- Font auto-sizing
- Long walk auto-sizing
- Check that the outdir (profiles and symbols cache) are present
- Correction of the items chaining, ignoring elements that don't need it (#35)
- Added comment symbol : "nb". First letter uppercased places the comment above (#15)
- Added entrypoint symbol (#14)
- Added default values for the options
- Added default colors for backgrounds (#54)
- Added options to specify the above and below backgrounds colors
- Refuse commas for a dynamic separator : may conflict with options syntax (#47)
- Added the submittedHeader option to toggle the first two lines on top of page
- Added the structure to embed external svg files ("symbols")
- Added a cache directory for external svg files
- Added symbols : "sa"=sapin, "sr"=sapin rond
- Added auto-documented description of allowed options
- Added pageWidth and pageHeight options (in mm) (#9)
- Carriage returns with huge offset had negative restart values. Protected!
- Torture page now allows empty lines
- Complex mathematics to correct anchor positions whatever the scale
- Added below and above shaded backgrounds
- Added option symbol : "op"
- Added option fontHeight
- LongWalk : Added a very last layer ("overall") with a white rectangle surounded by dashed lines
- Debug : Management of base single path and carriage returns
- Linked every base segment paths into a single one. Preparing backgrounds structure.
- Corrected framing of negative x-axis on very overhanging cliffs. (#41)
- Also been validated with carriage returns.
- Better text positionning in non-vertical obstacles
- Protection against nagative values
- An external file is generated for each submission. It is then displayed (embedded) in a classic HTML page, and is still clickable for the ease of downloading or display.
- Re-added the submitted and parsed text in the HTML page as raw text.
- Added a torture test page with ugly syntax errors and stupid cases to cope with.
- Commented out the submitted and parsed text. Still available as a comment, but not displayed.
- Added items chaining (previous and next) allowing testing between items (covering)
- Added grouping items by layers, allowing z-indexing
- Tidy the SVG generated code
- Corrected the pool dimensions
- Added "Wet rounded cascade". Cascade arrondie et arrosée.
- Added "Wet walk".
- Added "Exit point"
- Added trimming against spaces
- Added "Cascade inclinée" that was missing
- Added falling water on every type of cascades
- Added every types of downclimbs
- Added various angles for vertical drops
- Ability to show/hide the text according to the case of the first letter :
- first letter is upper case : show
- first letter is lower case : hide
- Complete rewrite in object-oriented code
- Added a automatically generated page to describe the syntaxes This needed to rewrite the syntaxes array structure and a part of the parser
- Debug some default cases of missing values
- Better centering of text of vertical items (actually, lowest than centered is nicer)
- Changed the versionning number :
- Simple syntax is called v1, and uses only one caracter (+ value)
- Advanced syntax is called v2 and uses 2 caracters (+ value)
- Extended syntax is called v3 and will use many caracters (more to come...)
- Added many protections against syntax errors
- Removed automatic uppercasing for anchors
- Comments between parenthesis will be ignored
- Decreased the size of the parsed text in the rendered page
- "AN" anchors get offseted in order to avoid the touch of the draw
- Added a way to draw a carriage return into the profile, allowing the draw of very long profiles Proposition : Rémi Villalongue
- Corrected the position of the text fields. Were correct under Firefox, Inkscape and A.I., but wrong with I.E, Safari and Chrome.
Added the display of submitted and parsed string
Added the ability to have 3 versions of syntaxes
Added a variable length for each syntax
Added languages for v0 : french, spanish, italian, english :
French : 'fr0.1'
- 'c' : Cascade
- 'r' : Ressaut
- 'm' : Marche
- 'v' : Vasque
- 'a' : Amarrage
- 's' : Sapin
- 't' : Toboggan
Spanish : 'es0.1' // Thanks to Antilolo
- 'c' : Cascada
- 'r' : Resalte
- 's' : Sendero
- 'b' : Badina
- 'a' : Anclaje
- 'p' : Pino
- 't' : Tobagan
Italian : 'it0.1' // Thanks to Marie
- 'c' : Cascata
- 'r' : Risalto
- 'm' : Marcia
- 'v' : Vasque / Pozze
- 'a' : Armo
- 's' : Sapin / Abete
- 't' : Toboga
English : 'en0.1'
- 'w' : Waterfall
- //'r' : Ressaut ???
- 't' : Track ???
- 'p' : Pool
- 'a' : Anchor
- //'p' : Pine tree
- 's' : Slide
- Ajout du header
- Ajout du separateur dynamique
- Casse insensitive des symboles - Bug levé par Max38
- Placement texte des plans inclinés - Bug levé par Max38
- Placement texte des toboggans - Bug levé par Max38
- Correction de la maxWidth si une marche longue termine la topo - Bug levé par Fr3d0
- Correction de l'espacement entre les doubles points dans les topos courtes - Bug levé par Fabien Mullet
- Protection contre les valeurs négatives - Bug levé par Fabien Mullet
- Repositionnement des textes des ressauts et cascades arrondies
- Repositionnement des textes des amarrages
- Ajout des marches longues - Proposition Rémi Villalongue, assistance Fabien Mullet