+ Summary
+This Page is for displaying the projects I have been taking part in during my coding career, you can find the repos through my github account nldxtd.
+Those projects can be divided into two categories, one is course projects I ’ve been working on in THU classes, the other is personal projects made out of personal interests or outsourcing demands.
+Apart from those projects, algorithm is also important through my study, which won’t be displayed at this page.
+Course Projects
+LOGO Language Compiler
+Summary: First project of my coding career, using C++ to compile LOGO file(text file defined ourselves) to picture format BMP.
+Semester: Fall 2019.
+Skills: C++, video editing.
+Code Repo: LOGO compiler
+Snake 🐍
+Summary: Classic game snake(贪吃蛇) implemented in Qt.
+Semester: Summer 2020.
+Skills: Qt, C++.
+Code Repo: Snake
+Dou Dizhu 🃏
+Summary: Classic game Dou Dizhu(斗地主) implemented in Qt.
+Semester: Summer 2020.
+Skills: Qt, Qt Socket, C++.
+Code Repo: Dou Dizhu
+快红 🍁(快手公司合作软件工程项目)
+Summary: Software Engineer project cowork with Beijing Kuaishou Technology Co., Ltd, using data provided by the company to do data visualization and give advice to content producer. As a team work, I mainly took part in frontend work.
+Semester: Spring 2021.
+Skills: Vue.js, python, django, database.
+Code Repo: Private.
+Summary: PA of Network Principle, implement a router supporting ICMP, RIP, also do some correctness check.
+Semester: Spring 2021.
+Skills: C++, Network Protocol.
+Code Repo: Router-Lab
+Summary: A PinYin input method implemented in python base on Markov Chain.
+Semester: Spring 2021.
+Skills: Python, Markov Chain.
+Code Repo: Py-PinYin
+FourChess ♟
+Summary: Namely AI implement in python based on Monte Carlo tree search(MCTS).
+Semester: Spring 2021.
+Skills: C++, MCTS.
+Code Repo: FourChess
+Sentence Emotion Classifier 📖
+Summary: A classfy task using CNN/RNN/LSTM, result not so satisfying because of data problem.
+Semester: Spring 2021.
+Skills: Tensorflow.
+Code Repo: Emotion Classifier
+Image Rendering Engine 📷
+Summary: Image Rendering Engine implemented in C++ based on SPPM algorithm.
+Semester: Spring 2021.
+Skills: C++, SMMP, Parallel Development.
+Code Repo: Image Rendering Engine
+Naive-Database 📚
+Summary: A toy DBMS(Database Manage System) implemented in rust from scratch, supports CURD operation and other database precations.
+Semester: Fall 2021.
+Skills: Rust.
+Code Repo: Naive-Database
+Summary: PA of Compilation principle, implemented in python, used for mini-decaf(subset of C Language).
+Semester: Fall 2021.
+Skills: Python, AST, Compilation principle.
+Code Repo: Mini-Decaf
+Summary: PA of OS course, implement an operating system using rust.
+Semester: Fall 2021.
+Skills: Rust.
+Code Repo: rCore
+Summary: Seen as the hardest course project in our department. Design a five-stage pipeline CPU using verilog, also add forwarding technology and support hardware-IO like vga/flash.
+Semester: Fall 2021.
+Skills: Verilog, pipeline CPU, hardware design.
+Code Repo: CPU
+Personal Projects
+NucEarth 🌍
+Summary: Inspired by earth, which visualize weather condition on a globe. NucEarch is for visualizing pollution infected by nuclear leak.
+Skills: javascript.
+Demo Website: NucEarth
+Code Repo: Private.
+Robot Detecting and Social Network Analysis 🤖️
+Summary: A master thesis work to detect robot on social media and social network analysis. I took part in the data crawling and processing, robot detecting.
+Skills: python.
+Code Repo: Private.
+GongPinCha 🧼
+Summary: A form filling Applets cooperates with an official department for data collecting.
+Skills: React-Native, Wechat Mini Program.
+Demo: 工品查 WeChat Mini Program.