The format al
is used to store information related to animation of a .bwm skin and most likely stands for animation library.
The format is found inside the Art\binary_anim_libs
and knowledge on the format is still quite limited.
Here is a rough overview of how the format is organized.
At the end of this page you can find an ImHex Pattern corresponding to this file format.
The header of the file is as follow :
uint32_t magicNumber; //Magic number always equal to 0xFEC
uint32_t unknown; //always equal to FFFF0002
char[64] name;
uint32_t metadataOffset; //needs to add 0x60
uint32_t size; //size of the file minus 0x60
uint32_t animationMetadataCount;
uint32_t[2] unknown1;
uint32_t boneCount;
uint32_t unknown2; // Always 0?
Define the relation of the different bones between each other as a list of bones. The index of the bone inside the armature is the same as the bone inside a corresponding .bwm. It is not yet known how bwm are linked to their corresponding animation library, bones are organized as follow.
char[32] name;
uint32_t parent;
A list containing the medata of an animation. Each animation metadata are as follow :
uint32_t magicNumber; //Magic number always equal to 0xFEC
uint32_t animationVersion; // Always 9
char name[64];
uint32_t animationType; // 3 for hierarchical, no other animation type was met for now
uint32_t animationEventStringSize // Size of the section where AnimationEvent names are stored, 0 in metadata
uint32_t unknowns1[3]; // all values are always 0 asfaik.
uint32_t animEventCount;
// The second and third value vary from one animation to another
uint32_t boneCount;
uint32_t frameCount;
float samplingRate; // Framerate of the animation in Hz
float duration; // Animation usually samplingRate * frameCount
// It can be different but this will lead to mismatch in the animation loop.
uint32_t distance;
bool isCyclic;
bool isHierarchical;
uint16_t empty; // always 0
uint32_t unknowns2a[2];
uint32_t unknown4;
uint32_t unknowns2b[2]; // unknowns2a == ununknowns2b
uint32_t unknown4;
uint32_t animationOffset; // position of the animation data from the start of the file
The majority of the information inside an animation library and right now the least understood part.
Identical to the associated metadata except for the values inside the unknowns1 array.
uint32_t magicNumber; //Magic number always equal to 0xFEC
uint32_t animationVersion; // Always 9
char name[64];
uint32_t animationType; // 3 for hierarchical, no other animation type was met for now
uint32_t animationEventStringSize // Size of the section where AnimationEvent names are stored
uint32_t unknowns1[3]; // last two values are always 0 asfaik.
uint32_t animEventCount;
// The second and third value vary from one animation to another
uint32_t boneCount;
uint32_t frameCount;
float samplingRate; // Framerate of the animation in Hz
float duration; // Animation usually samplingRate * frameCount
// It can be different but this will lead to mismatch in the animation loop.
uint32_t distance;
bool isCyclic;
bool isHierarchical;
uint16_t empty; // always 0
uint32_t unknowns2a[2];
uint32_t unknown4;
uint32_t unknowns2b[2]; // unknowns2a == ununknowns2b
uint32_t unknown4;
An array of Animation Event followed by the name of its element.
uint32_t boneOffset // Offset to the "bone name" from the beginning of the animation in the file
uint32_t nameOffset // Offset to the name of the event from the beginning of the animation in the file
float axis1[4] // First axis of the rotatio section of a transformation matrix
float axis1[4] // Second axis of the rotation section of a transformation matrix
float axis1[4] // Third axis of the rotatio section of a transformation matrix
float translation[4] // Transformation vector of a transformation matrix
The names pointed by boneOffset
and nameOffset
are stored right after the end of the array of animation event as a list of null terminated strings.
They are organised in the following order :
- Name of bone before name of event
- From first Animation Event to last
Example from the a_bear_die animation in, you can find the following strings (�
are null character).
You then have LHAnimEvent04
as bone name and ::FOOTSTEPS.99
as event name for the first event,
as bone name and ::FOOTSTEPS.99
as event name for the second event,
and so on for the rest.
Most likely contains keyframes but i don't know how they are organized
#pragma pattern_limit 10000000
#include <std/ptr.pat>
struct header {
u32 magicnumber;
u32 unknown1;
char name[64];
u32 metadataOffset;
u32 size;
u32 animationOffset;
u32 animationCount;
float unknowns2[2];
header fileHeader @0x0;
struct bone{
char name[32];
s32 parentBone;
struct armature {
u32 boneCount;
u32 unknown;
bone skeleton[boneCount];
armature skeleton @0x60;
struct animationHeader {
u32 magicNumber;
u32 version;
char name[64];
u32 animationType;
u32 animationEventStringSize;
u32 offsetBlockSize;
u32 unknown1[2];
u32 animationEventCount;
u32 boneCount;
u32 frameCount;
float samplingRate;
float duration;
float distance;
bool isCyclic;
bool isHierarchical;
u16 flags;
u32 unknowns[6];
using metadata;
struct animationEvent {
u32 boneOffset;
u32 nameOffset;
float transitionMatrix[16];
struct unk {
u32 index[2];
struct tuple{
u32 data[2];
//float val[size] @ 0x828 + (offset*size);
struct CompressedQuaternion {
s16 xyz[3];
struct Quaternion{
float rotation[4];
struct Point{
float position[3];
struct animation {
animationHeader header;
//Animation Event block
animationEvent events[header.animationEventCount];
u32 something;
char unk[something];
// Offset Block
tuple offsetArray[header.frameCount];
padding[header.offsetBlockSize - header.frameCount*8];
// Unknown Data Block
u32 unk2[2];
char unk3[32];
Point posComp;
// KeyFrame Block
Point point;
Quaternion frameZeroRotations[header.boneCount];
Point frameZeroPosition[header.boneCount];;
CompressedQuaternion first[(header.frameCount-1)*((unk2[0]))];
CompressedQuaternion second[(header.frameCount-1)*((unk2[1]))];
struct animationMetadata {
animationHeader info;
u32 offset;
animation anim @ offset;
animationMetadata metadata[fileHeader.animationCount] @fileHeader.metadataOffset+0x60;