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Merge branch 'lofar/add_pipeline_plots' into lofar/planewave_fitter
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MijnheerD committed Nov 22, 2024
2 parents 5d5deb5 + 6ac4656 commit e30bbea
Showing 1 changed file with 397 additions and 0 deletions.
397 changes: 397 additions & 0 deletions NuRadioReco/modules/LOFAR/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
This module contains the pipelineVisualizer class for LOFAR.
.. moduleauthor:: Karen Terveer <[email protected]>

import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import radiotools.helper as hp
import scipy
import radiotools
from import get_cmap
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

from scipy.signal import resample

from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters, channelParameters, showerParameters
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run

class pipelineVisualizer:
Creates debug plots from the LOFAR pipeline -
This is the pipelineVisualizerTM for LOFAR.
Any significant plots resulting from the pipeline
should be added here by creating a function for them,
and calling all functions sequentially.

def __init__(self):

self.logger = logging.getLogger("NuRadioReco.pipelineVisualizer")

def begin(self, logger_level=logging.NOTSET):

self.__logger_level = logger_level

def plot_polarization(self, event, detector):

Plot the polarization of the electric field.
This method calculates the stokes parameters of the pulse
using get_stokes from framework.electric_field, and
determines the polarization angle and degree, plotting
them as arrows in the vxB and vxvxB plane.
It estimates uncertainties by picking a pure noise value of
stokes parameters, propagating through the angle and degree
formulas and plotting them as arrows with reduced opacity.
Author: Karen Terveer
event : Event object
The event containing the stations and electric fields.
detector : Detector object
The detector object containing information about the detector.
fig_pol : matplotlib Figure object
The generated figure object containing the polarization plot.

from NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field import get_stokes

fig_pol, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,7))

triggered_station_ids = [station.get_id() for station in event.get_stations() if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered)]
num_stations = len(triggered_station_ids)
cmap = get_cmap('jet')
norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=num_stations-1)

lora_core = event.get_hybrid_information().get_hybrid_shower("LORA").get_parameter(showerParameters.core)

core = event.get_first_shower().get_parameter(showerParameters.core)

self.logger.warning("No radio core found, using LORA core instead")
core = lora_core

for i, station in enumerate(event.get_stations()):
#for station in event.get_stations():

if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered):

zenith = station.get_parameter(stationParameters.cr_zenith)
azimuth = station.get_parameter(stationParameters.cr_azimuth)
cs = radiotools.coordinatesystems.cstrafo(
zenith, azimuth, magnetic_field_vector=None, site="lofar")
efields = station.get_electric_fields()

station_pos = detector.get_absolute_position(station.get_id())
station_pos_vB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(station_pos, core=core)[0]
station_pos_vvB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(station_pos, core=core)[1]

ax.scatter(station_pos_vB, station_pos_vvB, color=cmap(norm(i)), s=20, label=f'Station CS{station.get_id():03d}')

for field in efields:

ids = field.get_channel_ids()
pos = station_pos + detector.get_relative_position(station.get_id(), ids[0])

# transform to vxB and vxvxB, assuming the LORA core reco.
# This is likely NOT the correct core position,
# it has to be determined from the radio data later

pos_vB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(pos, core=core)[0]
pos_vvB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(pos, core=core)[1]

pulse_window_start, pulse_window_end = station.get_channel(ids[0]).get_parameter(channelParameters.signal_regions)
pulse_window_len = pulse_window_end - pulse_window_start

trace = field.get_trace()[:,pulse_window_start:pulse_window_end]

efield_trace_vxB_vxvxB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(

#get stokes parameters
stokes = get_stokes(*efield_trace_vxB_vxvxB[:2], window_samples=64)

stokes_max = np.argmax(stokes[0])

I = stokes[0,stokes_max]
Q = stokes[1,stokes_max]
U = stokes[2,stokes_max]
V = stokes[3,stokes_max]

# get stokes uncertainties by picking a pure noise value
I_sigma = stokes[0, stokes_max-pulse_window_len//4]
Q_sigma = stokes[1, stokes_max-pulse_window_len//4]
U_sigma = stokes[2, stokes_max-pulse_window_len//4]
V_sigma = stokes[3, stokes_max-pulse_window_len//4]

pol_angle = 0.5 * np.arctan2(U,Q)
pol_angle_sigma= np.sqrt((U_sigma**2*(0.5*Q/(U**2+Q**2))**2 + Q_sigma**2*(0.5*U/(U**2+Q**2))**2))

# if the polarization deviates from the vxB direction by more than 80 degrees,
# this could indicate something wrong with the antenna. Show a warning including
# the channel ids
if np.abs(0.5 * np.arctan2(U,Q)) > 80*np.pi/180:
self.logger.warning("strange polarization direction in channel group %s" % ids)

pol_degree= np.sqrt(U**2 + Q**2 + V**2) / I
pol_degree *= 7 # scale for better visibility

dx = pol_degree * np.cos(pol_angle)
dy = pol_degree * np.sin(pol_angle)

dx_sigma_plus = pol_degree * np.cos(pol_angle + pol_angle_sigma)
dy_sigma_plus = pol_degree * np.sin(pol_angle + pol_angle_sigma)

dx_sigma_minus = pol_degree * np.cos(pol_angle - pol_angle_sigma)
dy_sigma_minus = pol_degree * np.sin(pol_angle - pol_angle_sigma)

ax.arrow(pos_vB, pos_vvB, dx_sigma_plus, dy_sigma_plus, head_width=2, head_length=5, fc=cmap(norm(i)), ec = cmap(norm(i)), alpha=0.5)
ax.arrow(pos_vB, pos_vvB, dx_sigma_minus, dy_sigma_minus, head_width=2, head_length=5, ec = cmap(norm(i)), fc=cmap(norm(i)), alpha=0.5)
ax.arrow(pos_vB, pos_vvB, dx, dy, head_width=2, head_length=6, fc=cmap(norm(i)), ec = cmap(norm(i)))

if (core != lora_core).all():
lora_vB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(lora_core, core=core)[0]
lora_vvB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(lora_core, core=core)[1]
ax.scatter(lora_vB, lora_vvB, color='tab:red', s=50, label='LORA core', marker = 'x')
label = 'radio core'
label = 'LORA core'

ax.scatter([0], [0], color='black', s=50, label=label, marker = 'x')
ax.set_xlabel('Direction along $v \\times B$ [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Direction along $v \\times (v \\times B)$ [m]')

return fig_pol

def show_direction_plot(self, event):

Create the final plot for the plane wave fit direction
reconstruction. Author: Philipp Laub
event : Event object
The event for which to show the final plots.
fig_dir : matplotlib Figure object
The generated figure object containing the direction plot.

# plot reconstructed directions of all stations and compare to LORA in polar plot:
fig_dir, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})

triggered_station_ids = [station.get_id() for station in event.get_stations() if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered)]
num_stations = len(triggered_station_ids)
cmap = get_cmap('jet')
norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=num_stations-1)

for i, station in enumerate(event.get_stations()):
if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered):
zenith = station.get_parameter(stationParameters.cr_zenith)
azimuth = station.get_parameter(stationParameters.cr_azimuth)
label=f'Station CS{station.get_id():03d}',

plt.title("Reconstructed arrival directions")

return fig_dir

def show_time_fluence_plot(self, event, detector, min_number_good_antennas=4):

Create the final plot for the plane wave fit, including
timing and pseudofluence. Author: Philipp Laub
event : Event object
The event for which to show the final plots.
detector : Detector object
The detector for which to show the final plots.
min_number_good_antennas : int, default=4
The minimum number of good antennas that should be
present in a station to consider it for the fit.
fig_pol : matplotlib Figure object
The generated figure object containing the polarization plot.

# plot the antenna positions and mark arrival time by color and "fluence" by markersize.
# Also indicate the reconstructed arrival direction per station via an arrow.

from astropy.time import Time

time = detector.get_detector_time().utc

if time.mjd < 56266:
self.logger.warning("Event was before Dec 1, 2012. The non-core station clocks might be off.")

good_antennas_dict = {}

for station in event.get_stations():
if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered):
good_antennas_dict[station.get_id()] = []
flagged_channels = station.get_parameter(stationParameters.flagged_channels)
# Get all group IDs which are still present in the station
station_channel_group_ids = set([channel.get_group_id() for channel in station.iter_channels()])

# Get the dominant polarisation orientation as calculated by stationPulseFinder
dominant_orientation = station.get_parameter(stationParameters.cr_dominant_polarisation)

good_channel_pair_ids = np.zeros((len(station_channel_group_ids), 2), dtype=int)
for ind, channel_group_id in enumerate(station_channel_group_ids):
for channel in station.iter_channel_group(channel_group_id):
if np.all(detector.get_antenna_orientation(station.get_id(), channel.get_id()) == dominant_orientation):
good_channel_pair_ids[ind, 0] = channel.get_id()
good_channel_pair_ids[ind, 1] = channel.get_id()

# Check if dominant channel has been flagged
channel = station.get_channel(good_channel_pair_ids[ind, 0])
if channel.get_id() not in flagged_channels:

fig_time, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150, figsize=(8, 5))

triggered_station_ids = [station.get_id() for station in event.get_stations() if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered)]
num_stations = len(triggered_station_ids)
cmap = get_cmap('jet')
norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=num_stations-1)

fluences = []
positions = []
SNRs = []
for station in event.get_stations():
if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered):
zenith = station.get_parameter(stationParameters.cr_zenith)
azimuth = station.get_parameter(stationParameters.cr_azimuth)
good_antennas = good_antennas_dict[station.get_id()]
if len(good_antennas) >= min_number_good_antennas:
for antenna in good_antennas:
positions.append(detector.get_relative_position(station.get_id(), antenna) + detector.get_absolute_position(station.get_id()))
channel = station.get_channel(antenna)
station_pos = detector.get_absolute_position(station.get_id())
ax.quiver(station_pos[0], station_pos[1],
np.cos(azimuth), np.sin(azimuth),

timelags = []
for station in event.get_stations():
if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered):
good_antennas = good_antennas_dict[station.get_id()]
if len(good_antennas) >= min_number_good_antennas:
for channel_id in good_antennas:

for i, station in enumerate(event.get_stations()):
# plot absolute station positions
if station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered):
station_pos = detector.get_absolute_position(station.get_id())
ax.scatter(station_pos[0], station_pos[1], color=cmap(norm(i)), s=20, label=f'Station CS{station.get_id():03d}')

timelags = np.array(timelags)
timelags -= timelags[0] # get timelags wrt 1st antenna
# plot all locations and use arrival time for color and fluence for marker size and add a colorbar
positions = np.array(positions)
fluences = np.array(fluences)
SNRs = np.array(SNRs)
fluence_norm = Normalize(vmin=np.min(fluences), vmax=np.max(fluences))
sc = ax.scatter(
s=15 * fluence_norm(fluences),

plt.colorbar(sc, label='Relative arrival time [ns]', shrink=0.7)
ax.set_xlabel('Meters east [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Meters north [m]')
plt.title("Antenna positions and arrival time")

return fig_time

def run(self, event, detector, save_dir='.', polarization=False, direction=False):
Produce pipeline plots for the given event.
event : Event object
The event for which to visualize the pipeline.
detector : Detector object
The detector for which to visualize the pipeline.
save_dir : str, optional
The directory to save the plots to. Default is the
current directory.

plots = []
if polarization:
pol_plot = self.plot_polarization(event, detector)

if direction:
dir_plot = self.show_direction_plot(event)

time_fluence_plot = self.show_time_fluence_plot(event, detector)

self.plots = [plot for plot in plots]

def end(self):


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