This sample demonstrates a barebones inbound Web Service Gateway. Take a look at web.xml in the WEB-INF directory where the Spring Web Services Message-dispatching Servlet is defined. Then have a look at the spring-ws-config.xml file (also in the WEB-INF directory) where the Spring WS EndpointMapping is defined. Finally, view the Spring Integration configuration in the inbound-gateway-config.xml file within the package where the actual Gateway is defined along with a Channel and Service Activator.
To use the Gateway, you can run the tests that are located within the src/test/java directory. One is for standalone testing of the gateway itself, while the other tests the Gateway running on a web server. The latter uses Spring Web Services' client-side support. Alternatively, you can simply start the server, and then send invocations with any standalone HTTP client testing tool. The request format should be similar to the following and should be POSTed to the service URL (e.g. http://localhost:8080/ws-inbound-gateway/echoservice):
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<echoRequest xmlns="">hello</echoRequest>