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Virtual Open-loop Free-swimming

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Virtual Open-loop Free-Swimming Stimulation

BonZeb's tracking methods can be used to implement virtual open-loop stimulation. We have developed these tools primarily for studying larval zebrafish behaviour. These behaviours include predator avoidance with looming stimuli, optomotor swimming with gratings, and prey capture with prey-like stimuli. While the examples provided here are specific to these stimuli, the methods provide a general framework for users to develop additional virtual open-loop assays.

This folder contains the following sections:

  1. Virtual open-loop with looming dot
  2. Virtual open-loop with OMR
  3. Virtual open-loop with prey

Virtual open-loop with looming dot

Below is an overview of the virtual open-loop workflow.

The workflow for virtual open-loop has the same essential structure as the workflow used in Multi-animal tracking with OMR. The differences between that workflow and this workflow are contained within the VirtualOpenLoop nested workflow. Inside the VirtualOpenLoop workflow is shown below.

We use the basic tracking pipeline described in the basic behavioural tracking section. We perform a background subtraction after combining the latest images with the background. We apply a binary threshold to the image followed by a binary region analysis. We use the LargestBinaryRegion node to take the region with the largest area in the collection of binary regions. We sample the Centroid property of the result ConnectedComponents object produced by the LargestBinaryRegion node.

We sample the X coordinate property from the centroid and feed that into the UpdateUniform node which is connected to the fish_position_x variable in the shader. Similarly, we use the Y coordinate of the centroid to feed into the fish_position_y variable in the shader through another UpdateUniform node.

We zip the background subtracted frame together with the centroid and pass that onto the CalculateTailPoints node to calculate the tail. We sample the Points property of the TailPoints output and pass that onto the CalculateTailCurvature node. The ExpressionTransform node takes the array of tail angles generated by the CalculateTailCurvature node and computes the average angle of the last 3 tail angles. This value is saved to a csv file called tracking_results.csv using a CsvWriter node.

The tail points are further processed by the CalculateHeadingAngle node. The heading angle is then converted to a float using the ExpressionTransform node. This value is then passed to the UpdateUniform node which updates the angle variable of the shader.

An Int value of 1 is used to initialize the looming stimulus.

The Time subject is used to calculate the time to the loom approaching. A Scan node is used to accumulate a value of time that resets after a certain period.

The Scan node works similar to a recursive function in other programming languages. For every input into the Scan node, the previous output of the Scan node is zipped with the input. The encapsulated workflow inside of the Scan node can access both the new input and the previous output. The Accumulation property of the Source contains the previous output. The Value property of the Source contains the new input. In this case, we use an ExpressionTransformnode to check whether the Accumulation is greater than a certain value. If this evaluates to true, then the output is 0 and the accumulated time resets. Otherwise, the output is the sum of the Accumulation and Value.

The output of the Scan node is then processed by an ExpressionTransform node. The ExpressionTransform checks whether the the accumulated time is greater than certain value. If the value is greater than this value, then the output is the value. If the value is less than this value, the the output is the output of the Scan node. This creates the effect of the looming stimulus expanding to a fixed size rather than expanding to completely cover the shader window. This value is then passed to the UpdateUniform node to update the time variable in the shader.

The output of the BinaryRegionAnalysis node is zipped with the background subtracted image produced by the AbsoluteDifference node. The contents of the Zip are then processed by a SelectMany node called TrackMultipleAnimals.

Virtual open-loop with OMR

The above workflow provides the basis for all virtual open-loop stimulation protocols. As you'll see, besides updating the shader, there are very few differences between workflows. Below is the updated VirtualOpenLoop workflow.

The majority of the workflow is the same as the previous example. A background subtraction is performed on the incoming images and the fish's centroid is calculated. The X and Y coordinates are passed as uniform variables to the shader. The tail points are calculated and processed into tail angles, as well as a heading angle for the shader. The Time subject is accumulated and passed to the shader.

Virtual open-loop with prey

The same workflow used for virtual open-loop with OMR also works for virtual open-loop prey. The difference is in the shader program.