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Timofey edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 2 revisions


Fast run

The easiest way to try to launch a web application with basic settings is to call the bash command:

mlup run -m /path/to/your/model.pckl

or you can do it directly in jupyter notebook, if your model is still in a variable:

import mlup

model: YourModel

up = mlup.UP(ml_model=model)
# Testing your web application

After launching the web application, you can check how it works. Open to view the documentation of your API. There, you can immediately try sending a request to /predict.

You can pass your settings directly to the bash command:

mlup run -m /path/to/your/model.pckl --up.port=8011

or in your code:

import mlup

model: YourModel

up = mlup.UP(ml_model=model, conf=mlup.Config(port=8011))
# Testing your web application

You can read about all the settings at description of the configuration file.

You can check how the data is processed, the model makes a prediction, and the response is processed without launching the web application. There are methods for this:

  • UP.predict - Method that is called by the web application with the data received in the request. If the auto_detect_predict_params=True flag is set in the config (See Config: auto_detect_predict_params), the arguments of this method are the same as the arguments of the model's predict method. If the auto_detect_predict_params=False flag is set in the config, the data is passed in the data_for_predict argument.
  • UP.async_predict - Asynchronous version of UP.predict.
  • UP.predict_from - Same as UP.predict, but does not call the data transformer before calling the model predictor. This allows you to quickly test the model, without transforming your test data into a valid JSON format.
import numpy
import mlup

class MyModel:
    def predict(self, X):
        return X

model = MyModel()

up = mlup.UP(ml_model=model, conf=mlup.Config(auto_detect_predict_params=True))

obj_1 = [1, 2, 3]
obj_2 = [4, 5, 6]
objs_for_predict = [obj_1, obj_2]
await up.async_predict(X=objs_for_predict)

up.conf.auto_detect_predict_params = False
# Refresh mlup model settings

await up.async_predict(data_for_predict=objs_for_predict)

Different model types

By default, mlup calls the model's predict method. This behavior can be changed using the predict_method_name="predict" parameter. For models that are callable, predict_method_name="__call__" should be specified. For example, for tensorflow, torch models.

import mlup
from import EmptyModel

up = mlup.UP(ml_model=EmptyModel(), conf=mlup.Config(predict_method_name="__call__"))

Also, models can be binarized in different ways: pickle, joblib, onnx, etc. By default, mlup tries the pickle binarizer ( This behavior can be changed by specifying the binarization_type parameter. You can specify one of the mlup binarizers or specify your own (See Binarizers).

Launch on servers

There is one important difference between the local configuration and the server configuration. On the server, the model is always loaded from storage - for example, from a local disk. On the local, you can load the model directly from a variable.

P.S. When you pickle mlup.UP of an object, the model is saved along with the mlup.UP object and is not additionally loaded from disk.

To do this, you need to specify the path to the model on the server in the config. Two parameters are responsible for this: storage_type and storage_kwargs.

import mlup
from mlup import constants

up = mlup.UP(
            'path_to_files': '/path/to/your/model/on/server.extension',
            'files_mask': 'server.extension',

mlup creates an object from storage_type and uses storage_kwargs as creation arguments. In the case of mlup.constants.StorageType.disk, you must specify the path to the path_to_files model and can specify file_mask. file_mask is a regular expression that will find your model in path_to_files.

By default, mlup storage_type=constants.StorageType.memory.

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