Improve the game to have an row of monsters that you have to avoid, also make the elf bounce left and right as well. It should be gameover if you collide with any of the monsters
this is the game she made, she did some experimentation with random, and needed a bit of help with the list of monsters
import pgzrun
elf = Actor("c1")
elf.y = 50
WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 800
game_over = False
speed_y = 5
speed_x = 5
monsters = []
monster_speed_y = 1
for i in range(20):
monster = Actor("c1")
monster.x = 10 + (i * 70)
monster.y = 10
def update():
global speed_y, speed_x, game_over
elf.y += speed_y
elf.x += speed_x
if elf.y > 795:
speed_y = -5
if elf.y < 50:
speed_y = 5
if elf.x > 795:
speed_x = -5
if elf.x < 50:
speed_x = 5
if keyboard.A:
elf.x += -5
if keyboard.D:
elf.x += 5
for m in monsters:
m.y += monster_speed_y
if m.y > 795:
m.y = 10
if m.colliderect(elf):
game_over = True
def draw():
for m in monsters:
if game_over == True:
Make the elf be able to attack the monsters with a bullet.
bull = Actor("bullet")
bull.x = -10
bull.y = -19
def update():
if keyboard.SPACE:
bull.x = elf.x + 10
bull.x += 1
for m in list(monsters):
if m.colliderect(bull):
def draw():
The key topic for discussion here is having bullet outside of the screen, and moving it in screen when the player hits SPACE.
And of course discussing removing from shallow clone of the list, which we have discussed many times so far, but it is still good to think about it.
a = [1,2,3]
b = list(a)
c = a
Make a boss that spawns after 20 mosters are defeated.
boss = Actor("c2")
boss.x = -200
boss.y = -200
counter = 0
def update():
global counter
for m in list(monsters):
if m.colliderect(bull):
if counter > 20:
boss.x = 400
boss.y = 400
def draw():
Using the same pattern as the player's bullet, we draw the boss off-screen, we keep a counter of how many monsters are killed and once we kill more than 20, we move the boss in the middle of the screen.
Make the boss shoot bullets in 4 directions
boss_bullets = []
bossIsAlive = False
def new_boss_bullet(x,y, where_to_go):
# ----+------
# image| "bullet"
# x | 47
# y | 27
# direction| "right"
b = Actor("bullet")
b.x = x
b.y = y
b.direction = where_to_go
def update():
global bossIsAlive
if timer > 120:
if bossIsAlive:
boss_bullets.append(new_boss_bullet(boss.x, boss.y,"left"))
boss_bullets.append(new_boss_bullet(boss.x, boss.y,"right"))
boss_bullets.append(new_boss_bullet(boss.x, boss.y,"up"))
boss_bullets.append(new_boss_bullet(boss.x, boss.y,"down"))
timer = 0
for m in list(monsters):
if m.colliderect(bull):
if counter > 20:
bossIsAlive = True
if bossIsAlive:
for b in boss_bullets:
if b.direction == "left":
b.x -= speed
if b.direction == "right":
b.x += speed
if b.direction == "up":
b.y -= speed
if b.direction == "down":
b.y += speed
def draw():
if bossIsAlive:
for b in boss_bullets:
Think about the objects in python like the tables in Lua, you can just add another row in the table, in our case we will add "direction" and we will put there the value we need.
Make the boss die after being hit by 10 player bullets, and also make it so that the boss bullets kill the player if hit
bossHP = 100
def update():
global bossHP
if bossIsAlive:
if boss.colliderect(elf):
game_over = True
for b in boss_bullets:
if b.colliderect(elf):
game_over = True
if bull.colliderect(boss):
bossHP -= 10
bull.y = -100
# move the boss a tiny amount
boss.x += random.randint(-10,10)
boss.y += random.randint(-10,10)
if bossHP <= 0:
bossIsAlive = False
Make the elf bullet move in a random direction, reuse the code for moving the boss bullet
def move(speed,b):
if b.direction == "left":
b.x -= speed
if b.direction == "right":
b.x += speed
if b.direction == "up":
b.y -= speed
if b.direction == "down":
b.y += speed
if b.direction == "diagonal_right":
b.y += speed
b.x += speed
def update():
if keyboard.K_1:
bull.direction= random.choice(['up','left','down','right', 'diagonal_right'])
bullet_speed *= 1.06
if bullet_speed > 20:
bullet_speed = 1
if bossIsAlive:
for b in boss_bullets:
Our move
function can work with any object that has the direciton
, x
and y
properties, it doesn't even care if its a bullet or a car.
In the last few days we did few small refactors and improvements, e.g. improve the timer function to support multiple different seconds by using ever increasing number and checking if timer % x_seconds == 0
. Split the code into update_player
, update_boss
etc, so that its easier to find the code.
Today's task is to make the player have 4 bullets instead of 1, and also increase the boss's bullet speed when he gets to low HP.
This is how the code that we wrote together, she wrote most of it, but I helped as well. We spend a lot of time discussing patterns like having global timer that functions can check, or using a variable for a condition (e.g. if bossHP < 20 then speed = 4)
import random
import pgzrun
import math
def make_new_monster(x, y):
monster = Actor("monster")
monster.x = x
monster.y = y
return monster
def second(n):
return (timer % math.floor((n * 60))) == 0
def new_boss_bullet(x, y, where_to_go):
# ----+------
# image| "bullet"
# x | 47
# y | 27
# direction| "right"
b = Actor("bullet")
b.x = x
b.y = y
b.direction = where_to_go
return b
elf = Actor("c1")
elf.y = 50
bullet_speed = 1
bull = []
bull.append(new_boss_bullet(-100, -10, "right"))
bull.append(new_boss_bullet(-100, -10, "left"))
bull.append(new_boss_bullet(-100, -10, "up"))
bull.append(new_boss_bullet(-100, -10, "down"))
WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 800
game_over = False
monsters_killed = 0
monsters = []
monster_speed_y = 1
for i in range(10):
m = make_new_monster(i*100, 10)
boss = Actor("c2")
boss_bullets = []
bossIsAlive = False
bossHP = 100
timer = 1
def move(speed, b):
if b.direction == "left":
b.x -= speed
if b.direction == "right":
b.x += speed
if b.direction == "up":
b.y -= speed
if b.direction == "down":
b.y += speed
if b.direction == "diagonal_right":
b.y += speed
b.x += speed
def update_player_bullet():
global bullet_speed
if keyboard.SPACE:
for b in bull:
b.x = elf.x+25
b.y = elf.y + 5
bullet_speed = 1
if second(0.3):
bullet_speed *= 1.20
if bullet_speed > 20:
bullet_speed = 1
for b in bull:
move(bullet_speed, b)
def update_player():
global game_over
if keyboard.W:
elf.y -= 5
if keyboard.S:
elf.y += 5
if keyboard.A:
elf.x += -5
if keyboard.D:
elf.x += 5
for b in bull:
if elf.colliderect(b):
game_over = True
def update_monsters():
global game_over, monsters_killed, monsters
for m in list(monsters):
m.y += monster_speed_y
if m.y > 795:
m.y = 10
if m.colliderect(elf):
game_over = True
for b in bull:
if m.colliderect(b):
if m in monsters:
monsters_killed += 1
if second(5):
m = make_new_monster(random.randint(10, 790), -10)
def reset_game():
global game_over, timer, monsters
game_over = False
monsters = []
for i in range(10):
m = make_new_monster(i*100, 10)
timer = 1
elf.y = 500
elf.x = 500
def update_boss():
global game_over, bossIsAlive, monsters_killed, bossHP
if bossIsAlive:
for b in boss_bullets:
if b.colliderect(elf):
game_over = True
for b in bull:
if b.colliderect(boss):
bossHP -= 15
b.x = -100
b.y = -100
boss.x += random.randint(-10, 10)
boss.y += random.randint(-10, 10)
if bossHP <= 0:
bossIsAlive = False
boss.x = -1000
boss.y = -1000
monsters_killed = 0
if second(3):
boss_bullets.append(new_boss_bullet(boss.x, boss.y, "left"))
boss_bullets.append(new_boss_bullet(boss.x, boss.y, "right"))
boss_bullets.append(new_boss_bullet(boss.x, boss.y, "up"))
boss_bullets.append(new_boss_bullet(boss.x, boss.y, "down"))
boss_bullet_speed = 1
if bossHP < 20:
boss_bullet_speed = 5
for b in boss_bullets:
move(boss_bullet_speed, b)
if monsters_killed > 1:
boss.x = 400
boss.y = 350
bossIsAlive = True
def update():
global timer
timer += 1
if keyboard.R:
def draw():
for b in bull:
if bossIsAlive:
for b in boss_bullets:
for m in monsters: