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File metadata and controls

712 lines (545 loc) · 23.5 KB

VVTk: A Toolkit for Volumetric Video Researchers

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How to Install?

  1. Install the latest Rust compiler from the official website
  2. Verify if cargo and rustc have been installed successfully using cargo --version and rustc --version
  3. If you are using linux, make sure gcc, g++, cmake, libssl-dev, pkg-config, libfontconfig1-dev are installed
  4. Compile and build the binaries with cargo build --release --bins
  5. Install the binaries if you want to use it anywhere you want. cargo install --path .
  6. Use vv, vvplay and vvplay_async in other directory. Now you are good to go!
  7. Download the 8i_dataset to use and test our tool!



Provides subcommands that can be chained together. The inputs and outputs of a subcommand must be specified with the +input= or +in followed by a comma separated list of inputs or +output= or +out to denote the name of its output stream. Note that +input must be specified for commands other than read.

Usage: vv <COMMAND>

  convert     Converts a pointcloud file from one format to another.
                  Supported formats are .pcd and .ply.
                  Supported storage types are binary and ascii.
  write       Writes from input stream into a file, input stream can be pointcloud data or metrics
  read        Reads in one of our supported file formats. 
                  Files can be of the type .pcd .ply. 
                  The path can be a file path or a directory path contains these files.
  render      Writes point clouds from the input stream into images
  metrics     Calculates the metrics given two input streams.
                  First input stream is the original.
                  Second is the reconstructed.
                  Then uses write command to write the metrics into a text file.
  downsample  Downsample a pointcloud from the stream
  upsample    Upsamples a pointcloud from the stream
  normal      Performs normal estimation on point clouds.
  info        Get the info of a pointcloud file or directory.
                  Supported formats are .pcd and .ply.
                  If no option is specified, all info will be printed.
  lodify       Preprocesses point cloud data for adaptive playback in vvplay
  dash        Dash will simulate a varying network conditions. 
                  Dash reads in one of our supported file formats. 
                  Files can be of the type .pcd .ply. 
                  The path can be a file path or a directory path contains these files.
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help


vv read ./ply_ascii +output=ply_a \
        write --output-format pcd --storage-type binary \
        ./pcd_binary +input=ply_a

Alternatively, you can use +in and +out as a shortcut to +input and +output.

vv read ./ply_ascii +out=ply_a \
        write --output-format pcd --storage-type binary \
        ./pcd_binary +in=ply_a


Reads in one of our supported file formats. Files can be of the type .pcd .ply. The path can be a file path or a directory path contains these files.

Usage: read [OPTIONS] [FILES]...

  [FILES]...  Files, glob patterns, directories

  -t, --filetype <FILETYPE>  [default: all] [possible values: all, ply, pcd]
  -n, --num <NUM>            read previous n files after sorting lexicalgraphically
  -h, --help                 Print help
vv read ./Ply +output=plys

Read only 10 files from a folder, specifying --num is useful to check the command is working as expected.

vv read ./Ply --num 10 +output=plys


Writes point clouds from the input stream into images(png) or videos(mp4). To render point clouds into mp4, you need to make sure ffmepg is installed.

Usage: render [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT_DIR> 

  <OUTPUT_DIR>  Directory to store output png images

  -x, --camera-x <CAMERA_X>        [default: 0]
  -y, --camera-y <CAMERA_Y>        [default: 0]
  -z, --camera-z <CAMERA_Z>        [default: 1.8]
      --yaw <CAMERA_YAW>           [default: -90]
      --pitch <CAMERA_PITCH>       [default: 0]
      --width <WIDTH>              [default: 1600]
      --height <HEIGHT>            [default: 900]
      --name-length <NAME_LENGTH>  [default: 5]
      --bg-color <BG_COLOR>        [default: rgb(255,255,255)]
      --format <RENDER_FORMAT>     [default: png] [possible values: png, mp4]
      --fps <FPS>                  [default: 30]
  -h, --help                       Print help

render to png example

vv read ./Ply +output=plys \
        render ./Pngs +input=plys

render to mp4 example

Read 60 frames of pointcloud and render them into a mp4 video with fps=20. This is done by first render them into png files, and then use ffmpeg to convert the images into a mp4 video.

vv read -n 60 ./pcd +output=pcd \
    render ./mp4 \
    +input=f --format mp4 --fps 20


Calculates the metrics given two input streams where the first input stream is the original and the second is the reconstructed one. Then uses write command to write the metrics into a text file. Currently we support a number of commanly used metrics such as ACD(Asymmetric Chamfer Distance), CD(Chamfer Distance), CD-PSNR, HD(Hausdorff Distance), L-CPSNR(Luminance Color PSNR), VQoE(Viola et al.’s QoE). If no metric is specified, all metrics will be outputed.

Usage: metrics [OPTIONS]

  -m, --metrics <METRICS>...  [default: all] [possible values: acd, cd, cd-psnr, hd, lc-psnr, v-qoe, all]
  -h, --help             Print help

The following command will write all metrics.

vv read ./original +output=original \
        read ./reconstructed +output=reconstructed \
        metrics +input=original,reconstructed +output=metrics \
        write ./metrics +input=metrics

Specify the metrics by using --metrics, use space ',' as a delimiter for more than one metric.

vv read ./original +output=original \
        read ./reconstructed +output=reconstructed \
        metrics +input=original,reconstructed +output=metrics --metrics acd,cd,hd \
        write ./metrics +input=metrics


Writes from input stream into a file, input stream can be pointcloud data or metrics

Usage: write [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT_DIR>

  <OUTPUT_DIR>  output directory to store point cloud files or metrics

      --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>  [default: pcd]
  -s, --storage-type <STORAGE_TYPE>    [default: binary]
      --name-length <NAME_LENGTH>      [default: 5]
  -h, --help                           Print help

Writing metrics

vv read ./original +output=original \
        read ./reconstructed +output=reconstructed \
        metrics +input=original,reconstructed +output=metrics \
        write ./metrics +input=metrics 


Upsamples a point cloud using the default interpolation method or poisson reconstruction.

Usage: upsample --method <METHOD> [OPTIONS]

  -m, --method <METHOD>                  [default: default]
  -f, --factor <FACTOR>                  [default: 0]
  -s, --screening <SCREENING>            [default: 0.0] 
  -d, --density-estimation-depth <DEPTH> [default: 6] 
      --max-depth <MAX_DEPTH>            [default: 6] 
      --max-relaxation-iters <MAX_ITERS> [default: 10] 
  -c, --colour                           [default: true] 
      --faces                            [default: false] 
  -h, --help             Print help

Poisson reconstruction

  • Usage
    • --method spsr
    • Poisson reconstruction requires the point normals, acquired from the normal command, used to estimate point normals
  • Options
    • Screening: relates to the influence of outlier points during the reconstruction. A higher screening value will reduce the influence of potential outliers in the point cloud, making the reconstructed surface less sensitive to noise. A value of 0 means no screening.
    • Density estimation depth: the depth on the multigrid solver where point density estimation is calculated. The estimation kernel radius will be equal to the maximum extent of the input point’s AABB, divided by 2.pow(max_depth). Smaller value of this parameter results in more robustness wrt. occasional holes and sampling irregularities, but reduces thedetail accuracies.
    • Max depth: the max depth of the multigrid solver. Larger values result in higher accuracy (which requires higher sampling densities, or a density_estimation_depth set to a smaller value). Higher values increases computation times.
    • Max relaxation iters: the maximum number of iterations for the internal conjugate-gradient solver. Values around 10 should be enough for most cases.
    • Colour: disables colour on the reconstructed point cloud.
    • Faces: Adds the reconstructed triangle surface mesh to the output point cloud, only compatible when output is a ply file.
  • Changes from original algorithm
    • Hierarchical clustering of point constraints optimisation
    • Added colouring of reconstructed point cloud, stored with a kd-tree
    • Added ability to construct triangle face mesh

More details on the poisson reconstruction algorithm used

Upsampling a file using default interpolation

Upsamples pcd files and write as ply binary

vv read ./pcd +output=pcdb \
       upsample --method default --factor 2 +input=pcdb +output=pcdb_up \
       write ./pcd_up \
             +input=pcdb_up \
             --storage-type binary \
             --output-format ply

Upsampling a file using poisson reconstruction

vv read ./ply +output=ply \
       normal +input=ply +output=ply_n \
       upsample --method spsr --screening 0.5 +input=ply_n +output=ply_spsr \
       write ./ply_spsr \
             +input=ply_spsr \
             --storage-type binary \
             --output-format ply


downsamples a point cloud.

Usage: downsample --points-per-voxel <POINTS_PER_VOXEL>

  -p, --points-per-voxel <POINTS_PER_VOXEL>  
  -h, --help 

Downsampling a file

Downsamples pcd files and write as ply binary

vv read ./pcd +output=pcdb \
       downsample -p 2 +input=pcdb +output=pcdb_down \
       write ./pcdb_down \
             +input=pcdb_down \
             --storage-type binary \
             --output-format ply


Performs normal estimation on a point cloud.


Normal Estimation Example

Performs normal estimation on ply files and write the computed normals back to the ply files.

.\vv read ".\Ply" +output=ply_a \
        normal --k 30 +input=ply_a +output=normal_a \
        write --output-format ply ./test +input=normal_a

Complex Example

vv read ./pcd                       +output=pcdb \
       read ./pcd_compressed            +output=pcd_comp \
       downsample -p 5 +input=pcdb      +output=pcdb_down \
       upsample   -f 2 +input=pcdb_down +output=pcdb_down_up \
       metrics +input=pcd_comp,pcdb_down_up +output=metric \
       write  ./metrics     +input=metric \
       write  ./down_up     +input=pcdb_down_up \
       render ./tmp/down_up +input=pcdb_down_up 


We recognize that some users may just want to convert a file from one format to another. So convert is provided as a shortcut for read and write. Currently we support any conversion between ply and pcd. We also support converting files from velodyne's bin file to ply/pcd. For convert, named input-ouput is not needed.

Usage: convert [OPTIONS] --output <OUTPUT>

  -o, --output <OUTPUT>                
      --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>  [default: pcd]
  -s, --storage-type <STORAGE_TYPE>    [default: binary]
  -i, --input <INPUT>                  
  -h, --help                           Print help

convert from ply to pcd(binary)

vv convert --input ./ply_a --output ./pcd_b

convert from pcd to ply(ascii)

vv convert --input ./pcd_b --output ./ply_a --storage-type ascii --output-format ply

convert from pcd(binary) to pcd(ascii)

vv convert --input ./pcd_b --output ./pcd_a --storage-type ascii --output-format pcd


A preprocessing step to optimize point cloud data for adaptive playback in vvplay


  • Threshold: Manages the structural property (e.g. distribution of the points)
  • Partitions: Manages how the point cloud is segmented for detail distribution.
Usage: lodify [OPTIONS] <PATH>


  -x, --x-partition <X_PARTITION>                [default: 2]
  -y, --y-partition <Y_PARTITION>                [default: 2]
  -z, --z-partition <Z_PARTITION>                [default: 2]
  -b, --base-proportion <BASE_PROPORTION>        [default: 30]
  -t, --threshold <POINTS_PER_VOXEL_THRESHOLD>   [default: 10]
  -h, --help           Print help

Lodifying Point Clouds

This command constructs a base layer using about 30% of the original points to capture the core structure, while the remaining 70% are reserved to incrementally add detail as needed.

vv read ./Pcd_b  +output=pcdb \
    lodify +input=pcdb +output=pcdb_lod \
    write ./Pcd_lod \
             +input=pcdb_lod \
             --storage-type binary \
             --output-format pcd


Get the info of a pointcloud file or directory. Supported formats are .pcd and .ply. If no option is specified, all info will be printed.

Usage: info [OPTIONS] <PATH>


      --num-of-points  Get the number of points in a file
      --format         Get the format of a file
      --num-of-frames  Get the number of frames in a directory
  -h, --help           Print help

info for a pointcloud file

vv info foo.ply

The encoding format(ascii or binary) of the file, the number of points will be printed.

format: pcd ASCII
number of points: 693899

info for a directory that contains pointcloud file

vv info ./longdress/Ply

The encoding format(ascii or binary) of the file in the directory, the number frames and the average of points will be printed.

format: pcd BINARY
number of frames: 240
average number of points: 728297.04

If more than one file format exists in the given directory, the summary of respective type will be printed.

vv info ./longdress/all_types

will output

format: pcd ASCII
number of frames: 2
average number of points: 688515.00

format: ply BINARY
number of frames: 2
average number of points: 649491.00

format: pcd BINARY
number of frames: 2
average number of points: 671719.00

format: ply ASCII
number of frames: 2
average number of points: 688515.00


Dash will simulate a varying network conditions, it reads in one of our supported file formats. Files can be of the type .pcd .ply. The path can be a file path or a directory path contains these files.

Usage: dash [OPTIONS] <FILES>... +output=plys

  <INPUT_PATH>    input directory with different quality of point clouds
  <NETWORK_PATH>  path to network settings

  -a, --algorithm <ALGORITHM>  [default: naive] [possible values: naive, quetra]
  -n, --num <NUM>              read previous n files after sorting lexicalgraphically
  -t, --filetype <FILETYPE>    [default: all] [possible values: all, ply, pcd, bin]
  -h, --help                   Print help


An example of network setting file is provided in ./test_files/dash/sim_nw_avg_14050.txt

The structure of input directory with different quality of point clouds should be the following.

├── R01
│   ├── r1_longdress_dec_0000.pcd
│   ├── ***
│   └── r1_longdress_dec_0299.pcd
├── R02
│   ├── r2_longdress_dec_0000.pcd
│   ├── ***
│   └── r2_longdress_dec_0299.pcd
├── R03
│   ├── r3_longdress_dec_0000.pcd
│   ├── ***
│   └── r3_longdress_dec_0299.pcd
├── R04
│   ├── r4_longdress_dec_0000.pcd
│   ├── ***
│   └── r4_longdress_dec_0299.pcd
└── R05
    ├── r5_longdress_dec_0000.pcd
    ├── ***
    └── r5_longdress_dec_0299.pcd


vv dash ./input ./sim_nw_avg_14050.txt -a quetra +out=dash \
   write --output-format pcd --storage-type binary \
   ./pcd_quetra +in=dash


extend can be used to run external subcommands that is in the form of executable. Read for more details on creating subcommands and on testing extend.

Extend is used for running custom subcommands.

Usage: extend [OPTIONS] <CMD_NAME>

  <CMD_NAME>  Command name of the extension without the vv-prefix

  -x, --xargs <XARGS>...  Arguments that needs to pass in to the binary executable, value separate by comma
  -h, --help              Print help

Read a ply-ascii file, pass to ~/.cargo/bin/vv-test-executable then perform downsample.

vv read ./test_files/ply_ascii/  +output=plyc \extend test-executable +input=plyc +output=plyd \downsample -p 2 +input=plyd

Read a ply-ascii, then pass to ~/.cargo/bin/vv-test-args that takes in two command line argument.

vv read ./test_files/ply_ascii/  +output=plyc \extend test-args +input=plyc --xargs=hello,world


Plays a folder of pcd/ply/bin files in lexicographical order. A window will appear upon running the binary from which you can navigate using your mouse and keyboard. Controls are described further below.

Plays a folder of point cloud files in lexicographical order

Usage: vvplay [OPTIONS] <SRC>

  <SRC>  src can be: 1. Directory with all the pcd files in lexicographical order 2. location of the mpd file

  -q, --quality <QUALITY>            [default: 0]
  -f, --fps <FPS>                    [default: 30]
  -x, --camera-x <CAMERA_X>          [default: 0]
  -y, --camera-y <CAMERA_Y>          [default: 0]
  -z, --camera-z <CAMERA_Z>          [default: 1.3]
      --yaw <CAMERA_YAW>             [default: -90]
      --pitch <CAMERA_PITCH>         [default: 0]
  -W, --width <WIDTH>                [default: 1600]
  -H, --height <HEIGHT>              [default: 900]
  -b, --buffer-size <BUFFER_SIZE>    
  -m, --metrics <METRICS>            
      --decoder <DECODER_TYPE>       [default: noop] [possible values: noop, draco]
      --decoder-path <DECODER_PATH>  
      --bg-color <BG_COLOR>          [default: rgb(255,255,255)]
  --adaptive-upsampling              [default: False]
  -h, --help                         Print help


Plays a folder of ply files in lexicographical order, leveraging prefetching and playback caching for optimized performance. A window will appear upon running the binary from which you can navigate using your mouse and keyboard. Controls are described further below.

Usage: vvplay_async [OPTIONS] <SRC>

  <SRC>  src can be:

  -f, --fps <FPS>
          [default: 30]
  -x, --camera-x <CAMERA_X>
          [default: 0]
  -y, --camera-y <CAMERA_Y>
          [default: 0]
  -z, --camera-z <CAMERA_Z>
          [default: 1.5]
      --pitch <CAMERA_PITCH>
          [default: 0]
      --yaw <CAMERA_YAW>
          [default: -90]
  -W, --width <WIDTH>
          Set the screen width [default: 1600]
  -H, --height <HEIGHT>
          Set the screen height [default: 900]
  -b, --buffer-capacity <BUFFER_CAPACITY>
          buffer capacity in seconds
  -m, --metrics <METRICS>
      --abr <ABR_TYPE>
          [default: quetra] [possible values: quetra, quetra-multiview, mckp]
      --decoder <DECODER_TYPE>
          [default: noop] [possible values: noop, draco, tmc2rs]
          Set this flag if each view is encoded separately, i.e. multiview
      --decoder-path <DECODER_PATH>
          Path to the decoder binary (only for Draco)
          [default: last] [possible values: last, avg, ema, gaema, lpema]
      --throughput-alpha <THROUGHPUT_ALPHA>
          Alpha for throughput prediction. Only used for EMA, GAEMA, and LPEMA [default: 0.1]
          [default: last] [possible values: last]
      --network-trace <NETWORK_TRACE>
          Path to network trace for repeatable simulation. 
          Network trace is expected to be given in Kbps
      --camera-trace <CAMERA_TRACE>
          Path to camera trace for repeatable simulation.
          Camera trace is expected to be given in 
          (pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, rot_pitch, rot_yaw, rot_roll). 
          Rotation is in degrees
      --record-camera-trace <RECORD_CAMERA_TRACE>
          Path to record camera trace from the player
          Enable fetcher optimizations
      --bg-color <BG_COLOR>
          [default: rgb(255,255,255)]
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')


With the main screen focused,

  1. W Key - Moves your position to the front
  2. A Key - Moves your position to the left
  3. S Key - Moves your position to the back
  4. D Key - Moves your position to the right
  5. Q Key - Moves your position up
  6. E Key - Moves your position down
  7. 0 Key - Resets your position to the initial position
  8. Space Key - Toggles Play/Pause
  9. LeftArrow Key - Rewinds by 1 frame
  10. RightArrow Key - Advances by 1 frame
  11. Mouse Drag - Adjusts camera yaw / pitch (Hold right click on Mac, left click on Windows)
  12. L Key - Rotates camera horizontally(around the Y axis) clockwise
  13. J Key - Rotates camera horizontally(around the Y axis) counterclockwise
  14. I Key - Rotates camera vertically(around the X axis) clockwise
  15. K Key - Rotates camera vertically(around the X axis) counterclockwise
  16. Adjusts camera yaw/picth with mouse (Hold right click on Mac, left click on Windows)

With the secondary window focused,

Playback Controls Secondary Window

The Play/Pause button toggles between play and pause. The slider allows you to navigate to any frame you wish.

The information displayed in the window are:

  1. Current Frame / Total Frames
  2. Camera Information - Useful to recreate a certain view through command line arguments


The following command will play all .pcd files in the ./pcds/ directory.

vvplay ./pcds

You can buffer the render with a set number of frames using -b

vvplay ./pcds -b 100

You can specify the background color using --bg-color in the following two ways.

  1. use rgb value: rgb(r,g,b)
  2. use hex rgb number: #RRGGBB
vvplay ./pcds --bg-color "#9ef244"
vvplay ./pcds --bg-color "rgb(10,23,189)"

For Developers

Rust version

Use Rust 1.69

Coding Style

We follow the official Rust coding style. You can use rustfmt (or run cargo fmt) to automatically format your code.