Many of you must have used Wireshark it's a packet analyzer used to analyse packets but it is efficient only for small scale analysis when it comes to analyse packets at large scale it becomes difficult to do with Wireshark because it needs lots of plugins as compared to Tshark it is companion utility it uses the same parsing engine which is used by Wireshark but it is very much powerful. Tshark is command line based tool but great for automation.
Wireshark and Tshark are cross-platform tool already installed in many linux distro but since this tools get updating we also need to update this tool time to time
First update your system and check the current version of Tshark and Wireshark in your system.
error@error:~$ sudo apt update
error@error:~$ sudo apt-cache madison wireshark
error@error:~$ sudo apt-cache madison tshark
You can see the official website of Wireshark and see the latest version if it's same as in you machine than okay otherwise update it with stable version with below command
error@error:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable
this will add the latest stable repo of wireshark now you just need to update it.
error@error:~$ sudo apt install wireshark tshark
Now everything is installed and updated we need to do some configuration if your are running your Linux distro on Virtual Box but lets first see the basic coomand of tshark to see the interfaces :
error@error:~$ tshark -D
See the number of interfaces will vary and order get shuffled from device to device because if connect your wireless card some more number of interfaces will be displayed like this.
To select any interface you address it with its name or by it's number if you start tshark by the command
error@error:~$ tshark
It will not capture any packets and if you use this command
error@error:~$ sudo tshark
[sudo] password for error:
After entering password it will show you prompt but still not capture any packets because capturing network traffic as 'root' because and parsing vulnerablity of wireshark or tshark can comprise your system so everytime using 'sudo' is annoying so we need change setting to use wireshark and tshark comfortably.
error@error:~$ sudo dpkg -reconfigure wireshark-common
A prompt will appear asking that non super user can capture packets click yes save tht and move forward
error@error:~$ usermod -a -G wireshark $USER
error@error:~$ id
By using id it will dispay all settings but all this configuration will be reflected only when you restart your machine or run the below commands after id to avoid restarting.
Now run tshark :
error@error:~$ tshark
and this time it will start capturing packets and by default it tshark selects the first interface. Open a new tab for bash and ping any website
error@error:~$ ping
and in different tab run :
error@error:~$ tshark -i any
this will capture packets in any mode you can also write any specific mode by it name or number:
error@error:~$ tshark -i interface_name/ID number
Let's see about the modes in details:
only Unicast,Broadcast and choose Multicast packets
Promiscuous Mode:
All recived packets
Network topology needs to make sense
Monitor Mode:
Applies to 802.11 interface only
Above all modes Promiscuous Mode can recive all packets but it was way possible in HUB connections in morden types of connectoin like Switch it's not possible to capture all packets. To switch to Promiscuous Mode run the below command:
error@error:~$ sudo ifconfig interface_name promisc
First ping any url
error@error:~$ ping
To see some this packets run the below command:
error@error:~$ tshark -i wlan0
To save packets
error@error:~$ tshark -i wlan0 -w test.pcap
Tp set a capture counts -c
error@error:~$ tshark -i wlan0 -c 20 -w test.pcap
It will capture 20 packets
To view the files
error@error:~$ tshark -r test.pcap | less
To see the details of packets
error@error:~$ tshark -r test.pcap -c 1 -V
Options to export packets
error@error:~$ tshark -T x
You can use any options by using the commands
error@error:~$ tshark -r test.pcap -T option_name
error@error:~$ tshark -r test.pcap -T psml | less
To save the listed data in a:
error@error:~$ tshark -r test.pcap -T psml > test.psml
In common scenario whenever we capture packets we generally are intrested in specific types of packets lik http,icmp,tcp... lets see how to capture filter in t-tshark but please read the documentaion for detailed info.
error@error:~$ tshark -i interface_name -f "filter_name" -w filter_name.pcap
error@error:~$ tshark -i interface_name -f "tcp port 80" -w tcp.pcap
It will capture all the packet on port 80, see the documentaion for more filter detail
Display filters
Display filters works on already captured packets.
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -Y ' filter expression '
error@error:~$ tshark -r tcp.pcap -Y 'http.request.method == "GET" '
Sometimes we need to share captured packets but reciver may not have a tool like wireshark to view so it's better to covert it into html file so it can viwed on browser.
save packets
error@error:~$ tshark -i wlan0 -w test.pcap
output the saved file in pdml
error@error:~$ tshark -r test.pcap -T pdml | less
Save it xml formate
error@error:~$ tshark -r test.pcap -T pdml > test.xml
if you list /usr/share/wireshark/ you will find it contains one utility pdml2html which help us to convert pdml file to html but we also need one more utility
error@error:~$ sudo apt install xsltproc
After installing write the final command to convert to pcap file into html
error@error:~$ xsltproc /usr/share/wireshark/pdml2html.xsl test.xml > test.html
If you want to see protocol hierarchy of any captured packets you need to open pcap file in the Wireshark and go to Statistics Tab from there you can see this let' see how to do the same stuff using wireshark.
This commands list all help for statistics
error@error:~$ tshark -z help
and for protocol hierarchy we need io-phs
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -z io.phs
Above command fill show the protocol hierarchy but it will go through all the regular traffic if you directly want to see it and avoid traffic use -q
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -g -z io.phs
To Apply filters :
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -q -z io.phs,filter_name
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -g -z io.phs,ip
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -g -z io.phs,http
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -q -z endpoints,name
example :
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -q -z endpoints,wlan
Converstations helps to tie relationship between endpoints.
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -q -z conv,name
In Wireshark we use expert information it shows problem and warnings :
error@error:~$ tshark -r file_name.pcap -q -z expert
While capturing packets we can't predict the size of packets so if captures are vey large and it is possible that we will be out of disk and it's difficult to keep monitoring In order to solve this problem we can use Ring buffer, once end of buffer is reached, start overwriting oldest data it's a very common data structure of networking
Tshark command to use ring buffer
error@error:~$ tshark -i interface_name -w file_name.pcap -b filesize:(enter size you want ) -b files:(enter number you want )
error@error:~$ tshark -i wlan0 -w ring.pcap -b filesize:1 -b files:10
It creates 10 files of size 1KB once done with 10 files it start overwriting first file and it will continue.