diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/parameters/caliptra_top_parameters_pkg.sv b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/parameters/caliptra_top_parameters_pkg.sv
index 5652f4e6b..514477d8f 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/parameters/caliptra_top_parameters_pkg.sv
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/parameters/caliptra_top_parameters_pkg.sv
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ package caliptra_top_parameters_pkg;
parameter string soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM = "soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM"; /* [3] */
parameter string soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM = "soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM"; /* [4] */
parameter string soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_BFM = "soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_BFM"; /* [5] */
+ parameter string soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_BFM = "soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_BFM"; /* [6] */
// pragma uvmf custom package_item_additional begin
// pragma uvmf custom package_item_additional end
diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/caliptra_top_sequences_pkg.sv b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/caliptra_top_sequences_pkg.sv
index 93d8bb71e..d83fd278f 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/caliptra_top_sequences_pkg.sv
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/caliptra_top_sequences_pkg.sv
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ package caliptra_top_sequences_pkg;
import soc_ifc_status_pkg_hdl::*;
import cptra_status_pkg::*;
import cptra_status_pkg_hdl::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
import caliptra_top_parameters_pkg::*;
import caliptra_top_env_pkg::*;
import qvip_ahb_lite_slave_params_pkg::*;
diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base.svh b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base.svh
index d0303bd74..cf13af914 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base.svh
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base.svh
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq;
typedef soc_ifc_status_responder_sequence soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t;
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq;
+ typedef mbox_sram_responder_sequence soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t;
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq;
// pragma uvmf custom sequences end
// Sequencer handles for each active interface in the environment
@@ -64,6 +66,8 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
uvm_sequencer #(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_transaction_t) soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_sequencer;
typedef soc_ifc_status_transaction soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_transaction_t;
uvm_sequencer #(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_transaction_t) soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_sequencer;
+ typedef mbox_sram_transaction soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_transaction_t;
+ uvm_sequencer #(soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_transaction_t) soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_sequencer;
// Sequencer handles for each QVIP interface
mvc_sequencer uvm_test_top_environment_soc_ifc_subenv_qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_ahb_lite_slave_0_sqr;
@@ -77,6 +81,7 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
cptra_ctrl_configuration soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_config;
soc_ifc_status_configuration soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_config;
cptra_status_configuration soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_config;
+ mbox_sram_configuration soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config;
// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
@@ -101,10 +106,13 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
`uvm_fatal("CFG" , "uvm_config_db #( soc_ifc_status_configuration )::get cannot find resource soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM" )
if( !uvm_config_db #( cptra_status_configuration )::get( null , UVMF_CONFIGURATIONS , soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_config ) )
`uvm_fatal("CFG" , "uvm_config_db #( cptra_status_configuration )::get cannot find resource soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_BFM" )
+ if( !uvm_config_db #( mbox_sram_configuration )::get( null , UVMF_CONFIGURATIONS , soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config ) )
+ `uvm_fatal("CFG" , "uvm_config_db #( mbox_sram_configuration )::get cannot find resource soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_BFM" )
// Assign the sequencer handles from the handles within agent configurations
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_sequencer = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_config.get_sequencer();
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_sequencer = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_config.get_sequencer();
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_sequencer = soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config.get_sequencer();
// Retrieve QVIP sequencer handles from the uvm_config_db
if( !uvm_config_db #(mvc_sequencer)::get( null,UVMF_SEQUENCERS,"uvm_test_top.environment.soc_ifc_subenv.qvip_apb5_slave_subenv.apb5_master_0", uvm_test_top_environment_soc_ifc_subenv_qvip_apb5_slave_subenv_apb5_master_0_sqr) )
@@ -124,17 +132,20 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
caliptra_top_env_seq = caliptra_top_env_sequence_base_t::type_id::create("caliptra_top_env_seq");
- soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
- soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
+ soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq");
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_reset();
// Start RESPONDER sequences here
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.start(soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_sequencer);
// Start INITIATOR sequences here
@@ -151,6 +162,7 @@ caliptra_top_env_seq.start(top_configuration.vsqr);
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(400);
// pragma uvmf custom body end
diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_cmdline_sequence.svh b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_cmdline_sequence.svh
index a92b05136..7b45d983f 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_cmdline_sequence.svh
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_cmdline_sequence.svh
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ class caliptra_top_cmdline_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq");
// Handle to the responder sequence for getting response transactions
soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq.soc_ifc_status_agent_rsp_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq;
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ class caliptra_top_cmdline_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
// Start RESPONDER sequences here
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.start(soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_sequencer);
@@ -151,6 +153,7 @@ class caliptra_top_cmdline_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(400);
// pragma uvmf custom body end
diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_rand_sequence.svh b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_rand_sequence.svh
index d8447b61e..57248b29d 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_rand_sequence.svh
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_rand_sequence.svh
@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ class caliptra_top_rand_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
bit pauser_valid_initialized = 1'b0;
uvm_object obj;
int ii;
+ int unsigned mbox_ecc_single_error_burst;
+ int unsigned mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks;
caliptra_top_env_seq = caliptra_top_env_sequence_base_t::type_id::create("caliptra_top_env_seq");
soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq = soc_ifc_env_bringup_sequence_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq");
@@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ class caliptra_top_rand_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq");
// Handle to the responder sequence for getting response transactions
soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq.soc_ifc_status_agent_rsp_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq;
@@ -193,11 +196,27 @@ class caliptra_top_rand_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
// Start RESPONDER sequences here
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.start(soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_sequencer);
// // Start INITIATOR sequences here
// fork
// repeat (25) soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq.start(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_sequencer);
// join
+ fork
+ forever begin
+ if (!std::randomize(mbox_ecc_single_error_burst,mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks) with {mbox_ecc_single_error_burst dist {1 :/ 1000, [2:5] :/ 100, [6:31] :/ 20, [32:131071] :/ 1, [131072:524288] :/ 1};
+ mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks dist {1 :/ 1, [2:31] :/ 3, [32:127] :/ 5, [128:1023] :/ 3, [1024:131072] :/ 1}; })
+ `uvm_fatal("CALIPTRA_TOP_RAND_TEST", "Failed to randomize mbox ecc bit flip injection parameters")
+ else
+ `uvm_info("CALIPTRA_TOP_RAND_TEST", $sformatf("Randomized mbox ecc bit flip injection parameters: burst [%0d] delay [%0d clocks]", mbox_ecc_single_error_burst, mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks), UVM_DEBUG)
+ soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks);
+ `uvm_info("CALIPTRA_TOP_RAND_TEST", $sformatf("Injecting mbox ecc error with burst [%0d]", mbox_ecc_single_error_burst), UVM_DEBUG)
+ repeat(mbox_ecc_single_error_burst) begin
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config.inject_ecc_error |= 2'b01;
+ @soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.new_rsp;
+ end
+ end
+ join_none
forever @(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq.new_rsp) sts_rsp_count++;
@@ -347,6 +366,7 @@ class caliptra_top_rand_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(400);
// pragma uvmf custom body end
diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_rom_sequence.svh b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_rom_sequence.svh
index 2498b50af..237d56ff4 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_rom_sequence.svh
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/sequences/src/caliptra_top_rom_sequence.svh
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ class caliptra_top_rom_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq");
// Handle to the responder sequence for getting response transactions
soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq.soc_ifc_status_agent_rsp_seq = soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq;
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ class caliptra_top_rom_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
// Start RESPONDER sequences here
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.start(soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_sequencer);
@@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ class caliptra_top_rom_sequence extends caliptra_top_bench_sequence_base;
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(400);
// pragma uvmf custom body end
diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/testbench/hdl_top.sv b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/testbench/hdl_top.sv
index c4884273f..6135cfbfe 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/testbench/hdl_top.sv
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/testbench/hdl_top.sv
@@ -109,11 +109,13 @@ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
logic jtag_trst_n = '0; // JTAG Reset
logic jtag_tdo; // JTAG TDO
- logic mbox_sram_cs;
- logic mbox_sram_we;
- logic [14:0] mbox_sram_addr;
- logic [MBOX_DATA_AND_ECC_W-1:0] mbox_sram_wdata;
- logic [MBOX_DATA_AND_ECC_W-1:0] mbox_sram_rdata;
+ mbox_sram_req_t mbox_sram_req;
+ mbox_sram_resp_t mbox_sram_resp;
+ logic mbox_sram_cs_stub_inactive;
+ logic mbox_sram_we_stub_inactive;
+ logic [14:0] mbox_sram_addr_stub_inactive;
+ logic [MBOX_DATA_AND_ECC_W-1:0] mbox_sram_wdata_stub_inactive;
+ logic [MBOX_DATA_AND_ECC_W-1:0] mbox_sram_rdata_stub_inactive;
logic imem_cs;
logic [`CALIPTRA_IMEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] imem_addr;
@@ -153,12 +155,19 @@ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
.clk(clk), .dummy(1'b1)
// pragma uvmf custom soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_bus_connections end
+ mbox_sram_if soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_bus(
+ // pragma uvmf custom soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_bus_connections begin
+ .clk(clk), .dummy(1'b1)
+ // pragma uvmf custom soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_bus_connections end
+ );
soc_ifc_ctrl_monitor_bfm soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_mon_bfm(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_bus.monitor_port);
cptra_ctrl_monitor_bfm soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_mon_bfm(soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_bus.monitor_port);
soc_ifc_status_monitor_bfm soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_mon_bfm(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_bus.monitor_port);
cptra_status_monitor_bfm soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_mon_bfm(soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_bus.monitor_port);
+ mbox_sram_monitor_bfm soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_mon_bfm(soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_bus.monitor_port);
soc_ifc_ctrl_driver_bfm soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_drv_bfm(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_bus.initiator_port);
soc_ifc_status_driver_bfm soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_drv_bfm(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_bus.responder_port);
+ mbox_sram_driver_bfm soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_drv_bfm(soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_bus.responder_port);
// pragma uvmf custom dut_instantiation begin
// AHB Clock/reset
@@ -207,11 +216,11 @@ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
.ready_for_fw_push(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_bus.ready_for_fw_push ),
.ready_for_runtime(soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_bus.ready_for_runtime ),
- .mbox_sram_cs (mbox_sram_cs ),
- .mbox_sram_we (mbox_sram_we ),
- .mbox_sram_addr (mbox_sram_addr ),
- .mbox_sram_wdata(mbox_sram_wdata),
- .mbox_sram_rdata(mbox_sram_rdata),
+ .mbox_sram_cs (mbox_sram_req.cs ),
+ .mbox_sram_we (mbox_sram_req.we ),
+ .mbox_sram_addr (mbox_sram_req.addr ),
+ .mbox_sram_wdata(mbox_sram_req.wdata),
+ .mbox_sram_rdata(mbox_sram_resp.rdata),
.imem_cs (imem_cs ),
.imem_addr (imem_addr ),
@@ -234,7 +243,7 @@ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
- .scan_mode (1'b0)
+ .scan_mode (1'b0) // TODO
assign uvm_test_top_environment_soc_ifc_subenv_qvip_apb5_slave_subenv_qvip_hdl.apb5_master_0_PWUSER = 0;
assign uvm_test_top_environment_soc_ifc_subenv_qvip_apb5_slave_subenv_qvip_hdl.apb5_master_0_PRUSER = 0;
@@ -297,6 +306,9 @@ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
assign soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_bus.iccm_axs_blocked = caliptra_top_dut.ahb_lite_resp_access_blocked[`CALIPTRA_SLAVE_SEL_IDMA];
assign soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_bus.rv_ecc_sts = caliptra_top_dut.rv_ecc_sts;
+ assign soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_bus.mbox_sram_req = mbox_sram_req;
+ assign mbox_sram_resp = soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_bus.mbox_sram_resp;
// Services for SRAM exports, STDOUT, etc
@@ -311,11 +323,11 @@ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
.el2_mem_export (el2_mem_export),
//SRAM interface for mbox
- .mbox_sram_cs (mbox_sram_cs ),
- .mbox_sram_we (mbox_sram_we ),
- .mbox_sram_addr (mbox_sram_addr ),
- .mbox_sram_wdata(mbox_sram_wdata),
- .mbox_sram_rdata(mbox_sram_rdata),
+ .mbox_sram_cs (mbox_sram_cs_stub_inactive ),
+ .mbox_sram_we (mbox_sram_we_stub_inactive ),
+ .mbox_sram_addr (mbox_sram_addr_stub_inactive ),
+ .mbox_sram_wdata(mbox_sram_wdata_stub_inactive),
+ .mbox_sram_rdata(mbox_sram_rdata_stub_inactive),
//SRAM interface for imem
.imem_cs (imem_cs ),
@@ -346,8 +358,10 @@ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
uvm_config_db #( virtual cptra_ctrl_monitor_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_mon_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual soc_ifc_status_monitor_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_mon_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual cptra_status_monitor_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_mon_bfm );
+ uvm_config_db #( virtual mbox_sram_monitor_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_mon_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual soc_ifc_ctrl_driver_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_drv_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual soc_ifc_status_driver_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_drv_bfm );
+ uvm_config_db #( virtual mbox_sram_driver_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_drv_bfm );
diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/tests/src/test_top.svh b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/tests/src/test_top.svh
index d7b840b4a..1d0b78285 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/tests/src/test_top.svh
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/caliptra_top/tb/tests/src/test_top.svh
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ qvip_memory_message_handler message_handler;
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_BFM /* soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent [2] */ ,
soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM /* soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent [3] */ ,
soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM /* soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent [4] */ ,
- soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_BFM /* soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent [5] */
+ soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent_BFM /* soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent [5] */ ,
+ soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent_BFM /* soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent [6] */
uvmf_active_passive_t interface_activities[] = {
@@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ uvmf_active_passive_t interface_activities[] = {
ACTIVE /* soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_ctrl_agent [2] */ ,
PASSIVE /* soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_ctrl_agent [3] */ ,
ACTIVE /* soc_ifc_subenv_soc_ifc_status_agent [4] */ ,
- PASSIVE /* soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent [5] */ };
+ PASSIVE /* soc_ifc_subenv_cptra_status_agent [5] */ ,
+ ACTIVE /* soc_ifc_subenv_mbox_sram_agent [6] */ };
// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
diff --git a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/caliptra_top_env_pkg/src/caliptra_top_env_configuration.svh b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/caliptra_top_env_pkg/src/caliptra_top_env_configuration.svh
index 8c57ff4c2..52763e73d 100644
--- a/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/caliptra_top_env_pkg/src/caliptra_top_env_configuration.svh
+++ b/src/integration/uvmf_caliptra_top/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/caliptra_top_env_pkg/src/caliptra_top_env_configuration.svh
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ rand soc_ifc_subenv_config_t soc_ifc_subenv_config;
super.initialize(sim_level, environment_path, interface_names, register_model, interface_activity);
// Interface initialization for sub-environments
- soc_ifc_subenv_interface_names = new[6];
- soc_ifc_subenv_interface_activity = new[6];
+ soc_ifc_subenv_interface_names = new[7];
+ soc_ifc_subenv_interface_activity = new[7];
- soc_ifc_subenv_interface_names = interface_names[0:5];
- soc_ifc_subenv_interface_activity = interface_activity[0:5];
+ soc_ifc_subenv_interface_names = interface_names[0:6];
+ soc_ifc_subenv_interface_activity = interface_activity[0:6];
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/config/compile.yml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/config/compile.yml
index 02b0c1f87..1f9cf8295 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/config/compile.yml
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/config/compile.yml
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ targets:
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/src
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/src
+ - ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg
+ - ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers
@@ -39,6 +41,11 @@ targets:
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/src/cptra_status_driver_bfm.sv
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/src/cptra_status_if.sv
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/src/cptra_status_monitor_bfm.sv
+ - ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.sv
+ - ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.sv
+ - ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_driver_bfm.sv
+ - ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_if.sv
+ - ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_monitor_bfm.sv
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg.sv
- ${COMPILE_ROOT}/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.sv
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/mbox_sram_interface.yaml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/mbox_sram_interface.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52470e489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/mbox_sram_interface.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ interfaces:
+ mbox_sram:
+ clock: clk
+ reset: dummy
+ reset_assertion_level: 'False'
+ config_constraints: []
+ config_vars:
+ - name: "inject_ecc_error"
+ type: "bit [1:0]"
+ isrand: "False"
+ value: "2'b00"
+ comment: "Controls injection of ECC errors for write transactions. Bit[0]: Single Bit Error. Bit[1]: Double Bit Error"
+ - name: "auto_clear_ecc_error_injection"
+ type: "bit"
+ isrand: "False"
+ value: "1'b1"
+ comment: "When set, causes the mbox_sram_responder_sequence to clear the variable 'inject_ecc_error' after a single ECC error is injected"
+ hdl_typedefs: []
+ hvl_typedefs: []
+ # NOTE: This agent will be in RESPONDER mode, which inverts
+ # all port's polarities
+ ports:
+ - name: mbox_sram_req
+ dir: output
+ width: '$bits(mbox_sram_req_t)'
+ # cs (1) + we (1) + addr (15) + data (32) + ecc (7) = 56
+ - name: mbox_sram_resp
+ dir: input
+ width: '$bits(mbox_sram_resp_t)'
+ # data (32) + ecc (7) = 39
+ transaction_constraints: []
+# - name: wait_cycles_c
+# value: '{ wait_cycles dist {[1:25] := 80, [25:100] := 15, [100:500] := 5}; }'
+ transaction_vars:
+ - name: is_read
+ type: bit
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ - name: address
+ type: bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0]
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ - name: data
+ type: bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0]
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ # ECC would be generated based on data, post_randomize, in the case where
+ # this transaction is generated as stimulus.
+ # We mostly expect to use this i/f as an observer though.
+ - name: data_ecc
+ type: bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0]
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'False'
+ - name: ecc_single_bit_error
+ type: bit
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ - name: ecc_double_bit_error
+ type: bit
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/run_yaml_uvmf_scripts.sh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/run_yaml_uvmf_scripts.sh
index 80497eeda..f0597c4d7 100755
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/run_yaml_uvmf_scripts.sh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/run_yaml_uvmf_scripts.sh
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ python ${UVMF_HOME}/scripts/yaml2uvmf.py --merge_source uvmf_template_output \
soc_ifc_global.yaml \
soc_ifc_ctrl_interface.yaml \
soc_ifc_status_interface.yaml \
+ mbox_sram_interface.yaml \
soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml \
soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_scoreboard.yaml \
../../libs/uvmf/qvip_ahb_lite_slave_dir/uvmf/qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_config.yaml \
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_bench.yaml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_bench.yaml
index 5b35bf45d..a5b3fbc4c 100755
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_bench.yaml
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_bench.yaml
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ uvmf:
value: ACTIVE
- bfm_name: cptra_status_agent
value: ACTIVE
+ - bfm_name: mbox_sram_agent
+ value: ACTIVE
clock_half_period: 5ns
clock_phase_offset: 0ns
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_environment.yaml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_environment.yaml
index ca462f3c2..468989270 100755
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_environment.yaml
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_environment.yaml
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ uvmf:
- name: cptra_status_agent
type: cptra_status
initiator_responder: "RESPONDER"
+ - name: mbox_sram_agent
+ type: mbox_sram
+ initiator_responder: "RESPONDER"
- name: soc_ifc_pred
@@ -66,6 +69,8 @@ uvmf:
receiver: soc_ifc_pred.soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_ae #
- driver: cptra_ctrl_agent.monitored_ap # Caliptra Control
receiver: soc_ifc_pred.cptra_ctrl_agent_ae #
+ - driver: mbox_sram_agent.monitored_ap # Mailbox SRAM i/f
+ receiver: soc_ifc_pred.mbox_sram_agent_ae #
# - driver: qvip_ahb_lite_master_subenv.ahb_master_0.export_rw # AHB
# receiver: soc_ifc_pred.ahb_master_0_ae #
# - driver: qvip_apb5_master_subenv.apb5_master_0.export_rw # APB
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml
index 692d4f915..8d8ce87cb 100755
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ uvmf:
type: 'soc_ifc_ctrl_transaction'
- name: cptra_ctrl_agent_ae
type: 'cptra_ctrl_transaction'
+ - name: mbox_sram_agent_ae
+ type: 'mbox_sram_transaction'
- name: ahb_slave_0_ae
type: 'mvc_sequence_item_base'
# type: 'ahb_master_burst_transfer #(ahb_lite_slave_0_params::AHB_NUM_MASTERS,
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/docs/interfaces.csv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/docs/interfaces.csv
index dd76c8f8e..e411f7a9a 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/docs/interfaces.csv
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/docs/interfaces.csv
@@ -27,4 +27,5 @@ soc_ifc_ctrl_agent, soc_ifc_ctrl_driver_bfm soc_ifc_ctrl_monitor_bfm, soc_ifc_ct
cptra_ctrl_agent, cptra_ctrl_driver_bfm cptra_ctrl_monitor_bfm, cptra_ctrl_transaction, cptra_ctrl_pkg_cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM,
soc_ifc_status_agent, soc_ifc_status_driver_bfm soc_ifc_status_monitor_bfm, soc_ifc_status_transaction, soc_ifc_status_pkg_soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM,
cptra_status_agent, cptra_status_driver_bfm cptra_status_monitor_bfm, cptra_status_transaction, cptra_status_pkg_cptra_status_agent_BFM,
+mbox_sram_agent, mbox_sram_driver_bfm mbox_sram_monitor_bfm, mbox_sram_transaction, mbox_sram_pkg_mbox_sram_agent_BFM,
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/Makefile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/Makefile
index 1b5fcb327..6c3120c72 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/Makefile
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/Makefile
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ include $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/soc_ifc_ctrl_pkg/Makefile
include $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/Makefile
include $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/Makefile
include $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/Makefile
+include $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/Makefile
# Include all requisite environment package targets for this bench
include $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/Makefile
@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ comp_hvl : comp_hvl_core
comp_hvl_core : comp_qvip comp_qvip_utils_pkg \
- comp_soc_ifc_ctrl_pkg comp_cptra_ctrl_pkg comp_soc_ifc_status_pkg comp_cptra_status_pkg \
+ comp_soc_ifc_ctrl_pkg comp_cptra_ctrl_pkg comp_soc_ifc_status_pkg comp_cptra_status_pkg comp_mbox_sram_pkg \
comp_soc_ifc_env_pkg \
comp_soc_ifc_parameters_pkg comp_soc_ifc_sequence_pkg comp_soc_ifc_tests_pkg
@@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ comp_uvmf_core : comp_uvm_pkg comp_uvmf_base_pkg
make_build: comp_soc_ifc_dut comp_uvmf_core comp_hvl comp_test_bench
-hvl_build: q_comp_soc_ifc_ctrl_pkg q_comp_cptra_ctrl_pkg q_comp_soc_ifc_status_pkg q_comp_cptra_status_pkg comp_soc_ifc_env_pkg comp_soc_ifc_sequence_pkg comp_soc_ifc_tests_pkg hvl_comp_testbench link optimize
+hvl_build: q_comp_soc_ifc_ctrl_pkg q_comp_cptra_ctrl_pkg q_comp_soc_ifc_status_pkg q_comp_cptra_status_pkg q_comp_mbox_sram_pkg comp_soc_ifc_env_pkg comp_soc_ifc_sequence_pkg comp_soc_ifc_tests_pkg hvl_comp_testbench link optimize
vinfo_build: comp_qvip comp_soc_ifc_vhdl_dut build_hdl_vinfo build_hvl_vinfo $(VINFO_TGT)
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/compile.do b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/compile.do
index ea7be28a2..f45e56a43 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/compile.do
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/compile.do
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ do $env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/soc_ifc_ctrl_pkg/compile.do
do $env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/compile.do
do $env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/compile.do
do $env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/compile.do
+do $env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/compile.do
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/viswave.do b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/viswave.do
index 7fb0d70b7..58934106e 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/viswave.do
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/viswave.do
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ wave group cptra_status_agent_bus
wave add -group cptra_status_agent_bus hdl_top.cptra_status_agent_bus.* -radix hexadecimal -tag F0
wave group cptra_status_agent_bus -collapse
wave insertion [expr [wave index insertpoint] +1]
+wave spacer -backgroundcolor Salmon { mbox_sram_agent }
+wave add uvm_test_top.environment.mbox_sram_agent.mbox_sram_agent_monitor.txn_stream -radix string -tag F0
+wave group mbox_sram_agent_bus
+wave add -group mbox_sram_agent_bus hdl_top.mbox_sram_agent_bus.* -radix hexadecimal -tag F0
+wave group mbox_sram_agent_bus -collapse
+wave insertion [expr [wave index insertpoint] +1]
wave update on
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/wave.do b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/wave.do
index 7e0fc1e33..1ba8a1615 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/wave.do
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/sim/wave.do
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ add wave -noupdate -group soc_ifc_status_agent_bus /hdl_top/soc_ifc_status_agent
add wave -noupdate -divider cptra_status_agent
add wave -noupdate /uvm_root/uvm_test_top/environment/cptra_status_agent/cptra_status_agent_monitor/txn_stream
add wave -noupdate -group cptra_status_agent_bus /hdl_top/cptra_status_agent_bus/*
+add wave -noupdate -divider mbox_sram_agent
+add wave -noupdate /uvm_root/uvm_test_top/environment/mbox_sram_agent/mbox_sram_agent_monitor/txn_stream
+add wave -noupdate -group mbox_sram_agent_bus /hdl_top/mbox_sram_agent_bus/*
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
quietly wave cursor active 0
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/soc_ifc_sve.F b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/soc_ifc_sve.F
index c88496249..2114f41e2 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/soc_ifc_sve.F
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/soc_ifc_sve.F
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
-F ${UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME}/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl_pkg_sve.F
-F ${UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME}/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status_pkg_sve.F
-F ${UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME}/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status_pkg_sve.F
+-F ${UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME}/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_sve.F
// Environment Files
-F ${UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME}/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg_sve.F
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/parameters/soc_ifc_parameters_pkg.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/parameters/soc_ifc_parameters_pkg.sv
index d6e073e1e..af3cb9a50 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/parameters/soc_ifc_parameters_pkg.sv
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/parameters/soc_ifc_parameters_pkg.sv
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ package soc_ifc_parameters_pkg;
parameter string cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM = "cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM"; /* [3] */
parameter string soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM = "soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM"; /* [4] */
parameter string cptra_status_agent_BFM = "cptra_status_agent_BFM"; /* [5] */
+ parameter string mbox_sram_agent_BFM = "mbox_sram_agent_BFM"; /* [6] */
// pragma uvmf custom package_item_additional begin
// pragma uvmf custom package_item_additional end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.compile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.compile
index 1243f5665..943dc7955 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.compile
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.compile
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ needs:
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl.compile
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status.compile
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status.compile
+ - ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram.compile
- ../../../../verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.compile
- ../parameters/soc_ifc_parameters_pkg.compile
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.sv
index f109f898e..2c25d7490 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.sv
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.sv
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ package soc_ifc_sequences_pkg;
import soc_ifc_status_pkg_hdl::*;
import cptra_status_pkg::*;
import cptra_status_pkg_hdl::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
import soc_ifc_parameters_pkg::*;
import soc_ifc_env_pkg::*;
import qvip_ahb_lite_slave_params_pkg::*;
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.vinfo b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.vinfo
index fea3885f7..035e660ea 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.vinfo
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.vinfo
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status_pkg.vinfo
+@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_PROJECT_DIR/tb/parameters/soc_ifc_parameters_pkg.vinfo
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/register_test_sequence.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/register_test_sequence.svh
index 09993ee2a..85a802e5d 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/register_test_sequence.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/register_test_sequence.svh
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class register_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_reset();
// pragma uvmf custom register_test_reset end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base.svh
index d3465bf39..3dfaeaac9 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base.svh
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq;
typedef cptra_status_responder_sequence cptra_status_agent_responder_seq_t;
cptra_status_agent_responder_seq_t cptra_status_agent_responder_seq;
+ typedef mbox_sram_responder_sequence mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t;
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq;
// pragma uvmf custom sequences end
// Sequencer handles for each active interface in the environment
@@ -67,6 +69,8 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
uvm_sequencer #(soc_ifc_status_agent_transaction_t) soc_ifc_status_agent_sequencer;
typedef cptra_status_transaction cptra_status_agent_transaction_t;
uvm_sequencer #(cptra_status_agent_transaction_t) cptra_status_agent_sequencer;
+ typedef mbox_sram_transaction mbox_sram_agent_transaction_t;
+ uvm_sequencer #(mbox_sram_agent_transaction_t) mbox_sram_agent_sequencer;
// Sequencer handles for each QVIP interface
mvc_sequencer uvm_test_top_environment_qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_ahb_lite_slave_0_sqr;
@@ -80,6 +84,7 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
cptra_ctrl_configuration cptra_ctrl_agent_config;
soc_ifc_status_configuration soc_ifc_status_agent_config;
cptra_status_configuration cptra_status_agent_config;
+ mbox_sram_configuration mbox_sram_agent_config;
// Local handle to register model for convenience
soc_ifc_reg_model_top reg_model;
uvm_status_e status;
@@ -107,12 +112,15 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
`uvm_fatal("CFG" , "uvm_config_db #( soc_ifc_status_configuration )::get cannot find resource soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM" )
if( !uvm_config_db #( cptra_status_configuration )::get( null , UVMF_CONFIGURATIONS , cptra_status_agent_BFM , cptra_status_agent_config ) )
`uvm_fatal("CFG" , "uvm_config_db #( cptra_status_configuration )::get cannot find resource cptra_status_agent_BFM" )
+ if( !uvm_config_db #( mbox_sram_configuration )::get( null , UVMF_CONFIGURATIONS , mbox_sram_agent_BFM , mbox_sram_agent_config ) )
+ `uvm_fatal("CFG" , "uvm_config_db #( mbox_sram_configuration )::get cannot find resource mbox_sram_agent_BFM" )
// Assign the sequencer handles from the handles within agent configurations
soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_sequencer = soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_config.get_sequencer();
cptra_ctrl_agent_sequencer = cptra_ctrl_agent_config.get_sequencer();
soc_ifc_status_agent_sequencer = soc_ifc_status_agent_config.get_sequencer();
cptra_status_agent_sequencer = cptra_status_agent_config.get_sequencer();
+ mbox_sram_agent_sequencer = mbox_sram_agent_config.get_sequencer();
// Retrieve QVIP sequencer handles from the uvm_config_db
if( !uvm_config_db #(mvc_sequencer)::get( null,UVMF_SEQUENCERS,"uvm_test_top.environment.qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv.ahb_lite_slave_0", uvm_test_top_environment_qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_ahb_lite_slave_0_sqr) )
@@ -139,17 +147,20 @@ rand soc_ifc_env_sequence_base_t soc_ifc_env_seq;
cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq = cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
cptra_status_agent_responder_seq = cptra_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("cptra_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq = mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq");
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_reset();
// Start RESPONDER sequences here
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.start(mbox_sram_agent_sequencer);
// Start INITIATOR sequences here
@@ -167,6 +178,7 @@ soc_ifc_env_seq.start(top_configuration.vsqr);
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(400);
// pragma uvmf custom body end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_cmdline_test_sequence.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_cmdline_test_sequence.svh
index 2d04e5be8..5d0f2e5e7 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_cmdline_test_sequence.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_cmdline_test_sequence.svh
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class soc_ifc_cmdline_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq = cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
cptra_status_agent_responder_seq = cptra_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("cptra_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq = mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq");
// Handle to the responder sequence for getting response transactions
soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq.soc_ifc_status_agent_rsp_seq = soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq;
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ class soc_ifc_cmdline_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.start(mbox_sram_agent_sequencer);
// Start INITIATOR sequences here
@@ -115,6 +117,7 @@ class soc_ifc_cmdline_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(400);
// pragma uvmf custom body end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_rand_test_sequence.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_rand_test_sequence.svh
index ebe212e74..ff964db95 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_rand_test_sequence.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_rand_test_sequence.svh
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ class soc_ifc_rand_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
uvm_object obj;
int ii;
bit do_pauser_init;
+ int unsigned mbox_ecc_single_error_burst;
+ int unsigned mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks;
soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq = soc_ifc_env_bringup_sequence_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq");
soc_ifc_env_cptra_rst_wait_seq = soc_ifc_env_cptra_rst_wait_sequence_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_env_cptra_rst_wait_seq");
@@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ class soc_ifc_rand_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq = cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
cptra_status_agent_responder_seq = cptra_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("cptra_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq = mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq");
// Handle to the responder sequence for getting response transactions
soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq.soc_ifc_status_agent_rsp_seq = soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq;
@@ -146,9 +149,25 @@ class soc_ifc_rand_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.start(mbox_sram_agent_sequencer);
// Start INITIATOR sequences here
+ fork
+ forever begin
+ if (!std::randomize(mbox_ecc_single_error_burst,mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks) with {mbox_ecc_single_error_burst dist {1 :/ 1000, [2:5] :/ 100, [6:31] :/ 20, [32:131071] :/ 1, [131072:524288] :/ 1};
+ mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks dist {1 :/ 1, [2:31] :/ 3, [32:127] :/ 5, [128:1023] :/ 3, [1024:131072] :/ 1}; })
+ `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_RAND_TEST", "Failed to randomize mbox ecc bit flip injection parameters")
+ else
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_RAND_TEST", $sformatf("Randomized mbox ecc bit flip injection parameters: burst [%0d] delay [%0d clocks]", mbox_ecc_single_error_burst, mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks), UVM_DEBUG)
+ soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(mbox_ecc_single_error_delay_clocks);
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_RAND_TEST", $sformatf("Injecting mbox ecc error with burst [%0d]", mbox_ecc_single_error_burst), UVM_DEBUG)
+ repeat(mbox_ecc_single_error_burst) begin
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.inject_ecc_error |= 2'b01;
+ @mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.new_rsp;
+ end
+ end
+ join_none
// Bringup (set pwrgood, deassert cptra_rst_b, write fuses)
@@ -243,6 +262,7 @@ class soc_ifc_rand_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(400);
// pragma uvmf custom body end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_trng_test_sequence.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_trng_test_sequence.svh
index 0e838834a..4c9999757 100755
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_trng_test_sequence.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/sequences/src/soc_ifc_trng_test_sequence.svh
@@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ class soc_ifc_trng_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
// ****************************************************************************
virtual task body();
- // pragma uvmf custom body begin
- // Construct sequences here
uvm_object obj;
int ii;
@@ -89,6 +87,7 @@ class soc_ifc_trng_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq = cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq_t::type_id::create("cptra_ctrl_agent_random_seq");
soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq = soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq");
cptra_status_agent_responder_seq = cptra_status_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("cptra_status_agent_responder_seq");
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq = mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t::type_id::create("mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq");
// Handle to the responder sequence for getting response transactions
soc_ifc_env_bringup_seq.soc_ifc_status_agent_rsp_seq = soc_ifc_status_agent_responder_seq;
@@ -100,6 +99,7 @@ class soc_ifc_trng_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
+ mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq.start(mbox_sram_agent_sequencer);
// Start INITIATOR sequences here
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ class soc_ifc_trng_test_sequence extends soc_ifc_bench_sequence_base;
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.wait_for_num_clocks(400);
if (1) // TODO -- how to properly choose which to print?
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.compile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.compile
index 9c923c2dc..408eb4545 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.compile
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.compile
@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ needs:
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl_hdl.compile
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status_hdl.compile
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status_hdl.compile
+ - ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_hdl.compile
- hdl_top.sv
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.sv
index 06de1efdb..872fc4970 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.sv
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.sv
@@ -82,28 +82,6 @@ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
// pragma uvmf custom reset_generator end
// pragma uvmf custom module_item_additional begin
-import soc_ifc_pkg::*;
- mbox_sram_req_t mbox_sram_req;
- mbox_sram_resp_t mbox_sram_resp;
- //SRAM for mbox
- caliptra_sram
- #(
- )
- i_mbox_ram
- (
- .clk_i(clk),
- .cs_i (mbox_sram_req.cs ),
- .we_i (mbox_sram_req.we ),
- .addr_i (mbox_sram_req.addr ),
- .wdata_i(mbox_sram_req.wdata),
- .rdata_o(mbox_sram_resp.rdata)
- );
- initial i_mbox_ram.ram = '{default:8'h0};
// pragma uvmf custom module_item_additional end
// Instantiate the signal bundle, monitor bfm and driver bfm for each interface.
@@ -130,14 +108,21 @@ import soc_ifc_pkg::*;
.clk(clk), .dummy(1'b1)
// pragma uvmf custom cptra_status_agent_bus_connections end
+ mbox_sram_if mbox_sram_agent_bus(
+ // pragma uvmf custom mbox_sram_agent_bus_connections begin
+ .clk(clk), .dummy(1'b1)
+ // pragma uvmf custom mbox_sram_agent_bus_connections end
+ );
soc_ifc_ctrl_monitor_bfm soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_mon_bfm(soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_bus.monitor_port);
cptra_ctrl_monitor_bfm cptra_ctrl_agent_mon_bfm(cptra_ctrl_agent_bus.monitor_port);
soc_ifc_status_monitor_bfm soc_ifc_status_agent_mon_bfm(soc_ifc_status_agent_bus.monitor_port);
cptra_status_monitor_bfm cptra_status_agent_mon_bfm(cptra_status_agent_bus.monitor_port);
+ mbox_sram_monitor_bfm mbox_sram_agent_mon_bfm(mbox_sram_agent_bus.monitor_port);
soc_ifc_ctrl_driver_bfm soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_drv_bfm(soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_bus.initiator_port);
cptra_ctrl_driver_bfm cptra_ctrl_agent_drv_bfm(cptra_ctrl_agent_bus.initiator_port);
soc_ifc_status_driver_bfm soc_ifc_status_agent_drv_bfm(soc_ifc_status_agent_bus.responder_port);
cptra_status_driver_bfm cptra_status_agent_drv_bfm(cptra_status_agent_bus.responder_port);
+ mbox_sram_driver_bfm mbox_sram_agent_drv_bfm(mbox_sram_agent_bus.responder_port);
// pragma uvmf custom dut_instantiation begin
// AHB Clock/reset
@@ -177,8 +162,8 @@ import soc_ifc_pkg::*;
//SRAM interface
- .mbox_sram_req(mbox_sram_req),
- .mbox_sram_resp(mbox_sram_resp),
+ .mbox_sram_req(mbox_sram_agent_bus.mbox_sram_req),
+ .mbox_sram_resp(mbox_sram_agent_bus.mbox_sram_resp),
//APB Interface with SoC
.paddr_i (uvm_test_top_environment_qvip_apb5_slave_subenv_qvip_hdl.apb5_master_0_PADDR[17:0]),
@@ -280,10 +265,12 @@ import soc_ifc_pkg::*;
uvm_config_db #( virtual cptra_ctrl_monitor_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM , cptra_ctrl_agent_mon_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual soc_ifc_status_monitor_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_status_agent_mon_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual cptra_status_monitor_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , cptra_status_agent_BFM , cptra_status_agent_mon_bfm );
+ uvm_config_db #( virtual mbox_sram_monitor_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , mbox_sram_agent_BFM , mbox_sram_agent_mon_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual soc_ifc_ctrl_driver_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_drv_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual cptra_ctrl_driver_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM , cptra_ctrl_agent_drv_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual soc_ifc_status_driver_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM , soc_ifc_status_agent_drv_bfm );
uvm_config_db #( virtual cptra_status_driver_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , cptra_status_agent_BFM , cptra_status_agent_drv_bfm );
+ uvm_config_db #( virtual mbox_sram_driver_bfm )::set( null , UVMF_VIRTUAL_INTERFACES , mbox_sram_agent_BFM , mbox_sram_agent_drv_bfm );
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.vinfo b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.vinfo
index 684e5069f..b4204c2c8 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.vinfo
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/testbench/hdl_top.vinfo
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl_bfm.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status_bfm.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status_bfm.vinfo
+@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_bfm.vinfo
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.compile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.compile
index a98a9e77e..863735d42 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.compile
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.compile
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ needs:
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl.compile
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status.compile
- ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status.compile
+ - ../../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram.compile
- ../../../../verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.compile
- ../parameters/soc_ifc_parameters_pkg.compile
- ../sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.compile
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.sv
index 65cac7397..b06dc5f37 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.sv
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.sv
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ package soc_ifc_tests_pkg;
import soc_ifc_status_pkg_hdl::*;
import cptra_status_pkg::*;
import cptra_status_pkg_hdl::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
import qvip_ahb_lite_slave_pkg::*;
import qvip_apb5_slave_pkg::*;
import QUESTA_MVC::*;
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.vinfo b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.vinfo
index f8d3f85bb..a9a3e891c 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.vinfo
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/soc_ifc_tests_pkg.vinfo
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status_pkg.vinfo
+@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_PROJECT_DIR/tb/parameters/soc_ifc_parameters_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_PROJECT_DIR/tb/sequences/soc_ifc_sequences_pkg.vinfo
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/src/test_top.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/src/test_top.svh
index fa64454af..b5d8893a9 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/src/test_top.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/tb/tests/src/test_top.svh
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ qvip_memory_message_handler message_handler;
soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_BFM /* soc_ifc_ctrl_agent [2] */ ,
cptra_ctrl_agent_BFM /* cptra_ctrl_agent [3] */ ,
soc_ifc_status_agent_BFM /* soc_ifc_status_agent [4] */ ,
- cptra_status_agent_BFM /* cptra_status_agent [5] */
+ cptra_status_agent_BFM /* cptra_status_agent [5] */ ,
+ mbox_sram_agent_BFM /* mbox_sram_agent [6] */
uvmf_active_passive_t interface_activities[] = {
@@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ uvmf_active_passive_t interface_activities[] = {
ACTIVE /* soc_ifc_ctrl_agent [2] */ ,
ACTIVE /* cptra_ctrl_agent [3] */ ,
ACTIVE /* soc_ifc_status_agent [4] */ ,
- ACTIVE /* cptra_status_agent [5] */ };
+ ACTIVE /* cptra_status_agent [5] */ ,
+ ACTIVE /* mbox_sram_agent [6] */ };
// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/yaml/soc_ifc_bench.yaml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/yaml/soc_ifc_bench.yaml
index 956ac2c87..755953538 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/yaml/soc_ifc_bench.yaml
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/project_benches/soc_ifc/yaml/soc_ifc_bench.yaml
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ uvmf:
value: ACTIVE
- bfm_name: cptra_status_agent
value: ACTIVE
+ - bfm_name: mbox_sram_agent
+ value: ACTIVE
active_passive_default: ACTIVE
clock_half_period: 5ns
clock_phase_offset: 0ns
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_error_internal_intr_r_base.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_error_internal_intr_r_base.svh
index 8c17daba4..1005be095 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_error_internal_intr_r_base.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_error_internal_intr_r_base.svh
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ class soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_error_internal_intr_r_base extends uvm_r
input uvm_reg_map map);
soc_ifc_reg_delay_job_intr_block_rf_ext delay_job;
uvm_reg_block rm;
+ soc_ifc_reg__intr_block_t_ext sir_intr_rm;
+ sha512_acc_csr__intr_block_t_ext sac_intr_rm;
+ bit fld_hwset_active = 1'b0;
uvm_reg sts_reg;
string event_name ;
uvm_reg en_reg ;
@@ -58,6 +61,17 @@ class soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_error_internal_intr_r_base extends uvm_r
delay_job.map = map;
sts_reg = fld.get_parent();
rm = sts_reg.get_parent(); /* intr_block_rf_ext */
+ if (rm.get_parent().get_name() == "sha512_acc_csr_rm") begin
+ if (!$cast(sac_intr_rm,rm)) `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Failed to get handle of expected sub-type for parent uvm_reg_block. ", fld.get_full_name()})
+ fld_hwset_active = sac_intr_rm.error_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()];
+ end
+ else if (rm.get_parent().get_name() == "soc_ifc_reg_rm") begin
+ if (!$cast(sir_intr_rm,rm)) `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Failed to get handle of expected sub-type for parent uvm_reg_block. ", fld.get_full_name()})
+ fld_hwset_active = sir_intr_rm.error_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()];
+ end
+ else begin
+ `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", "Callback is registered to an unrecognized register block!")
+ end
// Get a base-name for the event by truncating the '_sts' suffix
event_name = fld.get_name().substr(0,fld.get_name().len()-5);
en_reg = rm.get_reg_by_name("error_intr_en_r");
@@ -77,42 +91,87 @@ class soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_error_internal_intr_r_base extends uvm_r
// Predict an increment to event interrupt counter
// regardless of interrupt enablement (the sts reg being
// set is all that is tracked by the interrupt counter)
+ // FIXME if a new interrupt event occurs while the interrupt sts is already 1,
+ // this won't increment the counter, even though it should.
if (value & ~previous) begin
- `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", $sformatf("Write to %s triggers increment on %s from %d to %d", fld.get_name(), cnt_fld.get_name(), cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value(), cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value() + uvm_reg_data_t'(1)), UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", $sformatf("hwset to %s triggers increment on %s from %d to %d", fld.get_name(), cnt_fld.get_name(), cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value(), cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value() + uvm_reg_data_t'(1)), UVM_HIGH)
cnt_fld.predict(cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value() + uvm_reg_data_t'(1));
+ // Anytime an access intr sts register predicts a value of 1, we can treat
+ // that as a hwset (even if it's just an AHB/APB read) because we _know_ a
+ // W1C won't result in value=1, which is the case we're protecting against
+ // by tracking this hwset flag.
+ // We must track the hwset flag for all value=1 (not just the transitions
+ // where previous=0) because occasionally an actual hwset will occur when
+ // the interrupt is already pending, and we still must protect against W1C
+ // in that case.
+ if (value) begin
+ if (sir_intr_rm != null) begin
+ sir_intr_rm.error_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()] = 1'b1;
+ fork
+ begin
+ uvm_wait_for_nba_region();
+ sir_intr_rm.error_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()] = 1'b0;
+ end
+ join_none
+ end
+ else if (sac_intr_rm != null) begin
+ sac_intr_rm.error_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()] = 1'b1;
+ fork
+ begin
+ uvm_wait_for_nba_region();
+ sac_intr_rm.error_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()] = 1'b0;
+ end
+ join_none
+ end
+ else
+ `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", "Bad handle")
+ end
// On rising edge of field value, schedule a delay job to check if the
// interrupt output pin will
// transition to high.
// Global interrupt pin "agg_sts" is non-sticky
if ((value & ~previous))
- `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " triggers interrupt output pin assertion"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " triggers interrupt output pin check delay job"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
delay_job.req_fld = fld;
delay_job.sts_reg = sts_reg;
delay_job.en_reg = en_reg;
delay_job.sts_glb = sts_glb;
delay_job.en_glb = en_glb;
+ delay_job.grab_values();
+ // On falling edge of field value, caused by W1C, check if another thread
+ // is already attempting to perform hwset to this interrupt field (hwset is
+ // higher priority than W1C).
+ else if ((~value & previous) && fld_hwset_active)
+ begin
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " attempts to clear the interrupt bit but is preempted by an active hwset"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
+ value = previous;
+ // NOTE: No delay job is scheduled because no changes are predicted to
+ // other interrupt register fields based on this activity
+ end
// On falling edge of field value, schedule a delay job to
// check if the interrupt output pin will
// transition from high to low.
// Global interrupt pin "agg_sts" is non-sticky
else if ((~value & previous))
- `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " triggers interrupt output pin deassertion"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " triggers interrupt output pin check delay job"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
delay_job.req_fld = fld;
delay_job.sts_reg = sts_reg;
delay_job.en_reg = en_reg;
delay_job.sts_glb = sts_glb;
delay_job.en_glb = en_glb;
+ delay_job.grab_values();
else begin
- $sformatf("Write to %s does not trigger interrupt output transition due to %s: [%x], %s: [%x], masked %s: [%x], and %s: [%x]",
+ $sformatf("Access to %s does not trigger interrupt output transition due to %s: [%x], %s: [%x], masked %s: [%x], and %s: [%x]",
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_notif_internal_intr_r_base.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_notif_internal_intr_r_base.svh
index b58f537ee..90c992874 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_notif_internal_intr_r_base.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_notif_internal_intr_r_base.svh
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ class soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_notif_internal_intr_r_base extends uvm_r
input uvm_reg_map map);
soc_ifc_reg_delay_job_intr_block_rf_ext delay_job;
uvm_reg_block rm;
+ soc_ifc_reg__intr_block_t_ext sir_intr_rm;
+ sha512_acc_csr__intr_block_t_ext sac_intr_rm;
+ bit fld_hwset_active = 1'b0;
uvm_reg sts_reg;
string event_name ;
uvm_reg en_reg ;
@@ -58,6 +61,17 @@ class soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_notif_internal_intr_r_base extends uvm_r
delay_job.map = map;
sts_reg = fld.get_parent();
rm = sts_reg.get_parent(); /* intr_block_rf_ext */
+ if (rm.get_parent().get_name() == "sha512_acc_csr_rm") begin
+ if (!$cast(sac_intr_rm,rm)) `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Failed to get handle of expected sub-type for parent uvm_reg_block. ", fld.get_full_name()})
+ fld_hwset_active = sac_intr_rm.notif_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()];
+ end
+ else if (rm.get_parent().get_name() == "soc_ifc_reg_rm") begin
+ if (!$cast(sir_intr_rm,rm)) `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Failed to get handle of expected sub-type for parent uvm_reg_block. ", fld.get_full_name()})
+ fld_hwset_active = sir_intr_rm.notif_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()];
+ end
+ else begin
+ `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", "Callback is registered to an unrecognized register block!")
+ end
// Get a base-name for the event by truncating the '_sts' suffix
event_name = fld.get_name().substr(0,fld.get_name().len()-5);
en_reg = rm.get_reg_by_name("notif_intr_en_r");
@@ -77,42 +91,87 @@ class soc_ifc_reg_cbs_intr_block_rf_ext_notif_internal_intr_r_base extends uvm_r
// Predict an increment to event interrupt counter
// regardless of interrupt enablement (the sts reg being
// set is all that is tracked by the interrupt counter)
+ // FIXME if a new interrupt event occurs while the interrupt sts is already 1,
+ // this won't increment the counter, even though it should.
if (value & ~previous) begin
- `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", $sformatf("Write to %s triggers increment on %s from %d to %d", fld.get_name(), cnt_fld.get_name(), cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value(), cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value() + uvm_reg_data_t'(1)), UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", $sformatf("hwset to %s triggers increment on %s from %d to %d", fld.get_name(), cnt_fld.get_name(), cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value(), cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value() + uvm_reg_data_t'(1)), UVM_HIGH)
cnt_fld.predict(cnt_fld.get_mirrored_value() + uvm_reg_data_t'(1));
+ // Anytime an access intr sts register predicts a value of 1, we can treat
+ // that as a hwset (even if it's just an AHB/APB read) because we _know_ a
+ // W1C won't result in value=1, which is the case we're protecting against
+ // by tracking this hwset flag.
+ // We must track the hwset flag for all value=1 (not just the transitions
+ // where previous=0) because occasionally an actual hwset will occur when
+ // the interrupt is already pending, and we still must protect against W1C
+ // in that case.
+ if (value) begin
+ if (sir_intr_rm != null) begin
+ sir_intr_rm.notif_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()] = 1'b1;
+ fork
+ begin
+ uvm_wait_for_nba_region();
+ sir_intr_rm.notif_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()] = 1'b0;
+ end
+ join_none
+ end
+ else if (sac_intr_rm != null) begin
+ sac_intr_rm.notif_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()] = 1'b1;
+ fork
+ begin
+ uvm_wait_for_nba_region();
+ sac_intr_rm.notif_internal_intr_r_hwset_active[fld.get_lsb_pos()] = 1'b0;
+ end
+ join_none
+ end
+ else
+ `uvm_fatal("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", "Bad handle")
+ end
// On rising edge of field value, schedule a delay job to check if the
// interrupt output pin will
// transition to high.
// Global interrupt pin "agg_sts" is non-sticky
if ((value & ~previous))
- `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " triggers interrupt output pin assertion"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " triggers interrupt output pin check delay job"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
delay_job.req_fld = fld;
delay_job.sts_reg = sts_reg;
delay_job.en_reg = en_reg;
delay_job.sts_glb = sts_glb;
delay_job.en_glb = en_glb;
+ delay_job.grab_values();
+ // On falling edge of field value, caused by W1C, check if another thread
+ // is already attempting to perform hwset to this interrupt field (hwset is
+ // higher priority than W1C).
+ else if ((~value & previous) && fld_hwset_active)
+ begin
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " attempts to clear the interrupt bit but is preempted by an active hwset"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
+ value = previous;
+ // NOTE: No delay job is scheduled because no changes are predicted to
+ // other interrupt register fields based on this activity
+ end
// On falling edge of field value, schedule a delay job to
// check if the interrupt output pin will
// transition from high to low.
// Global interrupt pin "agg_sts" is non-sticky
else if ((~value & previous))
- `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " triggers interrupt output pin deassertion"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_CBS", {"Predicted update to ", fld.get_name(), " triggers interrupt output pin check delay job"}, UVM_MEDIUM)
delay_job.req_fld = fld;
delay_job.sts_reg = sts_reg;
delay_job.en_reg = en_reg;
delay_job.sts_glb = sts_glb;
delay_job.en_glb = en_glb;
+ delay_job.grab_values();
else begin
- $sformatf("Write to %s does not trigger interrupt output transition due to %s: [%x], %s: [%x], masked %s: [%x], and %s: [%x]",
+ $sformatf("Access to %s does not trigger interrupt output transition due to %s: [%x], %s: [%x], masked %s: [%x], and %s: [%x]",
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_delay_job_intr_block_rf_ext.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_delay_job_intr_block_rf_ext.svh
index 104250200..23cc84cec 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_delay_job_intr_block_rf_ext.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_delay_job_intr_block_rf_ext.svh
@@ -25,24 +25,44 @@ class soc_ifc_reg_delay_job_intr_block_rf_ext extends soc_ifc_reg_delay_job;
uvm_reg_field sts_glb;
uvm_reg_map map;
+ uvm_reg_data_t val_sts_reg;
+ uvm_reg_data_t val_en_reg ;
+ uvm_reg_data_t val_en_glb ;
+ uvm_reg_data_t val_sts_glb;
+ virtual function void grab_values();
+ fork
+ begin
+ // Wait for all predictor callbacks to run for every intr bit accessed
+ // during the current clock cycle, so mirrors are up to date
+ uvm_wait_for_nba_region();
+ // Snapshot of current value, since next cycle may see value changes again
+ val_sts_reg = sts_reg.get_mirrored_value();
+ val_en_reg = en_reg .get_mirrored_value();
+ val_en_glb = en_glb .get_mirrored_value();
+ val_sts_glb = sts_glb.get_mirrored_value();
+ end
+ join_none
+ endfunction
virtual task do_job();
`uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_DELAY_JOB", $sformatf("Running delayed job for %s", req_fld.get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
- if (~sts_glb.get_mirrored_value() && |(sts_reg.get_mirrored_value() & en_reg.get_mirrored_value()) && en_glb.get_mirrored_value()) begin
+ if (!/*val_sts_glb*/sts_glb.get_mirrored_value() && |(val_sts_reg/*sts_reg.get_mirrored_value()*/ & val_en_reg/*en_reg.get_mirrored_value()*/) && val_en_glb/*en_glb.get_mirrored_value()*/) begin
- `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_DELAY_JOB", $sformatf("post_predict called through map [%p] on %s results in interrupt status bit being set.", map.get_name(), req_fld.get_full_name()), UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_DELAY_JOB", $sformatf("post_predict called through map [%p] on %s results in interrupt status bit being set to 0x%0x.", map.get_name(), req_fld.get_full_name(), sts_glb.get_mirrored_value()), UVM_HIGH)
- else if (sts_glb.get_mirrored_value() && ~(|(sts_reg.get_mirrored_value() & en_reg.get_mirrored_value()) && en_glb.get_mirrored_value())) begin
+ else if (/*val_sts_glb*/sts_glb.get_mirrored_value() && !(|(val_sts_reg/*sts_reg.get_mirrored_value()*/ & val_en_reg/*en_reg.get_mirrored_value()*/) && val_en_glb/*en_glb.get_mirrored_value()*/)) begin
- `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_DELAY_JOB", $sformatf("post_predict called through map [%p] on %s results in interrupt status bit being cleared.", map.get_name(), req_fld.get_full_name()), UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info("SOC_IFC_REG_DELAY_JOB", $sformatf("post_predict called through map [%p] on %s results in interrupt status bit being cleared to 0x%0x.", map.get_name(), req_fld.get_full_name(), sts_glb.get_mirrored_value()), UVM_HIGH)
else begin
- $sformatf("Delay job for %s does not predict any changes due to: en_reg [%d] sts_reg [%d] en_glb [%d] sts_glb [%d]",
+ $sformatf("Delay job for %s does not predict any changes due to: en_reg(latched) [0x%x(0x%x)] sts_reg [0x%x(0x%x)] en_glb [0x%x(0x%x)] sts_glb [0x%x(0x%x)]",
- en_reg.get_mirrored_value(),
- sts_reg.get_mirrored_value(),
- en_glb.get_mirrored_value(),
- sts_glb.get_mirrored_value()),
+ en_reg.get_mirrored_value(), val_en_reg ,
+ sts_reg.get_mirrored_value(), val_sts_reg,
+ en_glb.get_mirrored_value(), val_en_glb ,
+ sts_glb.get_mirrored_value(), val_sts_glb),
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg.sv
index dd60ba190..442be3e18 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg.sv
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/registers/soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg.sv
@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@ package soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg;
uvm_reg_map soc_ifc_reg_intr_AHB_map;
uvm_reg_map soc_ifc_reg_intr_APB_map;
+ // HWSET has precedence over SW W1C, so use these variables to track
+ // active hwset activity in case contention must be resolved
+ bit [31:0] notif_internal_intr_r_hwset_active = 0;
+ bit [31:0] error_internal_intr_r_hwset_active = 0;
function new(string name = "soc_ifc_reg__intr_block_t_ext");
endfunction : new
@@ -381,6 +386,11 @@ package soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg;
uvm_reg_map sha512_acc_csr_intr_AHB_map;
uvm_reg_map sha512_acc_csr_intr_APB_map;
+ // HWSET has precedence over SW W1C, so use these variables to track
+ // active hwset activity in case contention must be resolved
+ bit [31:0] notif_internal_intr_r_hwset_active = 0;
+ bit [31:0] error_internal_intr_r_hwset_active = 0;
function new(string name = "sha512_acc_csr__intr_block_t_ext");
endfunction : new
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.compile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.compile
index 8f6852326..57aedbdc2 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.compile
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.compile
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ needs:
- ../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl_hvl.compile
- ../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status_hvl.compile
- ../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status_hvl.compile
+ - ../../../verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_hvl.compile
- registers/soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg.sv
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.sv
index 311abaebb..ccae6401a 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.sv
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.sv
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ package soc_ifc_env_pkg;
import soc_ifc_status_pkg_hdl::*;
import cptra_status_pkg::*;
import cptra_status_pkg_hdl::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
import soc_ifc_reg_model_top_pkg::*;
import qvip_ahb_lite_slave_pkg::*;
import qvip_ahb_lite_slave_params_pkg::*;
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ package soc_ifc_env_pkg;
+ `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_mbox_sram_agent_ae)
@@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ package soc_ifc_env_pkg;
+ `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_cov_mbox_sram_ae)
// pragma uvmf custom package_imports_additional begin
import soc_ifc_pkg::*;
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.vinfo b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.vinfo
index e54e883b1..ae707c7ab 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.vinfo
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/soc_ifc_env_pkg.vinfo
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/cptra_ctrl_pkg/cptra_ctrl_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/soc_ifc_status_pkg/soc_ifc_status_pkg.vinfo
@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/cptra_status_pkg/cptra_status_pkg.vinfo
+@use $UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.vinfo
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_configuration.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_configuration.svh
index ee9cd8f47..fbf7ef959 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_configuration.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_configuration.svh
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ extends uvmf_environment_configuration_base;
typedef cptra_status_configuration cptra_status_agent_config_t;
rand cptra_status_agent_config_t cptra_status_agent_config;
+ typedef mbox_sram_configuration mbox_sram_agent_config_t;
+ rand mbox_sram_agent_config_t mbox_sram_agent_config;
qvip_ahb_lite_slave_env_configuration qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_config;
@@ -90,6 +93,7 @@ extends uvmf_environment_configuration_base;
cptra_ctrl_agent_config = cptra_ctrl_agent_config_t::type_id::create("cptra_ctrl_agent_config");
soc_ifc_status_agent_config = soc_ifc_status_agent_config_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_status_agent_config");
cptra_status_agent_config = cptra_status_agent_config_t::type_id::create("cptra_status_agent_config");
+ mbox_sram_agent_config = mbox_sram_agent_config_t::type_id::create("mbox_sram_agent_config");
qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_config = qvip_ahb_lite_slave_env_configuration::type_id::create("qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_config");
qvip_apb5_slave_subenv_config = qvip_apb5_slave_env_configuration::type_id::create("qvip_apb5_slave_subenv_config");
@@ -133,6 +137,7 @@ extends uvmf_environment_configuration_base;
"\n", cptra_ctrl_agent_config.convert2string,
"\n", soc_ifc_status_agent_config.convert2string,
"\n", cptra_status_agent_config.convert2string,
+ "\n", mbox_sram_agent_config.convert2string,
"\n", qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_config.convert2string,
"\n", qvip_apb5_slave_subenv_config.convert2string
@@ -186,6 +191,9 @@ extends uvmf_environment_configuration_base;
cptra_status_agent_config.initialize( interface_activity[5], {environment_path,".cptra_status_agent"}, interface_names[5]);
cptra_status_agent_config.initiator_responder = RESPONDER;
cptra_status_agent_config.has_coverage = 1;
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.initialize( interface_activity[6], {environment_path,".mbox_sram_agent"}, interface_names[6]);
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.initiator_responder = RESPONDER;
+ mbox_sram_agent_config.has_coverage = 1;
// pragma uvmf custom reg_model_config_initialize begin
// Register model creation and configuation
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_cov_subscriber.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_cov_subscriber.svh
index 6a2b74050..d5084d7e2 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_cov_subscriber.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_cov_subscriber.svh
@@ -429,6 +429,7 @@ class soc_ifc_env_cov_subscriber #(
uvm_analysis_imp_cov_cptra_ctrl_ae #(cptra_ctrl_transaction, this_type) cptra_ctrl_ae;
uvm_analysis_imp_cov_cptra_status_ae #(cptra_status_transaction, this_type) cptra_status_ae;
uvm_analysis_imp_cov_ahb_ae #(mvc_sequence_item_base, this_type) ahb_ae;
+ uvm_analysis_imp_cov_mbox_sram_ae #(mbox_sram_transaction, this_type) mbox_sram_ae;
// Constructor
@@ -449,6 +450,7 @@ class soc_ifc_env_cov_subscriber #(
cptra_ctrl_ae = new("cptra_ctrl_ae" , this);
cptra_status_ae = new("cptra_status_ae" , this);
ahb_ae = new("ahb_ae" , this);
+ mbox_sram_ae = new("mbox_sram_ae" , this);
c_soc_ifc_rm = configuration.soc_ifc_rm;
@@ -489,6 +491,13 @@ class soc_ifc_env_cov_subscriber #(
// `uvm_fatal("FIXME", "FIXME")
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MBOX SRAM - write
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual function void write_cov_mbox_sram_ae(mbox_sram_transaction txn);
+// `uvm_fatal("FIXME", "FIXME")
+ endfunction
// AHB - write
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_sequence_base.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_sequence_base.svh
index 3a7ba5eb4..1cb88c7da 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_sequence_base.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_env_sequence_base.svh
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class soc_ifc_env_sequence_base #(
// Responder agent sequencers in soc_ifc_environment:
// configuration.soc_ifc_status_agent_config.sequencer
// configuration.cptra_status_agent_config.sequencer
+ // configuration.mbox_sram_agent_config.sequencer
typedef soc_ifc_ctrl_random_sequence soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_random_sequence_t;
@@ -76,6 +77,18 @@ class soc_ifc_env_sequence_base #(
`uvm_info(this.get_type_name(), "In: pre_start() for sequence", UVM_NONE)
+ virtual function get_mbox_sram_ecc_error_injection();
+ return this.configuration.mbox_sram_agent_config.inject_ecc_error;
+ endfunction
+ virtual function set_mbox_sram_ecc_single_error_injection();
+ this.configuration.mbox_sram_agent_config.inject_ecc_error |= 2'b01;
+ endfunction
+ virtual function set_mbox_sram_ecc_double_error_injection();
+ this.configuration.mbox_sram_agent_config.inject_ecc_error |= 2'b10;
+ endfunction
+ virtual function clr_mbox_sram_ecc_error_injection();
+ this.configuration.mbox_sram_agent_config.inject_ecc_error = 2'b00;
+ endfunction
// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
function new(string name = "" );
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_environment.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_environment.svh
index f3685d805..2be6c1251 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_environment.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_environment.svh
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ class soc_ifc_environment extends uvmf_environment_base #(
typedef cptra_status_agent cptra_status_agent_t;
cptra_status_agent_t cptra_status_agent;
+ typedef mbox_sram_agent mbox_sram_agent_t;
+ mbox_sram_agent_t mbox_sram_agent;
@@ -172,6 +175,8 @@ class soc_ifc_environment extends uvmf_environment_base #(
cptra_status_agent = cptra_status_agent_t::type_id::create("cptra_status_agent",this);
+ mbox_sram_agent = mbox_sram_agent_t::type_id::create("mbox_sram_agent",this);
+ mbox_sram_agent.set_config(configuration.mbox_sram_agent_config);
soc_ifc_pred = soc_ifc_pred_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_pred",this);
soc_ifc_pred.configuration = configuration;
soc_ifc_sb = soc_ifc_sb_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_sb",this);
@@ -210,6 +215,7 @@ class soc_ifc_environment extends uvmf_environment_base #(
+ mbox_sram_agent.monitored_ap.connect(soc_ifc_pred.mbox_sram_agent_ae);
@@ -232,6 +238,7 @@ class soc_ifc_environment extends uvmf_environment_base #(
soc_ifc_pred.cptra_cov_ap .connect (soc_ifc_env_cov_sub.cptra_ctrl_ae );
soc_ifc_status_agent.monitored_ap.connect (soc_ifc_env_cov_sub.soc_ifc_status_ae);
cptra_status_agent .monitored_ap.connect (soc_ifc_env_cov_sub.cptra_status_ae );
+ mbox_sram_agent .monitored_ap.connect (soc_ifc_env_cov_sub.mbox_sram_ae );
qvip_ahb_lite_slave_subenv_ahb_lite_slave_0_ap["burst_transfer_cov"].connect(soc_ifc_env_cov_sub.ahb_ae );
qvip_apb5_slave_subenv_apb5_master_0_ap ["trans_ap_cov"] .connect(soc_ifc_env_cov_sub.apb_ae );
@@ -316,6 +323,9 @@ task soc_ifc_environment::handle_reset(string kind = "HARD");
+ // Reset mbox_sram agent (needed to reset the ECC error injection)
+ this.mbox_sram_agent.handle_reset(kind);
// Reset scoreboard according to kind
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_predictor.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_predictor.svh
index 00d56bd37..ac0f07d8e 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_predictor.svh
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/src/soc_ifc_predictor.svh
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
// soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_ae receives transactions of type soc_ifc_ctrl_transaction
// cptra_ctrl_agent_ae receives transactions of type cptra_ctrl_transaction
+// mbox_sram_agent_ae receives transactions of type mbox_sram_transaction
// ahb_slave_0_ae receives transactions of type mvc_sequence_item_base
// apb5_slave_0_ae receives transactions of type mvc_sequence_item_base
@@ -81,6 +82,11 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
) cptra_ctrl_agent_ae;
+ uvm_analysis_imp_mbox_sram_agent_ae #(mbox_sram_transaction, soc_ifc_predictor #(
+ )
+) mbox_sram_agent_ae;
uvm_analysis_imp_ahb_slave_0_ae #(mvc_sequence_item_base, soc_ifc_predictor #(
@@ -146,6 +152,7 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
// Define transaction handles for debug visibility
soc_ifc_ctrl_transaction soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_ae_debug;
cptra_ctrl_transaction cptra_ctrl_agent_ae_debug;
+ mbox_sram_transaction mbox_sram_agent_ae_debug;
mvc_sequence_item_base ahb_slave_0_ae_debug;
mvc_sequence_item_base apb5_slave_0_ae_debug;
@@ -241,6 +248,7 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_ae = new("soc_ifc_ctrl_agent_ae", this);
cptra_ctrl_agent_ae = new("cptra_ctrl_agent_ae", this);
+ mbox_sram_agent_ae = new("mbox_sram_agent_ae", this);
ahb_slave_0_ae = new("ahb_slave_0_ae", this);
apb5_slave_0_ae = new("apb5_slave_0_ae", this);
soc_ifc_sb_ap = new("soc_ifc_sb_ap", this );
@@ -400,7 +408,6 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
`uvm_info("PRED_SOC_IFC_CTRL", "Transaction submitted through soc_ifc_sb_ap", UVM_MEDIUM)
- // TODO
// Code for sending output transaction out through cptra_sb_ap
// Please note that each broadcasted transaction should be a different object than previously
// broadcasted transactions. Creation of a different object is done by constructing the transaction
@@ -530,6 +537,80 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
// pragma uvmf custom cptra_ctrl_agent_ae_predictor end
+ // FUNCTION: write_mbox_sram_agent_ae
+ // Transactions received through mbox_sram_agent_ae initiate the execution of this function.
+ // This function performs prediction of DUT output values based on DUT input, configuration and state
+ virtual function void write_mbox_sram_agent_ae(mbox_sram_transaction t);
+ // pragma uvmf custom mbox_sram_agent_ae_predictor begin
+ // Flags control whether each transaction is sent to scoreboard
+ bit send_soc_ifc_sts_txn = 0;
+ bit send_cptra_sts_txn = 0;
+ bit send_ahb_txn = 0;
+ bit send_apb_txn = 0;
+ mbox_sram_agent_ae_debug = t;
+ `uvm_info("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", "Transaction Received through mbox_sram_agent_ae", UVM_MEDIUM)
+ `uvm_info("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", {" Data: ",t.convert2string()}, UVM_FULL)
+ // Construct one of each output transaction type.
+ soc_ifc_sb_ap_output_transaction = soc_ifc_sb_ap_output_transaction_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_sb_ap_output_transaction");
+ cptra_sb_ap_output_transaction = cptra_sb_ap_output_transaction_t::type_id::create("cptra_sb_ap_output_transaction");
+ soc_ifc_sb_ahb_ap_output_transaction = soc_ifc_sb_ahb_ap_output_transaction_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_sb_ahb_ap_output_transaction");
+ soc_ifc_sb_apb_ap_output_transaction = soc_ifc_sb_apb_ap_output_transaction_t::type_id::create("soc_ifc_sb_apb_ap_output_transaction");
+ if (t.is_read && t.ecc_double_bit_error) begin
+ p_soc_ifc_rm.soc_ifc_reg_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.error_internal_intr_r.error_mbox_ecc_unc_sts.predict(1'b1, -1, UVM_PREDICT_READ, UVM_PREDICT, p_soc_ifc_AHB_map); /* AHB-access only, use AHB map*/
+ `uvm_info("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", "Received read transaction with Double bit ECC corruption, triggering the err interrupt", UVM_MEDIUM)
+ end
+ else if (t.is_read && t.ecc_single_bit_error) begin
+ p_soc_ifc_rm.soc_ifc_reg_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.notif_internal_intr_r.notif_mbox_ecc_cor_sts.predict(1'b1, -1, UVM_PREDICT_READ, UVM_PREDICT, p_soc_ifc_AHB_map); /* AHB-access only, use AHB map*/
+ `uvm_info("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", "Received read transaction with Single bit ECC corruption, triggering the notification interrupt", UVM_MEDIUM)
+ end
+ else begin
+ `uvm_info("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", "Received mailbox SRAM transaction does not cause a system state change prediction", UVM_FULL)
+ end
+ // TODO HW_ERROR_NON_FATAL activity?
+ // Code for sending output transaction out through soc_ifc_sb_ap
+ // Please note that each broadcasted transaction should be a different object than previously
+ // broadcasted transactions. Creation of a different object is done by constructing the transaction
+ // using either new() or create(). Broadcasting a transaction object more than once to either the
+ // same subscriber or multiple subscribers will result in unexpected and incorrect behavior.
+ if (send_soc_ifc_sts_txn) begin
+ populate_expected_soc_ifc_status_txn(soc_ifc_sb_ap_output_transaction);
+ soc_ifc_sb_ap.write(soc_ifc_sb_ap_output_transaction);
+ `uvm_error("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", "NULL Transaction submitted through soc_ifc_sb_ap")
+ end
+ // Code for sending output transaction out through cptra_sb_ap
+ // Please note that each broadcasted transaction should be a different object than previously
+ // broadcasted transactions. Creation of a different object is done by constructing the transaction
+ // using either new() or create(). Broadcasting a transaction object more than once to either the
+ // same subscriber or multiple subscribers will result in unexpected and incorrect behavior.
+ if (send_cptra_sts_txn) begin
+ populate_expected_cptra_status_txn(cptra_sb_ap_output_transaction);
+ cptra_sb_ap.write(cptra_sb_ap_output_transaction);
+ `uvm_error("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", "NULL Transaction submitted through cptra_sb_ap")
+ end
+ // Code for sending output transaction out through soc_ifc_sb_ahb_ap
+ // Please note that each broadcasted transaction should be a different object than previously
+ // broadcasted transactions. Creation of a different object is done by constructing the transaction
+ // using either new() or create(). Broadcasting a transaction object more than once to either the
+ // same subscriber or multiple subscribers will result in unexpected and incorrect behavior.
+ if (send_ahb_txn) begin
+ soc_ifc_sb_ahb_ap.write(soc_ifc_sb_ahb_ap_output_transaction);
+ `uvm_error("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", "NULL Transaction submitted through soc_ifc_sb_ahb_ap")
+ end
+ // Code for sending output transaction out through soc_ifc_sb_apb_ap
+ // Please note that each broadcasted transaction should be a different object than previously
+ // broadcasted transactions. Creation of a different object is done by constructing the transaction
+ // using either new() or create(). Broadcasting a transaction object more than once to either the
+ // same subscriber or multiple subscribers will result in unexpected and incorrect behavior.
+ if (send_apb_txn) begin
+ soc_ifc_sb_apb_ap.write(soc_ifc_sb_apb_ap_output_transaction);
+ `uvm_error("PRED_MBOX_SRAM", "NULL Transaction submitted through soc_ifc_sb_apb_ap")
+ end
+ // pragma uvmf custom mbox_sram_agent_ae_predictor end
+ endfunction
// FUNCTION: write_ahb_slave_0_ae
// Transactions received through ahb_slave_0_ae initiate the execution of this function.
// This function performs prediction of DUT output values based on DUT input, configuration and state
@@ -1054,7 +1135,7 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
- `uvm_info("PRED_APB", $sformatf("Handling access to %s. Nothing to do.", axs_reg.get_name()), UVM_DEBUG)
+ `uvm_info("PRED_AHB", $sformatf("Handling access to %s. Nothing to do.", axs_reg.get_name()), UVM_DEBUG)
if (ahb_txn.RnW == AHB_WRITE) begin
@@ -1087,9 +1168,9 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
`uvm_info("PRED_AHB", "Observed write to CPTRA_GENERIC_OUTPUT_WIRES [Clear the isr_active bit]", UVM_MEDIUM)
- `uvm_info("PRED_AHB", "Observed write to CPTRA_GENERIC_OUTPUT_WIRES [Toggle random SRAM single bit error injection]", UVM_MEDIUM)
+ `uvm_info("PRED_AHB", "Observed write to CPTRA_GENERIC_OUTPUT_WIRES [Toggle random SRAM single bit flip injection]", UVM_MEDIUM)
- `uvm_info("PRED_AHB", "Observed write to CPTRA_GENERIC_OUTPUT_WIRES [Toggle random SRAM double bit error injection]", UVM_MEDIUM)
+ `uvm_info("PRED_AHB", "Observed write to CPTRA_GENERIC_OUTPUT_WIRES [Toggle random SRAM double bit flip injection]", UVM_MEDIUM)
`uvm_info("PRED_AHB", "Observed write to CPTRA_GENERIC_OUTPUT_WIRES to End the simulation with a Success status", UVM_LOW)
@@ -1263,6 +1344,7 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
"notif_intr_trig_r": begin
if (ahb_txn.RnW == AHB_WRITE) begin
+ // FIXME --- I think this is broken, since this logic predates the callback/delay_job paradigm
send_cptra_sts_txn = (!this.soc_ifc_error_intr_pending && p_soc_ifc_rm.soc_ifc_reg_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.error_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value()) ||
(!this.soc_ifc_notif_intr_pending && p_soc_ifc_rm.soc_ifc_reg_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.notif_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value());
this.soc_ifc_error_intr_pending = p_soc_ifc_rm.soc_ifc_reg_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.error_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value();
@@ -1282,8 +1364,6 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
// but this does not result in a cptra status transaction because we only
// capture rising edges as a transaction
`uvm_info("PRED_AHB", {"Write to ", axs_reg.get_name(), " attempts to clear an interrupt"}, UVM_HIGH)
- this.soc_ifc_error_intr_pending = p_soc_ifc_rm.soc_ifc_reg_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.error_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value();
- this.soc_ifc_notif_intr_pending = p_soc_ifc_rm.soc_ifc_reg_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.notif_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value();
@@ -1357,8 +1437,6 @@ class soc_ifc_predictor #(
// but this does not result in a cptra status transaction because we only
// capture rising edges as a transaction
`uvm_info("PRED_AHB", {"Write to ", axs_reg.get_name(), " attempts to clear an interrupt"}, UVM_HIGH)
- this.sha_err_intr_pending = p_soc_ifc_rm.sha512_acc_csr_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.error_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value();
- this.sha_notif_intr_pending = p_soc_ifc_rm.sha512_acc_csr_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.notif_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value();
@@ -2208,7 +2286,7 @@ function void soc_ifc_predictor::send_delayed_expected_transactions();
if (!sha_notif_intr_pending && p_soc_ifc_rm.sha512_acc_csr_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.notif_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value()) begin
sha_notif_intr_pending = p_soc_ifc_rm.sha512_acc_csr_rm.intr_block_rf_ext.notif_global_intr_r.agg_sts.get_mirrored_value();
if (sha_notif_intr_pending) begin
- `uvm_info("PRED_AHB", "Delay job triggers sha_notif_intr_pending transition", UVM_HIGH)
+ `uvm_info("PRED_DLY", "Delay job triggers sha_notif_intr_pending transition", UVM_HIGH)
send_cptra_sts_txn = 1'b1;
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/yaml/soc_ifc_environment.yaml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/yaml/soc_ifc_environment.yaml
index a8ba2df23..111d254aa 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/yaml/soc_ifc_environment.yaml
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/yaml/soc_ifc_environment.yaml
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ uvmf:
- initiator_responder: RESPONDER
name: cptra_status_agent
type: cptra_status
+ - initiator_responder: RESPONDER
+ name: mbox_sram_agent
+ type: mbox_sram
- name: soc_ifc_pred
parameters: []
@@ -67,6 +70,9 @@ uvmf:
- driver: cptra_ctrl_agent.monitored_ap
receiver: soc_ifc_pred.cptra_ctrl_agent_ae
validate: 'True'
+ - driver: mbox_sram_agent.monitored_ap
+ receiver: soc_ifc_pred.mbox_sram_agent_ae
+ validate: 'True'
- driver: soc_ifc_pred.soc_ifc_sb_ap
receiver: soc_ifc_sb.expected_analysis_export
validate: 'True'
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/yaml/soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/yaml/soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml
index ed86e0948..9b07c8789 100644
--- a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/yaml/soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/environment_packages/soc_ifc_env_pkg/yaml/soc_ifc_util_comp_soc_ifc_predictor.yaml
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ uvmf:
type: soc_ifc_ctrl_transaction
- name: cptra_ctrl_agent_ae
type: cptra_ctrl_transaction
+ - name: mbox_sram_agent_ae
+ type: mbox_sram_transaction
- name: ahb_slave_0_ae
type: mvc_sequence_item_base
- name: apb5_slave_0_ae
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/.project b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/.project
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25262dcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ mbox_sram_pkg
+ org.python.pydev.PyDevBuilder
+ net.sf.sveditor.core.SVProjectBuilder
+ net.sf.sveditor.core.SVNature
+ org.python.pydev.pythonNature
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/.svproject b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/.svproject
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82ebbab03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/.svproject
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/Makefile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60c82949b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# mbox_sram interface packages source
+# pragma uvmf custom additional begin
+# pragma uvmf custom additional end
+mbox_sram_PKG = \
+ +incdir+$(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg \
+ -F $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hvl.f
+mbox_sram_PKG_HDL = \
+ +incdir+$(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg \
+ -F $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hdl.f
+mbox_sram_PKG_XRTL = \
+ +incdir+$(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg \
+ -F $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_xrtl.f
+COMP_mbox_sram_PKG_TGT_0 = q_comp_mbox_sram_pkg
+COMP_mbox_sram_PKG_TGT_1 = v_comp_mbox_sram_pkg
+COMP_mbox_sram_PKG_TGT = $(COMP_mbox_sram_PKG_TGT_$(USE_VELOCE))
+comp_mbox_sram_pkg: $(COMP_mbox_sram_PKG_TGT)
+ $(HDL_COMP_CMD) $(mbox_sram_PKG_HDL)
+ $(HVL_COMP_CMD) $(mbox_sram_PKG)
+ $(HDL_COMP_CMD) $(mbox_sram_PKG_XRTL)
+ $(HVL_COMP_CMD) $(mbox_sram_PKG_HDL)
+ $(HVL_COMP_CMD) $(mbox_sram_PKG)
+ $(VELANALYZE_CMD) $(mbox_sram_PKG_HDL)
+ $(VELANALYZE_HVL_CMD) $(mbox_sram_PKG)
+ $(HDL_COMP_CMD) $(mbox_sram_PKG_XRTL)
+ifeq ($(MTI_VCO_MODE),64)
+ GCC_COMP_ARCH = -m64
+ GCC_COMP_ARCH = -m32
+export mbox_sram_IF_DPI_SRC ?= $(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/dpi
+C_FILE_COMPILE_LIST_mbox_sram_pkg = \
+O_FILE_COMPILE_LIST_mbox_sram_pkg = $(notdir $(C_FILE_COMPILE_LIST_mbox_sram_pkg:.c=.o))
+GCC_COMP_ARGS_mbox_sram_pkg += -I$(mbox_sram_IF_DPI_SRC) \
+ -fPIC
+GCC_COMP_ARGS_mbox_sram_pkg += $(mbox_sram_IF_GCC_COMP_ARGUMENTS)
+GCC_LINK_ARGS_mbox_sram_pkg += \
+ \
+ -o .so
+ @echo "--------------------------------"
+ @echo "Compiling Interface C source"
+ @echo "--------------------------------"
+ gcc $(GCC_COMP_ARCH) $(GCC_COMP_ARGS_mbox_sram_pkg) $(C_FILE_COMPILE_LIST_mbox_sram_pkg)
+ @echo "--------------------------------"
+ @echo "Linking Interface C objects into a shared object"
+ @echo "--------------------------------"
+ gcc $(GCC_COMP_ARCH) $(GCC_LINK_ARGS_mbox_sram_pkg) $(O_FILE_COMPILE_LIST_mbox_sram_pkg)
+ @echo "--------------------------------"
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/compile.do b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/compile.do
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e20bed409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/compile.do
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Tcl do file for compile of mbox_sram interface
+# pragma uvmf custom additional begin
+# pragma uvmf custom additional end
+vlog -sv -timescale 1ps/1ps -suppress 2223,2286 +incdir+$env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg \
+ -F $env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hdl.f
+vlog -sv -timescale 1ps/1ps -suppress 2223,2286 +incdir+$env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg \
+ -F $env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hvl.f
+vlog -sv -timescale 1ps/1ps -suppress 2223,2286 +incdir+$env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg \
+ -F $env(UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME)/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_xrtl.f
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram.compile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram.compile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0b806055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram.compile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ - mbox_sram_hvl.compile
+ - mbox_sram_hdl.compile
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_bfm.vinfo b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_bfm.vinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a738c1152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_bfm.vinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@use $UVMF_HOME/uvmf_base_pkg/uvmf_base_pkg_hdl.vinfo
+@use mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.vinfo
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_common.compile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_common.compile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f701a7be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_common.compile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ - $UVMF_HOME/uvmf_base_pkg/uvmf_base_pkg_hdl.compile
+ - .
+ - ${uvm_path}/src
+ - mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.sv
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hdl.f b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hdl.f
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91803d05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hdl.f
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hvl.f b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hvl.f
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4fb8adc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hvl.f
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_xrtl.f b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_xrtl.f
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85b63fa2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_xrtl.f
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_hdl.compile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_hdl.compile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..032a5e03c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_hdl.compile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ - $UVMF_HOME/uvmf_base_pkg/uvmf_base_pkg_hdl.compile
+ - ./mbox_sram_common.compile
+ - .
+ - src/mbox_sram_if.sv
+ - src/mbox_sram_monitor_bfm.sv
+ - src/mbox_sram_driver_bfm.sv
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_hvl.compile b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_hvl.compile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da9f7fe81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_hvl.compile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ - $UVMF_HOME/uvmf_base_pkg/uvmf_base_pkg.compile
+ - ./mbox_sram_common.compile
+ - .
+ - mbox_sram_pkg.sv
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d9b7ecf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// PACKAGE: This file defines all of the files contained in the
+// interface package that will run on the host simulator.
+// -
+// -
+// -
+// -
+// -
+// -
+// -
+// -
+// -
+// -
+// -
+package mbox_sram_pkg;
+ import uvm_pkg::*;
+ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
+ import uvmf_base_pkg::*;
+ import mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
+ `include "uvm_macros.svh"
+ // pragma uvmf custom package_imports_additional begin
+ import soc_ifc_pkg::*;
+ // pragma uvmf custom package_imports_additional end
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_macros.svh"
+ export mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
+ // Parameters defined as HVL parameters
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_typedefs.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_transaction.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_configuration.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_driver.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_monitor.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_transaction_coverage.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_sequence_base.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_random_sequence.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_responder_sequence.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram2reg_adapter.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_agent.svh"
+ // pragma uvmf custom package_item_additional begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : When adding new interface sequences to the src directory
+ // be sure to add the sequence file here so that it will be
+ // compiled as part of the interface package. Be sure to place
+ // the new sequence after any base sequences of the new sequence.
+ typedef mbox_sram_responder_sequence mbox_sram_agent_responder_seq_t;
+ // pragma uvmf custom package_item_additional end
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.vinfo b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.vinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d5289a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg.vinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+@use $UVMF_HOME/uvmf_base_pkg/uvmf_base_pkg.vinfo
+@use mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.vinfo
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82e9bb46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// PACKAGE: This file defines all of the files contained in the
+// interface package that needs to be compiled and synthesized
+// for running on Veloce.
+// -
+package mbox_sram_pkg_hdl;
+ import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
+ // pragma uvmf custom package_imports_additional begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom package_imports_additional end
+ // Parameters defined as HDL parameters
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_typedefs_hdl.svh"
+ `include "src/mbox_sram_macros.svh"
+ // pragma uvmf custom package_item_additional begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom package_item_additional end
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.vinfo b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.vinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b490cd934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_hdl.vinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@use $UVMF_HOME/uvmf_base_pkg/uvmf_base_pkg_hdl.vinfo
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_sve.F b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_sve.F
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..690a04c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_pkg_sve.F
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// UVM
+// Common UVMF files
+-f ${UVMF_HOME}/common/common_sve.f
+-f ${UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME}/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hdl.f
+-f ${UVMF_VIP_LIBRARY_HOME}/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/mbox_sram_filelist_hvl.f
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram2reg_adapter.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram2reg_adapter.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..deba1e67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram2reg_adapter.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// This file contains the UVM register adapter for the mbox_sram interface.
+class mbox_sram2reg_adapter extends uvm_reg_adapter;
+ `uvm_object_utils( mbox_sram2reg_adapter )
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // new
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function new (string name = "mbox_sram2reg_adapter" );
+ super.new(name);
+ // pragma uvmf custom new begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Configure the adapter regarding byte enables and provides response.
+ // Does the protocol the Agent is modeling support byte enables?
+ // 0 = NO
+ // 1 = YES
+ supports_byte_enable = 0;
+ // Does the Agent's Driver provide separate response sequence items?
+ // i.e. Does the driver call seq_item_port.put()
+ // and do the sequences call get_response()?
+ // 0 = NO
+ // 1 = YES
+ provides_responses = 0;
+ // pragma uvmf custom new end
+ endfunction: new
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // reg2bus
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual function uvm_sequence_item reg2bus(const ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw);
+ mbox_sram_transaction trans_h = mbox_sram_transaction ::type_id::create("trans_h");
+ // pragma uvmf custom reg2bus begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Fill in the reg2bus adapter mapping registe fields to protocol fields.
+ //Adapt the following for your sequence item type
+ // trans_h.op = (rw.kind == UVM_READ) ? WB_READ : WB_WRITE;
+ //Copy over address
+ // trans_h.addr = rw.addr;
+ //Copy over write data
+ // trans_h.data = rw.data;
+ // pragma uvmf custom reg2bus end
+ // Return the adapted transaction
+ return trans_h;
+ endfunction: reg2bus
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // bus2reg
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual function void bus2reg(uvm_sequence_item bus_item,
+ ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw);
+ mbox_sram_transaction trans_h;
+ if (!$cast(trans_h, bus_item)) begin
+ `uvm_fatal("ADAPT","Provided bus_item is not of the correct type")
+ return;
+ end
+ // pragma uvmf custom bus2reg begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Fill in the bus2reg adapter mapping protocol fields to register fields.
+ //Adapt the following for your sequence item type
+ //Copy over instruction type
+ // rw.kind = (trans_h.op == WB_WRITE) ? UVM_WRITE : UVM_READ;
+ //Copy over address
+ // rw.addr = trans_h.addr;
+ //Copy over read data
+ // rw.data = trans_h.data;
+ //Check for errors on the bus and return UVM_NOT_OK if there is an error
+ // rw.status = UVM_IS_OK;
+ // pragma uvmf custom bus2reg end
+ endfunction: bus2reg
+endclass : mbox_sram2reg_adapter
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_agent.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_agent.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba0eb1e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_agent.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: Protocol specific agent class definition
+class mbox_sram_agent extends uvmf_parameterized_agent #(
+ .CONFIG_T(mbox_sram_configuration ),
+ .DRIVER_T(mbox_sram_driver ),
+ .MONITOR_T(mbox_sram_monitor ),
+ .COVERAGE_T(mbox_sram_transaction_coverage ),
+ .TRANS_T(mbox_sram_transaction )
+ );
+ `uvm_component_utils( mbox_sram_agent )
+// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+ extern task handle_reset(string kind = "HARD");
+// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+// ****************************************************************************
+// FUNCTION : new()
+// This function is the standard SystemVerilog constructor.
+ function new( string name = "", uvm_component parent = null );
+ super.new( name, parent );
+ endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: build_phase
+ virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+// pragma uvmf custom build_phase_pre_super begin
+// pragma uvmf custom build_phase_pre_super end
+ super.build_phase(phase);
+ if (configuration.active_passive == ACTIVE) begin
+ // Place sequencer handle into configuration object
+ // so that it may be retrieved from configuration
+ // rather than using uvm_config_db
+ configuration.sequencer = this.sequencer;
+ end
+ endfunction
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+task mbox_sram_agent::handle_reset(string kind = "HARD");
+ configuration.handle_reset(kind);
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_configuration.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_configuration.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b3c2e2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_configuration.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This class contains all variables and functions used
+// to configure the mbox_sram agent and its bfm's. It gets the
+// bfm's from the uvm_config_db for use by the agent.
+class mbox_sram_configuration extends uvmf_parameterized_agent_configuration_base #(
+ .DRIVER_BFM_BIND_T(virtual mbox_sram_driver_bfm ),
+ .MONITOR_BFM_BIND_T( virtual mbox_sram_monitor_bfm ));
+ `uvm_object_utils( mbox_sram_configuration )
+ // Controls injection of ECC errors for write transactions. Bit[0]: Single Bit Error. Bit[1]: Double Bit Error
+ bit [1:0] inject_ecc_error = 2'b00;
+ // When set, causes the mbox_sram_responder_sequence to clear the variable 'inject_ecc_error' after a single ECC error is injected
+ bit auto_clear_ecc_error_injection = 1'b1;
+ // Sequencer handle populated by agent
+ uvm_sequencer #(mbox_sram_transaction ) sequencer;
+ //Constraints for the configuration variables:
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+ extern task handle_reset(string kind = "HARD");
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+ covergroup mbox_sram_configuration_cg;
+ // pragma uvmf custom covergroup begin
+ option.auto_bin_max=1024;
+ coverpoint inject_ecc_error;
+ coverpoint auto_clear_ecc_error_injection;
+ // pragma uvmf custom covergroup end
+ endgroup
+ //*******************************************************************
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // Structure used to pass configuration variables to monitor and driver BFM's.
+ // Use to_struct function to pack variables into structure.
+ // Use from_struct function to unpack variables from structure.
+ // This structure is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ mbox_sram_configuration_s mbox_sram_configuration_struct;
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: to_struct()
+ // This function packs variables into a mbox_sram_configuration_s
+ // structure. The function returns the handle to the mbox_sram_configuration_struct.
+ // This function is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: from_struct()
+ // This function unpacks the struct provided as an argument into
+ // variables of this class.
+ // This function is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION : new()
+ // This function is the standard SystemVerilog constructor.
+ //
+ function new( string name = "" );
+ super.new( name );
+ // Construct the covergroup for this configuration class
+ mbox_sram_configuration_cg = new;
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: post_randomize()
+ // This function is automatically called after the randomize() function
+ // is executed.
+ //
+ function void post_randomize();
+ super.post_randomize();
+ mbox_sram_configuration_cg.sample();
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: initialize
+ // This function causes the configuration to retrieve
+ // its virtual interface handle from the uvm_config_db.
+ // This function also makes itself available to its
+ // agent through the uvm_config_db.
+ //
+ // uvmf_active_passive_t activity:
+ // This argument identifies the simulation level
+ // as either BLOCK, CHIP, SIMULATION, etc.
+ //
+ // This argument identifies the path to this
+ // configurations agent. This configuration
+ // makes itself available to the agent specified
+ // by agent_path by placing itself into the
+ // uvm_config_db.
+ //
+ // This argument identifies the string name of
+ // this configurations BFM's. This string
+ // name is used to retrieve the driver and
+ // monitor BFM from the uvm_config_db.
+ //
+ virtual function void initialize(uvmf_active_passive_t activity,
+ string agent_path,
+ string interface_name);
+ super.initialize( activity, agent_path, interface_name);
+ // The covergroup is given the same name as the interface
+ mbox_sram_configuration_cg.set_inst_name(interface_name);
+ // This configuration places itself into the uvm_config_db for the agent, identified by the agent_path variable, to retrieve.
+ uvm_config_db #( mbox_sram_configuration
+ )::set( null ,agent_path,UVMF_AGENT_CONFIG, this );
+ // This configuration also places itself in the config db using the same identifier used by the interface. This allows users to access
+ // configuration variables and the interface through the bfm api class rather than directly accessing the BFM. This is useful for
+ // accessingthe BFM when using Veloce
+ uvm_config_db #( mbox_sram_configuration
+ )::set( null ,UVMF_CONFIGURATIONS, interface_name, this );
+ mbox_sram_configuration_cg.set_inst_name($sformatf("mbox_sram_configuration_cg_%s",get_full_name()));
+// This code is to aid in debugging parameter mismatches between the BFM and its corresponding agent.
+// Enable this debug by setting UVM_VERBOSITY to UVM_DEBUG
+// Setting UVM_VERBOSITY to UVM_DEBUG causes all BFM's and all agents to display their parameter settings.
+// All of the messages from this feature have a UVM messaging id value of "CFG"
+// The transcript or run.log can be parsed to ensure BFM parameter settings match its corresponding agents parameter settings.
+ `uvm_info("CFG",
+ $psprintf("The agent at '%s' is using interface named %s has the following parameters: ", agent_path, interface_name, ),
+ // pragma uvmf custom initialize begin
+ // This controls whether or not the agent returns a transaction handle in the driver when calling
+ // item_done() back into the sequencer or not. If set to 1, a transaction is sent back which means
+ // the sequence on the other end must use the get_response() part of the driver/sequence API. If
+ // this doesn't occur, there will eventually be response_queue overflow errors during the test.
+ return_transaction_response = 1'b1;
+ // pragma uvmf custom initialize end
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // TASK: wait_for_reset
+ // *[Required]* Blocks until reset is released. The wait_for_reset operation is performed
+ // by a task in the monitor bfm.
+ virtual task wait_for_reset();
+ monitor_bfm.wait_for_reset();
+ endtask
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // TASK: wait_for_num_clocks
+ // *[Required]* Blocks until specified number of clocks have elapsed. The wait_for_num_clocks
+ // operation is performed by a task in the monitor bfm.
+ virtual task wait_for_num_clocks(int clocks);
+ monitor_bfm.wait_for_num_clocks(clocks);
+ endtask
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION : convert2string()
+ // This function is used to convert variables in this class into a string for log messaging.
+ //
+ virtual function string convert2string ();
+ // pragma uvmf custom convert2string begin
+ return $sformatf("inject_ecc_error:0x%x auto_clear_ecc_error_injection:0x%x ",inject_ecc_error,auto_clear_ecc_error_injection);
+ // pragma uvmf custom convert2string end
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: get_sequencer
+ function uvm_sequencer #(mbox_sram_transaction) get_sequencer();
+ return sequencer;
+ endfunction
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+task mbox_sram_configuration::handle_reset(string kind = "HARD");
+ inject_ecc_error = 0;
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_driver.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_driver.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c083be2b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_driver.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This class passes transactions between the sequencer
+// and the BFM driver interface. It accesses the driver BFM
+// through the bfm handle. This driver
+// passes transactions to the driver BFM through the access
+// task.
+class mbox_sram_driver extends uvmf_driver_base #(
+ .CONFIG_T(mbox_sram_configuration ),
+ .BFM_BIND_T(virtual mbox_sram_driver_bfm ),
+ .REQ(mbox_sram_transaction ),
+ .RSP(mbox_sram_transaction ));
+ `uvm_component_utils( mbox_sram_driver )
+// Macros that define structs located in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+// Initiator macro used by mbox_sram_driver and mbox_sram_driver_bfm
+// to communicate initiator driven data to mbox_sram_driver_bfm.
+ mbox_sram_initiator_s mbox_sram_initiator_struct;
+// Responder macro used by mbox_sram_driver and mbox_sram_driver_bfm
+// to communicate Responder driven data to mbox_sram_driver_bfm.
+ mbox_sram_responder_s mbox_sram_responder_struct;
+// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+// pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+// ****************************************************************************
+// This function is the standard SystemVerilog constructor.
+ function new( string name = "", uvm_component parent=null );
+ super.new( name, parent );
+ endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+// This function sends configuration object variables to the driver BFM
+// using the configuration struct.
+ virtual function void configure(input CONFIG_T cfg);
+ bfm.configure( cfg.to_struct() );
+ endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+// This function places a handle to this class in the proxy variable in the
+// driver BFM. This allows the driver BFM to call tasks and function within this class.
+ virtual function void set_bfm_proxy_handle();
+ bfm.proxy = this; endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+// This task is called by the run_phase in uvmf_driver_base.
+ virtual task access( inout REQ txn );
+// pragma uvmf custom access begin
+ if (configuration.initiator_responder==RESPONDER) begin
+ // Complete current transfer and wait for next transfer
+ bfm.respond_and_wait_for_next_transfer(
+ mbox_sram_initiator_struct,
+ txn.to_responder_struct()
+ );
+ // Unpack information about initiated transfer received by this responder
+ txn.from_initiator_struct(mbox_sram_initiator_struct);
+ end else begin
+ // Initiate a transfer and get response
+ bfm.initiate_and_get_response(
+ txn.to_initiator_struct(),
+ mbox_sram_responder_struct
+ );
+ // Unpack transfer response information received by this initiator
+ txn.from_responder_struct(mbox_sram_responder_struct);
+ end
+// pragma uvmf custom access end
+ endtask
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_driver_bfm.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_driver_bfm.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c9359089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_driver_bfm.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+import soc_ifc_pkg::*;
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// This interface performs the mbox_sram signal driving. It is
+// accessed by the uvm mbox_sram driver through a virtual interface
+// handle in the mbox_sram configuration. It drives the singals passed
+// in through the port connection named bus of type mbox_sram_if.
+// Input signals from the mbox_sram_if are assigned to an internal input
+// signal with a _i suffix. The _i signal should be used for sampling.
+// The input signal connections are as follows:
+// bus.signal -> signal_i
+// This bfm drives signals with a _o suffix. These signals
+// are driven onto signals within mbox_sram_if based on INITIATOR/RESPONDER and/or
+// The output signal connections are as follows:
+// signal_o -> bus.signal
+// Interface functions and tasks used by UVM components:
+// configure:
+// This function gets configuration attributes from the
+// UVM driver to set any required BFM configuration
+// variables such as 'initiator_responder'.
+// initiate_and_get_response:
+// This task is used to perform signaling activity for initiating
+// a protocol transfer. The task initiates the transfer, using
+// input data from the initiator struct. Then the task captures
+// response data, placing the data into the response struct.
+// The response struct is returned to the driver class.
+// respond_and_wait_for_next_transfer:
+// This task is used to complete a current transfer as a responder
+// and then wait for the initiator to start the next transfer.
+// The task uses data in the responder struct to drive protocol
+// signals to complete the transfer. The task then waits for
+// the next transfer. Once the next transfer begins, data from
+// the initiator is placed into the initiator struct and sent
+// to the responder sequence for processing to determine
+// what data to respond with.
+import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
+import mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
+`include "src/mbox_sram_macros.svh"
+interface mbox_sram_driver_bfm
+ (mbox_sram_if bus);
+ // The following pragma and additional ones in-lined further below are for running this BFM on Veloce
+ // pragma attribute mbox_sram_driver_bfm partition_interface_xif
+`ifndef XRTL
+// This code is to aid in debugging parameter mismatches between the BFM and its corresponding agent.
+// Enable this debug by setting UVM_VERBOSITY to UVM_DEBUG
+// Setting UVM_VERBOSITY to UVM_DEBUG causes all BFM's and all agents to display their parameter settings.
+// All of the messages from this feature have a UVM messaging id value of "CFG"
+// The transcript or run.log can be parsed to ensure BFM parameter settings match its corresponding agents parameter settings.
+import uvm_pkg::*;
+`include "uvm_macros.svh"
+initial begin : bfm_vs_agent_parameter_debug
+ `uvm_info("CFG",
+ $psprintf("The BFM at '%m' has the following parameters: ", ),
+ // Config value to determine if this is an initiator or a responder
+ uvmf_initiator_responder_t initiator_responder;
+ // Custom configuration variables.
+ // These are set using the configure function which is called during the UVM connect_phase
+ bit [1:0] inject_ecc_error ;
+ bit auto_clear_ecc_error_injection ;
+ tri clk_i;
+ tri dummy_i;
+ // Signal list (all signals are capable of being inputs and outputs for the sake
+ // of supporting both INITIATOR and RESPONDER mode operation. Expectation is that
+ // directionality in the config file was from the point-of-view of the INITIATOR
+ // INITIATOR mode input signals
+ tri [$bits(mbox_sram_resp_t)-1:0] mbox_sram_resp_i;
+// reg [$bits(mbox_sram_resp_t)-1:0] mbox_sram_resp_o = 'bz;
+ mbox_sram_resp_t mbox_sram_resp_o = 'bz;
+ // INITIATOR mode output signals
+// tri [$bits(mbox_sram_req_t)-1:0] mbox_sram_req_i;
+ mbox_sram_req_t mbox_sram_req_i;
+ reg [$bits(mbox_sram_req_t)-1:0] mbox_sram_req_o = 'bz;
+ // Bi-directional signals
+ assign clk_i = bus.clk;
+ assign dummy_i = bus.dummy;
+ // These are signals marked as 'input' by the config file, but the signals will be
+ // driven by this BFM if put into RESPONDER mode (flipping all signal directions around)
+ assign mbox_sram_resp_i = bus.mbox_sram_resp;
+ assign bus.mbox_sram_resp = (initiator_responder == RESPONDER) ? mbox_sram_resp_o : 'bz;
+ // These are signals marked as 'output' by the config file, but the outputs will
+ // not be driven by this BFM unless placed in INITIATOR mode.
+ assign bus.mbox_sram_req = (initiator_responder == INITIATOR) ? mbox_sram_req_o : 'bz;
+ assign mbox_sram_req_i = bus.mbox_sram_req;
+ // Proxy handle to UVM driver
+ mbox_sram_pkg::mbox_sram_driver proxy;
+ // pragma tbx oneway proxy.my_function_name_in_uvm_driver
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // Macros that define structs located in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // Struct for passing configuration data from mbox_sram_driver to this BFM
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // Structs for INITIATOR and RESPONDER data flow
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // Initiator macro used by mbox_sram_driver and mbox_sram_driver_bfm
+ // to communicate initiator driven data to mbox_sram_driver_bfm.
+ mbox_sram_initiator_s initiator_struct;
+ // Responder macro used by mbox_sram_driver and mbox_sram_driver_bfm
+ // to communicate Responder driven data to mbox_sram_driver_bfm.
+ mbox_sram_responder_s responder_struct;
+ // ****************************************************************************
+// pragma uvmf custom reset_condition_and_response begin
+ // Always block used to return signals to reset value upon assertion of reset
+ always @( negedge dummy_i )
+ begin
+ // RESPONDER mode output signals
+ mbox_sram_resp_o <= 'bz;
+ // INITIATOR mode output signals
+ mbox_sram_req_o <= 'bz;
+ // Bi-directional signals
+ end
+// pragma uvmf custom reset_condition_and_response end
+ // pragma uvmf custom interface_item_additional begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom interface_item_additional end
+ //******************************************************************
+ // The configure() function is used to pass agent configuration
+ // variables to the driver BFM. It is called by the driver within
+ // the agent at the beginning of the simulation. It may be called
+ // during the simulation if agent configuration variables are updated
+ // and the driver BFM needs to be aware of the new configuration
+ // variables.
+ //
+ function void configure(mbox_sram_configuration_s mbox_sram_configuration_arg); // pragma tbx xtf
+ initiator_responder = mbox_sram_configuration_arg.initiator_responder;
+ inject_ecc_error = mbox_sram_configuration_arg.inject_ecc_error;
+ auto_clear_ecc_error_injection = mbox_sram_configuration_arg.auto_clear_ecc_error_injection;
+ // pragma uvmf custom configure begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom configure end
+ endfunction
+// pragma uvmf custom initiate_and_get_response begin
+// ****************************************************************************
+// This task is used by an initator. The task first initiates a transfer then
+// waits for the responder to complete the transfer.
+ task initiate_and_get_response(
+ // This argument passes transaction variables used by an initiator
+ // to perform the initial part of a protocol transfer. The values
+ // come from a sequence item created in a sequence.
+ input mbox_sram_initiator_s mbox_sram_initiator_struct,
+ // This argument is used to send data received from the responder
+ // back to the sequence item. The sequence item is returned to the sequence.
+ output mbox_sram_responder_s mbox_sram_responder_struct
+ );// pragma tbx xtf
+ //
+ // Members within the mbox_sram_initiator_struct:
+ // bit is_read ;
+ // bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0] address ;
+ // bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0] data ;
+ // bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0] data_ecc ;
+ // bit ecc_single_bit_error ;
+ // bit ecc_double_bit_error ;
+ // Members within the mbox_sram_responder_struct:
+ // bit is_read ;
+ // bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0] address ;
+ // bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0] data ;
+ // bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0] data_ecc ;
+ // bit ecc_single_bit_error ;
+ // bit ecc_double_bit_error ;
+ initiator_struct = mbox_sram_initiator_struct;
+ //
+ // Reference code;
+ // How to wait for signal value
+ // while (control_signal == 1'b1) @(posedge clk_i);
+ //
+ // How to assign a responder struct member, named xyz, from a signal.
+ // All available initiator input and inout signals listed.
+ // Initiator input signals
+ // mbox_sram_responder_struct.xyz = mbox_sram_resp_i; // [$bits(mbox_sram_resp_t)-1:0]
+ // Initiator inout signals
+ // How to assign a signal from an initiator struct member named xyz.
+ // All available initiator output and inout signals listed.
+ // Notice the _o. Those are storage variables that allow for procedural assignment.
+ // Initiator output signals
+ // mbox_sram_req_o <= mbox_sram_initiator_struct.xyz; // [$bits(mbox_sram_req_t)-1:0]
+ // Initiator inout signals
+ // Initiate a transfer using the data received.
+ @(posedge clk_i);
+ @(posedge clk_i);
+ // Wait for the responder to complete the transfer then place the responder data into
+ // mbox_sram_responder_struct.
+ @(posedge clk_i);
+ @(posedge clk_i);
+ `uvm_fatal("MBOX_SRAM_DRIVER_BFM", "Unimplemented initiate_and_get_response")
+ responder_struct = mbox_sram_responder_struct;
+ endtask
+// pragma uvmf custom initiate_and_get_response end
+// pragma uvmf custom respond_and_wait_for_next_transfer begin
+// ****************************************************************************
+// The first_transfer variable is used to prevent completing a transfer in the
+// first call to this task. For the first call to this task, there is not
+// current transfer to complete.
+bit first_transfer=1;
+// This task is used by a responder. The task first completes the current
+// transfer in progress then waits for the initiator to start the next transfer.
+ task respond_and_wait_for_next_transfer(
+ // This argument is used to send data received from the initiator
+ // back to the sequence item. The sequence determines how to respond.
+ output mbox_sram_initiator_s mbox_sram_initiator_struct,
+ // This argument passes transaction variables used by a responder
+ // to complete a protocol transfer. The values come from a sequence item.
+ input mbox_sram_responder_s mbox_sram_responder_struct
+ );// pragma tbx xtf
+ // Variables within the mbox_sram_initiator_struct:
+ // bit is_read ;
+ // bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0] address ;
+ // bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0] data ;
+ // bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0] data_ecc ;
+ // bit ecc_single_bit_error ;
+ // bit ecc_double_bit_error ;
+ // Variables within the mbox_sram_responder_struct:
+ // bit is_read ;
+ // bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0] address ;
+ // bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0] data ;
+ // bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0] data_ecc ;
+ // bit ecc_single_bit_error ;
+ // bit ecc_double_bit_error ;
+ // Reference code;
+ // How to wait for signal value
+ // while (control_signal == 1'b1) @(posedge clk_i);
+ //
+ // How to assign a responder struct member, named xyz, from a signal.
+ // All available responder input and inout signals listed.
+ // Responder input signals
+ // mbox_sram_responder_struct.xyz = mbox_sram_req_i; // [$bits(mbox_sram_req_t)-1:0]
+ // Responder inout signals
+ // How to assign a signal, named xyz, from an initiator struct member.
+ // All available responder output and inout signals listed.
+ // Notice the _o. Those are storage variables that allow for procedural assignment.
+ // Responder output signals
+ // mbox_sram_resp_o <= mbox_sram_initiator_struct.xyz; // [$bits(mbox_sram_resp_t)-1:0]
+ // Responder inout signals
+ responder_struct <= mbox_sram_responder_struct;
+ if (!first_transfer) begin
+ // Perform transfer response here.
+ // Reply using data recieved in the mbox_sram_responder_struct.
+ if (mbox_sram_responder_struct.is_read) begin
+ mbox_sram_resp_o.rdata.data <= mbox_sram_responder_struct.data;
+ mbox_sram_resp_o.rdata.ecc <= mbox_sram_responder_struct.data_ecc;
+ end
+ @(posedge clk_i);
+ end
+ while (mbox_sram_req_i.cs !== 1'b1) @(posedge clk_i);
+ // Wait for next transfer then gather info from intiator about the transfer.
+ // Place the data into the mbox_sram_initiator_struct.
+ mbox_sram_initiator_struct.is_read = ~mbox_sram_req_i.we;
+ mbox_sram_initiator_struct.address = mbox_sram_req_i.addr;
+ mbox_sram_initiator_struct.data = mbox_sram_req_i.wdata.data;
+ mbox_sram_initiator_struct.data_ecc = mbox_sram_req_i.wdata.ecc;
+ mbox_sram_initiator_struct.ecc_single_bit_error = mbox_sram_req_i.we && proxy.configuration.inject_ecc_error[0];
+ mbox_sram_initiator_struct.ecc_double_bit_error = mbox_sram_req_i.we && proxy.configuration.inject_ecc_error[1];
+ if (mbox_sram_initiator_struct.ecc_single_bit_error || mbox_sram_initiator_struct.ecc_double_bit_error) `uvm_info("MBOX_SRAM_DRIVER_BFM", "Injecting ECC bit flip", UVM_DEBUG)
+ else if (mbox_sram_req_i.we) `uvm_info("MBOX_SRAM_DRIVER_BFM", "Receiving SRAM write without ECC bit flip", UVM_DEBUG)
+ if (proxy.configuration.auto_clear_ecc_error_injection && |proxy.configuration.inject_ecc_error) begin
+ proxy.configuration.inject_ecc_error = 2'b00;
+ `uvm_info("MBOX_SRAM_DRIVER_BFM", "Resetting inject_ecc_error value to 0", UVM_DEBUG)
+ end
+ first_transfer = 0;
+ initiator_struct = mbox_sram_initiator_struct;
+ endtask
+// pragma uvmf custom respond_and_wait_for_next_transfer end
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_if.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_if.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d84655f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_if.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This interface contains the mbox_sram interface signals.
+// It is instantiated once per mbox_sram bus. Bus Functional Models,
+// BFM's named mbox_sram_driver_bfm, are used to drive signals on the bus.
+// BFM's named mbox_sram_monitor_bfm are used to monitor signals on the
+// bus. This interface signal bundle is passed in the port list of
+// the BFM in order to give the BFM access to the signals in this
+// interface.
+// This template can be used to connect a DUT to these signals
+// .dut_signal_port(mbox_sram_bus.mbox_sram_req), // Agent output
+// .dut_signal_port(mbox_sram_bus.mbox_sram_resp), // Agent input
+import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
+import mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
+interface mbox_sram_if
+ (
+ input tri clk,
+ input tri dummy,
+ inout tri [$bits(mbox_sram_req_t)-1:0] mbox_sram_req,
+ inout tri [$bits(mbox_sram_resp_t)-1:0] mbox_sram_resp
+ );
+modport monitor_port
+ (
+ input clk,
+ input dummy,
+ input mbox_sram_req,
+ input mbox_sram_resp
+ );
+modport initiator_port
+ (
+ input clk,
+ input dummy,
+ output mbox_sram_req,
+ input mbox_sram_resp
+ );
+modport responder_port
+ (
+ input clk,
+ input dummy,
+ input mbox_sram_req,
+ output mbox_sram_resp
+ );
+// pragma uvmf custom interface_item_additional begin
+// pragma uvmf custom interface_item_additional end
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_infact_coverage_strategy.csv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_infact_coverage_strategy.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c218e146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_infact_coverage_strategy.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+auto_bin_max, 64
+rand_fields,coverpoint,=rand *.**
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_macros.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_macros.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19d629026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_macros.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This file contains macros used with the mbox_sram package.
+// These macros include packed struct definitions. These structs are
+// used to pass data between classes, hvl, and BFM's, hdl. Use of
+// structs are more efficient and simpler to modify.
+// ****************************************************************************
+// When changing the contents of this struct, be sure to update the to_struct
+// and from_struct methods defined in the macros below that are used in
+// the mbox_sram_configuration class.
+ `define mbox_sram_CONFIGURATION_STRUCT \
+typedef struct packed { \
+ bit [1:0] inject_ecc_error;\
+ bit auto_clear_ecc_error_injection;\
+ uvmf_active_passive_t active_passive; \
+ uvmf_initiator_responder_t initiator_responder; \
+ } mbox_sram_configuration_s;
+ virtual function mbox_sram_configuration_s to_struct();\
+ mbox_sram_configuration_struct = \
+ {\
+ this.inject_ecc_error,\
+ this.auto_clear_ecc_error_injection,\
+ this.active_passive,\
+ this.initiator_responder\
+ };\
+ return ( mbox_sram_configuration_struct );\
+ endfunction
+ virtual function void from_struct(mbox_sram_configuration_s mbox_sram_configuration_struct);\
+ {\
+ this.inject_ecc_error,\
+ this.auto_clear_ecc_error_injection,\
+ this.active_passive,\
+ this.initiator_responder \
+ } = mbox_sram_configuration_struct;\
+ endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+// When changing the contents of this struct, be sure to update the to_monitor_struct
+// and from_monitor_struct methods of the mbox_sram_transaction class.
+ `define mbox_sram_MONITOR_STRUCT typedef struct packed { \
+ bit is_read ; \
+ bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0] address ; \
+ bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0] data ; \
+ bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0] data_ecc ; \
+ bit ecc_single_bit_error ; \
+ bit ecc_double_bit_error ; \
+ } mbox_sram_monitor_s;
+ `define mbox_sram_TO_MONITOR_STRUCT_FUNCTION \
+ virtual function mbox_sram_monitor_s to_monitor_struct();\
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct = \
+ { \
+ this.is_read , \
+ this.address , \
+ this.data , \
+ this.data_ecc , \
+ this.ecc_single_bit_error , \
+ this.ecc_double_bit_error \
+ };\
+ return ( mbox_sram_monitor_struct);\
+ endfunction\
+ `define mbox_sram_FROM_MONITOR_STRUCT_FUNCTION \
+ virtual function void from_monitor_struct(mbox_sram_monitor_s mbox_sram_monitor_struct);\
+ {\
+ this.is_read , \
+ this.address , \
+ this.data , \
+ this.data_ecc , \
+ this.ecc_single_bit_error , \
+ this.ecc_double_bit_error \
+ } = mbox_sram_monitor_struct;\
+ endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+// When changing the contents of this struct, be sure to update the to_initiator_struct
+// and from_initiator_struct methods of the mbox_sram_transaction class.
+// Also update the comments in the driver BFM.
+ `define mbox_sram_INITIATOR_STRUCT typedef struct packed { \
+ bit is_read ; \
+ bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0] address ; \
+ bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0] data ; \
+ bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0] data_ecc ; \
+ bit ecc_single_bit_error ; \
+ bit ecc_double_bit_error ; \
+ } mbox_sram_initiator_s;
+ `define mbox_sram_TO_INITIATOR_STRUCT_FUNCTION \
+ virtual function mbox_sram_initiator_s to_initiator_struct();\
+ mbox_sram_initiator_struct = \
+ {\
+ this.is_read , \
+ this.address , \
+ this.data , \
+ this.data_ecc , \
+ this.ecc_single_bit_error , \
+ this.ecc_double_bit_error \
+ };\
+ return ( mbox_sram_initiator_struct);\
+ endfunction
+ virtual function void from_initiator_struct(mbox_sram_initiator_s mbox_sram_initiator_struct);\
+ {\
+ this.is_read , \
+ this.address , \
+ this.data , \
+ this.data_ecc , \
+ this.ecc_single_bit_error , \
+ this.ecc_double_bit_error \
+ } = mbox_sram_initiator_struct;\
+ endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+// When changing the contents of this struct, be sure to update the to_responder_struct
+// and from_responder_struct methods of the mbox_sram_transaction class.
+// Also update the comments in the driver BFM.
+ `define mbox_sram_RESPONDER_STRUCT typedef struct packed { \
+ bit is_read ; \
+ bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0] address ; \
+ bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0] data ; \
+ bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0] data_ecc ; \
+ bit ecc_single_bit_error ; \
+ bit ecc_double_bit_error ; \
+ } mbox_sram_responder_s;
+ `define mbox_sram_TO_RESPONDER_STRUCT_FUNCTION \
+ virtual function mbox_sram_responder_s to_responder_struct();\
+ mbox_sram_responder_struct = \
+ {\
+ this.is_read , \
+ this.address , \
+ this.data , \
+ this.data_ecc , \
+ this.ecc_single_bit_error , \
+ this.ecc_double_bit_error \
+ };\
+ return ( mbox_sram_responder_struct);\
+ endfunction
+ virtual function void from_responder_struct(mbox_sram_responder_s mbox_sram_responder_struct);\
+ {\
+ this.is_read , \
+ this.address , \
+ this.data , \
+ this.data_ecc , \
+ this.ecc_single_bit_error , \
+ this.ecc_double_bit_error \
+ } = mbox_sram_responder_struct;\
+ endfunction
+// pragma uvmf custom additional begin
+// pragma uvmf custom additional end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_monitor.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_monitor.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..701ca2ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_monitor.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This class receives mbox_sram transactions observed by the
+// mbox_sram monitor BFM and broadcasts them through the analysis port
+// on the agent. It accesses the monitor BFM through the monitor
+// task. This UVM component captures transactions
+// for viewing in the waveform viewer if the
+// enable_transaction_viewing flag is set in the configuration.
+class mbox_sram_monitor extends uvmf_monitor_base #(
+ .CONFIG_T(mbox_sram_configuration ),
+ .BFM_BIND_T(virtual mbox_sram_monitor_bfm ),
+ .TRANS_T(mbox_sram_transaction ));
+ `uvm_component_utils( mbox_sram_monitor )
+// Structure used to pass data from monitor BFM to monitor class in agent.
+// Use to_monitor_struct function to pack transaction variables into structure.
+// Use from_monitor_struct function to unpack transaction variables from structure.
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+// ****************************************************************************
+// This function is the standard SystemVerilog constructor.
+ function new( string name = "", uvm_component parent = null );
+ super.new( name, parent );
+ endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+// This function sends configuration object variables to the monitor BFM
+// using the configuration struct.
+ virtual function void configure(input CONFIG_T cfg);
+ bfm.configure( cfg.to_struct() );
+ endfunction
+// ****************************************************************************
+// This function places a handle to this class in the proxy variable in the
+// monitor BFM. This allows the monitor BFM to call the notify_transaction
+// function within this class.
+ virtual function void set_bfm_proxy_handle();
+ bfm.proxy = this; endfunction
+// ***************************************************************************
+ virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+ // Start monitor BFM thread and don't call super.run() in order to
+ // override the default monitor proxy 'pull' behavior with the more
+ // emulation-friendly BFM 'push' approach using the notify_transaction
+ // function below
+ bfm.start_monitoring();
+ endtask
+// **************************************************************************
+// This function is called by the monitor BFM. It receives data observed by the
+// monitor BFM. Data is passed using the mbox_sram_monitor_struct.
+ virtual function void notify_transaction(input mbox_sram_monitor_s mbox_sram_monitor_struct);
+ trans = new("trans");
+ trans.from_monitor_struct(mbox_sram_monitor_struct);
+ trans.start_time = time_stamp;
+ trans.end_time = $time;
+ time_stamp = trans.end_time;
+ analyze(trans);
+ endfunction
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_monitor_bfm.sv b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_monitor_bfm.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3071c999d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_monitor_bfm.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+import soc_ifc_pkg::*;
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This interface performs the mbox_sram signal monitoring.
+// It is accessed by the uvm mbox_sram monitor through a virtual
+// interface handle in the mbox_sram configuration. It monitors the
+// signals passed in through the port connection named bus of
+// type mbox_sram_if.
+// Input signals from the mbox_sram_if are assigned to an internal input
+// signal with a _i suffix. The _i signal should be used for sampling.
+// The input signal connections are as follows:
+// bus.signal -> signal_i
+// Interface functions and tasks used by UVM components:
+// monitor(inout TRANS_T txn);
+// This task receives the transaction, txn, from the
+// UVM monitor and then populates variables in txn
+// from values observed on bus activity. This task
+// blocks until an operation on the mbox_sram bus is complete.
+import uvmf_base_pkg_hdl::*;
+import mbox_sram_pkg_hdl::*;
+`include "src/mbox_sram_macros.svh"
+interface mbox_sram_monitor_bfm
+ ( mbox_sram_if bus );
+ // The pragma below and additional ones in-lined further down are for running this BFM on Veloce
+ // pragma attribute mbox_sram_monitor_bfm partition_interface_xif
+`ifndef XRTL
+// This code is to aid in debugging parameter mismatches between the BFM and its corresponding agent.
+// Enable this debug by setting UVM_VERBOSITY to UVM_DEBUG
+// Setting UVM_VERBOSITY to UVM_DEBUG causes all BFM's and all agents to display their parameter settings.
+// All of the messages from this feature have a UVM messaging id value of "CFG"
+// The transcript or run.log can be parsed to ensure BFM parameter settings match its corresponding agents parameter settings.
+import uvm_pkg::*;
+`include "uvm_macros.svh"
+initial begin : bfm_vs_agent_parameter_debug
+ `uvm_info("CFG",
+ $psprintf("The BFM at '%m' has the following parameters: ", ),
+ // Structure used to pass transaction data from monitor BFM to monitor class in agent.
+ mbox_sram_monitor_s mbox_sram_monitor_struct;
+ // Structure used to pass configuration data from monitor class to monitor BFM.
+ // Config value to determine if this is an initiator or a responder
+ uvmf_initiator_responder_t initiator_responder;
+ // Custom configuration variables.
+ // These are set using the configure function which is called during the UVM connect_phase
+ bit [1:0] inject_ecc_error ;
+ bit auto_clear_ecc_error_injection ;
+ tri clk_i;
+ tri dummy_i;
+ tri mbox_sram_req_t mbox_sram_req_i;
+ tri mbox_sram_resp_t mbox_sram_resp_i;
+ assign clk_i = bus.clk;
+ assign dummy_i = bus.dummy;
+ assign mbox_sram_req_i = bus.mbox_sram_req;
+ assign mbox_sram_resp_i = bus.mbox_sram_resp;
+ // Proxy handle to UVM monitor
+ mbox_sram_pkg::mbox_sram_monitor proxy;
+ // pragma tbx oneway proxy.notify_transaction
+ // pragma uvmf custom interface_item_additional begin
+ function bit [1:0] rvecc_decode ( input [31:0] din, input [6:0] ecc_in);
+ bit [6:0] ecc_check;
+ // Generate the ecc bits
+ ecc_check[0] = ecc_in[0]^din[0]^din[1]^din[3]^din[4]^din[6]^din[8]^din[10]^din[11]^din[13]^din[15]^din[17]^din[19]^din[21]^din[23]^din[25]^din[26]^din[28]^din[30];
+ ecc_check[1] = ecc_in[1]^din[0]^din[2]^din[3]^din[5]^din[6]^din[9]^din[10]^din[12]^din[13]^din[16]^din[17]^din[20]^din[21]^din[24]^din[25]^din[27]^din[28]^din[31];
+ ecc_check[2] = ecc_in[2]^din[1]^din[2]^din[3]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31];
+ ecc_check[3] = ecc_in[3]^din[4]^din[5]^din[6]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25];
+ ecc_check[4] = ecc_in[4]^din[11]^din[12]^din[13]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25];
+ ecc_check[5] = ecc_in[5]^din[26]^din[27]^din[28]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31];
+ // This is the parity bit
+ ecc_check[6] = ((^din[31:0])^(^ecc_in[6:0]));
+ rvecc_decode[0] = (ecc_check[6:0] != 0) & ecc_check[6]; // Single-bit error
+ rvecc_decode[1] = (ecc_check[6:0] != 0) & ~ecc_check[6]; // Double-bit error
+ endfunction: rvecc_decode
+ // pragma uvmf custom interface_item_additional end
+ //******************************************************************
+ task wait_for_reset();// pragma tbx xtf
+// @(posedge clk_i) ;
+// do_wait_for_reset();
+ endtask
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ task do_wait_for_reset();
+ // pragma uvmf custom reset_condition begin
+ wait ( dummy_i === 1 ) ;
+ @(posedge clk_i) ;
+ // pragma uvmf custom reset_condition end
+ endtask
+ // pragma uvmf custom wait_for_num_clocks begin
+ //****************************************************************************
+ // Inject pragmas's here to throw a warning on regeneration.
+ // Task must have automatic lifetime so that it can be concurrently invoked
+ // by multiple entities with a different wait value.
+ task automatic wait_for_num_clocks(input int unsigned count); // pragma tbx xtf
+ if (count == 0) `uvm_fatal("CFG", "wait_for_num_clocks called with count of 0 - this will lead to a hang");
+ @(posedge clk_i);
+ repeat (count-1) @(posedge clk_i);
+ endtask
+ // pragma uvmf custom wait_for_num_clocks end
+ //******************************************************************
+ event go;
+ function void start_monitoring();// pragma tbx xtf
+ -> go;
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ initial begin
+ @go;
+ forever begin
+ @(posedge clk_i);
+ do_monitor( mbox_sram_monitor_struct );
+ proxy.notify_transaction( mbox_sram_monitor_struct );
+ end
+ end
+ //******************************************************************
+ // The configure() function is used to pass agent configuration
+ // variables to the monitor BFM. It is called by the monitor within
+ // the agent at the beginning of the simulation. It may be called
+ // during the simulation if agent configuration variables are updated
+ // and the monitor BFM needs to be aware of the new configuration
+ // variables.
+ //
+ function void configure(mbox_sram_configuration_s mbox_sram_configuration_arg); // pragma tbx xtf
+ initiator_responder = mbox_sram_configuration_arg.initiator_responder;
+ inject_ecc_error = mbox_sram_configuration_arg.inject_ecc_error;
+ auto_clear_ecc_error_injection = mbox_sram_configuration_arg.auto_clear_ecc_error_injection;
+ // pragma uvmf custom configure begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom configure end
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ task do_monitor(output mbox_sram_monitor_s mbox_sram_monitor_struct);
+ //
+ // Available struct members:
+ // // mbox_sram_monitor_struct.is_read
+ // // mbox_sram_monitor_struct.address
+ // // mbox_sram_monitor_struct.data
+ // // mbox_sram_monitor_struct.data_ecc
+ // // mbox_sram_monitor_struct.ecc_single_bit_error
+ // // mbox_sram_monitor_struct.ecc_double_bit_error
+ // //
+ // Reference code;
+ // How to wait for signal value
+ // while (control_signal === 1'b1) @(posedge clk_i);
+ //
+ // How to assign a struct member, named xyz, from a signal.
+ // All available input signals listed.
+ // mbox_sram_monitor_struct.xyz = mbox_sram_req_i; // [$bits(mbox_sram_req_t)-1:0]
+ // mbox_sram_monitor_struct.xyz = mbox_sram_resp_i; // [$bits(mbox_sram_resp_t)-1:0]
+ // pragma uvmf custom do_monitor begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Implement protocol monitoring. The commented reference code
+ // below are examples of how to capture signal values and assign them to
+ // structure members. All available input signals are listed. The 'while'
+ // code example shows how to wait for a synchronous flow control signal. This
+ // task should return when a complete transfer has been observed. Once this task is
+ // exited with captured values, it is then called again to wait for and observe
+ // the next transfer. One clock cycle is consumed between calls to do_monitor.
+ while (mbox_sram_req_i.cs !== 1'b1) @(posedge clk_i);
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.is_read = ~mbox_sram_req_i.we;
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.address = mbox_sram_req_i.addr;
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.data = mbox_sram_req_i.wdata.data;
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.data_ecc = mbox_sram_req_i.wdata.ecc;
+ // For writes, the monitored transaction signals the _intent_ to inject an ECC error
+ // at the responder sequence
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.ecc_single_bit_error = proxy.configuration.inject_ecc_error[0];
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.ecc_double_bit_error = proxy.configuration.inject_ecc_error[1];
+ // If a write is detected, return immediately (that's the whole transaction)
+ if (mbox_sram_req_i.we) return;
+ // If a read, continue another clock cycle to capture return data
+ @(posedge clk_i);
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.data = mbox_sram_resp_i.rdata.data;
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.data_ecc = mbox_sram_resp_i.rdata.ecc;
+ // For reads, the monitored transaction signals the calculation of actual ECC errors
+ // observed on the data returned from the responder sequence
+ {mbox_sram_monitor_struct.ecc_double_bit_error,
+ mbox_sram_monitor_struct.ecc_single_bit_error} = rvecc_decode(mbox_sram_monitor_struct.data, mbox_sram_monitor_struct.data_ecc);
+ // pragma uvmf custom do_monitor end
+ endtask
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_random_sequence.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_random_sequence.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90ce2cdb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_random_sequence.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// This sequences randomizes the mbox_sram transaction and sends it
+// to the UVM driver.
+// This sequence constructs and randomizes a mbox_sram_transaction.
+class mbox_sram_random_sequence
+ extends mbox_sram_sequence_base ;
+ `uvm_object_utils( mbox_sram_random_sequence )
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+ //*****************************************************************
+ function new(string name = "");
+ super.new(name);
+ endfunction: new
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // TASK : body()
+ // This task is automatically executed when this sequence is started using the
+ // start(sequencerHandle) task.
+ //
+ task body();
+ // Construct the transaction
+ req=mbox_sram_transaction::type_id::create("req");
+ start_item(req);
+ // Randomize the transaction
+ if(!req.randomize()) `uvm_fatal("SEQ", "mbox_sram_random_sequence::body()-mbox_sram_transaction randomization failed")
+ // Send the transaction to the mbox_sram_driver_bfm via the sequencer and mbox_sram_driver.
+ finish_item(req);
+ `uvm_info("SEQ", {"Response:",req.convert2string()},UVM_MEDIUM)
+ endtask
+endclass: mbox_sram_random_sequence
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_responder_sequence.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_responder_sequence.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97e8efc3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_responder_sequence.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This class can be used to provide stimulus when an interface
+// has been configured to run in a responder mode. It
+// will never finish by default, always going back to the driver
+// and driver BFM for the next transaction with which to respond.
+class mbox_sram_responder_sequence
+ extends mbox_sram_sequence_base ;
+ `uvm_object_utils( mbox_sram_responder_sequence )
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+ // Implement a model of the Mailbox SRAM
+ localparam NUM_BYTES = MBOX_DATA_AND_ECC_W/8 + ((MBOX_DATA_AND_ECC_W % 8) ? 1 : 0);
+ // TODO support initialization from mailbox.hex
+ logic [7:0] ram [MBOX_DEPTH][NUM_BYTES-1:0] = '{default: 8'h00};
+ function bit [1:0] rvecc_decode ( input [31:0] din, input [6:0] ecc_in);
+ bit [6:0] ecc_check;
+ // Generate the ecc bits
+ ecc_check[0] = ecc_in[0]^din[0]^din[1]^din[3]^din[4]^din[6]^din[8]^din[10]^din[11]^din[13]^din[15]^din[17]^din[19]^din[21]^din[23]^din[25]^din[26]^din[28]^din[30];
+ ecc_check[1] = ecc_in[1]^din[0]^din[2]^din[3]^din[5]^din[6]^din[9]^din[10]^din[12]^din[13]^din[16]^din[17]^din[20]^din[21]^din[24]^din[25]^din[27]^din[28]^din[31];
+ ecc_check[2] = ecc_in[2]^din[1]^din[2]^din[3]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31];
+ ecc_check[3] = ecc_in[3]^din[4]^din[5]^din[6]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25];
+ ecc_check[4] = ecc_in[4]^din[11]^din[12]^din[13]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25];
+ ecc_check[5] = ecc_in[5]^din[26]^din[27]^din[28]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31];
+ // This is the parity bit
+ ecc_check[6] = ((^din[31:0])^(^ecc_in[6:0]));
+ rvecc_decode[0] = (ecc_check[6:0] != 0) & ecc_check[6]; // Single-bit error
+ rvecc_decode[1] = (ecc_check[6:0] != 0) & ~ecc_check[6]; // Double-bit error
+ endfunction: rvecc_decode
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+ function new(string name = "mbox_sram_responder_sequence");
+ super.new(name);
+ endfunction
+ task body();
+ req=mbox_sram_transaction::type_id::create("req");
+ forever begin
+ start_item(req);
+ finish_item(req);
+ // pragma uvmf custom body begin
+ // Do something here with the resulting req item. The
+ // finish_item() call above will block until the req transaction is ready
+ // to be handled by the responder sequence.
+ // If this was an item that required a response, the expectation is
+ // that the response should be populated within this transaction now.
+ wait(new_rsp.triggered);
+ if (req.compare(rsp)) `uvm_info("MBOX_SRAM_SEQ", "req and rsp are the same after finish_item", UVM_DEBUG)
+ else `uvm_error("MBOX_SRAM_SEQ", $sformatf("NOTE: req and rsp are different after finish_item.\nreq: %s\nrsp: %s", req.convert2string(), rsp.convert2string()))
+ // The 'rsp' is actually a request from the DUT, we need to create a response
+ if (rsp.is_read) begin
+ byte unsigned ii;
+ for (ii=0;iinew_rsp;
+ // Display the received response transaction
+ `uvm_info("SEQ", {"New response transaction:",rsp.convert2string()}, UVM_MEDIUM)
+ end
+ join_none
+ endtask
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // TASK : pre_body()
+ // This task is called automatically when start is called with call_pre_post set to 1 (default).
+ // By calling get_responses() within pre_body() any derived sequences are automatically
+ // processing response transactions. Only un-comment this call to get_responses() if you
+ // have configured the interface driver to utilize the response transaction path by setting
+ // the configuration variable "return_transaction_response" to 1. Otherwise it is possible
+ // to impact runtime performance and memory utilization.
+ //
+ virtual task pre_body();
+ // pragma uvmf custom pre_body begin
+ get_responses();
+ // pragma uvmf custom pre_body end
+ endtask
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // TASK : body()
+ // This task is called automatically when start is called. This sequence sends
+ // a req sequence item to the sequencer identified as an argument in the call
+ // to start.
+ //
+ virtual task body();
+ // pragma uvmf custom body begin
+ start_item(req);
+ finish_item(req);
+ // pragma uvmf custom body end
+ endtask
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION : new()
+ // This function is the standard SystemVerilog constructor.
+ //
+ function new( string name ="");
+ super.new( name );
+ // pragma uvmf custom new begin
+ req = mbox_sram_transaction_req_t::type_id::create("req");
+ rsp = mbox_sram_transaction_rsp_t::type_id::create("rsp");
+ // pragma uvmf custom new end
+ endfunction
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_transaction.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_transaction.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd3049af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_transaction.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This class defines the variables required for an mbox_sram
+// transaction. Class variables to be displayed in waveform transaction
+// viewing are added to the transaction viewing stream in the add_to_wave
+// function.
+class mbox_sram_transaction extends uvmf_transaction_base;
+ `uvm_object_utils( mbox_sram_transaction )
+ rand bit is_read ;
+ rand bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0] address ;
+ rand bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0] data ;
+ bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0] data_ecc ;
+ rand bit ecc_single_bit_error ;
+ rand bit ecc_double_bit_error ;
+ //Constraints for the transaction variables:
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+ //*******************************************************************
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // Macros that define structs and associated functions are
+ // located in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // Monitor macro used by mbox_sram_monitor and mbox_sram_monitor_bfm
+ // This struct is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ `mbox_sram_MONITOR_STRUCT
+ mbox_sram_monitor_s mbox_sram_monitor_struct;
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: to_monitor_struct()
+ // This function packs transaction variables into a mbox_sram_monitor_s
+ // structure. The function returns the handle to the mbox_sram_monitor_struct.
+ // This function is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: from_monitor_struct()
+ // This function unpacks the struct provided as an argument into transaction
+ // variables of this class.
+ // This function is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // Initiator macro used by mbox_sram_driver and mbox_sram_driver_bfm
+ // to communicate initiator driven data to mbox_sram_driver_bfm.
+ // This struct is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ mbox_sram_initiator_s mbox_sram_initiator_struct;
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: to_initiator_struct()
+ // This function packs transaction variables into a mbox_sram_initiator_s
+ // structure. The function returns the handle to the mbox_sram_initiator_struct.
+ // This function is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: from_initiator_struct()
+ // This function unpacks the struct provided as an argument into transaction
+ // variables of this class.
+ // This function is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // Responder macro used by mbox_sram_driver and mbox_sram_driver_bfm
+ // to communicate Responder driven data to mbox_sram_driver_bfm.
+ // This struct is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ mbox_sram_responder_s mbox_sram_responder_struct;
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: to_responder_struct()
+ // This function packs transaction variables into a mbox_sram_responder_s
+ // structure. The function returns the handle to the mbox_sram_responder_struct.
+ // This function is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: from_responder_struct()
+ // This function unpacks the struct provided as an argument into transaction
+ // variables of this class.
+ // This function is defined in mbox_sram_macros.svh
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION : new()
+ // This function is the standard SystemVerilog constructor.
+ //
+ function new( string name = "" );
+ super.new( name );
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: convert2string()
+ // This function converts all variables in this class to a single string for
+ // logfile reporting.
+ //
+ virtual function string convert2string();
+ // pragma uvmf custom convert2string begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Customize format if desired.
+ return $sformatf("is_read:0x%x address:0x%x data:0x%x data_ecc:0x%x ecc_single_bit_error:0x%x ecc_double_bit_error:0x%x ",is_read,address,data,data_ecc,ecc_single_bit_error,ecc_double_bit_error);
+ // pragma uvmf custom convert2string end
+ endfunction
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: do_print()
+ // This function is automatically called when the .print() function
+ // is called on this class.
+ //
+ virtual function void do_print(uvm_printer printer);
+ // pragma uvmf custom do_print begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Current contents of do_print allows for the use of UVM 1.1d, 1.2 or P1800.2.
+ // Update based on your own printing preference according to your preferred UVM version
+ $display(convert2string());
+ // pragma uvmf custom do_print end
+ endfunction
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: do_compare()
+ // This function is automatically called when the .compare() function
+ // is called on this class.
+ //
+ virtual function bit do_compare (uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
+ mbox_sram_transaction RHS;
+ if (!$cast(RHS,rhs)) return 0;
+ // pragma uvmf custom do_compare begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Eliminate comparison of variables not to be used for compare
+ return (super.do_compare(rhs,comparer)
+ &&(this.is_read == RHS.is_read)
+ &&(this.address == RHS.address)
+ &&(this.data == RHS.data)
+ &&(this.data_ecc == RHS.data_ecc)
+ &&(this.ecc_single_bit_error == RHS.ecc_single_bit_error)
+ &&(this.ecc_double_bit_error == RHS.ecc_double_bit_error)
+ );
+ // pragma uvmf custom do_compare end
+ endfunction
+ //*******************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: do_copy()
+ // This function is automatically called when the .copy() function
+ // is called on this class.
+ //
+ virtual function void do_copy (uvm_object rhs);
+ mbox_sram_transaction RHS;
+ assert($cast(RHS,rhs));
+ // pragma uvmf custom do_copy begin
+ super.do_copy(rhs);
+ this.is_read = RHS.is_read;
+ this.address = RHS.address;
+ this.data = RHS.data;
+ this.data_ecc = RHS.data_ecc;
+ this.ecc_single_bit_error = RHS.ecc_single_bit_error;
+ this.ecc_double_bit_error = RHS.ecc_double_bit_error;
+ // pragma uvmf custom do_copy end
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: add_to_wave()
+ // This function is used to display variables in this class in the waveform
+ // viewer. The start_time and end_time variables must be set before this
+ // function is called. If the start_time and end_time variables are not set
+ // the transaction will be hidden at 0ns on the waveform display.
+ //
+ virtual function void add_to_wave(int transaction_viewing_stream_h);
+ `ifdef QUESTA
+ if (transaction_view_h == 0) begin
+ transaction_view_h = $begin_transaction(transaction_viewing_stream_h,"mbox_sram_transaction",start_time);
+ end
+ super.add_to_wave(transaction_view_h);
+ // pragma uvmf custom add_to_wave begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Color can be applied to transaction entries based on content, example below
+ // case()
+ // 1 : $add_color(transaction_view_h,"red");
+ // default : $add_color(transaction_view_h,"grey");
+ // endcase
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Eliminate transaction variables not wanted in transaction viewing in the waveform viewer
+ $add_attribute(transaction_view_h,is_read,"is_read");
+ $add_attribute(transaction_view_h,address,"address");
+ $add_attribute(transaction_view_h,data,"data");
+ $add_attribute(transaction_view_h,data_ecc,"data_ecc");
+ $add_attribute(transaction_view_h,ecc_single_bit_error,"ecc_single_bit_error");
+ $add_attribute(transaction_view_h,ecc_double_bit_error,"ecc_double_bit_error");
+ // pragma uvmf custom add_to_wave end
+ $end_transaction(transaction_view_h,end_time);
+ $free_transaction(transaction_view_h);
+ `endif // QUESTA
+ endfunction
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_transaction_coverage.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_transaction_coverage.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c935c889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_transaction_coverage.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// DESCRIPTION: This class records mbox_sram transaction information using
+// a covergroup named mbox_sram_transaction_cg. An instance of this
+// coverage component is instantiated in the uvmf_parameterized_agent
+// if the has_coverage flag is set.
+covergroup mbox_sram_transaction_bit_cg with function sample(input bit val);
+ option.per_instance = 1;
+ ea_bit: coverpoint val;
+class mbox_sram_transaction_coverage extends uvm_subscriber #(.T(mbox_sram_transaction ));
+ `uvm_component_utils( mbox_sram_transaction_coverage )
+ T coverage_trans;
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional begin
+ mbox_sram_transaction_bit_cg address_bit_cg[MBOX_ADDR_W];
+ mbox_sram_transaction_bit_cg data_bit_cg[MBOX_DATA_W];
+ mbox_sram_transaction_bit_cg data_ecc_bit_cg[MBOX_ECC_DATA_W];
+ // pragma uvmf custom class_item_additional end
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ covergroup mbox_sram_transaction_cg;
+ // pragma uvmf custom covergroup begin
+ // UVMF_CHANGE_ME : Add coverage bins, crosses, exclusions, etc. according to coverage needs.
+ option.auto_bin_max=1024;
+ option.per_instance=1;
+ is_read: coverpoint coverage_trans.is_read;
+ address: coverpoint coverage_trans.address;
+ data: coverpoint coverage_trans.data;
+ data_ecc: coverpoint coverage_trans.data_ecc;
+ ecc_single_bit_error: coverpoint coverage_trans.ecc_single_bit_error;
+ ecc_double_bit_error: coverpoint coverage_trans.ecc_double_bit_error;
+ // TODO add checks for ecc single/double errors, address='0, address='1, address alignment cases
+ // TODO add cross for read transaction, write transaction
+ // pragma uvmf custom covergroup end
+ endgroup
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION : new()
+ // This function is the standard SystemVerilog constructor.
+ //
+ function new(string name="", uvm_component parent=null);
+ super.new(name,parent);
+ mbox_sram_transaction_cg=new;
+ foreach (coverage_trans.address[bt]) address_bit_cg[bt] = new;
+ foreach (coverage_trans.data[bt]) data_bit_cg[bt] = new;
+ foreach (coverage_trans.data_ecc[bt]) data_ecc_bit_cg[bt] = new;
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION : build_phase()
+ // This function is the standard UVM build_phase.
+ //
+ function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
+ mbox_sram_transaction_cg.set_inst_name($sformatf("mbox_sram_transaction_cg_%s",get_full_name()));
+ foreach (coverage_trans.address[bt]) address_bit_cg[bt].set_inst_name($sformatf("address_bit_cg_%d_%s", bt, get_full_name()));
+ foreach (coverage_trans.data[bt]) data_bit_cg[bt].set_inst_name($sformatf("data_bit_cg_%d_%s", bt, get_full_name()));
+ foreach (coverage_trans.data_ecc[bt]) data_ecc_bit_cg[bt].set_inst_name($sformatf("data_ecc_bit_cg_%d_%s", bt, get_full_name()));
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ // FUNCTION: write (T t)
+ // This function is automatically executed when a transaction arrives on the
+ // analysis_export. It copies values from the variables in the transaction
+ // to local variables used to collect functional coverage.
+ //
+ virtual function void write (T t);
+ `uvm_info("COV","Received transaction",UVM_HIGH);
+ coverage_trans = t;
+ mbox_sram_transaction_cg.sample();
+ foreach (coverage_trans.address [bt]) address_bit_cg [bt].sample(coverage_trans.address [bt]);
+ foreach (coverage_trans.data [bt]) data_bit_cg [bt].sample(coverage_trans.data [bt]);
+ foreach (coverage_trans.data_ecc[bt]) data_ecc_bit_cg[bt].sample(coverage_trans.data_ecc[bt]);
+ endfunction
+// pragma uvmf custom external begin
+// pragma uvmf custom external end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_typedefs.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_typedefs.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2a7bdb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_typedefs.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// This file contains defines and typedefs to be compiled for use in
+// the simulation running on the host server when using Veloce.
+// pragma uvmf custom additional begin
+// pragma uvmf custom additional end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_typedefs_hdl.svh b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_typedefs_hdl.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d58518e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/src/mbox_sram_typedefs_hdl.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Created with uvmf_gen version 2022.3
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pragma uvmf custom header begin
+// pragma uvmf custom header end
+// This file contains defines and typedefs to be compiled for use in
+// the simulation running on the emulator when using Veloce.
+// pragma uvmf custom additional begin
+// pragma uvmf custom additional end
diff --git a/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/yaml/mbox_sram_interface.yaml b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/yaml/mbox_sram_interface.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..903678275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/soc_ifc/uvmf_soc_ifc/uvmf_template_output/verification_ip/interface_packages/mbox_sram_pkg/yaml/mbox_sram_interface.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ interfaces:
+ mbox_sram:
+ clock: clk
+ config_constraints: []
+ config_vars:
+ - comment: 'Controls injection of ECC errors for write transactions. Bit[0]: Single Bit Error. Bit[1]: Double Bit Error'
+ isrand: 'False'
+ name: inject_ecc_error
+ type: bit [1:0]
+ value: 1'b0
+ - comment: When set, causes the mbox_sram_responder_sequence to clear the variable 'inject_ecc_error' after a single ECC error is injected
+ isrand: 'False'
+ name: auto_clear_ecc_error_injection
+ type: bit
+ value: 1'b1
+ existing_library_component: 'True'
+ gen_inbound_streaming_driver: 'False'
+ hdl_pkg_parameters: []
+ hdl_typedefs: []
+ hvl_pkg_parameters: []
+ hvl_typedefs: []
+ parameters: []
+ ports:
+ - dir: output
+ name: mbox_sram_req
+ reset_value: '''bz'
+ width: $bits(mbox_sram_req_t)
+ - dir: input
+ name: mbox_sram_resp
+ reset_value: '''bz'
+ width: $bits(mbox_sram_resp_t)
+ reset: dummy
+ reset_assertion_level: 'False'
+ transaction_constraints: []
+ transaction_vars:
+ - comment: ''
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ name: is_read
+ type: bit
+ unpacked_dimension: ''
+ - comment: ''
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ name: address
+ type: bit [MBOX_ADDR_W-1:0]
+ unpacked_dimension: ''
+ - comment: ''
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ name: data
+ type: bit [MBOX_DATA_W-1:0]
+ unpacked_dimension: ''
+ - comment: ''
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'False'
+ name: data_ecc
+ type: bit [MBOX_ECC_DATA_W-1:0]
+ unpacked_dimension: ''
+ - comment: ''
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ name: ecc_single_bit_error
+ type: bit
+ unpacked_dimension: ''
+ - comment: ''
+ iscompare: 'True'
+ isrand: 'True'
+ name: ecc_double_bit_error
+ type: bit
+ unpacked_dimension: ''
+ use_dpi_link: 'False'