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Extremely simple HTTP server (written in Go) that responds on port 8000 with a hello message. The docker container is built using the "multi-stage build process, with the second build stage being FROM scratch (a completely empty file system with no Linux distro). For details on how to do that, see the Dockerfile.

I think this will build on many hardware architectures. :-) I tested in on a Raspberry Pi 3B (arm32v7) and the image size ended up being 5.5MB. If I had based it on the small alpine distro instead, that would have almost doubled the container image size).


NOTE: For production use, ensure you comment out unneeded lines in the Dockerfile.

NOTE: If you plan to build a new image, a DockerHub login is required and export DOCKER_HUB_ID=[your DockerHub ID] before running installation and Makefile targets.

NOTE: Export the "ARCH" environment variable to set a non-default value for the build process.

Management Hub: Install the Open Horizon Management Hub or have access to an existing hub in order to publish this service and register your edge node. You may also choose to use a downstream commercial distribution based on Open Horizon, such as IBM's Edge Application Manager. If you'd like to use the Open Horizon community hub, you may apply for a temporary account and have credentials sent to you.

Edge Node: You will need an x86 computer running Linux or macOS, or a Raspberry Pi computer (arm64) running Raspberry Pi OS or Ubuntu to install and use Home Assistant deployed by Open Horizon. You will need to install the Open Horizon agent software, anax, on the edge node and register it with a hub.

Optional utilities to install: With brew on macOS (you may need to install that as well), apt-get on Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi OS, yum on Fedora, install gcc, make, git, jq, curl, net-tools, watch. Not all of those may exist on all platforms, and some may already be installed. But reflexively installing those has proven helpful in having the right tools available when you need them.


  1. Fork the web-helloworld-go repository
  2. Clone the repository
git clone<USERNAME>/web-helloworld-go.git
  1. Move to the project directory:
cd web-helloworld-go
  1. Start building the service
make build
make run
  1. Test the service
make test
  1. Stop the running service
make stop
  1. If all works fine, try it inside the open horizon
docker login
  1. Create a cryptographic signing key pair. This enables you to sign services when publishing them to the exchange. This step only needs to be done once.
hzn key create **yourcompany** **youremail**
  1. Build the service
make build
  1. Push it in your docker hub
make push
  1. Publish your service definition and policy, deployment policy files to the Horizon Exchange
make publish

Once it is published, you can get the agent to deploy it:

make agent-run

Then you can watch the agreement form:

... (runs forever, so press Ctrl-C when you want to stop)

Test the service:

docker ps
make test

Then when you are done you can get the agent to stop running it:

make agent-stop


To manually run the web-helloworld-go service locally as a test, enter make. It will build a container and then run it locally. This is the equivalent of running make build and then make run. Once it successfully builds and runs, you can test it by running make test to see the HTML returned from the web server that the container runs. Entering docker ps will show you the web-helloworld-go container is running locally. When you are done and want to stop the container, enter make stop. Entering docker ps again will show you that the container is no longer runniing. Finally, entering make clean will remove the image that you built.

To create the service definition, publish it to the hub, and then form an agreement to download and run the service, enter make publish. When installation is complete and an agreement has been formed, exit the watch command with Control-C. You may then open the web page by entering make test or visiting http://localhost:8000/ in a web browser.

Advanced Details


The Makefile includes several targets to assist you in inspecting what is happening to see if they match your expectations. They include:

make log to see both the event logs and the service logs.

make check to see the values in your environment variables and how they are populated into the service definition file.

make deploy-check to see if the properties and constraints that you've configured match each other to potentially form an agreement.

make test to see if the web server is responding.

All Makefile targets

  • default - executes the build, and then run targets
  • build - performs a docker build of the container to create a local image
  • dev - stops the container if it is running, builds, and then manually runs the container image locally while connectingto a terminal in the container. Type "exit" to disconnect.
  • run - stops the container if it is running, then manually runs the container locally
  • check - populate the service definition with your current environment variables so you can confirm that the actual output matches your intended output
  • test - request the web page from the web server to confirm that it is running and available
  • push - Uploads your built container image to DockerHub (assumes you have performed a docker login and that your DOCKER_HUB_ID variable is set).
  • publish - Publish the service definition and policy files, and the deployment policy file, to the hub in your organization
  • remove - Remove the deployment policy, service policy, and service definition files from the hub in your organization. Note: this will also automatically cancel any agreements that depended on those policies, since they no longer exist.
  • publish-service - Publish the service definition file to the hub in your organization
  • remove-service - Remove the service definition file from the hub in your organization
  • publish-service-policy - Publish the service policy file to the hub in your org
  • remove-service-policy - Remove the service policy file from the hub in your org
  • publish-deployment-policy - Publish a deployment policy for the service to the hub in your org
  • remove-deployment-policy - Remove a deployment policy for the service from the hub in your org
  • publish-pattern - Publish the service pattern file to the hub in your organization. Note: this is a legacy approach and cannot co-exist with any service deployments on the same host.
  • stop - halt a locally-run container
  • clean - remove the container image from the local cache
  • agent-run - register your agent's node policy with the hub
  • agent-run-pattern - register your agent with the hub using the pattern
  • agent-stop - unregister your agent with the hub, halting all agreements and stopping containers
  • deploy-check - confirm that a registered agent is compatible with the service and deployment
  • log - check the agent event logs