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Hi!!I'm Neeru

Typing SVG

Connect with me

Hello, fellow coder!πŸ–οΈ Welcome to my GitHub profile! Feel free to reach out to me on the following platforms:

neerugangarh YT PODCAST coding ninjas leetcode yt

πŸ“© Get in touch: [email protected]

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Programming Languages
Frontend Development
Developer Tools

⚑ Open Source Programs & Achievements πŸŽ–οΈ

πŸ₯³ Ranked #18 in GSSoC 2024 | πŸ“ˆ 163 Merged PRs | πŸ† Total Score: 3755

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Typing SVG

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  1. My-Top-Links My-Top-Links Public

    HTML 1

  2. Amazon-Clone Amazon-Clone Public

    Welcome to the repository for Amazon Clone! This project is a frontend clone of the popular online marketplace, Amazon, built entirely using HTML and CSS. The aim of this project is to recreate the…


  3. CPP-Codeflow CPP-Codeflow Public

    Welcome to CPP-Codeflow! This repository contains C++ code solutions for various problems and algorithms, covering platforms like LeetCode, Coding Ninjas, and more. You’ll find a collection of my w…


  4. JavaScript-Diaries JavaScript-Diaries Public

    JavaScript Diaries πŸ“– is a collection of my daily explorations and notes on JavaScript. Here, I document my learning journey, coding challenges, and insights.

    HTML 1 3

  5. Text-to-voice-convertor Text-to-voice-convertor Public

    Convert text to speech with ease using this web-based application. This project allows users to input text, select from various available voices, and listen to the text being spoken in real-time. B…


  6. Tic-Tac-Toe- Tic-Tac-Toe- Public

    This project is a web-based implementation of the timeless Tic-Tac-Toe game, featuring HTML structure, CSS styling for an appealing interface, & JavaScript for interactive gameplay logic.
