Note that the parameters for each bundle are described in the bundle code. See the meta promises and the params data variable.
Use the bundle efl_delete_files. Here is a data file that deletes all files in /tmp older than 8 days and all files in /var/cfengine/outputs older than 1 day for members of the alix class.
"negate_match" : "no",
"file_promiser" : "/tmp",
"recurse_level" : "inf",
"class" : "any",
"file_age" : "8",
"promisee" : "Neil Watson",
"leaf_regex" : ".*"
"file_age" : "1",
"leaf_regex" : ".*",
"promisee" : "Neil Watson",
"file_promiser" : "/var/cfengine/outputs",
"negate_match" : "no",
"class" : "alix",
"recurse_level" : "inf"
When the parameter negate_match is no anything that matches the leaf_regex will be deleted. When set to yes, anything that does not match will be deleted.
Use the bundle efl_file_perms. This sample data, taken from Delta Hardening (found elsewhere in the repository), promises permissions on /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
"mode" : "0644",
"class" : "redhat",
"group" : "root",
"negate" : "no",
"leaf_regex" : ".*",
"owner" : "root",
"recurse_level" : "no",
"file_promiser" : "/etc/passwd",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec"
"owner" : "root",
"recurse_level" : "no",
"file_promiser" : "/etc/group",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec",
"mode" : "0644",
"class" : "redhat",
"group" : "root",
"negate" : "no",
"leaf_regex" : ".*"
Negate works just like negat_match in efl_delete_files.
Use the bundle efl_sysctl_live. This sample data is taken from Delta Hardening.
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec,",
"class" : "redhat",
"value" : "0",
"variable" : "fs.suid_dumpable"
"variable" : "kernel.exec-shield",
"value" : "1",
"class" : "redhat",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec,"
"class" : "redhat",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec,",
"variable" : "kernel.randomize_va_space",
"value" : "1"
This bundle uses sysctl to test and make needed corrections.
Use the bundle efl_sysclt_conf_file. The parameter file format is exactly the same as the efl_sysctl_live bundle and in practice use the same file to promise both boot time and running settings.
Rather than creating a list for the bundlesequence, or creating a long bundle of method calls, use the bundle efl_main. See for more details.
Use the bundle efl_edit_template to promise a file from a template. This bundle promises a complete file, deleting the old one. EFL does not edit files in place, conserving old content. Such practices are considered poor.
"promiser_file" : "/etc/sudoers",
"mode" : "600",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec",
"owner" : "root",
"template" : "/var/cfengine/sitefiles/etc/sysconfig/sudoers.tmp",
"server" : "g.policy_hubs",
"group" : "root",
"class" : "redhat"
"mode" : "644",
"promiser_file" : "/etc/issue",
"group" : "root",
"class" : "redhat",
"template" : "/var/cfengine/sitefiles/etc/issue.tmp",
"server" : "g.policy_hubs",
"owner" : "root",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec"
The bundle automatically copies the template from the server listed. The server parameter must be the name of a list. This allows for redundant servers. For example:
bundle agent g
"policy_hubs" slist => { "${sys.policy_hub}", "" };
Where is another CFEngine server, but not the one that the agent is bootstrapped to.
The extension of the template file will determine if it is treated as a CFEngine template (.tmp) or a mustache template (.mus).
The bundle efl_copy_files will promise the contents of a file using a straight copy rather than a template.
"owner" : "root",
"class" : "install_nwatson_gpg_key",
"server" : "list_backup.policy_servers",
"group" : "root",
"file_promiser" : "/root/neilhwatson.gpg",
"encrypt" : "no",
"promisee" : "Backups",
"file_source" : "${sys.workdir}/sitefiles/misc/neilhwatson.gpg",
"leaf_regex" : ".*",
"mode" : "600"
"group" : "root",
"file_promiser" : "/etc/apt/cfengine-gpg.key",
"class" : "install_cfengine_apt_key",
"owner" : "root",
"server" : "list_backup.policy_servers",
"leaf_regex" : ".*",
"mode" : "644",
"encrypt" : "no",
"file_source" : "${sys.workdir}/sitefiles/apt/cfengine-gpg.key",
"promisee" : "CFEngine"
The server parameter is a list just like efl_edit_template. This copy will be recursive if the promiser ends in '/.'.
Use the bundle efl_enable_service. This bundle uses the service or systemctl command if available.
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec",
"class" : "redhat",
"service" : "cpuspeed"
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec",
"class" : "redhat",
"service" : "iptables"
"class" : "redhat",
"service" : "irqbalance",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec 3.3.3"
Use the bundle efl_disable_service. This bundle uses the service or systemctl command if available.
"class" : "redhat",
"service" : "snmpd",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec 3.20.1, nist sp 800-123 sec 4.2.1"
"service" : "squid",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec 3.19.1, nist sp 800-123 sec 4.2.1",
"class" : "redhat"
"class" : "redhat",
"service" : "smb",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec 3.18.1, nist sp 800-123 sec 4.2.1"
The bundle efl_start_service will run the given command if a process is not running.
"restart_cmd" : "/usr/sbin/service opennms restart",
"promisee" : "monitoring",
"process_regex" : ".+java.+opennms.*",
"class" : "scope"
"restart_cmd" : "/usr/sbin/service delta_reporting start",
"promisee" : "delta reporting demo",
"class" : "ettin",
"process_regex" : "/opt/delta_reporting/app/"
"restart_cmd" : "service postgresql restart",
"promisee" : "delta reporting demo",
"process_regex" : "/usr/lib/postgresql/9\\.3/bin/postgres -D.*",
"class" : "ettin"
The bundle efl_service promises a confguration file, template or straight copy, and a running service.
"encrypt" : "no",
"process_regex" : "ntpd -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ntpd\\.pid -g",
"config_file" : "/etc/ntp.conf",
"class" : "redhat_6|centos_6",
"restart_cmd" : "/etc/init.d/ntpd restart",
"mode" : "644",
"group" : "root",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec 3.10",
"template" : "yes",
"server" : "efl.policy_servers",
"owner" : "root",
"config_file_src" : "/var/cfengine/sitefiles/etc/ntp.conf.tmp"
"restart_cmd" : "/etc/init.d/ntpd restart",
"mode" : "644",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec 3.10",
"group" : "root",
"encrypt" : "no",
"process_regex" : "ntpd -x -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ -g",
"config_file" : "/etc/ntp.conf",
"class" : "redhat_5|centos_5",
"template" : "yes",
"server" : "efl.policy_servers",
"config_file_src" : "/var/cfengine/sitefiles/etc/ntp.conf.tmp",
"owner" : "root"
"process_regex" : "/usr/sbin/sshd",
"encrypt" : "yes",
"config_file" : "/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
"class" : "redhat",
"mode" : "640",
"restart_cmd" : "/etc/init.d/sshd restart",
"group" : "root",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec 3.5.2",
"template" : "yes",
"config_file_src" : "/var/cfengine/sitefiles/etc/ssh/sshd_config.tmp",
"owner" : "root",
"server" : "efl.policy_servers"
The restart command is issued if the configuration changes or if the process is not running. The server parameter requires a list name, and the template extension determines if the template is a CFEngine (.tmp) or mustache (.mus) template.
There is also efl_service_recurse works the same as efl_service, but will recursively copy multiple configuration files.
"promisee" : "",
"process_regex" : "/var/www/cottage/app/",
"server" : "list_backup.policy_servers",
"encrypt" : "no",
"group" : "cottage",
"owner" : "cottage",
"class" : "mercury",
"restart_cmd" : "su - cottage /var/www/cottage/app/script/start",
"mode" : "700",
"config_dir_src" : "${sys.workdir}/cottage_site/app",
"config_dir" : "/var/www/cottage/app"
Again the server parameter requires the name of a list.
The bundle efl_packages promises to add or remove a package.
"architecture" : "*",
"class" : "redhat",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec, nist sp 800-123 sec 4.2.1",
"package_name" : "sudo",
"package_version" : "0",
"package_policy" : "add"
"architecture" : "*",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec, nist sp 800-123 sec 4.2.1",
"class" : "redhat",
"package_name" : "pam_ccreds",
"package_version" : "0",
"package_policy" : "delete"
"package_name" : "xinetd",
"promisee" : "nsa_rhel5 v4.2 sec 3.2.1, nist sp 800-123 sec 4.2.1",
"class" : "redhat",
"architecture" : "*",
"package_policy" : "delete",
"package_version" : "0"
This bundle uses package bodies from the CFEngine standard library. Package promises can be unreliable the more complicated they are. There is an alternative EFL bundle, efl_packages_via_cmd, that uses apt-get or yum commands promises instead of packages promises. The performance is poorer, but it is more reliable. The paramater file is the same for both bundles.
The bundle efl_links promises links.
"link_name" : "${sys.workdir}/cf3.${sys.uqhost}.runlog",
"promisee" : "CFEngine",
"class" : "oort",
"link_type" : "symlink",
"target" : "/dev/null"
"promisee" : "CFEngine",
"link_name" : "${sys.workdir}/cfagent.${sys.fqhost}.log",
"class" : "oort",
"target" : "/dev/null",
"link_type" : "symlink"
Use the bundle efl_rcs_pull to promise local working copies from a RCS system. This bundle will either update a functioning working copy or checkout a new copy if there is any problem.
"mode" : "644",
"checkout_cmd" : "/usr/bin/git clone",
"promisee" : "CFEngine",
"update_cmd" : "/usr/bin/git reset --hard HEAD && /usr/bin/git pull",
"class" : "ettin",
"group" : "neil",
"owner" : "neil",
"dest_dir" : "/home/neil/src/cfengine/core"
"mode" : "644",
"checkout_cmd" : "/usr/bin/git clone",
"promisee" : "CFEngine",
"update_cmd" : "/usr/bin/git reset --hard HEAD && /usr/bin/git pull",
"class" : "ettin",
"group" : "neil",
"owner" : "neil",
"dest_dir" : "/home/neil/src/cfengine/documentation"
The bundle efl_global_strings allows you to define namespace, a.k.a global, strings.
"value" : "${sys.workdir}/repositories",
"class" : "any",
"name" : "repos",
"promisee" : "cfengine masterfiles"
"value" : "sun",
"name" : "day",
"promisee" : "Days of the week",
"class" : "Sunday"
"promisee" : "Days of the week",
"name" : "day",
"class" : "Monday",
"value" : "mon"
The strings are created using the policy free so a later definition will override an earlier one.
There are also many bundles to help define namespace classes.
The bundle efl_class_iprange uses the CFEngine function iprange.
"class_to_set" : "my_dmz",
"ip_range" : "",
"promisee" : "dmz infosec"
"class_to_set" : "devel_network",
"ip_range" : "",
"promisee" : "developement"
The bundle efl_class_classmatch uses the CFEngine fucntion classmatch.
"class_to_set" : "my_dmz",
"regex" : "ipv4_192_0_2_0",
"promisee" : "dmz infosec"
"class_to_set" : "devel_network",
"regex" : "ipv4_10_0_[2,3]_0",
"promisee" : "developement"
The bundle efl_class_expression makes classes using standard CFEngine class expressions.
"class_to_set" : "my_dmz",
"expression" : "ipv4_192_0_3_0|ipv4_192_0_2_0",
"promisee" : "dmz infosec"
"class_to_set" : "devel_network",
"expression" : "ipv4_10_0_2_0.!qa_host",
"promisee" : "developement"
Use the bundle efl_class_hostname2 to make classes if the host's short hostname (${sys.uqhost}) matches the given list.
"class_to_set" : "my_dmz",
"hostname" : [ "blue", "red", "yellow" ],
"promisee" : "dmz infosec"
"class_to_set" : "devel_network",
"hostname" : [ "jupiter", "mars", "venus" ],
"promisee" : "developement"
Use the bundle efl_class_returnszero to make classes if the given command returns zero, or not.
"class_to_set" : "install_nwatson_gpg_key",
"command" : "/usr/bin/gpg --list-key 60X39R8 > /dev/null",
"class" : "any",
"promisee" : "Backups",
"shell" : "useshell",
"zero" : "no"
"class_to_set" : "start_shorewall6",
"command" : "/sbin/shorewall6 status > /dev/null",
"promisee" : "shorewall6",
"class" : "shorewall6_host",
"shell" : "useshell",
"zero" : "no"
The zero parameter means set class if returns zero (yes) or non-zero (no).
As your infrastructure grows you'll need more than the simple cf-serverd ACL's that masterfiles provides. EFL allows you to configure extra rules, by reading the file sys_workdir/inputs/efl_data/bundle_params/efl_server.json if it exists. The file looks like this:
"promisee" : "cfengine server",
"class" : "am_policy_hub",
"path" : "${sys.workdir}/masterfiles/",
"admit" : [
"path" : "${sys.workdir}/modules/",
"class" : "am_policy_hub",
"promisee" : "cfengine server",
"admit" : [
"path" : "${sys.workdir}/sitefiles/",
"class" : "am_policy_server",
"promisee" : "cfengine server",
"admit" : [
"path" : "${sys.workdir}/delta_reporting",
"class" : "any",
"promisee" : "delta reporting",
"admit" : [
Cf-serverd will read this data and turn them into server ACL's.
All of these promise outcomes and all hard and soft classes can be gathered to a central server for reporting. See Delta Reporting for more information.
Commercial support is available through the creator of EFL, Neil H. Waton