Step 1: docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
Step 2: mvn clean install && java -jar target/smartx-iproxy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Step 3: python3 smartX-iTunnels/
Step 4: Launch Postman & launch smartX-iProxy-test/smartX_iProxy_System.postman_collection.json
Step 5: Hit http://localhost:9090/kafka/publish?message=helloworld17, you will see the message in the console of python3 window\
Module: smartX-iBrains Introduction:
This module consists of 4 different Modules
- source-module:
- Read Data from the data-module/ExperienceSalaryProxyForward_Data.csv, Evaluate and Build the Intelligent Models
- Data Model: Data Model file gerenarated in model-module/ExperienceSalaryModel.pkl
- ProxyForward Model: ProxyForward Model file generated in model-module/ExperienceForwardToModel.pkl
Execution Steps:
- python3 source-module/
- Verify that you have 2 files generated in model-module folder
- Run the Model with the command as
- python3 api-module/