Releases: obsproject/obs-amd-encoder
A newer release is available:
A newer release is available: - Settings Transfer, Automatic VBV Buffer adjustment and Fixes (Hotfix 2)
A newer release is available:
Another day, another new feature: this time it is transferring settings between versions, so that you will no longer use settings when a change to a setting is made. Since it only just now started tracking the config version, it will only work with settings created between and, any other version might end up with broken settings.
Another change has been done to the Automatic VBV Buffer Size, which will now behave much more predictable. A value of 0% is completely unrestricted, 50% matches the calculated bitrate and 100% matches the calculated strict bitrate.
Presets will also now use the proper minimum and maximum QP values and the minimum QP default value has been increased to 11.
Hotfix 1: Fix enumeration based properties not working correctly due to a programming error.
Hotfix 2: Actually fix the enumeration based properties for real this time.
- Added: Version-specific setting transfer code which should reduce the lost settings between updates.
- Changed: VBV Buffer Strictness is now linear with three steps: 100000 (0%), Target Bitrate (50%) and Strict Target Bitrate (100%).
- Changed: Default for Minimum QP is now 11.
- Fixed: Presets not using the proper QP Minimum and Maximum.
- Fixed: Startup log messages not showing proper error codes.
- Hotfix: Fix enumeration based properties not using the correct values.
- Hotfix: Fix the default value for B-Frame Pattern being '-1' due to an oversight in code. - Settings Transfer, Automatic VBV Buffer adjustment and Fixes (Hotfix 1)
A newer release is available:
Another day, another new feature: this time it is transferring settings between versions, so that you will no longer use settings when a change to a setting is made. Since it only just now started tracking the config version, it will only work with settings created between and, any other version might end up with broken settings.
Another change has been done to the Automatic VBV Buffer Size, which will now behave much more predictable. A value of 0% is completely unrestricted, 50% matches the calculated bitrate and 100% matches the calculated strict bitrate.
Presets will also now use the proper minimum and maximum QP values and the minimum QP default value has been increased to 11.
Hotfix 1: Fix enumeration based properties not working correctly due to a programming error.
- Added: Version-specific setting transfer code which should reduce the lost settings between updates.
- Changed: VBV Buffer Strictness is now linear with three steps: 100000 (0%), Target Bitrate (50%) and Strict Target Bitrate (100%).
- Changed: Default for Minimum QP is now 11.
- Fixed: Presets not using the proper QP Minimum and Maximum.
- Fixed: Startup log messages not showing proper error codes.
- Hotfix: Fix enumeration based properties not using the correct values. - Settings Transfer, Automatic VBV Buffer adjustment and Fixes
A newer release is available:
Another day, another new feature: this time it is transferring settings between versions, so that you will no longer use settings when a change to a setting is made. Since it only just now started tracking the config version, it will only work with settings created between and, any other version might end up with broken settings.
Another change has been done to the Automatic VBV Buffer Size, which will now behave much more predictable. A value of 0% is completely unrestricted, 50% matches the calculated bitrate and 100% matches the calculated strict bitrate.
Presets will also now use the proper minimum and maximum QP values and the minimum QP default value has been increased to 11.
- Added: Version-specific setting transfer code which should reduce the lost settings between updates.
- Changed: VBV Buffer Strictness is now linear with three steps: 100000 (0%), Target Bitrate (50%) and Strict Target Bitrate (100%).
- Changed: Default for Minimum QP is now 11.
- Fixed: Presets not using the proper QP Minimum and Maximum.
- Fixed: Startup log messages not showing proper error codes. - Performance Tracking, Translation Update & Minor Fixes
A newer release is available:
A new feature is added in this version to the Debug checkbox: Performance Tracking! Performance Tracking allows you to figure out which frames took too long to create, convert or encode - without needing to touch an IDE at all. Simply check the Debug checkbox and the information will be printed into the log file!
Performance Tracking outputs all times in nanosecond precision, so even the slightest delay will be visible. But be careful when trying to figure out why something took so long - it can't work faster than what the internal OBS frame timer ticks at.
This update also fixes a rare crash when quitting OBS, makes the Usage modes 'Low Latency' and 'Ultra Low Latency' work again and allows the encoder to start properly with other color formats than NV12 again. Additionally the locale files have been updated to the latest ones again.
- Fixed: Encoder can now work with other color formats than NV12.
- Fixed: Usage 'Low Latency' and 'Ultra Low Latency' should now work properly.
- Fixed: Occasional rare crash on OBS exit due to memory deallocation happening too early.
- Changed: Log messages for library loading.
- Changed: Locale files have been updated to match CrowdIn again.
- Added: Performance Tracking ability with Debug checked. - Crimson ReLive Compatibility Update (Hotfix 1)
A newer release is available:
Crimson ReLive changed how the Full Range flag is applied, which caused the plugin to break since it expected another property there. This has been fixed and some log messages have been changed to also result in better readability for users and support.
Hotfix 1: The Driver update also broke VBAQ, but it caused less issues than the Full Range flag. This has been fixed.
- Hotfix 1: Experimental Property VBAQ would not be properly set.
- Hotfix 1: Runtime and Compiled Against version numbers were switched around.
- Fixed: Experimental Full Range Color mode no longer causes encoding to fail.
- Changed: Queue status log messages have been reduced to once per second instead of once per frame.
- Changed: First submission log message now show the time in seconds instead of nanoseconds. - Crimson ReLive Compatibility Update
A newer release is available:
Crimson ReLive changed how the Full Range flag is applied, which caused the plugin to break since it expected another property there. This has been fixed and some log messages have been changed to also result in better readability for users and support.
There is currently a warning from AMF that can be safely ignored in the log files. Hopefully this will be fixed by a driver update from AMD.
- Fixed: Experimental Full Range Color mode no longer causes encoding to fail. (Fixes #175)
- Changed: Queue status log messages have been reduced to once per second instead of once per frame.
- Changed: First submission log message now show the time in seconds instead of nanoseconds. - The Multi-GPU Update (Hotfix 2)
A newer release is available:
Once again back to change things around, the multi-GPU code has finally been rewritten and properly implemented - which means that DirectX 11 and DirectX 9 are now fully supported. So rejoice Windows 7 users, you can now choose which GPU the encoding should take place on (with the limitation that a Monitor must be connected)! Needless to say, this change removes the old multi-GPU selection properties with the new revamped ones: 'Video API' and 'Video Adapter'.
Some changes to the available properties and internal logic have also been done. Properties are now reordered to be closer to the order they are applied in, some properties have been renamed and the 'Master' view mode has grown quite a bit. 'Frame Skipping' no longer defaults to being enabled, 'B-Frame QP' is now properly hidden, 'Profile' now has two new options ('Constrained Baseline' and 'Constrained High'), 'Video Adapter' and 'OpenCL' are now properly hidden and changing 'Preset' should now properly reset property states. Also 'Unlock Properties' was removed due to it causing more issues that it was worth.
Some changes were also done internally to make the plugin run better. Startup log output has been reduced to one line at the request of people handling support, a crash with very high Keyframe Intervals has been fixed and the frame queue has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.
One major change was done to how frames are submitting and packets are retrieved and that is that the plugin will now attempt to submit a frame or retrieve a packet for a specific amount of time (1000/framerate milliseconds) before giving up. Due to this change OBS will now show the 'Encoding overloaded' message when the encoder is overloaded.
Hotfix 1: Support for older drivers has been fixed again.
Hotfix 2: Fix certain log messages being displayed wrong and handle broken Direct3D 11 installations.
This change includes renaming some properties so some settings might be lost and have to be set again (B-Frames, Experimental Properties). Please revalidate your settings or even create a clean profile to work off of.
- Hotfix 2: Modified log messages sent by D3D9 and D3D11 API to be more descriptive of the error.
- Hotfix 2: Handle broken Direct3D 11.1 installations.
- Hotfix 1: Support older drivers by catching expected exceptions.
- Added: New Multi-GPU code with full support for DirectX 11 and DirectX 9 and partial support for OpenGL and Host mode.
- Added: Additional experimental Properties to View Mode 'Master': 'Coding Type', 'Maximum LTR Frames', 'Header Insertion Spacing', 'Slices Per Frame', 'Slice Mode', 'Maximum Slice Size', 'Slice Control Mode', 'Slice Control Size', 'Intra-Refresh Number of Stripes', 'Intra-Refresh Macroblocks Per Slot', 'Wait For Task', 'Pre-Analysis Pass', 'VBAQ', 'GOP Size', 'GOP Alignment', 'Maximum Reference Frames'.
- Added: H264 Profiles 'Constrained Baseline' and 'Constrained High'.
- Changed: Added timestamps to logs created with the 'Debug' property enabled.
- Changed: Reduced startup log output to only a single line.
- Changed: Reduced frame queue size from 3 seconds to 1 second.
- Changed: Renamed properties that used 'Picture' to use 'Frame' instead.
- Changed: Default for 'Frame Skipping' is 'Disabled' now.
- Changed: Order of properties is now similar to how they are applied.
- Fixed: H264 Encoder will only be listed if it detected a GPU with AVC encoding support.
- Fixed: Hide property 'B-Frame QP' when B-Frames aren't used or not supported.
- Fixed: Hide properties 'Video Adapter' and 'OpenCL' when the selected API does not support them.
- Fixed: Changing presets should now reset property states correctly.
- Fixed: OBS now shows 'Encoding overloaded' when encoding is actually taking too long.
- Fixed: Crash with very high Keyframe Intervals.
- Removed: Property 'Unlock Properties' due to difficulties. - The Multi-GPU Update (Hotfix 1)
A newer release is available:
Once again back to change things around, the multi-GPU code has finally been rewritten and properly implemented - which means that DirectX 11 and DirectX 9 are now fully supported. So rejoice Windows 7 users, you can now choose which GPU the encoding should take place on (with the limitation that a Monitor must be connected)! Needless to say, this change removes the old multi-GPU selection properties with the new revamped ones: 'Video API' and 'Video Adapter'.
Some changes to the available properties and internal logic have also been done. Properties are now reordered to be closer to the order they are applied in, some properties have been renamed and the 'Master' view mode has grown quite a bit. 'Frame Skipping' no longer defaults to being enabled, 'B-Frame QP' is now properly hidden, 'Profile' now has two new options ('Constrained Baseline' and 'Constrained High'), 'Video Adapter' and 'OpenCL' are now properly hidden and changing 'Preset' should now properly reset property states. Also 'Unlock Properties' was removed due to it causing more issues that it was worth.
Some changes were also done internally to make the plugin run better. Startup log output has been reduced to one line at the request of people handling support, a crash with very high Keyframe Intervals has been fixed and the frame queue has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.
One major change was done to how frames are submitting and packets are retrieved and that is that the plugin will now attempt to submit a frame or retrieve a packet for a specific amount of time (1000/framerate milliseconds) before giving up. Due to this change OBS will now show the 'Encoding overloaded' message when the encoder is overloaded.
Hotfix 1: Support for older drivers has been fixed again.
This change includes renaming some properties so some settings might be lost and have to be set again (B-Frames, Experimental Properties). Please revalidate your settings or even create a clean profile to work off of.
- Hotfix 1: Support older drivers by catching expected exceptions.
- Added: New Multi-GPU code with full support for DirectX 11 and DirectX 9 and partial support for OpenGL and Host mode.
- Added: Additional experimental Properties to View Mode 'Master': 'Coding Type', 'Maximum LTR Frames', 'Header Insertion Spacing', 'Slices Per Frame', 'Slice Mode', 'Maximum Slice Size', 'Slice Control Mode', 'Slice Control Size', 'Intra-Refresh Number of Stripes', 'Intra-Refresh Macroblocks Per Slot', 'Wait For Task', 'Pre-Analysis Pass', 'VBAQ', 'GOP Size', 'GOP Alignment', 'Maximum Reference Frames'.
- Added: H264 Profiles 'Constrained Baseline' and 'Constrained High'.
- Changed: Added timestamps to logs created with the 'Debug' property enabled.
- Changed: Reduced startup log output to only a single line.
- Changed: Reduced frame queue size from 3 seconds to 1 second.
- Changed: Renamed properties that used 'Picture' to use 'Frame' instead.
- Changed: Default for 'Frame Skipping' is 'Disabled' now.
- Changed: Order of properties is now similar to how they are applied.
- Fixed: H264 Encoder will only be listed if it detected a GPU with AVC encoding support.
- Fixed: Hide property 'B-Frame QP' when B-Frames aren't used or not supported.
- Fixed: Hide properties 'Video Adapter' and 'OpenCL' when the selected API does not support them.
- Fixed: Changing presets should now reset property states correctly.
- Fixed: OBS now shows 'Encoding overloaded' when encoding is actually taking too long.
- Fixed: Crash with very high Keyframe Intervals.
- Removed: Property 'Unlock Properties' due to difficulties.