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blob tracker
The Blob Tracker example implements an object tracker based on Gaussian blobs. It illustrates a technique for drawing polygons on top of an other display.
It focuses on the following Tarsier handlers:
It also uses the BlobDisplay from the Chameleon library.
We aim at creating a change detection display with ellipses drawn on top to show the blob trackers. We are going to use two blob displays: one for the trackers on the visible layer, and one for the trackers on the hidden layer. The blob display must be shaped after the change detection display. We use the onPaintAreaChanged
callback to change the blob display position and size whenever the change detection display is modified. The Timer
must trigger both the change detection display and the blob display. The latter is triggered with the update
The main.qml file contains:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import BackgroundCleaner 1.0
import ChangeDetectionDisplay 1.0
import BlobDisplay 1.0
Item {
id: item
visible: true
width: 304
height: 240
Timer {
interval: 20
running: true
repeat: true
onTriggered: {
BackgroundCleaner {
id: backgroundCleaner
width: item.width
height: item.height
ChangeDetectionDisplay {
objectName: "changeDetectionDisplay"
id: changeDetectionDisplay
width: item.width
height: item.height
canvasSize: "304x240"
onPaintAreaChanged: {
blobDisplay.width = paintArea.width
blobDisplay.height = paintArea.height
blobDisplay.x = paintArea.x
blobDisplay.y = paintArea.y
hiddenBlobDisplay.width = paintArea.width
hiddenBlobDisplay.height = paintArea.height
hiddenBlobDisplay.x = paintArea.x
hiddenBlobDisplay.y = paintArea.y
BlobDisplay {
objectName: "hiddenBlobDisplay"
id: hiddenBlobDisplay
canvasSize: "304x240"
strokeColor: "#ff5b5a"
strokeThickness: 1
fillColor: "#33ff5b5a"
BlobDisplay {
objectName: "blobDisplay"
id: blobDisplay
canvasSize: "304x240"
strokeColor: "#00cb56"
strokeThickness: 1
fillColor: "#3300cb56"
We want to mask isolated events to prevent noise from disturbing the gaussian trackers. The Tarsier library provides the tarsier::MaskIsolated
handler to do so. Moreover, we want to duplicate each event to use them to trigger both the change detection display and the blob tracker. A lambda function could be used to trigger both the handlers. It is also possible to use the tarsier::Replicate
handler, which can trigger any number of handlers whenever it is sent an event.
To track the blobs, we use the tarsier::TrackBlobs
handler. We use twelve initial trackers and decent parameters. These settings need to be adapted to each task. The blob tracker expects seven callback: three callbacks (promote - update - demote) for both the visible and hidden layers, and one common delete callback.
The main.cpp file now contains:
#include <sepia.hpp>
#include <tarsier/maskIsolated.hpp>
#include <tarsier/replicate.hpp>
#include <tarsier/trackBlobs.hpp>
#include <chameleon/backgroundCleaner.hpp>
#include <chameleon/changeDetectionDisplay.hpp>
#include <chameleon/blobDisplay.hpp>
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtQuick/QQuickView>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
qmlRegisterType<chameleon::BackgroundCleaner>("BackgroundCleaner", 1, 0, "BackgroundCleaner");
qmlRegisterType<chameleon::ChangeDetectionDisplay>("ChangeDetectionDisplay", 1, 0, "ChangeDetectionDisplay");
qmlRegisterType<chameleon::BlobDisplay>("BlobDisplay", 1, 0, "BlobDisplay");
QSurfaceFormat format;
format.setVersion(3, 3);
QQuickView view(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QFileInfo("../../source/main.qml").absoluteFilePath()));
auto changeDetectionDisplay = view.rootObject()->findChild<chameleon::ChangeDetectionDisplay*>("changeDetectionDisplay");
auto blobDisplay = view.rootObject()->findChild<chameleon::BlobDisplay*>("blobDisplay");
auto hiddenBlobDisplay = view.rootObject()->findChild<chameleon::BlobDisplay*>("hiddenBlobDisplay");
auto atisEventStreamObservable = sepia::make_atisEventStreamObservable(
tarsier::make_maskIsolated<sepia::DvsEvent, 304, 240, 10000>(
tarsier::Blob{38 * 1, 40 * 1, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 3, 40 * 1, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 5, 40 * 1, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 7, 40 * 1, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 1, 40 * 3, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 3, 40 * 3, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 5, 40 * 3, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 7, 40 * 3, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 1, 40 * 5, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 3, 40 * 5, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 5, 40 * 5, 250, 0, 250},
tarsier::Blob{38 * 7, 40 * 5, 250, 0, 250},
1e5, // activityDecay
0, // minimumProbability
1, // promotionActivity
0.1, // deletionActivity
0.99, // meanInertia
0.99, // covarianceInertia
1, // repulsionStrength
20, // repulsionLength
0.05, // attractionStrength
100, // attractionResetDistance
10000, // pairwiseCalculationsToSkip
[&](std::size_t id, const tarsier::Blob& blob) {
blobDisplay->promoteBlob(id, blob);
[&](std::size_t id, const tarsier::Blob& blob) {
blobDisplay->updateBlob(id, blob);
[&](std::size_t id, const tarsier::Blob& blob) {
blobDisplay->demoteBlob(id, blob);
[&](std::size_t id, const tarsier::Blob& blob) {
hiddenBlobDisplay->promoteBlob(id, blob);
[&](std::size_t id, const tarsier::Blob& blob) {
hiddenBlobDisplay->updateBlob(id, blob);
[&](std::size_t id, const tarsier::Blob& blob) {
hiddenBlobDisplay->demoteBlob(id, blob);
[&](std::size_t id, const tarsier::Blob& blob) {
blobDisplay->deleteBlob(id, blob);
hiddenBlobDisplay->deleteBlob(id, blob);
[&](sepia::DvsEvent dvsEvent) -> void {
[](sepia::ThresholdCrossing) -> void {}
[](std::exception_ptr) {}
return app.exec();
The premake4.lua file must import the following Chameleon components:
local mocFiles = { -- must contain Chameleon components paths