A smart voice control system built on the IoT Service Blockchain.
Actuators are IoT devices connected to the IoT Service Blockchain. They listen to service requests on blockchain and interact with their environment based on the request content. For example, an actuator can be a smart light which can switch itself on and off based on the service request argument.
Source code: actuator
The AI component is the central hub for receiving voice commands sent by voice assistants on IoT Service Blockchain and translating them into user intents using speech-to-intent machine learning engine. It listens for voice command service request on blockchain and fetch audio data from IPFS.
Source code: ai
Voice assistants are IoT devices that listen for and record user voice commands. To achieve better energy efficiency and user privacy, it uses wake word detection to only respond to voice commands that start with a specific wake word, such as "Hey Google" or "Hi Alexa". Then, it determine the duration of the command with voice activity detection. A voice assistant must feature a microphone to record audio. The recorded audio will be sent to the AI component via IoT Service Blockchain and IPFS.
Source code: assistant
A running Hyperledger Fabric network of version 2.4 or newer
Install IoT Service Blockchain chaincode to your Hyperledger Fabric network
Raspberry Pi 4 and/or a Linux workstation
Go 1.16 or newer
GCC and build tools
A microphone
A Picovoice access key
Clone this repository, change working directory to
, and install all Go dependencies$ git clone https://github.com/nexus-lab/iot-service-blockchain-samples.git $ cd iot-service-blockchain-samples/parrot $ go mod download
Change working directory to
:$ cd actuator
. Fill in or change configurations according to your Hyperledger Fabric configurations. Configuration details are given in the comments.$ cp config.yml.example config.yml
Run the following command to start the actuator:
$ go run *.go --config config.yml 2022/03/12 14:02:06 blockchain service started 2022/03/12 14:02:06 organization id: Org2MSP 2022/03/12 14:02:06 device id: eDUwOTo6Q049dXNlcjEsQz1VUyxTVD1Ob3J0aCBDYXJvbGluYSxPPUh5cGVybGVkZ2VyLE9VPWNsaWVudDo6Q049Y2Eub3JnMi5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSxDPVVLLEw9SHVyc2xleSxTVD1IYW1wc2hpcmUsTz1vcmcyLmV4YW1wbGUuY29t
Take note of the device ID in the output. This ID, along with the organization ID and service name, will be used in the configuration of AI component. Additionally, you may run multiple instances of actuator using different configuration files.
Change the working directory to
:$ cd ../ai
. Fill in or change configurations according to your IPFS, Picovoice, and Hyperledger Fabric configurations. Configuration details are given in the comments.$ cp config.yml.example config.yml
Run the following command to start the AI component:
$ go run *.go --config config.yml 2022/03/12 14:22:05 ipfs node QmWncbyxnmGv8b6KPsnPY7rLg1eLdS9zGxsM4Z7WpwgTV2 started, addresses are 2022/03/12 14:22:05 /ip4/ 2022/03/12 14:22:05 /ip6/::1/tcp/14001/p2p/QmWncbyxnmGv8b6KPsnPY7rLg1eLdS9zGxsM4Z7WpwgTV2 2022/03/12 14:22:07 blockchain service started 2022/03/12 14:22:07 organization id: Org2MSP 2022/03/12 14:22:07 device id: eDUwOTo6Q049dXNlcjEsQz1VUyxTVD1Ob3J0aCBDYXJvbGluYSxPPUh5cGVybGVkZ2VyLE9VPWNsaWVudDo6Q049Y2Eub3JnMi5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSxDPVVLLEw9SHVyc2xleSxTVD1IYW1wc2hpcmUsTz1vcmcyLmV4YW1wbGUuY29t
Take note of the IPFS addresses and the device ID in the output. You will need them to configure the assistant.
Make sure your microphone is connected and set as the default input.
Change the working directory to
:$ cd ../assistant
. Fill in or change configurations according to your IPFS, Picovoice, and Hyperledger Fabric configurations. Configuration details are given in the comments.$ cp config.yml.example config.yml
Run the following command to start the assistant:
$ go run *.go --config config.yml 2022/03/12 14:37:25 ipfs node QmWzZvSsshPYxYPbBxaKnU9z9ZZTZWkjEVHTekmCYiF5wg started, addresses are 2022/03/12 14:37:25 /ip4/ 2022/03/12 14:37:25 /ip6/::1/tcp/24001/p2p/QmWzZvSsshPYxYPbBxaKnU9z9ZZTZWkjEVHTekmCYiF5wg 2022/03/12 14:37:25 Wake word detection started 2022/03/12 14:37:25 Voice activity detection started 2022/03/12 14:37:25 blockchain service started 2022/03/12 14:37:25 organization id: Org1MSP 2022/03/12 14:37:25 device id: eDUwOTo6Q049dXNlcjEsQz1VUyxTVD1Ob3J0aCBDYXJvbGluYSxPPUh5cGVybGVkZ2VyLE9VPWNsaWVudDo6Q049Y2Eub3JnMS5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSxDPVVTLEw9RHVyaGFtLFNUPU5vcnRoIENhcm9saW5hLE89b3JnMS5leGFtcGxlLmNvbQ==
Say any of the following commands to your microphone. You should get a result from the blockchain in a few seconds.
Parrot, turn on/off the kitchen/living room/bedroom light. Parrot, switch on/off the kitchen/living room/bedroom light.
Here is an example of the assistant's output:
2022/03/12 14:44:08 Recording started 2022/03/12 14:44:09 Recording stopped 2022/03/12 14:44:09 Audio saved to /ipfs/QmRkbRGKL1mTxKAmm3TMmFi1P8RHeG9ujRm3Jb66CeK65y 2022/03/12 14:44:11 request sent: [PUT]5eeb4804-67bd-4865-a60c-b97c6c30eca1 []string{"/ipfs/QmRkbRGKL1mTxKAmm3TMmFi1P8RHeG9ujRm3Jb66CeK65y"} 2022/03/12 14:44:18 response received: [0]5eeb4804-67bd-4865-a60c-b97c6c30eca1 state is on