- Source for the entire HPE 3PAR Docker Volume Plugin is present in plugin_v2 branch of this repository.
- Source for paramiko is present under https://github.com/hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin/tree/master/paramiko_src
HPE 3PAR Docker Volume Plugin is tested against:
- Docker EE release version >= 17.03
- Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial), RHEL 7.4 and CentOS 7.3
Setup etcd in a host following this instructions https://github.com/hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin/tree/master/quick-start#single-node-etcd-setup---install-etcd
This etcd container can run in the same host where the HPE Docker Volume plugin is installed.
Configure plugin for the appropriate 3PAR plugin.
For 3PAR iSCSI plugin, use this template https://github.com/hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin/blob/master/config/hpe.conf.sample.3parISCSI and create a file called hpe.conf in /etc/hpedockerplugin/hpe.conf
For 3PAR FC plugin, use this template https://github.com/hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin/blob/master/config/hpe.conf.sample.3parFC and create a file called hpe.conf in /etc/hpedockerplugin/hpe.conf
Note: Template has different place holders for the storage system to be configured. In hpe.conf , parameter host_etcd_ip_address = <ip_address> needs to be replaced with the ip_address of the host where the etcd is started.
Execute below commands to install the plugin on Ubuntu 16.04
# Install these pre-requisite packages
$ sudo apt-get install -y open-iscsi multipath-tools
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl restart open-iscsi multipath-tools docker
$ docker plugin install store/hpestorage/hpedockervolumeplugin:<version> --disable --alias hpe
# certs.source should be set to the folder where the certificates for secure etcd is configured , otherwise
# please default the setting to a valid folder in the system.
$ docker plugin set hpe certs.source=/tmp
$ docker plugin enable hpe
Execute below commands to install the plugin on RHEL 7.3 and CentOS 7.3
# Install these pre-requisite packages
$ yum install -y iscsi-initiator-utils device-mapper-multipath
# configure /etc/multipath.conf and run below commands
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl enable iscsid multipathd
$ systemctl start iscsid multipathd
$ docker plugin install store/hpestorage/hpedockervolumeplugin:<version> –-disable –-alias hpe
# certs.source should be set to the folder where the certificates for secure etcd is configured , otherwise
# please default the setting to a valid folder in the system.
# For unsecure etcd, any valid folder in the docker host can be given for certs.source
$ docker plugin set hpe glibc_libs.source=/lib64 certs.source=/tmp
$ docker plugin enable hpe
Confirm the plugin is successfully installed by
$ docker plugin ls
Support for HPE 3PAR FC Volume Plugin has been added in hpestorage/hpedockervolumeplugin:2.0 and it is tested against Docker 17.06 EE. Note: FC plugin requires proper zoning between the docker host(s) and the 3PAR Array. Also, create /etc/multipath.conf based on instructions in :https://github.com/hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin/blob/master/docs/multipath-managed-plugin.md
Execute below commands to install the FC plugin
# Please follow the pre-requisites and other details from the previous instructions on how to install plugin on different platforms.
$ docker plugin install store/hpestorage/hpedockervolumeplugin:2.0 –-disable –-alias hpe
# certs.source should point to a folder containing the valid client certificates for the secure etcd
# support. If unsecure etcd setup is used please default to value of /tmp as given below.
# For RHEL/CentOS following set command is required.
$ docker plugin set hpe glibc_libs.source=/lib64 certs.source=/tmp
# For Ubuntu the set command will be
$ docker plugin set hpe certs.source=/tmp
$ docker plugin enable hpe
Sample configration file for 3PAR FC located in the **config/hpe.conf.sample.3parFC ** file.
Support for Etcd cluster with multiple Etcd hosts has been added in hpestorage/hpedockervolumeplugin:2.0 and it is tested against Docker 17.06 EE on Ubuntu 16.04.
For setting up etcd client with cluster members, configure host_etcd_ip_address in hpe.conf in this below format where each member's ip:port is given with comma as delimiter. For example,
host_etcd_ip_address =,,
In Docker Swarm mode, etcd cluster will be created between manager nodes and etcd clients will be workers nodes where volume plugin will be installed.
Example configuration for secure etcd setup is given in this link - https://github.com/hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin/blob/master/docs/etcd_cluster_setup.md
To Create a volume
$ docker volume create -d hpe --name db_vol -o size=10
To List Volumes
$ docker volume ls
To Mount a volume
$ docker run -it -v <volume>:/data1 --rm --volume-driver hpe busybox /bin/sh
To remove a volume
$ docker volume remove <vol_name>
On Ubuntu, grep for the plugin id
in the logs , where the plugin id
can be identified by:
$ docker-runc list
Plugin logs will be available in system logs (eg. /var/log/syslog on Ubuntu).
On RHEL and CentOS, issue journalctl -f -u docker.service
to get the plugin logs.
List of issues around the containerized version of the plugin/Managed plugin is present in https://github.com/hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin/issues
$ docker volume prune
is not supported for volume plugin, instead use$docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q -f "dangling=true")
to clean up orphaned volumes. -
Shared volume support is not present. Shared volume support implies using a single volume across multiple containers either on the same docker node (or) across node(s) in a swarm cluster. Also, backup and restore support is not present yet.
For running the Docker Volume Plugin under Openshift 3.7 / Kubernetes 1.7 please follow these steps
These steps are for a single node setup only. If you plan to run a container orchestration service (such as Docker UCP or Kubernetes) in a cluster of systems then refer to the etcd cluster setup below. These orchestration services typically already have setup instructions for an etcd cluster, so there is no need to create a separate etcd cluster in these cases. The plugin can safely share access to the same etcd cluster being used by the orchestration technology.
First create an export for your local IP:
export HostIP="<your host IP>"
Then run the following command to create an etcd container in Docker:
sudo docker run -d -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs -p 4001:4001 \
-p 2380:2380 -p 2379:2379 \
--name etcd quay.io/coreos/etcd:v2.2.0 \
-name etcd0 \
-advertise-client-urls http://${HostIP}:2379,http://${HostIP}:4001 \
-listen-client-urls, \
-initial-advertise-peer-urls http://${HostIP}:2380 \
-listen-peer-urls \
-initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 \
-initial-cluster etcd0=http://${HostIP}:2380 \
-initial-cluster-state new
For more information on setting up an etcd cluster see:
https://coreos.com/etcd/docs/latest/v2/docker_guide.html - instructions for etcd under Docker
Note: The etcd version used here is v2.2.0. Versions of etcd beyond v2.x require changes to the above command.
Sample configration file for 3PAR iSCSI is located in the config/hpe.conf.sample.xxx files.
3PAR iSCSI: config/hpe.conf.sample.3parISCSI
<starting from plugin folder>
cd config
cp <sample_file> hpe.conf
<edit hpe.conf>
Copy the edited configs into /etc/hpedockerplugin/hpe.conf.
Configure the docker system service to use
- MountFlags=shared (default is slave) in file /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
- restart the docker daemon using
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker.service
Follow the instructions in this README.md
IMPORTANT NOTE: The /run/docker/plugins/hpe/hpe.sock and /run/docker/plugins/hpe/hpe.sock.lock files are not automatically removed when you stop the container. Therefore, these files will need to be removed manually between each run of the plugin.
Make sure to set MountFlags=shared in the docker.service. This is required to ensure the hpedockerplugin can write to /hpeplugin
CentOS/RHEL: You now need to bind mount /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi in the docker compose file. The Alpine linux based version of the container does not come with an iscsi initiator. Therefore, you must bind mount an iscsi initiator for the plugin to work properly.
CoreOS: make sure to also bind mount /lib/modules. Otherwise, you'll get the following error in the hpedockerpluin logs:
iscsiadm: initiator reported error (12 - iSCSI driver not found. Please make sure it is loaded, and retry the operation)