- Check if gamepad is plugged in at start of level 1. If not, swap the tutorial text to say 'press X' instead of 'press A'. Also update level 6 ('press B to chill').
- Add some music/FX when the dreamer falls asleep in the opening credits.
- Show stats at end of game (somewhere?).
- Change the death player body rotation.
- Clean up index.js.
- Release on Steam.
- Zero Chill: Finish the game with a 0-second chill record.
- Stop & Smell: Pick every flower in the game.
- Exterminator/Ruthlezz/Cold-Blooded: Kill every znake in the game. (Except the impossible ones.)
- Deathproof: Never die. "If you die in your dreams, do you die in real life? You'll never know."
- Knievel: Jump the gorge 20 times without dying.
- Greatnight: Qualify for Zero Chill, Stop & Smell, Cold-Blooded, Deathproof, and Knievel achievements in a single run.
- Allergic: Avoid all the flowers.
- Pazifizt: Don't kill any snakes.
- DEV: If you put walls in front of znakes, they will walk through them (so I don't).
- Sometimes the player animation glitches when climbing at the top of the chain.
- Auto-swimming seems not to always work.