1861 + edgecount: 1847 - id: MSV status: OK + nodecount: 1345 + edgecount: 1344 - id: MWLA status: OK + nodecount: 258 + edgecount: 263 - id: NANDO status: OK + nodecount: 2737 + edgecount: 2732 - id: NATPRO status: OK + nodecount: 31490 + edgecount: 55123 - id: NBO status: OK + nodecount: 2886 + edgecount: 5185 - id: NCBITAXON status: OK + nodecount: 1983943 + edgecount: 3967993 - id: NCCNEHR status: OK + nodecount: 15 + edgecount: 15 - id: NCCO status: OK + nodecount: 402 + edgecount: 403 - id: NCIT status: OK + nodecount: 174368 + edgecount: 199107 - id: NCOD status: OK + nodecount: 2 + edgecount: 1 - id: NCRO status: OK + nodecount: 11973 + edgecount: 33771 - id: NDDF status: OK + nodecount: 31065 + edgecount: 83450 - id: NDDO status: OK + nodecount: 1931 + edgecount: 2233 - id: NDFRT status: OK + nodecount: 36288 + edgecount: 377815 - id: NEICBEER status: OK + nodecount: 45 + edgecount: 44 - id: NEMO status: OK + nodecount: 2026 + edgecount: 2210 - id: NEO status: OK + nodecount: 1609 + edgecount: 1615 - id: NEOMARK3 status: OK + nodecount: 58 + edgecount: 132 - id: NEOMARK4 status: OK + nodecount: 371 + edgecount: 367 - id: NERO status: OK + nodecount: 66 + edgecount: 87 - id: NEUDIGS status: OK + nodecount: 41 + edgecount: 36 - id: NEUMORE status: OK + nodecount: 34 + edgecount: 34 - id: NGBO status: OK + nodecount: 1675 + edgecount: 1769 - id: NGSONTO status: OK + nodecount: 124 + edgecount: 76 - id: NIDM-RESULTS status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 229 - id: NIFCELL status: OK + nodecount: 386 + edgecount: 375 - id: NIFDYS status: OK + nodecount: 11689 + edgecount: 24809 - id: NIFSTD status: OK + nodecount: 163700 + edgecount: 296341 - id: NIFSUBCELL status: OK + nodecount: 422 + edgecount: 412 - id: NIGO status: OK + nodecount: 4860 + edgecount: 8040 - id: NIHSS status: OK + nodecount: 114 + edgecount: 88 - id: NIO status: OK + nodecount: 5235 + edgecount: 4244 - id: NIST_GEL status: OK + nodecount: 61 + edgecount: 57 - id: NLMVS status: OK + nodecount: 75209 + edgecount: 195740 - id: NLN status: OK + nodecount: 573 + edgecount: 538 - id: NMDCO status: OK + nodecount: 8526 + edgecount: 12170 - id: NMOBR status: OK + nodecount: 677 + edgecount: 731 - id: NMOSP status: OK + nodecount: 1957 + edgecount: 1953 - id: NMR status: OK + nodecount: 811 + edgecount: 803 - id: NOMEN status: OK + nodecount: 386 + edgecount: 365 - id: NONRCTO status: OK + nodecount: 190 + edgecount: 187 - id: NPI status: OK + nodecount: 48 + edgecount: 45 - id: NPO status: OK + nodecount: 1985 + edgecount: 2462 - id: NPOKB status: OK + nodecount: 4800 + edgecount: 5555 - id: NXDX status: OK + nodecount: 437 + edgecount: 445 - id: OA status: OK + nodecount: 74 + edgecount: 43 - id: OAE status: OK + nodecount: 7099 + edgecount: 9163 - id: OARCS status: OK + nodecount: 645 + edgecount: 685 - id: OBA status: OK + nodecount: 27085 + edgecount: 71995 - id: OBCS status: OK + nodecount: 910 + edgecount: 1204 - id: OBI status: OK + nodecount: 5140 + edgecount: 7193 - id: OBIB status: OK + nodecount: 2219 + edgecount: 2422 - id: OBIWS status: OK + nodecount: 302 + edgecount: 383 - id: OBI_BCGO status: OK + nodecount: 2463 + edgecount: 3831 - id: OBI_IEE status: OK + nodecount: 3967 + edgecount: 5437 - id: OBOE status: OK + nodecount: 321 + edgecount: 337 - id: OBOE-SBC status: OK + nodecount: 646 + edgecount: 712 - id: OBOREL status: OK + nodecount: 812 + edgecount: 853 - id: OBS status: OK + nodecount: 92 + edgecount: 137 - id: OCD status: OK + nodecount: 304 + edgecount: 414 - id: OCDM status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: OCE status: OK + nodecount: 289 + edgecount: 427 - id: OCHV status: OK + nodecount: 115676 + edgecount: 115665 - id: OCIMIDO status: OK + nodecount: 672 + edgecount: 714 - id: OCMR status: OK + nodecount: 3560 + edgecount: 8564 - id: OCRE status: OK + nodecount: 671 + edgecount: 545 - id: OCVDAE status: OK + nodecount: 3170 + edgecount: 8267 - id: ODAE status: OK + nodecount: 3917 + edgecount: 5430 - id: ODNAE status: OK + nodecount: 1688 + edgecount: 3081 - id: OF status: OK + nodecount: 509 + edgecount: 500 - id: OFSMR status: OK + nodecount: 160 + edgecount: 160 - id: OGDI status: OK + nodecount: 772 + edgecount: 1493 - id: OGG status: OK + nodecount: 69811 + edgecount: 69889 - id: OGG-MM status: OK + nodecount: 69554 + edgecount: 69561 - id: OGI status: OK + nodecount: 232 + edgecount: 306 - id: OGMD status: OK + nodecount: 140 + edgecount: 136 - id: OGMS status: OK + nodecount: 243 + edgecount: 203 - id: OGR status: OK + nodecount: 40 + edgecount: 40 - id: OGROUP status: OK + nodecount: 41 + edgecount: 12 - id: OGSF status: OK + nodecount: 561 + edgecount: 720 - id: OHD status: OK + nodecount: 2911 + edgecount: 6263 - id: OHMI status: OK + nodecount: 1233 + edgecount: 1896 - id: OHPI status: OK + nodecount: 12006 + edgecount: 33526 - id: OLAM status: OK + nodecount: 337 + edgecount: 345 - id: OLATDV status: OK + nodecount: 59 + edgecount: 91 - id: OM status: OK + nodecount: 2533 + edgecount: 12958 - id: OMIM status: OK + nodecount: 101265 + edgecount: 535643 - id: OMIT status: OK + nodecount: 91018 + edgecount: 103179 - id: OMO status: OK + nodecount: 87 + edgecount: 46 - id: OMP status: OK + nodecount: 2399 + edgecount: 2905 - id: OMRSE status: OK + nodecount: 868 + edgecount: 1023 - id: OMV status: OK + nodecount: 129 + edgecount: 73 - id: ONE status: OK + nodecount: 4312 + edgecount: 5877 - id: ONL-DP status: OK + nodecount: 652 + edgecount: 770 - id: ONL-MR-DA status: OK + nodecount: 856 + edgecount: 1043 - id: ONL-MSA status: OK + nodecount: 1459 + edgecount: 2710 - id: ONL-TASKS status: OK + nodecount: 48 + edgecount: 49 - id: ONLIRA status: OK + nodecount: 92 + edgecount: 58 - id: ONS status: OK + nodecount: 6379 + edgecount: 8801 - id: ONSTR status: OK + nodecount: 1998 + edgecount: 1991 - id: ONTOAD status: OK + nodecount: 5989 + edgecount: 19283 - id: ONTOAVIDA status: OK + nodecount: 713 + edgecount: 708 - id: ONTODM-ALGORITHM status: OK + nodecount: 366 + edgecount: 374 - id: ONTODM-CORE status: OK + nodecount: 820 + edgecount: 821 - id: ONTODM-KDD status: OK + nodecount: 293 + edgecount: 421 - id: ONTODT status: OK + nodecount: 425 + edgecount: 519 - id: ONTOKBCF status: OK + nodecount: 409 + edgecount: 559 - id: ONTOLURGENCES status: OK + nodecount: 10072 + edgecount: 11009 - id: ONTOMA status: OK + nodecount: 466 + edgecount: 469 - id: ONTONEO status: OK + nodecount: 2393 + edgecount: 2502 - id: ONTOPARON status: OK + nodecount: 2502 + edgecount: 2492 - id: ONTOPARON_SOCIAL status: OK + nodecount: 1289 + edgecount: 1287 - id: ONTOPBM status: OK + nodecount: 266 + edgecount: 305 - id: ONTOPNEUMO status: OK + nodecount: 1178 + edgecount: 1168 - id: ONTOPSYCHIA status: OK + nodecount: 1921 + edgecount: 2045 - id: ONTOREPLICOV status: OK + nodecount: 101 + edgecount: 155 - id: ONTOSIM status: OK + nodecount: 113 + edgecount: 26 - id: ONTOSINASC status: OK + nodecount: 100 + edgecount: 31 - id: ONTOTOX status: OK + nodecount: 17 + edgecount: 17 - id: ONTOTOXNUC status: OK + nodecount: 652 + edgecount: 653 - id: OOEVV status: OK + nodecount: 169 + edgecount: 86 - id: OOSTT status: OK + nodecount: 845 + edgecount: 885 - id: OPB status: OK + nodecount: 931 + edgecount: 924 - id: OPD-NAMBOBI status: OK + nodecount: 27 + edgecount: 1 - id: OPDE status: OK + nodecount: 62 + edgecount: 62 - id: OPDRE status: OK + nodecount: 60 + edgecount: 1 - id: OPDRONT status: OK + nodecount: 37 + edgecount: 23 - id: OPDT status: OK + nodecount: 9 + edgecount: 9 - id: OPDZIMBABWE status: OK + nodecount: 10 + edgecount: 7 - id: OPE status: OK + nodecount: 637 + edgecount: 670 - id: OPL status: OK + nodecount: 562 + edgecount: 902 - id: OPMI status: OK + nodecount: 3434 + edgecount: 4162 - id: OPTIMAL status: OK + nodecount: 514 + edgecount: 514 - id: OPTION-ONTOLOGY status: OK + nodecount: 477 + edgecount: 522 - id: ORCS status: OK + nodecount: 1483 + edgecount: 1622 - id: ORDO status: OK + nodecount: 15337 + edgecount: 24486 - id: ORNASEQ status: OK + nodecount: 181 + edgecount: 176 - id: ORTH status: OK + nodecount: 75 + edgecount: 64 - id: OSM status: OK + nodecount: 302 + edgecount: 302 - id: OVAE status: OK + nodecount: 1869 + edgecount: 3288 - id: OntoVIP status: OK + nodecount: 857 + edgecount: 1043 - id: PACO status: OK + nodecount: 283 + edgecount: 333 - id: PAE status: OK + nodecount: 1581 + edgecount: 1461 - id: PANDA status: OK + nodecount: 127 + edgecount: 81 - id: PANET status: OK + nodecount: 390 + edgecount: 825 - id: PARTUMDO status: OK + nodecount: 5579 + edgecount: 14483 - id: PATCT status: OK + nodecount: 162 + edgecount: 160 - id: PATEL status: OK + nodecount: 124 + edgecount: 142 - id: PATGV status: OK + nodecount: 85 + edgecount: 73 - id: PATHLEX status: OK + nodecount: 1788 + edgecount: 1786 - id: PATIT status: OK + nodecount: 151 + edgecount: 140 - id: PATMHC status: OK + nodecount: 237 + edgecount: 236 - id: PATO status: OK + nodecount: 10155 + edgecount: 22403 - id: PAV status: OK + nodecount: 53 + edgecount: 38 - id: PCALION status: OK + nodecount: 437 + edgecount: 445 - id: PCAO status: OK + nodecount: 637 + edgecount: 658 - id: PCL status: OK + nodecount: 121367 + edgecount: 137476 - id: PCMO status: OK + nodecount: 220 + edgecount: 384 - id: PCO status: OK + nodecount: 423 + edgecount: 412 - id: PDO status: OK + nodecount: 394 + edgecount: 424 - id: PDON status: OK + nodecount: 634 + edgecount: 632 - id: PDO_CAS status: OK + nodecount: 12540 + edgecount: 31187 - id: PDQ status: OK + nodecount: 13502 + edgecount: 46339 - id: PDRO status: OK + nodecount: 14202 + edgecount: 17366 - id: PDUMDV status: OK + nodecount: 35 + edgecount: 42 - id: PE status: OK + nodecount: 115 + edgecount: 129 - id: PE-O status: OK + nodecount: 1268 + edgecount: 1264 - id: PEAO status: OK + nodecount: 2377 + edgecount: 2614 - id: PECO status: OK + nodecount: 3132 + edgecount: 5047 - id: PEDTERM status: OK + nodecount: 1772 + edgecount: 1772 - id: PEO status: OK + nodecount: 170 + edgecount: 205 - id: PESONT status: OK + nodecount: 59 + edgecount: 213 - id: PGXO status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 18 - id: PHAGE status: OK + nodecount: 51121 + edgecount: 91189 - id: PHARE status: OK + nodecount: 311 + edgecount: 356 - id: PHENX status: OK + nodecount: 534 + edgecount: 534 - id: PHFUMIADO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 2955 - id: PHIPO status: OK + nodecount: 3484 + edgecount: 6156 - id: PHMAMMADO status: OK + nodecount: 895 + edgecount: 2955 - id: PHYLONT status: OK + nodecount: 151 + edgecount: 166 - id: PIERO status: OK + nodecount: 37 + edgecount: 153 - id: PINO status: OK + nodecount: 268 + edgecount: 278 - id: PLANA status: OK + nodecount: 1077 + edgecount: 3003 - id: PLANP status: OK + nodecount: 3845 + edgecount: 9056 - id: PLANTSO status: OK + nodecount: 3877 + edgecount: 4171 - id: PLIO status: OK + nodecount: 377 + edgecount: 376 - id: PLOSTHES status: OK + nodecount: 10718 + edgecount: 10717 - id: PMA status: OK + nodecount: 2086 + edgecount: 2085 - id: PMAPP-PMO status: OK + nodecount: 76268 + edgecount: 121164 - id: PMD status: OK + nodecount: 571 + edgecount: 580 - id: PMDO status: OK + nodecount: 471 + edgecount: 471 - id: PMO status: OK + nodecount: 78 + edgecount: 62 - id: PMO-SPEED status: OK + nodecount: 17 + edgecount: 17 - id: PMR status: OK + nodecount: 1657 + edgecount: 4109 - id: PNADO status: OK + nodecount: 1705 + edgecount: 1694 - id: PO status: OK + nodecount: 2159 + edgecount: 2088 - id: PORO status: OK + nodecount: 970 + edgecount: 1147 - id: PP status: OK + nodecount: 21 + edgecount: 15 - id: PPLC status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: PPO status: OK + nodecount: 564 + edgecount: 930 - id: PR status: OK + nodecount: 334153 + edgecount: 883605 - id: PRANAYTC status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: PREGONTO status: OK + nodecount: 42 + edgecount: 40 - id: PREMEDONTO status: OK + nodecount: 589 + edgecount: 577 - id: PREO status: OK + nodecount: 280 + edgecount: 295 - id: PROCCHEMICAL status: OK + nodecount: 56 + edgecount: 84 - id: PROJ status: OK + nodecount: 353 + edgecount: 242 - id: PROPREO status: OK + nodecount: 448 + edgecount: 508 - id: PROVO status: OK + nodecount: 100 + edgecount: 74 - id: PSDO status: OK + nodecount: 1288 + edgecount: 2025 - id: PSDS status: OK + nodecount: 377 + edgecount: 299 - id: PSIMOD status: OK + nodecount: 2129 + edgecount: 3716 - id: PSO status: OK + nodecount: 570 + edgecount: 989 - id: PSO_2 status: OK + nodecount: 292 + edgecount: 435 - id: PTO status: OK + nodecount: 1675 + edgecount: 1869 - id: PTRANS status: OK + nodecount: 38 + edgecount: 26 - id: PTS status: OK + nodecount: 6633 + edgecount: 7434 - id: PVONTO status: OK + nodecount: 34 + edgecount: 34 - id: PW status: OK + nodecount: 2844 + edgecount: 3124 - id: QUDT status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: QUDT2 status: OK + nodecount: 380 + edgecount: 280 - id: QUDT2-1 status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: RADLEX status: OK + nodecount: 47450 + edgecount: 154003 - id: RADXTT-MVREASONS status: OK + nodecount: 29 + edgecount: 29 - id: RAO status: OK + nodecount: 281 + edgecount: 352 - id: RB status: OK + nodecount: 592 + edgecount: 457 - id: RBO status: OK + nodecount: 4733 + edgecount: 8428 - id: RCD status: OK + nodecount: 140100 + edgecount: 298163 - id: RCTONT status: OK + nodecount: 306 + edgecount: 260 - id: RCTV2 status: OK + nodecount: 88855 + edgecount: 88855 - id: RDA-CONTENT status: OK + nodecount: 28 + edgecount: 28 - id: RDA-ISSUANCE status: OK + nodecount: 11 + edgecount: 11 - id: RDFS status: OK + nodecount: 18 + edgecount: 8 - id: RDL status: OK + nodecount: 617955 + edgecount: 1265971 - id: RDO status: OK + nodecount: 365 + edgecount: 415 - id: REPO status: OK + nodecount: 98 + edgecount: 96 - id: REPRODUCE-ME status: OK + nodecount: 703 + edgecount: 678 - id: RETO status: OK + nodecount: 147751 + edgecount: 941799 - id: REX status: OK + nodecount: 565 + edgecount: 684 - id: REXO status: OK + nodecount: 158252 + edgecount: 997565 - id: RH-MESH status: OK + nodecount: 305352 + edgecount: 428578 - id: RNAO status: OK + nodecount: 790 + edgecount: 1160 - id: RNPRIO status: OK + nodecount: 81 + edgecount: 80 - id: RNRMU status: OK + nodecount: 2311 + edgecount: 2311 - id: RO status: OK + nodecount: 557 + edgecount: 527 - id: ROCKNROLLTEST status: OK + nodecount: 3 + edgecount: 3 - id: ROLEO status: OK + nodecount: 2166 + edgecount: 2126 - id: ROO status: OK + nodecount: 1523 + edgecount: 1706 - id: ROS status: OK + nodecount: 420 + edgecount: 417 - id: RPO status: OK + nodecount: 1548 + edgecount: 1547 - id: RS status: OK + nodecount: 5144 + edgecount: 6954 - id: RSA status: OK + nodecount: 17 + edgecount: 16 - id: RVO status: OK + nodecount: 18 + edgecount: 21 - id: RXNO status: OK + nodecount: 1102 + edgecount: 1672 - id: RXNORM status: OK + nodecount: 107046 + edgecount: 797162 - id: SAO status: OK + nodecount: 849 + edgecount: 800 - id: SARSMUTONTO status: OK + nodecount: 3668 + edgecount: 3667 - id: SBO status: OK + nodecount: 663 + edgecount: 686 - id: SBOL status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 53 - id: SCDO status: OK + nodecount: 2252 + edgecount: 6192 - id: SCHEMA status: OK + nodecount: 2296 + edgecount: 2100 - id: SCIO status: OK + nodecount: 684 + edgecount: 569 - id: SCO status: OK + nodecount: 4174 + edgecount: 4503 - id: SD3 status: OK + nodecount: 74 + edgecount: 57 - id: SDO status: OK + nodecount: 1519 + edgecount: 1913 - id: SEDI status: OK + nodecount: 5977 + edgecount: 1451 - id: SENSO status: OK + nodecount: 10 + edgecount: 5 - id: SEP status: OK + nodecount: 674 + edgecount: 667 - id: SEPIO status: OK + nodecount: 299 + edgecount: 224 - id: SHR status: OK + nodecount: 296 + edgecount: 314 - id: SIBO status: OK + nodecount: 540 + edgecount: 1036 - id: SIMON status: OK + nodecount: 117 + edgecount: 1966 - id: SIO status: OK + nodecount: 1812 + edgecount: 1885 - id: SITBAC status: OK + nodecount: 346 + edgecount: 571 - id: SK status: OK + nodecount: 43 + edgecount: 43 - id: SMASH status: OK + nodecount: 253 + edgecount: 295 - id: SMO status: OK + nodecount: 72 + edgecount: 254 - id: SNMI status: OK + nodecount: 109192 + edgecount: 321650 - id: SNOMEDCT status: OK + nodecount: 362325 + edgecount: 2204198 - id: SNPO status: OK + nodecount: 93 + edgecount: 191 - id: SO status: OK + nodecount: 2806 + edgecount: 2965 - id: SOCPRES status: OK + nodecount: 56 + edgecount: 55 - id: SOHO status: OK + nodecount: 231 + edgecount: 223 - id: SOIL-PROF status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: SOPHARM status: OK + nodecount: 187 + edgecount: 176 - id: SOS status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 65 - id: SOY status: OK + nodecount: 1845 + edgecount: 1834 - id: SP status: OK + nodecount: 616 + edgecount: 674 - id: SPD status: OK + nodecount: 845 + edgecount: 621 - id: SPO status: OK + nodecount: 373 + edgecount: 571 - id: SPTO status: OK + nodecount: 503 + edgecount: 624 - id: SSE status: OK + nodecount: 1386 + edgecount: 2587 - id: SSN status: OK + nodecount: 65 + edgecount: 40 - id: SSO status: OK + nodecount: 177 + edgecount: 696 - id: STATO status: OK + nodecount: 1007 + edgecount: 1710 - id: STMSO status: OK + nodecount: 647 + edgecount: 771 - id: STO-DRAFT status: OK + nodecount: 1808 + edgecount: 2031 - id: STY status: OK + nodecount: 128 + edgecount: 128 - id: SURGICAL status: OK + nodecount: 123 + edgecount: 126 - id: SWEET status: OK + nodecount: 12983 + edgecount: 15686 - id: SWO status: OK + nodecount: 2038 + edgecount: 2603 - id: SYMP status: OK + nodecount: 1002 + edgecount: 891 - id: SYN status: OK + nodecount: 14463 + edgecount: 15361 - id: TADS status: OK + nodecount: 637 + edgecount: 286 - id: TAO status: OK + nodecount: 3473 + edgecount: 2695 - id: TAXRANK status: OK + nodecount: 70 + edgecount: 62 - id: TCDO status: OK + nodecount: 2082 + edgecount: 2060 - id: TCO status: OK + nodecount: 579 + edgecount: 594 - id: TDT status: FAIL + nodecount: None + edgecount: None - id: TDWGSPEC status: OK + nodecount: 49 + edgecount: 17 - id: TEDDY status: OK + nodecount: 185 + edgecount: 203 - id: TEMPO status: OK + nodecount: 9 + edgecount: 2 - id: TEO status: OK + nodecount: 1187 + edgecount: 1444 - id: TEPHRAM4MEXAMPLE status: OK + nodecount: 12 + edgecount: 12 - id: TEST-M4M20-PAV status: OK + nodecount: 5 + edgecount: 5 - id: TESTEX status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 125 - id: TEST_A status: OK + nodecount: 103 + edgecount: 125 - id: TEST_CBI status: OK - - id: TEST_IDKWHATIMDO - status: FAIL + nodecount: 7 + edgecount: 6 - id: TGMA status: OK + nodecount: 1879 + edgecount: 782 - id: TIM status: OK + nodecount: 1667 + edgecount: 1693 - id: TIME status: OK + nodecount: 99 + edgecount: 55 - id: TIMEBANK status: OK + nodecount: 208 + edgecount: 164 - id: TM-CONST status: OK + nodecount: 31 + edgecount: 21 - id: TM-MER status: OK + nodecount: 32 + edgecount: 21 - id: TM-OTHER-FACTORS status: OK + nodecount: 23 + edgecount: 13 - id: TM-SIGNS-AND-SYMPTS status: OK + nodecount: 336 + edgecount: 326 - id: TMA status: OK + nodecount: 33 + edgecount: 14 - id: TML status: OK + nodecount: 16 + edgecount: 16 - id: TMO status: OK + nodecount: 253 + edgecount: 256 - id: TOK status: OK + nodecount: 333 + edgecount: 257 - id: TOP-MENELAS status: OK + nodecount: 758 + edgecount: 756 - id: TRAK status: OK + nodecount: 1646 + edgecount: 2142 - id: TRANS status: OK + nodecount: 118 + edgecount: 129 - id: TRIAGE status: OK + nodecount: 33 + edgecount: 38 - id: TRON status: OK + nodecount: 978 + edgecount: 1376 - id: TTO status: OK + nodecount: 38724 + edgecount: 38641 - id: TXPO status: OK + nodecount: 9631 + edgecount: 20424 - id: TYPON status: OK + nodecount: 93 + edgecount: 53 - id: UBERON status: OK + nodecount: 21463 + edgecount: 42650 - id: UGANDA_DISEASES status: OK + nodecount: 332 + edgecount: 311 - id: UMMS status: OK + nodecount: 29 + edgecount: 29 - id: UNITSONT status: OK + nodecount: 67 + edgecount: 65 - id: UO status: OK + nodecount: 635 + edgecount: 859 - id: UPA status: OK + nodecount: 4782 + edgecount: 5720 - id: UPHENO status: OK + nodecount: 166378 + edgecount: 272872 - id: VANDF status: OK + nodecount: 29967 + edgecount: 147537 - id: VARIO status: OK + nodecount: 524 + edgecount: 508 - id: VDOT status: OK + nodecount: 585 + edgecount: 656 - id: VEO status: OK + nodecount: 812 + edgecount: 1073 - id: VFB_DRIVERS status: OK + nodecount: 26418 + edgecount: 29000 - id: VHOG status: OK + nodecount: 1196 + edgecount: 509 - id: VICO status: OK + nodecount: 955 + edgecount: 1920 - id: VIDO status: OK + nodecount: 533 + edgecount: 520 - id: VIO status: OK + nodecount: 162 + edgecount: 129 - id: VIVO status: OK + nodecount: 831 + edgecount: 514 - id: VIVO-ISF status: OK + nodecount: 897 + edgecount: 525 - id: VO status: OK + nodecount: 7705 + edgecount: 14285 - id: VODANA-GENERAL status: OK + nodecount: 204 + edgecount: 168 - id: VODANA-MI status: OK + nodecount: 78 + edgecount: 73 - id: VODANA-MIGRANTS status: OK + nodecount: 274 + edgecount: 253 - id: VODANA-MPA status: OK + nodecount: 205 + edgecount: 189 - id: VODANACOVID status: OK + nodecount: 64 + edgecount: 57 - id: VODANADISEASES status: OK + nodecount: 519 + edgecount: 519 - id: VODANAKENYA status: OK + nodecount: 57 + edgecount: 31 - id: VODANAMFLCODE status: OK + nodecount: 95 + edgecount: 95 - id: VODANANIGERIA status: OK + nodecount: 70 + edgecount: 56 - id: VODANAUGANDA status: OK - - id: VODANETHIOPIA_OR - status: FAIL + nodecount: 57 + edgecount: 40 - id: VSAO status: OK + nodecount: 347 + edgecount: 320 - id: VSO status: OK + nodecount: 940 + edgecount: 931 - id: VT status: OK + nodecount: 3782 + edgecount: 4333 - id: VTO status: OK + nodecount: 110483 + edgecount: 107067 - id: WB-BT status: OK + nodecount: 7743 + edgecount: 11091 - id: WB-LS status: OK + nodecount: 767 + edgecount: 782 - id: WB-PHENOTYPE status: OK + nodecount: 2724 + edgecount: 3349 - id: WC status: OK + nodecount: 280 + edgecount: 274 - id: WEAR status: OK + nodecount: 29 + edgecount: 30 - id: WEAVE status: OK + nodecount: 22 + edgecount: 23 - id: WETAXTOPICS status: OK + nodecount: 74 + edgecount: 73 - id: WHO-ART status: OK + nodecount: 1887 + edgecount: 8085 - id: WIKIPATHWAYS status: OK + nodecount: 46 + edgecount: 35 - id: WSIO status: OK + nodecount: 63 + edgecount: 37 - id: XAO status: OK + nodecount: 1811 + edgecount: 5031 - id: XCO status: OK + nodecount: 989 + edgecount: 1186 - id: XEO status: OK + nodecount: 153 + edgecount: 242 - id: XLMOD status: OK + nodecount: 1127 + edgecount: 2965 - id: XPO status: OK + nodecount: 24305 + edgecount: 41399 - id: XREF-FUNDER-REG status: OK + nodecount: 125611 + edgecount: 125611 - id: ZEA status: OK + nodecount: 189 + edgecount: 73 - id: ZECO status: OK + nodecount: 178 + edgecount: 174 - id: ZFA status: OK + nodecount: 3278 + edgecount: 9465 - id: ZFS status: OK + nodecount: 67 + edgecount: 106 - id: ZONMW-ADMIN-MD status: OK + nodecount: 234 + edgecount: 234 - id: ZONMW-CONTENT status: OK + nodecount: 277 + edgecount: 276 - id: ZONMW-GENERIC status: OK + nodecount: 165 + edgecount: 165 - id: ZP status: OK + nodecount: 59341 + edgecount: 99563 - id: pseudo status: OK + nodecount: 31 + edgecount: 24 - id: suicideo - status: OK \ No newline at end of file + status: OK + nodecount: 409 + edgecount: 422 \ No newline at end of file From aa822878f03a29ae149228b53adbc4139d970117 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 14:15:16 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 09/12] Formatting --- docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html b/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html index a616b47..375e6f5 100644 --- a/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html +++ b/docs/_includes/kgbp_status_table.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
    Ontology NameOntology Name StatusNode CountEdge Count
    {{ onto.status }} + {{ onto.nodecount }} + + {{ onto.edgecount }} +
    - - - - + + + + {% for onto in site.ontologies %} From 6757e238b392658de6f3a5b22031ee5df8db0617 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 14:31:25 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 10/12] Have build_site retrieve onto status --- docs/ | 4 ++++ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 5e488f2..bb5a53f 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ # Define paths JEKYLL_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE="_config_header.yml" JEKYLL_CONFIG_FILE="_config.yml" +ONTO_STATUS_URL="" ONTO_STATUS_FILE="onto_status.yaml" +# Retrieve most recent KG-Bioportal ontology status +wget -N $ONTO_STATUS_URL + # Append ontology status list echo "Adding all lists to Jekyll config." cat $JEKYLL_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE $ONTO_STATUS_FILE > $JEKYLL_CONFIG_FILE \ No newline at end of file From 20f21352ee26c9a49f6219bd3fa733946c6acebe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 15:03:59 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 11/12] Retrieve graph stats, too --- docs/ | 7 ++++++- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index bb5a53f..4274199 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -4,12 +4,17 @@ # Define paths JEKYLL_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE="_config_header.yml" JEKYLL_CONFIG_FILE="_config.yml" +GRAPH_STATS_URL="" +GRAPH_STATS_FILE="graph_stats.yaml" ONTO_STATUS_URL="" ONTO_STATUS_FILE="onto_status.yaml" +# Retrieve most recent KG-Bioportal general stats +wget -N $GRAPH_STATS_URL + # Retrieve most recent KG-Bioportal ontology status wget -N $ONTO_STATUS_URL # Append ontology status list echo "Adding all lists to Jekyll config." -cat $JEKYLL_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE $ONTO_STATUS_FILE > $JEKYLL_CONFIG_FILE \ No newline at end of file +cat $JEKYLL_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE $GRAPH_STATS_FILE $ONTO_STATUS_FILE > $JEKYLL_CONFIG_FILE \ No newline at end of file From 0945aad7c38e97bde92eae29b66a3fbf19545c54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: caufieldjh Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 15:04:37 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 12/12] Rebuild site, update index --- docs/_config.yml | 2 ++ docs/index.html | 5 +++++ 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/_config.yml b/docs/_config.yml index 59ff9f8..307522a 100644 --- a/docs/_config.yml +++ b/docs/_config.yml @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ theme: jekyll-theme-tactile # TODO: generate stats during each build using the scripts in BioPortal-to-KGX. # Store the stats on KG-Hub as YAML. # Retrieve them with the script. +nodecount: 5003226 +edgecount: xxx ontologies: - id: ABA-AMB status: OK diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index ab15fe5..5e4d136 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -16,6 +16,11 @@

    Learn more about KG-Bioportal

  • See the repository for translation from Bioportal to graph nodes and edges

  • +

    KG-Bioportal Overview


    The merged knowledge graph has the following properties:


    Node Count: {{ site.nodecount }}


    Edge Count: {{ site.edgecount }}


    KG-Bioportal Status

    The table below lists the presence and status of each ontology in KG-Bioportal. Node and edge counts are pre-merged contributions from each ontology.

    Ontology NameStatusNode CountEdge CountOntology NameStatusNode CountEdge Count