diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 2d1b85e63..15c3fac67 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -374,8 +374,6 @@ deploy: check-local-context docker-build load-images render-manifests kubectl ## $(KUBECTL) -n neonvm-system rollout status daemonset neonvm-device-plugin $(KUBECTL) apply -f $(RENDERED)/neonvm-controller.yaml $(KUBECTL) -n neonvm-system rollout status deployment neonvm-controller - $(KUBECTL) -n neonvm-system set env deployment/neonvm-controller K3D_HACK=true - $(KUBECTL) -n neonvm-system rollout status deployment neonvm-controller $(KUBECTL) apply -f $(RENDERED)/neonvm-vxlan-controller.yaml $(KUBECTL) -n neonvm-system rollout status daemonset neonvm-vxlan-controller # NB: typical upgrade path requires updated scheduler before autoscaler-agents. @@ -399,7 +397,7 @@ example-vms: docker-build-examples load-example-vms ## Build and push the testin .PHONY: example-vms-arm64 example-vms-arm64: TARGET_ARCH=arm64 -example-vms-arm64: example-vms +example-vms-arm64: example-vms .PHONY: load-pg16-disk-test load-pg16-disk-test: check-local-context kubectl kind k3d ## Load the pg16-disk-test VM image to the kind/k3d cluster. @@ -434,8 +432,13 @@ k3d-load: k3d # Push docker images to the k3d cluster. .PHONE: e2e-tools e2e-tools: k3d kind kubectl kuttl python-init ## Donwnload tools for e2e tests locally if necessary. +.PHONE: k3d-hack +k3d-hack: ## Apply k3d hack to the k3d cluster + $(KUBECTL) -n neonvm-system set env deployment/neonvm-controller K3D_HACK=true + $(KUBECTL) -n neonvm-system rollout status deployment neonvm-controller + .PHONE: e2e -e2e: check-local-context e2e-tools ## Run e2e kuttl tests +e2e: check-local-context e2e-tools k3d-hack ## Run e2e kuttl tests $(KUTTL) test --config tests/e2e/kuttl-test.yaml $(if $(CI),--skip-delete) rm -f kubeconfig