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323 lines (237 loc) · 14.8 KB

File metadata and controls

323 lines (237 loc) · 14.8 KB

[DAY-0] The Computer

All modern computers(laptops, phones, pc master race rgb monsters, etc) have somewhat similar components: Processor, Memory, Video Card, Disk and USB controller, WiFi card etc. Some of them are in one single chip and you cant even see them anymore, but they are there. For example there are chips that have Processor and Video Card together. The term for processor is actually CPU - Central processing unit, but we called it processors when we were kids and it kind of make sense, since it processes stuff.

|                  |
|  [           ]   |
|  [ Processor ]   |
|  [           ]   |
|                  |
|  [ Memory ]      |
|  [ Memory ]      |
|                  |
|  [ Video Card ]--+------> monitor
|                  |
|  [ Disk ]        |
|                  |  +---> iphone
|                  |  +---> mouse
|  [ USB ]---------+--+---> keyboard
|                  |
|  [ WiFi ]        |
|  [ ... ]         |

Memory (also called RAM), is the place where programs exist to be run by the CPU, it loads its instructions from there, and the instructions tells it what to do, it can write back to memory, or read from a different place or write something to the disk controller or to the video card, etc. Basically the most important stuff happens between the processor and the RAM (which stands for Random Access Memory). It is Random Access because the processor can just go and read or write to specific place, which is pretty cool.

Everything in the RAM disappears when you turn off the computer, so usually the programs and all kinds of information is persistently stored on the Disk. Which is called disk because it used to be spinning, but now most computers have SSD disks which are not disks at all, google 'SSD versus spinning disk' if you want to find more. So when the computer starts it will load some information from the disk into memory and start the operating system, which is just a program, not very different than the one you wrote for the touch typing, it takes input, does something with it and then has some output.

[DAY-0] Files

When you store something to disk you usually store it as a file, files can be all kinds, only text, or images, or just raw binary data used for different purposes. Text files are literally that, file that contains text, later you will learn that there is no such thing as text to the computer, all is just bits of information, but we (the humans) decided it is quite useless to look at some numbers of information, so our programs display information in different way, for example the file can contain the number 97 in its raw form 01100001, and if seen from a text editor, it will show the letter 'a', but if seem from image editor it might use it to show some blue-ish color, colors are stored in 4 numbers: transparency(called alpha), red,green and blue, but different formats use different way to store the colors, so it will depend on which format does the program think it is going to display.

See it is all in the eye of the beholder, the file still contains only 97 (01100001), but each program will decide what to do with it.

There are also Directories(also called Folders) (which in many file systems are also files.. but we will get to that later), that can contain files or other directories. Example structure looks like:

├─ home/
│  ├─ jack/
│  |  ├─
│  |  ├─ example.txt
│  |  ├─ image.jpg

The word File is used because people that made those things up were thinking of filing cabinet, with lots of folders that contains pieces of paper.

 |________  __________
 /_____  /||   |
|".___."| ||   |
|_______|/ |   |
 || .___."||  /
 ||_______|| /
 |_________|/ Felix Lee

See how those pictures have sometimes names attached to them. Those are their creators, some pictures are from the 80s, so it is amazing we can still find out who made them. You should always attribute the work of an artist.

So the name 'File' and 'Folder' is used. If people were thinking of libraries I guess we would've been using Book for a file and Shelve for Folder? Anyway, my point is: all things have names, some of the names are strange and old, so don't worry if they make no sense.


Computers do not understand text, so when you see text it is usually some number that is displayed as a character, for example 65 is A, 66 is B, and so on. About 60 years ago some people agreed on a common way to map number to character, called THE ASCII STANDARD, super fancy name, for such a simple thing.

32  SPC   64  @    96  `
33  !     65  A    97  a
34  "     66  B    98  b
35  #     67  C    99  c
36  $     68  D   100  d
37  %     69  E   101  e
38  &     70  F   102  f
39  '     71  G   103  g
40  (     72  H   104  h
41  )     73  I   105  i
42  *     74  J   106  j
43  +     75  K   107  k
44  ,     76  L   108  l
45  -     77  M   109  m
46  .     78  N   110  n
47  /     79  O   111  o
48  0     80  P   112  p
49  1     81  Q   113  q
50  2     82  R   114  r
51  3     83  S   115  s
52  4     84  T   116  t
53  5     85  U   117  u
54  6     86  V   118  v
55  7     87  W   119  w
56  8     88  X   120  x
57  9     89  Y   121  y
58  :     90  Z   122  z
59  ;     91  [   123  {
60  <     92  \   124  |
61  =     93  ]   125  }
62  >     94  ^   126  ~
63  ?     95  _

Try to decode: 110 105 99 101 32 119 111 114 107 33

[DAY-0] Magic

 ______________     _             _,-----------._        ___
|              |   (_,.-      _,-'_,-----------._`-._    _)_)
| THE _  _  _  |      |     ,'_,-'  ___________  `-._`.
| |  / \|_)| \ |     `'   ,','  _,-'___________`-._  `.`.
| |__\_/| \|_/ |        ,','  ,'_,-'     .     `-._`.  `.`.
|              |       /,'  ,','        >|<        `.`.  `.\
| OF THE  _ _  |      //  ,','      ><  ,^.  ><      `.`.  \\
| |_)||\|/_(_  |     //  /,'      ><   / | \   ><      `.\  \\
| | \|| |\_|_) |    //  //      ><    \/\^/\/    ><      \\  \\
|______________|   ;;  ;;              `---'              ::  ::
                   ||  ||              (____              ||  ||
 DOORS OF DURIN   _||__||_            ,'----.            _||__||_
                 (o.____.o)____        `---'        ____(o.____.o)
                   |    | /,--.)                   (,--.\ |    |
                   |    |((  -`___               ___`   ))|    |
                   |    | \\,'',  `.           .'  .``.// |    |
                   |    |  // (___,'.         .'.___) \\  |    |
                  /|    | ;;))  ____) .     . (____  ((\\ |    |\
                  \|.__ | ||/ .'.--.\/       `/,--.`. \;: | __,|;
                   |`-,`;.| :/ /,'  `)-'   `-('  `.\ \: |.;',-'|
                   |   `..  ' / \__.'         `.__/ \ `  ,.'   |
                   |    |,\  /,                     ,\  /,|    |
                   |    ||: : )          .          ( : :||    |
                  /|    |:; |/  .      ./|\,      ,  \| :;|    |\
                  \|.__ |/  :  ,/-    <--:-->    ,\.  ;  \| __,|;
                   |`-.``:   `'/-.     '\|/`     ,-\`;   ;'',-'|
                   |   `..   ,' `'       '       `  `.   ,.'   |
                   |    ||  :                         :  ||    |
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                   |    |'  |            _            |  `|    |
                   |    |   |          '|))           |   |    |
                   ;____:   `._        `'           _,'   ;____:
                  {______}     \___________________/     {______}
              SSt |______|_______________________________|______|

Have you seen The Lord of the Rings? Do you remember the Door of Durin? Where Gandalf couldn't remember how to enter and the fellowship almost got eaten?

The experience through this book will feel like that. Sometimes you will be stuck, and I mean really really stuck, and at some point, as if the cosmos itself colludes, something will click, and you will level up. Sadly I can not know when this will happen to you, as every person is different.

[DAY-0] How to Google

Anything you don't know how to do, you should use google to search for answers. However it is not easy to know what is good link to read and what is not, try to read from verified sources, like wikipedia,, stackoverflow, mozilla and university websites, ask your parent to help.

There is a lot of scams on the internet, you will open websites that claim you have viruses on your computer and you need to pay 20$ to clean it, or that you need to install this amazing program that will speed up your internet. Sometimes on very trusted websites you will see ads that are pure scams, for example ads that looks like Download buttons to get the program you wanted, but it will just download a virus.

Its getting increasingly difficult to distinguish between good and bad information as well, some websites are just poorly written articles, so they can make people clicking on them in order to get money from ads. With time, and with the help of your parent you will learn how to recognize the good articles.

The rules about how to use the internet are:

  • The internet is sus!
  • Never put your real name or phone number or address anywhere
  • Never download anything unless your parent approves
  • Never run anything you downloaded (sometimes downloads just start automatically)
  • Don't trust messages like 'click here to get free iPhone' or 'clean your computer for free'
  • Always ask your parent for help if you are not sure.

There is noting free on the internet. Even this book, even though I am writing it for free, and you can get it for free, but I am hosting it on GitHub (and I don't pay for that), and GitHub, and therefore Microsoft, knows you are reading it, and later they will use that information to show you better ads, or maybe they will use it for some other purpose, like to train a machine to create artificial text, but one thing you must remember is that there is nothing free on the internet.

[DAY-1] Touch Typing

Touch typing is just typing without looking, if you are super slow while typing you will get frustrated too soon.

Use or ask someone to recommend you something. After using the touch typing app for few days, write your own.

[DAY-2] Install python

In general the first thing you should do when you don't know how to do something is to google it.

So google 'how to install python', you will see lots of results, some of them will tell you how to install the old version of python, and some will be for the too old or too new version of windows. This makes things a bit more difficult.

Try to download from and do it yourself, ask your parent for help if you are stuck.

[DAY-2] Make a useful program

After you have installed python3 run IDLE (ask your parent for help) and go to File -> New File and type:

import random
letters = 'fjfjfjfjfjfjjfghghghgaa;a;a;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
difficulty = 2

while True:
    q = ''
    for i in range(difficulty):
        q = q + random.choice(letters)

    a = input(q + ': ')
    if a == q:
        difficulty += 1
        if difficulty > 2:
            difficulty -= 1

Then hit F5 (this will ask you to save the file as well) to run the program. If it is too easy, try adjusting the difficulty or the letters.

The program will ask you to type some letters, after you are done, hit enter, and it will ask you for more or less letters. It will keep doing that forever. It kind of looks like this:

aj: aj
akg: akg
jjgh: jjgh

If you type it correctly, it will ask for a bigger sequence of characters, and if you make mistake it will ask for smaller.

Don't rush it.

Place your fingers properly on the keyboard, open and search for 'touch typing' you will see many images of how to place your fingers.

[DAY-3] Touch Typing using your program

Open IDLE again, go to File -> Open File, and find where you saved your program, then double click to open it. After opened hit F5 and it will start again.

Spend the rest of the time for the day touch typing. Don't rush it. Place your fingers properly on the keyboard and slowly type the letters.

Spend the whole day touch typing and making and opening new files in IDLE and notepad; I cant stress enough how important it is for the kid to be independent to be able on its own to make or open a file.

[DAY-4] HTML - Basics

We will start with HTML.

Making a page can be a bit overwhelming, so just start small. for example:

Open notepad and make a file on your desktop named "first.html", then write in it:

   <p>this is my page</p>

Open Windows Explorer and find the file on your desktop and double click on it.

Congrats! You have made your first web page!

Now try this:

      <h1>check this out!</h1>
    <mark>Why would somebody use this?</mark>

The rest of the day you will just try some other examples:


      <li>first <b>item</b></li>
      <li>second <i>item</i></li>

Horizontal Line:

    second line<br>
    third line<br>

'br' means line break, when the browser sees it know it has to show whatever comes next on another line, 'hr' means horizontal rule,just like when you take your ruler and draw a line from left to right in the text book. You see, even though you write things in separate lines (like the word first and line are clearly on separate lines), the browser will not know what to do until you tell it to 'br'. Maybe in school you had a project you have to use PowerPoint to make a presentation? With the special words ul, li, br, hr, h2 and b you can make your own presentation in HTML!

[DAY-5] HTML - Basics

The app you are using right now to see this website is called a web browser, I don't know if kids still call it like that, but adults do.

First the browser app downloads the web page, which is just a normal text file (it is what you see when you click on View Source), then it has to process it, in the same way you read pigpen code or ascii code, you look symbol by symbol and try to make sense out of it by making it into letters you understand.

It looks for word between '<' and then '>', when it sees '<' it knows what ever is between '<' and '>' is important word. Then it has kind of a table so it know what to do with different words, when it sees 'b' it knows that whatever is inside is gonna get bold. There are many words like that you should try for yourself 'b' 'i' 'u' 'h1', and many more.

For example, try this on your page: <b>this is bold</b>

[DAY-6] Touch Typing

Spend half the time using your program and half the time on