+--+ +--+ ++-+ +--+
+--+ +-++ +--+ +--+
Switch S1 is acting as a stateful firewall, it will only allow connections to be establish from h1. h2 is only able to reply to connections once they have been established from h1.
Note: This stateful firewall is implemented 100% in the dataplane, meanning that to check if a connection was established a bloom filter is used. Thus, there is a probability of having collisions that would let unwanted flows pass. Of course this is just a toy example for educational purposes. A more realistic implementation would require the use of the Control Plane.
Start the topology:
sudo p4run
sudo python network.py
Inside the mininet CLI run two different iperfs:
From h1 you are able to connect:
*** Starting CLI:
mininet> iperf h1 h2
*** Iperf: testing TCP bandwidth between h1 and h2
*** Results: ['49.4 Mbits/sec', '51.2 Mbits/sec']
From h2 you are not able:
mininet> iperf h2 h1
*** Iperf: testing TCP bandwidth between h2 and h1