An alternative way to run the application for development purposes is in a Docker container. This is useful if you don’t want to install Node on your host machine.
Start by cloning the repository:
git clone
cd network-of-terms
Then start run the development container:
docker compose run --service-ports --rm node
And execute the commands that you find in each package’s readme (for example GraphQL or Reconciliation):
# In the container:
/app # npm install
/app # cd packages/network-of-terms-graphql
/app/packages/network-of-terms-graphql # npm run dev
# or:
/app # cd packages/network-of-terms-reconciliation
/app/packages/network-of-terms-reconciliation # npm run dev
You can also use this method if you want to run the application on an Apple silicon computer without emulation, as our ready-made Docker images don’t yet support M1.
If you just want to run the application, please refer to our ready-made Docker images.