Please make sure u use the latest dependencies aswell as core for this in order to work.
This Job has been tested on the latest build as of 04/07/2022.
Discord - https://discord.gg/3WYz3zaqG5
QBCore Framework - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-core
PolyZone - https://github.com/mkafrin/PolyZone
qb-target - https://github.com/BerkieBb/qb-target (Only needed if not using draw text)
qb-input - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-input
qb-menu - https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-menu
- BigBearBeastUK for his idea to make it and his amazing support throughout
- Elyria Crew for putting up with my tired moaning
- QBCore for their trucker script which gave me some of the code to make this
QBShared.Items = {
-- gruppejob
['gruppe-case'] = {['name'] = 'gruppe-case', ['label'] = "Money Case", ['weight'] = 200, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'gruppe-case.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A metal case full of money'},
['inked-bills'] = {['name'] = 'inked-bills', ['label'] = "Inked Bills", ['weight'] = 200, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'inked-bills.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A Bag of Inked Bills'},
QBShared.Jobs = {
['gruppe'] = {
label = 'Gruppe',
defaultDuty = true,
offDutyPay = false,
grades = {
['0'] = {
name = 'Driver',
payment = 10