- Add UI handling for course-specific data sharing consent
- Add ability to select existing learners to be enrolled in courses from admin
- Resolved conflicting urls for User API endpoint.
- Added read-only enterprise API endpoint for IDAs.
- Moved utility functions from api.py to utils.py
- Add the ability to notify manually-enrolled learners via email.
- Add the EnterpriseCourseEnrollment model and related methods
- Fix a bug preventing a course catalog from being unlinked from an EnterpriseCustomer
- Enroll users in a program.
- Added view of seat entitlements on enterprise admin screen
- Dynamically fetch available course modes in the Manage learners admin
- Create pending enrollment for users who don't yet have an account.
- Added links from the Manage Learners admin panel to individual learners.
- Added the ability to search the Manage Learners admin panel by username and email address.
- In django admin page for enterprise customer added alphabetical ordering for catalog drop down and displayed catalog details link next to selected catalog.
- added the branding information api methods to return the enterprise customer logo on the basis of provider_id or uuid.
- Updated the logo image validator to take an image of size maximum of 4kb.
- Added a feature to enroll users in a course while linking them to an enterprise customer.
- Fixed EnterpriseCustomer form to make Catalog field optional
- Added user bulk linking option
- Added Data Sharing Consent feature
- Added checks to make sure enterprise customer and identity provider has one-to-one relation.
- Added a helper method to retrieve enterprise customer branding information
- Fixed User.post_save handler causing initial migrations to fail
- Set up logic to call course catalog API to retrieve catalog listing to attach to EnterpriseCustomer.
- Fixed missing migration.
- Added Pending Enterprise Customer User model - keeps track of user email linked to Enterprise Customer, but not yet used by any user.
- Added custom "Manage Learners" admin view.
- Added sphinx-napoleon plugin to support rendering Google Style docstrings into documentation properly (i.e. make it recognize function arguments, returns etc.)
- Added translation files
- Linked EnterpriseCustomer model to Identity Provider model
- Linked EnterpriseCustomer model to django Site model
- Enterprise Customer Branding Model and Django admin integration
- First release on PyPI.
- Models and Django admin integration