diff --git a/profile/tasks/post_install/variant.programming/colima.yml b/profile/tasks/post_install/variant.programming/colima.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc33a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profile/tasks/post_install/variant.programming/colima.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+- name: Secure Colima Startup Script
+ become: true
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "/usr/local/bin/colima-start-fg.sh"
+ mode: "0755"
+ owner: "root"
+ group: "wheel"
+- name: Check Whether Colima Requires Permission To Run With External Disk Access
+ register: variant_programming_fdautil_list_colima
+ become: true
+ ansible.builtin.command: /usr/local/bin/fdautil list
+ changed_when: false
+- name: Grant Colima Permission To Run With External Disk Access
+ become: true
+ ansible.builtin.command: /usr/local/bin/fdautil set agent com.github.abiosoft.com /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/colima-start-fg.sh
+ changed_when: true
+ when: "'com.github.abiosoft.com' not in variant_programming_fdautil_list_colima.stdout"
+ notify:
+ - "Restart Colima Service"
+- name: Patch Service File Line 1
+ become: true
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ path: "/Users/{{ colima_service_user }}/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.abiosoft.colima.plist"
+ insertbefore: '^\s+/bin/bash'
+ line: " exec"
+ state: present
+ notify:
+ - "Restart Colima Service"
+- name: Patch Service File Line 2
+ become: true
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ path: "/Users/{{ colima_service_user }}/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.abiosoft.colima.plist"
+ insertbefore: '^\s+exec'
+ line: " /usr/local/bin/fdautil"
+ state: present
+ notify:
+ - "Restart Colima Service"